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Yesterday β€” 17 June 2024Main stream

Belfast North voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

17 June 2024 at 11:18

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Belfast North to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from the new constituency of Belfast North ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

If you live in the constituency of Belfast North, can you tell us what will decide your vote? We’d like to understand the big issues facing you and your family and which policies matter to you. How happy are you with the state of housing, work, public transport, local facilities for young people, policing and health services? What local issues should we be looking at?

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Β© Photograph: Radharc Images/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Radharc Images/Alamy

Before yesterdayMain stream

C’mon kids! Here’s your chance to get published in the Guardian

1 June 2024 at 11:02

Our nature series Young Country Diary is looking for pieces written by children about their summer wildlife adventures

Once again, the Young Country Diary series is open for submissions! Every three months, as the UK enters a new season, we ask you to send us an article written by a child aged 8-14.

The article needs to be about a recent encounter they’ve had with nature – whether it’s a trip to the beach, a worm-hungry blackbird or a thriving rockpool.

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Β© Photograph: Family handout


Β© Photograph: Family handout

UK voters: share if you are still undecided which party to back in the general election

14 June 2024 at 11:56

We’re interested to hear from British voters who are yet to decide how to vote on 4 July, and what is making it difficult for them to make up their minds

We’re keen to hear from people who are eligible to vote in the UK general election but are still undecided which party they will support.

We’re keen to hear what is driving their indecision – be it particular political issues, confusion over what the parties are offering or simply that they haven’t yet had the chance to read the different party manifestos.

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Β© Photograph: Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Getty Images

Guardian Weekly readers: share your best recent pictures with us

23 January 2024 at 12:09

Share your recent photos and tell us where you were and why that scene resonated with you

The Guardian Weekly is our international news magazine, featuring the best of the Guardian, the Observer and our digital journalism in one beautifully designed and illustrated package.

We’re now on the lookout for our readers’ best photographs of the world around us. For a chance to feature in the magazine, send us a picture you took recently, telling us where it is in the world, when you took it and why the scene resonated with you at that particular moment.

Try to upload the highest resolution possible. The limit for photo uploads is 5MB.

Landscape images are preferable due to the page design

Tell us as much as you can about when and where the photo was taken as well as what was happening

When we publish an image we want to credit you so please ensure that we have contact information and your full name

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Β© Photograph: MarioGuti/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: MarioGuti/Getty Images

Tell us: are you in a dispute with your employer over remote working in the UK?

13 June 2024 at 10:52

We want to hear from UK workers who are resisting their employers’ demands to return to the workplace

Lawyers and HR experts expect an increase in employment tribunal cases as companies increasingly demand staff members return to the workplace.

We want to hear from people in the UK who disagree with their employer’s decision to end working from home. Are you in dispute with your employer over changing their remote working policy? What action have you taken? When did this begin? Why do you want to remote work?

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Β© Photograph: DesignSensation/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: DesignSensation/Getty Images

UK teachers and health workers: what do you think of the political parties’ manifestos?

13 June 2024 at 06:42

We would like to hear from teachers, NHS workers and other key workers on their thoughts on political parties’ manifestos

The UK’s main political parties have launched their manifestos – and now we’d like to hear from public sector workers about the policy pledges that apply to them.

From teachers to NHS workers, we’d like to hear from public sector workers on what they think about each of the manifestos. How might their plans affect your job? Which, if any of the pledges, are influencing your vote? Is there anything missing that you’d like to see?

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Β© Photograph: Geoffrey Swaine/Shutterstock


Β© Photograph: Geoffrey Swaine/Shutterstock

Tell us about your favourite TV shows of 2024 so far

11 June 2024 at 08:24

We would like to hear about the best TV shows you have seen this year so far and why

The Guardian’s culture writers are compiling their TV highlights of the year so far – and we’d like to hear about yours, too.

Which TV shows have you loved? Are there any new releases from so far in 2024 that you would recommend watching?

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Β© Photograph: Katie Yu/AP


Β© Photograph: Katie Yu/AP

Nottingham East voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

12 June 2024 at 07:22

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Nottingham East to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Nottingham East ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

If you live in the constituency of Nottingham East, can you tell us what will decide your vote? We’d like to understand the big issues facing you and your family and which policies matter to you. How happy are you with the state of housing, work, public transport, local facilities for young people, policing and health services? What local issues should we be looking at?

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Β© Photograph: Fabio De Paola/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Fabio De Paola/The Guardian

Tell us: are you making a change to your summer holidays?

12 June 2024 at 05:42

Whether it’s holidaying domestically or heading to a destination with a cooler climate, we’d like to hear about anything you’re doing differently this year

As the northern hemisphere enters the summer, we want to hear from people who are planning to have a different type of summer holiday this year.

Are you visiting a cooler climate than usual? Or holidaying domestically when you go abroad most summers, or vice versa?

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Β© Photograph: Yannik Photography/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Yannik Photography/Alamy

Tell us your favourite film of 2024 so far

11 June 2024 at 11:56

We would like to hear about the best films you have seen this year so far and why

The Guardian’s film writers are compiling their favourite films of the year so far – and we’d like to hear about yours, too.

Which films have left a lasting impression on you this year? Are there any new releases from so far in 2024 that you would recommend watching?

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Β© Photograph: Niko Tavernise/2024 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc


Β© Photograph: Niko Tavernise/2024 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc

Midlothian voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

30 May 2024 at 09:42

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Midlothian to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Midlothian ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

If you live in the constituency of Midlothian, can you tell us what will decide your vote? We’d like to understand the big issues facing you and your family and which policies matter to you. How happy are you with the state of housing, work, public transport, local facilities for young people, policing and health services? What local issues should we be looking at?

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Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

Cornwall North voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

29 May 2024 at 05:57

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Cornwall North to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Cornwall North ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

If you live in the constituency of Cornwall North, can you tell us what will decide your vote? We’d like to understand the big issues facing you and your family and which policies matter to you. How happy are you with the state of housing, work, community relations, policing and health services? What local issues should we be looking at?

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Β© Photograph: SWNS


Β© Photograph: SWNS

UK voters: how is the election playing out in your WhatsApp groups?

10 June 2024 at 07:41

We would like to hear how people are experiencing the UK election through the WhatsApp group you share with your family or friends

The Guardian is trying to understand how people are consuming news during the general election – and the role that WhatsApp is playing.

How are you experiencing the election through the messaging app? Has your family or friends WhatsApp groups being overrun by politics? Are you mainly in agreement or are your friendships being tested by political bickering in your group chat? Are you being overwhelmed with memes and video clips?

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Β© Photograph: Yui Mok/PA


Β© Photograph: Yui Mok/PA

Clacton voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

4 June 2024 at 04:32

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Clacton to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Clacton ahead of the general election, where Nigel Farage said he would stand as an MP and take over as leader of Reform UK, after changing his mind while spending time on the campaign trail.

This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

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Β© Photograph: Nick Ansell/PA


Β© Photograph: Nick Ansell/PA

Hackney North and Stoke Newington voters: tell us which issues will decide this election

30 May 2024 at 09:04

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Hackney North and Stoke Newington to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Hackney North and Stoke Newington – the constituency of Diane Abbott MP – ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

Diane Abbott has promised to stay on as MP for as β€œlong as possible” setting up a possible clash with Keir Starmer after a deal for her to retire from parliament broke down.

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Β© Photograph: Martin Godwin/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Martin Godwin/The Guardian

What local stories should our video team cover in the UK general election?

We’ve been working with community reporting teams to tell the story of modern Britain. With a momentous election on the horizon, do you have a story to tell about your local area?

As the UK faces a momentous general election, which polls suggest could see the end of 14 years of Conservative party rule, the video team wants to hear from people who have a story to tell about their community.

As video producers, we have spent the past four years working with community-based reporters across the UK to highlight the reality of what is happening in their areas, unearthing unique perspectives from people who are often overlooked in the story of modern Britain.

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Β© Photograph: The Guardian


Β© Photograph: The Guardian
