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Shots Fired: Congressional Letter Questions DHS Funding of ShotSpotter

20 May 2024 at 19:38

There is a growing pile of evidence that cities should drop Shotspotter, the notorious surveillance system that purportedly uses acoustic sensors to detect gunshots, due to its inaccuracies and the danger it creates in communities where it’s installed. In yet another blow to the product and the surveillance company behind it—SoundThinking—Congress members have sent a letter calling on the Department of Homeland Security to investigate how it provides funding to local police to deploy the product.

The seven page letter, from Senators Ed Markey, Ron Wyden and Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Ayanna Pressley, begins by questioning the “accuracy and effectiveness” of ShotSpotter, and then outlines some of the latest evidence of its abysmal performance, including multiple studies showing false positive rates—i.e. incorrectly classifying non-gunshot sounds as gunshots—at 70% or higher. In addition to its ineffectiveness, the Congress members voiced their serious concerns regarding ShotSpotter’s contribution to discrimination, civil rights violations, and poor policing practices due to the installation of most ShotSpotter sensors in overwhelmingly “Black, Brown and Latin[e] communities” at the request of local law enforcement. Together, the inefficacy of the technology and the placements can result in the deployment of police to what they expect to be a dangerous situation with guns drawn, increasing the chances of all-too-common police violence against civilians in the area.

In light of the grave concerns raised by the use of ShotSpotter, the lawmakers are demanding that DHS investigate its funding, and whether it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. We agree: DHS should investigate, and should end its program of offering grants to local law enforcement agencies to contract with SoundThinking. 

The letter can be read in its entirety here.

Georgia Prosecutors Stoke Fears over Use of Encrypted Messengers and Tor

20 May 2024 at 16:23

In an indictment against Defend the Atlanta Forest activists in Georgia, state prosecutors are citing use of encrypted communications to fearmonger. Alleging the defendants—which include journalists and lawyers, in addition to activists—in the indictment were responsible for a number of crimes related to the Stop Cop City campaign, the state Attorney General’s prosecutors cast suspicion on the defendants’ use of Signal, Telegram, Tor, and other everyday data-protecting technologies.

“Indeed, communication among the Defend the Atlanta Forest members is often cloaked in secrecy using sophisticated technology aimed at preventing law enforcement from viewing their communication and preventing recovery of the information” the indictment reads. “Members often use the dark web via Tor, use end-to-end encrypted messaging app Signal or Telegram.”

The secure messaging app Signal is used by tens of millions of people, and has hundreds of millions of global downloads. In 2021, users moved to the nonprofit-run private messenger en masse as concerns were raised about the data-hungry business models of big tech. In January of that year, former world’s richest man Elon Musk tweeted simply “Use Signal.” And world-famous NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden tweeted in 2016 what in information security circles would become a meme and truism: “Use Tor. Use Signal.”

Despite what the bombastic language would have readers believe, installing and using Signal and Tor is not an initiation rite into a dark cult of lawbreaking. The “sophisticated technology” being used here are apps that are free, popular, openly distributed, and widely accessible by anyone with an internet connection. Going further, the indictment ascribes the intentions of those using the apps as simply to obstruct law enforcement surveillance. Taking this assertion at face value, any judge or reporter reading the indictment is led to believe everyone using the app simply wants to evade the police. The fact that these apps make it harder for law enforcement to access communications is exactly because the encryption protocol protects messages from everyone not intended to receive them—including the users’ ISP, local network hackers, or the Signal nonprofit itself.

Elsewhere, the indictment hones in on the use of anti-surveillance techniques to further its tenuous attempts to malign the defendants: “Most ‘Forest Defenders’ are aware that they are preparing to break the law, and this is demonstrated by premeditation of attacks.” Among a laundry list of other techniques, the preparation is supposedly marked by “using technology avoidance devices such as Faraday bags and burner phones.” Stoking fears around the use of anti-surveillance technologies sets a dangerous precedent for all people who simply don’t want to be tracked wherever they go. In protest situations, carrying a prepaid disposable phone can be a powerful defense against being persecuted for participating in first-amendment protected activities. Vilifying such activities as the acts of wrongdoers would befit totalitarian societies, not ones in which speech is allegedly a universal right.

To be clear, prosecutors have apparently not sought to use court orders to compel either the defendants or the companies named to enter passwords or otherwise open devices or apps. But vilifying the defendants’ use of common sense encryption is a dangerous step in cases that the Dekalb County District Attorney has already dropped out of, citing “different prosecutorial philosophies.”

Using messengers which protect user communications, browsers which protect user anonymity, and employing anti-surveillance techniques when out and about are all useful strategies in a range of situations. Whether you’re looking into a sensitive medical condition, visiting a reproductive health clinic with the option of terminating a pregnancy, protecting trade secrets from a competitor, wish to avoid stalkers or abusive domestic partners, protecting attorney-client exchanges, or simply want to keep your communications, browsing, and location history private, these techniques can come in handy. It is their very effectiveness which has led to the widespread adoption of privacy-protective technologies and techniques. When state prosecutors spread fear around the use of these powerful techniques, this sets us down a dangerous path where citizens are more vulnerable and at risk.

Lucy Parsons Labs Takes Police Foundation to Court for Open Records Requests

19 March 2024 at 18:55

The University of Georgia (UGA) School of Law’s First Amendment Clinic has filed an Open Records Request lawsuit to demand public records from the private Atlanta Police Foundation (APF). The lawsuit, filed at the behest of the Atlanta Community Press Collective and Electronic Frontier Alliance-member Lucy Parsons Labs, is seeking records relating to the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, which activists refer to as Cop City. While the facility will be used for public law enforcement and emergency services agencies, including training on surveillance technologies, the lease is held by the APF.  

The argument is that the Atlanta Police Foundation, as the nonprofit holding the lease for facilities intended for use by government agencies, should be subject to the same state Open Records Act as to its functions that are on behalf of law enforcement agencies. Beyond the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, the APF also manages the Atlanta Police Department’s Video Surveillance Center, which integrates footage from over 16,000 public and privately-held surveillance cameras across the city. 

According to UGA School of Law’s First Amendment Clinic, “The Georgia Supreme Court has held that records in the custody of a private entity that relate to services or functions the entity performs for or on behalf of the government are public records under the Georgia Open Records Act.” 

Police foundations frequently operate in this space. They are private, non-profit organizations with boards made up of corporations and law firms that receive monetary or equipment donations that they then gift to their local law enforcement agencies. These gifts often bypass council hearings or other forms of public oversight. 

Lucy Parsons Labs’ Ed Vogel said, “At the core of the struggle over the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center is democratic practice. Decisions regarding this facility should not be made behind closed doors. This lawsuit is just one piece of that. The people have a right to know.” 

You can read the lawsuit here. 

San Diego City Council Breaks TRUST

15 March 2024 at 14:54

In a stunning reversal against the popular Transparent & Responsible Use of Surveillance Technology (TRUST) ordinance, the San Diego city council voted earlier this year to cut many of the provisions that sought to ensure public transparency for law enforcement surveillance technologies. 

Similar to other Community Control Of Police Surveillance (CCOPS) ordinances, the TRUST ordinance was intended to ensure that each police surveillance technology would be subject to basic democratic oversight in the form of public disclosures and city council votes. The TRUST ordinance was fought for by a coalition of community organizations– including several members of the Electronic Frontier Alliance – responding to surprise smart streetlight surveillance that was not put under public or city council review.  

The TRUST ordinance was passed one and a half years ago, but law enforcement advocates immediately set up roadblocks to implementation. Police unions, for example, insisted that some of the provisions around accountability for misuse of surveillance needed to be halted after passage to ensure they didn’t run into conflict with union contracts. The city kept the ordinance unapplied and untested, and then in the late summer of 2023, a little over a year after passage, the mayor proposed a package of changes that would gut the ordinance. This included exemption of a long list of technologies, including ARJIS databases and record management system data storage. These changes were later approved this past January.  

But use of these databases should require, for example, auditing to protect data security for city residents. There also should be limits on how police share data with federal agencies and other law enforcement agencies, which might use that data to criminalize San Diego residents for immigration status, gender-affirming health care, or exercise of reproductive rights that are not criminalized in the city or state. The overall TRUST ordinance stands, but partly defanged with many carve-outs for technologies the San Diego police will not need to bring before democratically-elected lawmakers and the public. 

Now, opponents of the TRUST ordinance are emboldened with their recent victory, and are vowing to introduce even more amendments to further erode the gains of this ordinance so that San Diegans won’t have a chance to know how their local law enforcement surveils them, and no democratic body will be required to consent to the technologies, new or old. The members of the TRUST Coalition are not standing down, however, and will continue to fight to defend the standing portions of the TRUST ordinance, and to regain the wins for public oversight that were lost. 

As Lilly Irani, from Electronic Frontier Alliance member and TRUST Coalition member Tech Workers Coalition San Diegohas said: 

“City Council members and the mayor still have time to make this right. And we, the people, should hold our elected representatives accountable to make sure they maintain the oversight powers we currently enjoy — powers the mayor’s current proposal erodes.” 

If you live or work in San Diego, it’s important to make it clear to city officials that San Diegans don’t want to give police a blank check to harass and surveil them. Such dangerous technology needs basic transparency and democratic oversight to preserve our privacy, our speech, and our personal safety. 

Unregulated, Exploitative, and on the Rise: Vera Institute's Report on Electronic Monitoring

Incarceration rates in the United States have long been among the highest in the world, and in response to the systemic flaws and biases unveiled by the renewed scrutiny of the criminal legal system, many advocates have championed new policies aimed at reducing sentences and improving conditions in prisons. Some have touted the use of electronic monitoring (EM) as an alternative fix to ensure that people whose cases have yet to be adjudicated are not physically detained. Unsurprisingly, those most often making these claims are the for-profit firms offering EM technology and the governmental agencies they contract with, and there is little data to back them up. In a new report, the Vera Institute of Justice provides the most detailed data yet showing that these claims don’t match reality, and outlines a number of issues with how EM is administered across the country.

Another Private Sector Wild West

According to interviews and an analysis of policies across hundreds of jurisdictions, the Vera Institute found that the use of EM was an unregulated patchwork across counties, states, and the federal government. As private firms market new products, the level of testing and quality assurance has failed to keep up with the drive to get contracts with local and state law enforcement agencies. Relying on technology produced by such a disordered industry can lead to reincarceration due to faulty equipment, significantly increased surveillance on those being monitored and their household, and onerous requirements for people under EM than when dealing with probation or parole officers.

The lack of correlation between EM and decarceration and the advancement in EM technology suggests that EM, rather than serving as an alternative to detention, is merely another tool in the government's arsenal of carceral control. 

Even the question of jurisdictional authority is a mess. The Vera Institute explains that agencies frequently rely on private firms that further subcontract out the hardware or software, and individuals in rural areas can create profitable businesses for themselves that only serve as a middleman between the criminal justice system and the hardware and software vendors. The Vera Institute suggests that this can lead to corruption, including the extortion by these small subcontractors of people held on EM, often with no oversight or public sector transparency. That presents a problem to the data collection, public records requests, and other investigative work that policymakers, advocates, and journalists rely on to find the truth and inform policy.

Further, the costs of EM are frequently passed on to the people forced to use it, sometimes regardless of if they have the means to pay, whether the EM is an obstacle to their employment, or whether they are under monitoring pre-trial (where presumption of innocence should apply) or post-sentencing (after a guilty verdict). And these costs don’t necessarily buy them greater “liberty,” as many forms of hardware or app-based software increased around-the-clock surveillance at the hands of private firms, once again with little to no oversight or ability to access data through public records requests.

ICE doubles down on electronic monitoring

According to the Vera Institute’s estimates, from 2017 onwards the single largest user of EM in the United States has been Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as part of its Alternative To Detention (ATD) programs. And in the last few years, that usage has skyrocketed: Vera’s report states that between 2021 and 2022, the number of adults under ICE's EM program more than tripled, from 103,900 to 360,000.

For those currently under ICE’s EM surveillance, their experience is primarily dictated by a single company: BI Incorporated, from whom ICE has purchased all its EM infrastructure since 2004. While BI’s offerings have recently shifted away from the GPS-enabled ankle monitors known to shock and cut their users towards smartphone apps and smartwatches, a 2022 investigation from The Guardian revealed that monitored people experience a lack of technical support from BI, frequent bugs that can prevent them from complying with mandatory check-ins, and few protocols for how their issues are handled.

On top of all of these issues, a 2022 joint investigation led by Just Futures Law claims that ICE and BI’s policies for collecting and retaining people’s sensitive data are overbroad and self-contradictory. The uncovered documents showed vast amounts of extremely private information (including biometrics, location data, data about people’s contacts and communities, and more) were collected and potentially retained by ICE for up to 75 years. One document (p. 123) revealed that data collected by ATD programs can be used for mass arrests, as in the case of a Manassas, Virginia office sharing geolocation data with ICE to arrest 40 people.

[...] despite ICE’s use of EM being dubbed an “alternative to detention” (ATD), the rise of ATD program budgets has not coincided with a decrease in detention. Meanwhile, the programs have historically been used on “individuals who have been released from detention or who were never detained in the first place,” meaning they affect those who would otherwise be free from physical detention.

Given that the average individual will spend 558.5 days in an ATD program, this gives ICE access to a dizzying amount of highly sensitive data for decades to come; data which can (and has) been used to arrest and deport people.

No trend of correlation between electronic monitoring and decrease in physical detention

The Vera Institute found no general trend across jurisdictions that usage of EM led to a decrease in the physically incarcerated population. While the Vera Institute noted a tenfold increase in the number of individuals subjected to EM from 2005 and 2022, the physically incarcerated population only decreased by about 15%. Moreover, the incarcerated population decline is in large part due to COVID-19 directives, and it's unclear whether the downward trend will continue absent those restrictions.

Similarly, despite ICE’s use of EM being dubbed an “alternative to detention” (ATD), the rise of ATD program budgets has not coincided with a decrease in detention. Meanwhile, the programs have historically been used on “individuals who have been released from detention or who were never detained in the first place,” meaning they affect those who would otherwise be free from physical detention.

Electronic monitoring is an all-encompassing form of surveillance for the person being monitored. It tracks every movement they make, records some of the most private data from their daily life, and effectively serves as a “form of incarceration that happens outside of prison walls.”

Notably, EM technology has become more invasive and extensive. Traditional EM technology consisted of wearable devices equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS), radio frequency (RF), or Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) capabilities. However, newer technologies used by ICE and the criminal justice system may additionally employ facial recognition technology, voice recognition technology, and the gathering of real-time location tracking and various other biometrics via independent devices or mobile phone applications.

The lack of correlation between EM and decarceration and the advancement in EM technology suggests that EM, rather than serving as an alternative to detention, is merely another tool in the government's arsenal of carceral control. 

Decreasing carceral control

And yet, it is possible to decrease the population subject to physical incarceration as well as that on EM. In response to the social distancing requirements at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, Salt Lake City released hundreds of people, decreasing the number of people in the Salt Lake County jail by 45%. Because the Sheriff’s Prison Labor Detail program, which administers EM for those in jail on low-level and nonviolent offenses, draws its participants from those still in Salt Lake City jails, the drop in jail population similarly affected EM eligibility.

This simultaneous reduction in both the physically incarcerated population and those subject to EM contrasted with other jurisdictions’ programs, which saw a sharp spike in the number of individuals subjected to EM in the wake of COVID-19, such as that by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Portland, Oregon was another location in which the jail population and EM population fell concurrently. In the wake of the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the Multnomah County Department of Community Justice found that the EM had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. This led Portland officials to express a desire to pause resuming pre-pandemic levels of EM, which they recognized perpetuates the same obstacles to freedom and injustice as our carceral system and “generally has few rehabilitative benefits.

A worrying trend gets worse

Electronic monitoring is an all-encompassing form of surveillance for the person being monitored. It tracks every movement they make, records some of the most private data from their daily life, and effectively serves as a “form of incarceration that happens outside of prison walls.” And like other types of prison tech in the United States, it’s largely unregulated, disproportionately targeted at Black and Brown people and immigrant communities, and exploitative of the people it claims to serve. It also fails to address many of the problems its advocates and marketers claim it solves. Despite being touted as an alternative to incarceration, EM frequently targets people who would otherwise not be detained. Despite being sold as a cost-saving measure, its price is often paid by those forced to use it.

Electronic monitoring generally requires some forms of data collection, and usually this involves some of the most sensitive data we produce: biometric, location, and personally identifying information. Some EM apps go beyond collecting what’s absolutely necessary from a user’s phone, and many include language in their privacy policies that allows for sharing data for marketing purposes, as well as with law enforcement without a warrant. This amount of data collection and sharing is appalling even when a user can fully consent to an app’s terms, much less when someone is coerced by the state to comply with them. ICE’s data collection and retention policies are particularly odious, and the 75-year retention policy for EM data should be revised.

The recent explosion in the popularity of EM, especially within ICE’s ATD programs, continues a disturbing trend. The Vera Institute’s report helps to shine a light on this pervasive and unregulated industry, but it shouldn’t be this hard to determine how prevalent EM’s use is. People have the right to know how their criminal justice system functions, and that right extends to the private companies who profiteer from it. The report concludes by suggesting a number of policy recommendations, including national reporting requirements for EM's use, prohibition of private vendors running EM programs, and an elimination of user fees. We think these represent the minimum of what must be done: lawmakers must do much more to protect people from privacy violations and ensure that EM doesn't extend the harms of incarceration to those who would otherwise be free from physical detention.
