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The 180 year rematch: USA vs Canada opens the cricket Men's T20 world cup

By: Wordshore
30 May 2024 at 14:40
The 20 country, 55 match tournament is hosted through June 2024 by the West Indies and the USA. Guardian: "Khan's first delivery back bowled Shakib off his inside edge. His fourth was a yorker, which pinned the new batsman lbw. His 10th, delivered in the final over, was edged and caught by the wicketkeeper. The three wickets cost 11 runs and USA won the game by six. "It was a big achievement to take down a top ten T20 side," Khan says, two days later. But he believes there are even bigger ones ahead. The T20 World Cup starts with their [USA] opening match against Canada in Grand Prairie, Texas, this Saturday." Official World Cup website, Wikipedia page. Scorecard for USA vs Canada from 23rd September 1844.

"We're going to need a bigger beaker"

By: Wordshore
29 May 2024 at 14:04
[CW: So much penis] The Cut: As Bustamante injects five vials first into the sides of the shaft, then six more around the glans (if you're picturing a mushroom as the head of a penis, that's the glans, and he is injecting around the base rim of the dome), he sweeps the needle slightly from side to side, then uses his thumbs to massage out any filler lumps, sculpting through what he calls "transitional zones" like a potter smoothing an edge of clay. "It goes beyond just filling up a penis," Bustamante says. "I really do think that there is an artistry to it, to making it look good: aesthetically pleasing, no lumps, smooth, consistent, looks natural, feels natural - all those things." [Previously: post title]

As he finishes up on Tommy's penis, Bustamante injects a little extra filler into the left side to help correct its slight curve. And he makes sure not to put any filler on the top of the penis, only the sides, so as to ensure it doesn't end up resembling a "sausage" when erect. He also wants to avoid "the baseball-bat effect," so he tries to work toward a thicker base that tapers slightly up, rather than the reverse. If anyone isn't happy with the result, Bustamante can inject Hylenex to dissolve the filler, but he says he's never had to do this on penises he's worked on, just ones on which other providers haven't done their best work. Before he leaves, Tommy also has some injections of Botox into his anus ("Holetox"), which can make bottoming easier by relaxing the anal sphincter muscles, but which for Tommy, a top, is more to help with anal fissures. It's just one of a number of below-the-belt services that Bustamante offers, including chemical peels to clear up skin on the butt, an "instant" Brazilian butt lift that makes use of fillers, Botox for the penis to make it look larger when flaccid, Botox for the scrotum to help it hang lower and prevent sweating, and shockwave therapy to help with erections.

Rich dude spends money building mini-sub to visit Titanic: 2024 edition

By: Wordshore
28 May 2024 at 13:53
Independent: Mr. Connor recently announced plans to take a submersible to the Atlantic seabed in an effort to prove that safe, manned trips to the wreckage of the Titanic are possible. Metro: Connor told the Wall Street Journal: 'I want to show people worldwide that while the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and really kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way.' Forbes: "Obviously he's got a significant ego and really believes in his own abilities," Roger Lipson, a longtime partner of Connor, told Forbes this year. @colorlessgrey.bsky.social: I don't know what about being a billionaire leads people to develop feelings about the Titanic that border on religiosity, but I do think taxation is the cure. [Previously]

The Chickens of the Night

By: Wordshore
27 May 2024 at 04:02
The village of Snettisham, who play in the Kevin Grimmer Division of the Norfolk Sunday Cricket League, is allegedly 'plagued' by nocturnal chickens. Guardian: Dwellers in Snettisham, Norfolk, have said their life is being made "hell" as the chickens swarm in from a nearby wood. Mirror: But not everyone shares this anger and some even defend the chickens, insisting the animals contribute to the village's appeal. Graeme McQuade, 43, said: "I have no issues with the chickens whatsoever. Before we moved here, we didn't know chickens get up at 4am, but it gives character to the place. (Bluesky) Mrs Schwarzski: Is Snettisham the Florida of England? Derelict Geodesic Dome, MA: Have you seen Snettisham? It's /insane/ that a town that small has a church that looks like that.

At home with the pronatalists

By: Wordshore
25 May 2024 at 11:29
[CW: eugenics, racism, violent child abuse incident] Guardian: "His little brother, two-year-old Torsten Savage, is on his iPad somewhere upstairs. Simone, 36, in an apron that strains across her belly, has her daughter, 16-month-old Titan Invictus, strapped to her back. The imminent arrival of their fourth child, a girl they plan to name Industry Americus Collins, turns out to be only the first in a string of surprises – and one really shocking thing – that I will encounter during my day with the pronatalists." [Previously: November 2022, You say 'Eugenics' like it's a bad thing (it is)]


By: Wordshore
13 May 2024 at 13:45
Universidad Santo TomΓ‘s (Saint Thomas Aquinas) is the oldest (founded: 1580) university in Colombia. The music on some of their promotional videos e.g. AdmisiΓ³n 2022, 2011 micro-drama, another 2011 video, evening study, and a cover, may sound familiar to listeners of a reclusive Scottish electronic music duo, with an overanalytical fanbase, who have NOT RELEASED AN ALBUM IN 11 YEARS sorry about that. The original, the lyrics, and a meta-nostalgic fan video for 50+ Brits.

More detail (unverified) in this "I have more questions!"-raising YouTube comment: "on the odd chance there's any non-chileans wondering about all the chileans losing their shit about this song, there's a mediocre college in the country, Universidad Santo TomΓ‘s, which is mainly (or solely) known to chileans for two things: 1. going with this absolute banger of a theme for its advertising 2. its founder dying after accidentally setting himself on fire while murdering a guy and trying to pass it off as an accident"

Climax Blue

By: Wordshore
10 May 2024 at 15:39
Context: Cheese Award Controversy. Cheese Professor: "In the US food-selling world, there is a term called Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). For our store, and most natural foods stores, buyers won't buy foods with ingredients that are not GRAS I looked at the Climax Blue ingredient list and there was something I didn't recognize: kokum butter. I looked it up and, while approved for cosmetics and for one specific confection, it was not on the GRAS list. So we rejected it." Elsewhere: Reddit, Plant based News, AgFunderNews.