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Today — 1 June 2024Main stream

Whatever happens next, the Donald Trump effect will continue to stain politics the world over | Simon Tisdall

1 June 2024 at 10:00

Whether he ends up in prison or the White House – or both – the former president and felon will remain a malign hero to populists everywhere

As Americans stared at their TV screens early on Thursday evening, listening to the 34 Donald Trump “guilty” court verdicts rolling out one by one amid the former president’s histrionic cries that the trial was “rigged”, the immediate thought was: what on earth happens now?

To which the only honest reply is: no one knows. Anyone pretending they do is just as big a liar as Trump, dramatically convicted by a jury of his New York peers for fiddling the books to help him win the 2016 election.

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© Photograph: Timothy A Clary/AFP/Getty Images


© Photograph: Timothy A Clary/AFP/Getty Images

Before yesterdayMain stream

By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue | Simon Tisdall

29 May 2024 at 05:44

Benjamin Netanyahu and his associates are already doubling down against these allegations. They must be made to answer them

Israel’s international isolation, triggered by revulsion over the large-scale illegal killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, will only deepen following new, detailed and credible allegations that leading politicians and intelligence agencies conspired – with help from Donald Trump’s administration – to spy on, undermine, “improperly influence” and threaten the work and officials of the international criminal court (ICC).

Those allegedly targeted include the court’s former chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, and the present incumbent, Karim Khan, possibly still the subject of covert operations. If so, this must cease immediately. Once again, the world is confronted by dismaying evidence that the state of Israel under the destructive leadership of its rightwing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has gone rogue.

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© Photograph: Gil Cohen-Magen/AP


© Photograph: Gil Cohen-Magen/AP

Call to prosecute Netanyahu for war crimes exposes the west’s moral doublethink | Simon Tisdall

25 May 2024 at 10:07

US and Britain condemn Hamas and Putin, yet balk at attempts to hold Israel’s leaders to account. But no one should be above the law

Indignant protests by Israeli and US leaders over last week’s decision by the prosecutor of the international criminal court (ICC) to seek Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrest for alleged war crimes shone new light on an old reality: for those at the top who wield decisive political power, all people are equal – but some are more equal than others.

At the heart of objections to Karim Khan’s gutsy move is the unspoken implication that violence against Palestinians, a dispossessed, marginalised and largely voiceless people, is less wrong, or somehow more acceptable, than violence against Israelis, the privileged, protected citizens of an established nation state. To demur is to be accused, inanely yet inevitably, of antisemitism.

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© Photograph: Abir Sultan/AP


© Photograph: Abir Sultan/AP

Nato’s failure to save Ukraine raises an existential question: what on earth is it for? | Simon Tisdall

18 May 2024 at 10:00

The military alliance is turning 75. But there’s little to celebrate in Kyiv, as Putin’s forces continue their bloody advance

Nato’s grand 75th birthday celebration in Washington in July will ring hollow in Kyiv. The alliance has miserably failed its biggest post-cold war test – the battle for Ukraine. Sadly, there’s no denying it: Vladimir Putin is on a roll.

Advancing Russian forces in Kharkiv profit from the west’s culpably slow drip-feed of weaponry to Kyiv and its leaders’ chronic fear of escalation. Ukraine receives just enough support to survive, never to prevail. Now even bare survival is in doubt.

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© Photograph: George Ivanchenko/EPA


© Photograph: George Ivanchenko/EPA
