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Today β€” 1 June 2024Main stream


By: clavdivs
31 May 2024 at 22:05
"Machinery will tend to lose its sensational glamour and appear in its true subsidiary order in human life as use and continual poetical allusion subdue its novelty. For, contrary to general prejudice, the wonderment experienced in watching nose dives is of less immediate creative promise to poetry than the familiar gesture of a motorist in the modest act of shifting gears." 'Hart Crane and the Machine Age'. 1933.
Before yesterdayMain stream

'Notes Torwards A Supreme Fiction'

By: clavdivs
29 May 2024 at 21:14
"In the life of a poet, of course, there is no Election Day to distinguish the visionaries from the also-rans. So Stevens's response, when it came, trickled down in dribs and drabs. Scholars argue over this: some see him as returning, defensively, to conservatism, particularly since in a 1940 letter he declared that "Communism is just the new romanticism," and referred to "my rightism."" 'What Mitt Romney Might Learn From Wallace Stevens' [archive link]

'The Bill Mitchell era'

By: clavdivs
20 May 2024 at 17:25
Bill Mitchell was "responsible for creating or influencing the design of over 72.5 million automobiles produced by GM, Mitchell spent the entirety of his 42-year career in automobile design at General Motors". Bill Mitchell's Silver Arrow I. In 1957, coming back from the Turin Auto Show Mitchell faced "Automobile Manufacturers Association (AMA) had forbidden American automakers from participating in any performance or motorsports activitiesβ€”which included the building, selling, or advertising of performance-oriented products." Studio X: The Story of Bill Mitchell's Secret Styling Studio at General Motors.