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London Drugs cyber attack: What businesses can learn from its week-long shutdown

18 May 2024 at 07:56

London Drugs cyber attack: What businesses can learn from its week-long shutdown The London Drugs cyber attack has been making headlines throughout the country. What makes this breach unique, is the impact it has had on operations and customer access. Following the attack, all 79 London Drug stores shut down for over a week. Leaving […]

The post London Drugs cyber attack: What businesses can learn from its week-long shutdown appeared first on Click Armor.

The post London Drugs cyber attack: What businesses can learn from its week-long shutdown appeared first on Security Boulevard.

One in Four Tech CISOs Unhappy with Compensation

9 May 2024 at 13:13

Stagnating security budgets and mounting job pressures are weighing on CISOs, a quarter of whom expressed discontent with their salary and overall compensation.

Show me the money: The average total compensation for tech CISOs stands at $710,000.

The post One in Four Tech CISOs Unhappy with Compensation appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Build Strong Information Security Policy: Template & Examples

8 May 2024 at 18:13

Every organization needs to have security measures and policies in place to safeguard its data. One of the best and most important measures you can take to protect your data (and that of your customers) is simply to have a robust information security policy. Of course, that idea sounds simple enough. In practice, however, it’s...

The post Build Strong Information Security Policy: Template & Examples appeared first on Hyperproof.

The post Build Strong Information Security Policy: Template & Examples appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Securing the Vault: ASPM’s Role in Financial Software Protection

7 May 2024 at 08:38

Safeguarding software integrity is crucial, especially in vital industries such as finance. According to a report by Carbon Black, the financial sector experiences an average of 10,000 security alerts per day, outstripping most other industries. As the technology landscape evolves and expands, it’s imperative that your defenses strengthen alongside it.Β 

So, how do leading financial institutions shore up their cyber defenses and protect their software assets? The answer is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM). Join us as we explore ASPM's transformative impact on security practices in the U.S. financial services sector.

The post Securing the Vault: ASPM’s Role in Financial Software Protection appeared first on Security Boulevard.
