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Yesterday β€” 1 June 2024Cybersecurity

2023 Internet Crime Report

Today’s cyber landscape is threatened by a multitude of malicious actors who have the tools to conduct large-scale fraud schemes, hold our money and data for ransom, and endanger our national security. Profit-driven cybercriminals and nation-state adversaries alike have the capability to paralyze entire school systems, police departments, healthcare facilities, and individual private sector entities. […]

La entrada 2023 Internet Crime Report se publicΓ³ primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Before yesterdayCybersecurity

90+ Malicious Apps Totaling 5.5M Downloads Lurk on Google Play – Source: www.darkreading.com

Source: www.darkreading.com – Author: Elizabeth Montalbano, Contributing Writer Source: Anatolii Babii via Alamy Stock Photo More than 90 malicious mobile apps have been downloaded more than 5.5 million times from the Google Play store in the last few months. They spread various malware, including the Anatsa banking Trojan, researchers have found. The apps, discovered by […]

La entrada 90+ Malicious Apps Totaling 5.5M Downloads Lurk on Google Play – Source: www.darkreading.com se publicΓ³ primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Identity vulnerabilities a concern at Microsoft, outside researcher claims – Source: www.proofpoint.com

Source: www.proofpoint.com – Author: 1 Top insights for IT pros From cybersecurity and big data to cloud computing, IT Brew covers the latest trends shaping business tech in our 4x weekly newsletter, virtual events with industry experts, and digital guides. Size matters, at least when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s according to Ryan Kalember, chief […]

La entrada Identity vulnerabilities a concern at Microsoft, outside researcher claims – Source: www.proofpoint.com se publicΓ³ primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Goodbye to Traditional: Why Conventional Cybersecurity Tools are No Longer Sufficient for the Future of Digital Threats ? by Marcos Jaimovich

In a world where technological innovation advances by leaps and bounds, cybersecurity has become an issue of utmost relevance for organizations of all sizes and sectors. However, as the digital threat landscape evolves, it is becoming clear that traditional cybersecurity tools and approaches no longer offer the protection needed to address the complexities of current […]

La entrada Goodbye to Traditional: Why Conventional Cybersecurity Tools are No Longer Sufficient for the Future of Digital Threats ? by Marcos Jaimovich se publicΓ³ primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

CISO Cite Human Error as Top IT Security Risk – Source: securityboulevard.com


Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Nathan Eddy Human error is responsible for most cybersecurity risks, with nearly three-quarters (74%) of chief information security officers (CISOs) identifying it as their most significant vulnerability. In response, 87% of CISOs are adopting AI-powered technology to protect against human error and to block advanced human-centric cyber threats. These were among […]

La entrada CISO Cite Human Error as Top IT Security Risk – Source: securityboulevard.com se publicΓ³ primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Human Error and AI Emerge as Key Challenges in Survey of CISOs

22 May 2024 at 16:02

The 2024 Proofpoint β€œVoice of the CISO” report is a useful barometer for understanding the current cybersecurity landscape, providing valuable insights from 1,600 CISOs globally. This year’s findings reveal a complex picture where heightened concerns coexist with a growing sense […]

The post Human Error and AI Emerge as Key Challenges in Survey of CISOs appeared first on TechSpective.

The post Human Error and AI Emerge as Key Challenges in Survey of CISOs appeared first on Security Boulevard.

One in Four Tech CISOs Unhappy with Compensation

9 May 2024 at 13:13

Stagnating security budgets and mounting job pressures are weighing on CISOs, a quarter of whom expressed discontent with their salary and overall compensation.

Show me the money: The average total compensation for tech CISOs stands at $710,000.

The post One in Four Tech CISOs Unhappy with Compensation appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Securing the Vault: ASPM’s Role in Financial Software Protection

7 May 2024 at 08:38

Safeguarding software integrity is crucial, especially in vital industries such as finance. According to a report by Carbon Black, the financial sector experiences an average of 10,000 security alerts per day, outstripping most other industries. As the technology landscape evolves and expands, it’s imperative that your defenses strengthen alongside it.Β 

So, how do leading financial institutions shore up their cyber defenses and protect their software assets? The answer is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM). Join us as we explore ASPM's transformative impact on security practices in the U.S. financial services sector.

The post Securing the Vault: ASPM’s Role in Financial Software Protection appeared first on Security Boulevard.
