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Yesterday β€” 1 June 2024Main stream

β€˜He had a sarcastic turn of phrase’: discovery of 1509 book sheds new light on β€˜father of utilitarianism’

1 June 2024 at 12:00

Unearthed notes owned by the renowned philosopher Jeremy Bentham reveal the roots of his influential ethics

One of the dangerous β€œfools” caricatured in a medieval printed satire called Ship of Fools is the Foolish Reader. He is shown in an illustration surrounded by his many learned volumes, but he doesn’t read any of them. This idiot, depicted with many others, including a Feasting Fool, a Preaching Fool and a Procrastinating Fool, was a warning to the wise by the German author Sebastian Brandt 530 years ago.

Now research at a London university has unearthed a rare English 1509 copy of this book once owned by the renowned English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. And the 1494 satirical allegory, which pokes fun at various kinds of public folly, sheds new light on Bentham’s influential ethics.

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Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian
