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Before yesterdayTEDTalks (video)

12 predictions for the future of technology | Vinod Khosla

Techno-optimist Vinod Khosla believes in the world-changing power of "foolish ideas." He offers 12 bold predictions for the future of technology โ€” from preventative medicine to car-free cities to planes that get us from New York to London in 90 minutes โ€” and shows why a world of abundance awaits.


How to imagine a better future for democracy | adrienne maree brown and Baratunde Thurston

US democracy needs repair โ€” and care is the answer, says author adrienne maree brown in conversation with writer and activist Baratunde Thurston. In a sweeping discussion on what it means to be an active citizen, they unpack how to design a future for democracy where we all belong.


My quest to cure prion disease โ€” before it's too late | Sonia Vallabh

Biomedical researcher Sonia Vallabh's life was turned upside down when she learned she had the genetic mutation for a rare and fatal illness, prion disease, that could strike at any time. Thirteen years later, her search for a cure has led to new insights about how to catch and prevent disease โ€” and how to honor our grandest, most mysterious inheritance: our brains.


An optimist's take on reskilling in the age of AI | Sagar Goel

One in three workers globally will see their jobs disrupted by AI and tech advancements this decade โ€” but there's a way to stay ahead of the curve. Skill-building strategist Sagar Goel shares practical examples from a partnership with the Singaporean government that helped thousands of workers transition into new careers, offering a lesson on the importance of reskilling and becoming a lifelong learner.


Courage, the most important virtue | Bari Weiss

In an unflinching look at issues that widen the political divide in the US, journalist and editor Bari Weiss highlights why courage is the most important virtue in today's polarized world. She shares examples of people who have spoken up in the face of conformity and silence โ€” and calls on all of us to say what we believe. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)


The problem with being "too nice" at work | Tessa West

Are you "too nice" at work? Social psychologist Tessa West shares her research on how people attempt to mask anxiety with overly polite feedback โ€” a practice that's more harmful than helpful โ€” and gives three tips to swap generic, unhelpful observations with clear, consistent feedback, even when you feel awkward.


Are we celebrating the wrong leaders? | Martin Gutmann

We tend to celebrate leaders for their dramatic words and actions in times of crisis โ€” but we often overlook truly great leaders who avoid the crisis to begin with. Historian Martin Gutmann challenges us to rethink what effective leadership actually looks like, drawing on lessons from the famed (but disaster-prone) explorer Ernest Shackleton.


With AI, anyone can be a coder now | Thomas Dohmke

What if you could code just by talking out loud? GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke shows how, thanks to AI, the barrier to entry to coding is rapidly disappearing โ€” and creating software is becoming as simple (and joyful) as building LEGO. In a mind-blowing live demo, he introduces Copilot Workspace: an AI assistant that helps you create code when you speak to it, in any language.


The good news you might have missed | Angus Hervey

Whether or not you believe the world is doomed might depend on where you get your news, says journalist Angus Hervey. He delivers stories of progress that mainstream media organizations missed last year โ€” from advances in clean energy to declining rates of extreme poverty, crime and disease โ€” and suggests we should pay more attention to such occurrences. "If we want more people to devote themselves to the task of making progress, then maybe we should be telling more people that it's possible to make progress," says Hervey.


How to fight for democracy in the shadow of autocracy | Fatma Karume

Democracy may be an abstract concept, but it holds the very essence of our autonomy and humanity, says lawyer and human rights advocate Fatma Karume. Sharing her journey navigating a tumultuous political transition in Tanzania that put her life at risk, she highlights the importance of speaking truth to power and fighting for a brighter democratic future.


The luminous mystery of fireflies | Wan Faridah Akmal Jusoh

There are more than 2,000 firefly species, found on every continent except for Antarctica โ€” an astonishing diversity of movement and light. Firefly scientist Wan Faridah Akmal Jusoh explores the mysteries of these little beetles that light up the night and details her quest to discover and protect new species as their habitats are at risk of disappearing.


The science of lifespan โ€” and the impact of your five senses | Christi Gendron

What you experience through your senses โ€” sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch โ€” can impact how healthy you are and how long you live, says neurobiologist Christi Gendron. She explores how environmental cues like temperature, light and even just the sight of death have influenced the lifespan of fruit flies, suggesting your everyday perceptions may have direct repercussions on your ability to live a long, healthy life.


With spatial intelligence, AI will understand the real world | Fei-Fei Li

In the beginning of the universe, all was darkness โ€” until the first organisms developed sight, which ushered in an explosion of life, learning and progress. AI pioneer Fei-Fei Li says a similar moment is about to happen for computers and robots. She shows how machines are gaining "spatial intelligence" โ€” the ability to process visual data, make predictions and act upon those predictions โ€” and shares how this could enable AI to interact with humans in the real world.


How fantasy worlds can spark real change | Annalee Newitz

When the world's problems have you weary, journalist and science fiction writer Annalee Newitz suggests a good dose of escapist fiction to refresh your perspective. Step into the whimsical world of science fiction, cosplay and "goblincore" to see how fantasy worlds help us reimagine our relationships with our communities and each other โ€” and why the best way to solve your problems may start with escaping them.


Why the world needs more builders โ€” and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky

We're programmed to think every issue is binary: "us vs. them." But Daniel Lubetzky, the founder of KIND Snacks, says the real enemy isn't a person but a mindset. He introduces a new initiative that aims to bring together "builders" from around the world to replace extremism with practical problem-solving โ€” and shows how you can join the movement.


An activist investor on challenging the status quo | Bill Ackman

Bill Ackman has made billions of dollars โ€” and a name for himself โ€” as an activist investor, buying up stock to push for change at companies. In this wide-ranging conversation with author and business ethics professor Alison Taylor, Ackman discusses how he's bringing his activism into the social and political spheres โ€” and shares his thoughts on free speech, his notoriously long posts on X, the conversation around Harvard and DEI and more.


1 simple question that could improve women's health | Meryam Sugulle

There's a reliable indicator of a woman's future likelihood of cardiovascular disease โ€” but it rarely gets asked about, says obstetrician and researcher Meryam Sugulle. She delves into the role of the placenta in pregnancy, how it can predict health outcomes and the single question that should be worked into routine health screenings.


How far away is a ceasefire? An update on Gaza and the Rafah invasion | Ian Bremmer

In an exploration of conflict and diplomacy, president and founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media Ian Bremmer joins TED's Helen Walters to unravel the ideological underpinnings, contrasting objectives and humanitarian crises defining the current situation in Gaza. Listen for the latest on Israel's invasion of Rafah and what happened to the proposed ceasefire deal as well as a dissection of the elusive quest for peace in a region haunted by the specter of war.


How aerosols brighten clouds โ€” and cool the planet | Sarah J. Doherty

Here's a conundrum: the same aerosol pollutants that harm human health also help cool the climate, says atmospheric scientist Sarah J. Doherty. Is there a way to clean up the air without warming the planet? Exploring the unintended consequences of reducing air pollution, she makes the case for a better understanding of marine cloud brightening โ€” or intentionally adding sea salt aerosols to clouds over the ocean, which could reflect sunlight back into space and potentially reduce global warming.


Welcome to the world of audio computers | Jason Rugolo

In an exclusive preview of unreleased technology, designer and inventor Jason Rugolo unveils an entirely new kind of computer you can talk to like a friend. This "audio computer" โ€” which can augment the sounds around you, translate conversations in real time, naturally respond to your voice and more โ€” promises to shake up how we use our devices. It's shown publicly for the first time ever on the TED stage.


Why US politics is broken โ€” and how to fix it | Andrew Yang

The electoral system in the United States needs a redesign, says political reformer Andrew Yang. Exposing the flaws of a system built on poor incentives, he proposes a cost-effective overhaul inspired by primary elections already working in places like Alaska and advocates for ranked-choice voting, where voters can choose candidates in order of preference regardless of party, stemming the influence of extreme ideologies.


The US has a teacher shortage โ€” here's how to fix it | Randy Seriguchi Jr.

How much should we invest in teachers, and what should new investment actually involve? Education innovator Randy Seriguchi Jr. suggests the US should create a "G.I. Bill" for teachers, with a particular emphasis on uplifting Black male professionals. He shares a model of this idea in action through community partnerships in San Francisco, which provide aspiring teachers with graduate school tuition, subsidized housing, personalized fit assessments and more. "If we truly want to elevate this profession to inspire new, diverse talent to join us, we have to improve both the personal and professional experiences associated with teaching," says Seriguchi.


Is your partner "the one?" Wrong question | George Blair-West

Marrying for love is a relatively recent phenomenon for humanity, and we still don't fully understand what it means for building successful relationships, says author and psychiatrist George Blair-West. Drawing from his extensive experience working with couples, he shares four questions every couple should ask themselves before tying the knot โ€” and highlights surprising findings on how the way marriage starts impacts if it ends.


How the US is destroying young people's future | Scott Galloway

In a scorching talk, marketing professor and podcaster Scott Galloway dissects the data showing that, by many measures, young people in the US are worse off financially than ever before. He unpacks the root causes and effects of this "great intergenerational theft," asking why we let it continue and showing how we could make it end. (Note: This talk contains mature language.)


How to govern AI โ€” even if it's hard to predict | Helen Toner

No one truly understands AI, not even experts, says Helen Toner, an AI policy researcher and former board member of OpenAI. But that doesn't mean we can't govern it. She shows how we can make smart policies to regulate this technology even as we struggle to predict where it's headed โ€” and why the right actions, right now, can shape the future we want.


The workers rebuilding communities after natural disasters | Saket Soni

As climate change leads to more and more natural disasters, a group of workers is showing up at one site after another to rebuild and repair. Labor organizer Saket Soni tells the stories of Resilience Force โ€” the group of mostly immigrant workers restoring homes after hurricanes, floods and fires โ€” and describes the unexpected bonds developing between the residents whose lives have been turned upside down and the laborers helping put things back together.


My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock

What challenges lie ahead of a staggering 12,700-kilometer paddle around the entire continent of Australia? Crocodiles and sharks were just the beginning, says Ironwoman Bonnie Hancock. Reflecting on her remarkable feat of becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia, she shares lessons on perseverance, resilience and finding meaning in life's toughest moments.


How AI is unlocking the secrets of nature and the universe | Demis Hassabis

Can AI help us answer life's biggest questions? In this visionary conversation, Google DeepMind cofounder and CEO Demis Hassabis delves into the history and incredible capabilities of AI with head of TED Chris Anderson. Hassabis explains how AI models like AlphaFold โ€” which accurately predicted the shapes of all 200 million proteins known to science in under a year โ€” have already accelerated scientific discovery in ways that will benefit humanity. Next up? Hassabis says AI has the potential to unlock the greatest mysteries surrounding our minds, bodies and the universe.


An updated action plan for solving the climate crisis โ€” and a look at progress to date | Ryan Panchadsaram, Anjali Grover and David Biello

When it comes to climate, what are we doing right and where should we focus our efforts next? Systems innovator Ryan Panchadsaram and strategist Anjali Grover talk with TED science curator David Biello about the latest on the world's progress toward solving the climate crisis โ€” and why there's more reason for optimism than you might think. Using strategic goal-setting tools that have transformed countless organizations, Panchadsaram and Grover explore the urgent actions needed to steer the planet toward a sustainable future and the pivotal roles of innovation, investment and policy. "The climate story isn't yet written," Grover says.


The secret ingredient of business success | Pete Stavros

Too often, employees are unmotivated and unhappy, with no real incentive to invest much of anything into their place of work. Investment expert Pete Stavros thinks there's a better way, and he's on a mission to rethink corporate structures to expand who benefits from a thriving company. Sharing personal stories of his own journey along with the profound impact doing this work effectively can have, this moving talk provides a blueprint for changing the narrative โ€” and outlook โ€” for millions of workers worldwide.


How to live with fire | Oral McGuire

Uncontrolled fire threatens nature โ€” but the right kind of fire can maintain the health and balance of the land, says fire management expert Oral McGuire. As a leader in the Nyungar community of southwestern Australia and a former firefighter, he connects traditional wisdom with modern techniques to wield fire in a way that promotes biodiversity and heals the spirit of the land at the same time.


The weird and wonderful art of Niceaunties | Niceaunties

Welcome to the "Auntieverse" โ€” a surreal tribute to "auntie culture" by artist Niceaunties, inspired by the spirit of the women who care for each other and their families. From sushi-bedecked cars with legs to hot tub baths full of ramen, Niceaunties shares a visual feast that fuses AI and imagination and celebrates the eccentric, vibrant world of aunties with reverence and awe. (Slides created with AI including Midjourney and DALLยทE 3 for text-to-image creation; magnific.ai and Topaz Labs for upscaling the images; Pikalabs and Runwayml for animation.)


The art of persuasive storytelling | Kelly D. Parker

"Storytelling is one of the most powerful marketing and leadership tools there is," says communications expert Kelly D. Parker. She explains how stories make proposals of all kinds more memorable โ€” and shows how you can craft a compelling narrative to connect, persuade and drive meaningful action.


A climate solution? The wisdom passed down through generations | Louise Mabulo

Louise Mabulo grew up on seemingly strange farming tips from her parents and grandparents โ€” like planting crops during a full moon or burying a rock beneath them. Now a farmer and climate activist herself, she sees how these practical nuggets of wisdom actually have scientific merit. Learn how she's merging traditional knowledge with modern science to help farmers (and the world) adapt to a changing climate.


What is an AI anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman

When it comes to artificial intelligence, what are we actually creating? Even those closest to its development are struggling to describe exactly where things are headed, says Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, one of the primary architects of the AI models many of us use today. He offers an honest and compelling new vision for the future of AI, proposing an unignorable metaphor โ€” a new digital species โ€” to focus attention on this extraordinary moment. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)


How AI will step off the screen and into the real world | Daniela Rus

The convergence of AI and robotics will unlock a wonderful new world of possibilities in everyday life, says robotics and AI pioneer Daniela Rus. Diving into the way machines think, she reveals how "liquid networks" โ€” a revolutionary class of AI that mimics the neural processes of simple organisms โ€” could help intelligent machines process information more efficiently and give rise to "physical intelligence" that will enable AI to operate beyond digital confines and engage dynamically in the real world.


How to be an active citizen and spark change | Gabriel Marmentini

What does it mean to be an active citizen? It's about more than just voting and paying taxes, says social entrepreneur Gabriel Marmentini. He explains why we can't rely on the state alone to solve all our problems โ€” and presents the four key ingredients for anyone to become a change-maker and engage in solving public issues.


A Palestinian and an Israeli, face to face | Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon

How can Israelis and Palestinians achieve peace? Palestinian peacemaker Aziz Abu Sarah and Israeli peacemaker Maoz Inon discuss the immeasurable tragedies they've experienced growing up in the region โ€” and how they choose reconciliation over revenge, again and again. With a fierce belief in a better future, they talk about conflict, safety, finding shared values and how they're building a coalition of Israeli and Palestinian citizens who are intent on creating a path to hope and peace.


What you can do to stop economic crime | Hanjo Seibert

It might sound like the plot of a movie, but economic crime is all around us โ€” from drug trafficking and fraud to cybercrimes, tax evasion and more. Economic crime fighter Hanjo Seibert breaks down the complexities of money laundering and how we can all wield our collective power to dismantle the underworld economy and turn off the money tap for criminals.


Can cannabis help you sleep? Here's the science | Jen Walsh

Can cannabis actually treat insomnia? It's complicated, says sleep physiologist Jen Walsh. While the plant has been used across time and cultures, there's been little scientific research on how it impacts sleep disorders like insomnia. That's precisely where she and her team come in. Learn about the world's first study into the potential of medicinal cannabis as a safe, accessible treatment to help us all rest easy.


A new national park to reclaim Indigenous land | Tracie Revis

In a part of the United States with more than 17,000 years of human history, cultural preservation advocate Tracie Revis is working to turn the Ocmulgee Mounds into Georgia's first national park and preserve. This park would be co-managed by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, bringing the tribal voice back to an area they were forcibly removed from 200 years ago. Revis explores the complex feelings of caring for this land and shows how it's fostering healing in return.


Ideas change everything โ€” and what's next for TED | Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff-Bell

TED is on a mission to discover and champion the ideas that will shape tomorrow. Reflecting on the evolution of that mission, TED's Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff-Bell cast a visionary gaze on the organization's future โ€” including a revamped tagline, a renewed emphasis on debate and the launch of an exciting new conference โ€” and explore the indispensable role of ideas in navigating societal challenges and fostering global innovation. Learn more about TED's enduring legacy, its path forward for the decades ahead and how you can join us in sparking a brighter future.


Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib

Can AI help catch oceanic outlaws? From drug smugglers to modern-day pirates, maritime crime fighter Dyhia Belhabib introduces Heva: an AI-powered tool that aggregates international criminal records to detect and stop crime that might otherwise get swept away in the tide.


A futuristic vision for Latin America, rooted in ancient design | Catalina Lotero

What would Latin America look like if colonization hadn't interrupted its ancient civilizations? Imagining a future where ancestral knowledge intertwines with modern aesthetics, designer Catalina Lotero shows how "pre-Columbian futurism" draws inspiration from Indigenous symbolism and technology โ€” empowering Latin America to reclaim lost cultural narratives.


How to spot a cult | Sarah Edmondson

Nobody joins a cult on purpose, says Sarah Edmondson, a former member of the infamous Nxivm cult and one of the three whistleblowers that led to its downfall. She explains how she got ensnared in this highly manipulative group โ€” and then escaped it โ€” and shares red flags to help you distinguish between a cult and a safe community.


Want to succeed in business? Find a problem to solve | Anthony Tan and Amane Dannouni

Anthony Tan โ€” the CEO of Grab, Southeast Asia's leading super-app โ€” talks about launching a business that not only turns a profit but also helps people and the environment. In conversation with digital strategist Amane Dannouni, Tan discusses the design choices and tension points of running such a company and why it's something every entrepreneur should consider doing.


What happens to sex in midlife? A look at the "bedroom gap" | Maria Sophocles

Menopause isn't just hot flashes, says gynecologist and sexual medicine specialist Maria Sophocles. It's often accompanied by overlooked symptoms like painful sex or loss of libido. Shedding light on what she calls the "bedroom gap," or the difference in sexual expectations of men and women in midlife due to societal norms, Sophocles advocates for education, medical advancement and a new understanding of menopause โ€” because sex should be pleasurable and comfortable for everyone.

