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UAE Leads the Charge: Top Cybersecurity Trends Shaping the META Region

UAE Cybersecurity Trends

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has carved a niche for itself as a beacon of innovation and technological advancement in the Middle East.  The country's vision for a hyper-connected future, with flourishing smart cities and a booming digital economy, hinges on one crucial element: cybersecurity. Cyber threats are a constant reality in our increasingly interconnected world, and the UAE is no exception. As the nation's digital footprint expands, so too does the potential for cyberattacks that could cripple critical infrastructure, disrupt financial systems, and compromise sensitive data. Recent statistics paint a concerning picture. The 2024 State of the UAE Cybersecurity report reveals a significant increase in the country's vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly ransomware and DDoS attacks. The report, co-authored by the UAE government and CPX security, identifies nearly 155,000 vulnerable points within the UAE, including insecure network devices, file-sharing platforms, email systems, and remote access points. Notably, almost 70% of these vulnerabilities are concentrated in Dubai. The report also raises concerns about a growing threat: insider attacks. These cyberattacks involve individuals within organizations misusing their access to steal data. Experts warn that as the UAE embraces cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, the potential attack surface will inevitably expand, creating more opportunities for criminals. The financial consequences of data breaches in the Middle East are also on the rise, making the region second only to the US in data breach costs. The average cost of a data breach in the Middle East surpassed $8 million in 2023, reflecting a significant year-on-year increase and nearly double the global average. The report identifies government, energy, and IT sectors as prime targets, yet a separate study reveals a critical gap – nearly a quarter of oil and gas companies and government entities in the region lack dedicated cybersecurity teams. However, the UAE is not passively accepting this situation. It's actively building an enhanced cybersecurity shield through a multi-pronged approach.

Top Cybersecurity Trends in UAE

This article delves into promising trends that are shaping the UAE's cybersecurity landscape in 2024, showcasing the country's commitment to safeguarding its digital future.

Advanced Threat Detection

Recognizing the limitations of traditional security methods, the UAE is making a significant financial commitment to advanced threat detection systems. These systems, powered by cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and behavioral analytics, can uncover and respond to sophisticated cyber threats in real time. A recent Cisco study reinforces this trend, revealing that a staggering 91% of UAE organizations are integrating AI into their security strategies, primarily for threat detection, response, and recovery. This focus on AI aligns with broader regional trends. Industry experts at Strategy& predict a booming GenAI (General AI) market in the Arab Gulf region, reaching an annual value of $23.5 billion by 2030. Furthermore, Gartner research indicates that nearly half of executives are exploring GenAI capabilities. With such a promising financial future on the horizon, the UAE and other countries are actively implementing AI solutions across various sectors, including cybersecurity.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Enhanced Security

The UAE is taking a multi-pronged approach to fortifying its cybersecurity. Recognizing that online threats require a united front, they're forging Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). These collaborations leverage government oversight and private-sector innovation. For example, the UAE Cyber Security Council is working with the UN's ITU to boost cybersecurity expertise and share best practices. This partnership extends beyond education, with joint exercises simulating cyberattacks to test defenses. Additionally, the UAE has established its own cybersecurity authority, demonstrating a strong commitment to digital security. They're not going it alone - memorandums of understanding with leading cybersecurity firms, like Group-IB, show a willingness to combine resources and develop new technologies. This focus on collaboration extends even further, with partnerships like the one between the UAE government and Mastercard aiming to leverage AI for financial crime prevention. By fostering a culture of information sharing, training, and technological advancement, the UAE is well-positioned to address the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Cloud Security on the Rise

The United Arab Emirates is experiencing a surge in cloud security solutions as businesses increasingly rely on cloud storage and processing. This growth, projected at a rate of over 13% annually until 2027, is fueled by several factors. Firstly, cloud service providers are investing heavily in the region. Secondly, the government is taking proactive steps to improve cybersecurity. Finally, businesses are turning to cloud services for scalability, cost-efficiency, and enhanced protection against cyberattacks. This widespread adoption of cloud technology in both government and private sectors has created a robust cloud environment, but it has also highlighted the need for robust security measures. As a result, the demand for cloud security solutions in the UAE is rapidly growing.

Cybersecurity Education and Training     

Awareness and education are key components of any effective cybersecurity strategy. The UAE is investing in cybersecurity education and training programs to equip professionals with the skills needed to combat cyber threats. From specialized courses in universities to workshops and seminars for businesses, there is a concerted effort to build a strong cybersecurity workforce in the country.

Zero Trust Security Model Gaining Traction

In the UAE, a growing security trend is the adoption of zero-trust security. This model ditches the idea of inherent trust within a network and instead constantly verifies users and devices before granting access to resources. This method is particularly appealing as businesses move away from traditional network perimeters and embrace a more open, cloud-based environment. Experts predict a tenfold increase in zero-trust security use across the Gulf region by 2025, with critical sectors like finance and oil and gas taking the lead. This rapid growth is anticipated to see 10% of large UAE enterprises establish comprehensive zero-trust programs within the next two years, a significant jump from near non-existence in 2023.  While the UAE's zero-trust journey is in its early stages, the presence of numerous international security vendors in the region could significantly accelerate adoption.

Regulatory Compliance

The UAE has implemented stringent cybersecurity regulations to safeguard critical infrastructure and sensitive data. Compliance with these regulations, such as the UAE Information Assurance Regulations (UAE IA) and the Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC), is mandatory for organizations operating in the country. Moreover, the Dubai Cybersecurity Law, issued in 2018, focuses on safeguarding vital data, establishing cybersecurity standards, and outlining penalties for cybercrimes. Adhering to these regulations ensures a baseline level of cybersecurity and helps prevent potential cyber threats.

Quantum Cryptography

With the rise of quantum computing, traditional encryption methods are at risk of being compromised. Quantum cryptography offers a solution by leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to secure communications. The UAE is investing in research and development of quantum cryptography technologies to protect against future cyber threats posed by quantum computers.

Focus on Critical Infrastructure Protection

Protecting critical infrastructure, such as energy, transportation, and healthcare systems, is a top priority in the META region. Governments are implementing specific measures to safeguard these vital sectors from cyber threats. For instance, the UAE's National Cybersecurity Strategy includes provisions for protecting critical infrastructure. These measures are essential for maintaining national security and ensuring the continuity of essential services. Similarly, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 includes significant investments in cybersecurity to support its digital economy ambitions.

Growth of Cybersecurity Startups and Innovations

The META region is witnessing a surge in cybersecurity startups and innovations. Local entrepreneurs are developing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the region's specific needs. Initiatives like Dubai's Innovation Hub and Saudi Arabia's cybersecurity accelerators are fostering a conducive environment for startups to thrive. These startups are focusing on areas such as threat intelligence, endpoint security, and identity management, contributing to the overall cybersecurity landscape.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing

Sharing cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is becoming increasingly important in the META region. Governments and organizations are establishing platforms and frameworks for real-time sharing of threat information. This collaborative approach helps in identifying and mitigating cyber threats more effectively. Regional initiatives, such as the GCC Cybersecurity Center, facilitate CTI sharing among member countries to enhance collective cybersecurity defense.

To Wrap Up

The UAE's cybersecurity landscape is a microcosm of the global battle against cybercrime. While the country's advancements in AI, PPPs, and cloud security are commendable, a crucial question lingers: can these advancements stay ahead of the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals? The future of cybersecurity hinges on the UAE's ability to not only adopt cutting-edge solutions but also anticipate and adapt to the next wave of threats, potentially including those born from the very technologies it champions, like AI. Will the UAE's proactive approach be enough to safeguard its digital future, or will a new breed of cyber threats emerge, demanding even more innovative solutions? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the UAE's journey in cybersecurity is a story worth watching, with valuable lessons for nations around the globe.

How Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) Banks Are Leveraging AI

META banks

The banking industry is one of the main pillars of any nation and they have been an integral part of the critical infrastructure. The government and private banks in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) region have also gone through several transformations, and with the advancement of AI, these financial institutions have adopted artificial intelligence to streamline the banking experience for the common citizens while also ensuring robust cybersecurity measures.    These banks offer a wide range of services beyond traditional banking, including investment banking, insurance, and asset management. As the financial landscape becomes increasingly complex, meta-banks are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and mitigate risks  The Cyber Express explores the AI revolution taking place in META  banks across the region and its benefits, challenges, and prospects of this transformative technology. 

The AI Revolution in META Banks 

The advent of AI has pushed conventional banking into a new era of endless possibilities. With its ability to process vast amounts of data and perform complex tasks with speed and accuracy, AI has become a game-changer in the financial industry.   META banks are leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning techniques to automate routine processes, analyze customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions. By harnessing the power of AI, these banks can gain a competitive edge by offering personalized products and services, reducing operational costs, and improving overall efficiency.  AI is revolutionizing various aspects of metabanking, from customer service to risk management. Chatbots, powered by AI, have become the face of customer interactions, providing round-the-clock assistance and resolving queries in real time.   These virtual assistants not only enhance customer satisfaction but also free up human resources to focus on more complex tasks. Additionally, AI-powered predictive analytics enable banks in the META region to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, helping them tailor their offerings to meet individual needs. Moreover, AI algorithms are proving invaluable in detecting fraudulent activities, enhancing compliance, and minimizing financial risks.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence-led Banking in the META Region

The benefits of AI in banking are manifold. Firstly, AI enables these banks to improve operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and reducing human error. This not only saves time but also lowers costs, allowing banks to allocate resources more effectively. By leveraging AI-powered analytics, META banks can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, enabling them to offer personalized products and services. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and drives revenue growth. Furthermore, AI enhances risk management capabilities in META banks. With AI algorithms constantly monitoring transactions and analyzing patterns, potential fraudulent activities can be detected and flagged in real time.   This not only protects the interests of customers but also safeguards the reputation of META banks. AI-powered cybersecurity is a key component of this risk management strategy. By utilizing AI to identify and counter cyber threats, banks in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa can ensure the security of their systems and protect sensitive customer data from unauthorized access. 

Implementing Artificial Intelligence in META Banks 

Implementing AI in the banking sector requires careful planning and strategic execution. The first step is to identify the areas where AI can bring the most value. This could include customer service, risk management, compliance, or data analytics. Once the areas are identified, META banks need to invest in the right AI technologies and infrastructure. This includes acquiring AI software, hardware, and the necessary IT resources to support AI implementation.  Data plays a crucial role in the success of AI implementation. Banks in the META region need to ensure that they have access to high-quality, structured data that can be used to train AI algorithms. This may require data integration and consolidation efforts across different systems and departments within the bank. Additionally, both private and government banks need to establish governance frameworks and protocols to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. This includes addressing issues such as bias, transparency, and accountability.  Cybersecurity is a top concern for financial institutions, given the sensitive nature of the data they handle. AI is proving to be a powerful tool in combating cyber threats and protecting customer information. AI-powered cybersecurity systems can analyze vast amounts of data in real time, detecting anomalies and identifying potential threats. These systems can learn from past attacks and adapt their defenses accordingly, making them more effective against cybercrime actors.   AI algorithms can detect patterns and behaviors that may indicate a cyber attack, such as unusual login attempts or unauthorized access to customer accounts. By continuously monitoring network traffic and user behavior, AI-powered cybersecurity systems can swiftly respond to potential threats, mitigating the risk of data breaches. Furthermore, AI can assist in fraud detection by identifying suspicious transactions or activities that deviate from normal customer behavior. 

Challenges and Risks of AI in META Banks 

While the benefits of AI in META banks are undeniable, some challenges and risks need to be addressed. One of the major challenges is the availability of quality data. AI algorithms rely on large volumes of accurate and relevant data to make accurate predictions and decisions. META banks need to ensure that their data is clean, well-structured, and easily accessible to maximize the effectiveness of AI. This may require investments in data management and data governance processes.  Another challenge is the ethical use of AI. As AI becomes more integrated into banking operations, concerns arise regarding bias, transparency, and privacy. AI algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. META banks must establish ethical frameworks and guidelines to ensure that AI is used responsibly and in a manner that respects individual privacy and rights.  The future of AI in META banks is promising. As AI technologies continue to advance, banks in the META region will be able to further enhance their operations and customer experiences. One area with immense potential is predictive analytics. By leveraging AI algorithms, META banks can predict customer behavior, market trends, and economic indicators, enabling them to make informed business decisions and stay ahead of the competition.  Additionally, the rise of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) will create new opportunities for AI in the META region. The ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of data from diverse sources will enable banks in the META region to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, market dynamics, and risk factors. AI-powered chatbots will become even more sophisticated, providing personalized recommendations and engaging in natural language conversations with customers. 


The AI revolution is reshaping the banking sector in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa. By embracing AI technologies, banks in the META region can unlock a multitude of benefits, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced risk management, and personalized customer experiences.   However, the successful implementation of AI requires careful planning, investment in infrastructure, and the ethical use of data. Despite the challenges and risks, the future of AI in META banks is bright, with the potential to revolutionize the way financial services are delivered and experienced. 

Why Next-Gen Data Intelligence Platforms are a Game Changer for Businesses?

Next-Gen Data Intelligence Platforms

By Siddharth Deshmukh, Chief Operating Officer, Clover Infotech In today’s competitive business landscape, making informed decisions and managing resources efficiently is more critical than ever. However, many businesses face challenges with data silos and the complex integration of diverse technologies for data management and analytics. This is where next-gen data intelligence platforms come into play. They enable businesses to transcend traditional data and analytics applications, providing insights tailored to users' roles and workflows.

Why Next-Gen Data Intelligence Platforms Are Game Changers

They enhance data integration and management Next-gen data intelligence platforms integrate data from a variety of sources, both structured and unstructured, including IoT devices, social media, and external databases, offering a comprehensive view of business operations. By helping businesses understand how their data relates to different processes and goals, these platforms provide a holistic perspective on various aspects such as customers, products, accounts, suppliers, and employees. This enables businesses to make quick, informed decisions. They leverage predictive and prescriptive AI/ML models Through predictive and prescriptive AI models, these platforms can predict trends, customer behavior, and potential disruptions, allowing businesses to proactively address issues. Further to prediction, these platforms can suggest actions to optimize performance, enabling enterprises to improve efficiency and reduce costs. They facilitate improved decision-making With advanced analytics and real-time data, decision-makers have access to accurate and up-to-date information. Further, virtualization tools help in interpreting complex data sets, making it easier for stakeholders to understand insights and take suitable actions. They automate processes and boost efficiency These platforms can automate routine tasks and processes, reducing manual effort and minimizing human errors. By streamlining processes and providing actionable insights, these platforms help optimize resources and improve operational efficiency. They offer scalability and flexibility Next-gen data intelligence platforms are built to scale with the business, accommodating growth and changing business needs. They also offer flexibility in deployment options (cloud, on-premise, hybrid), and can adapt to various business models and processes They augment user experience Since such platforms offer customized experiences to users based on their roles and preferences, they improve usability and satisfaction. With cloud-based solutions, users can access data and receive actionable insights from anywhere. This facilitates seamless cohesion and collaboration. Many technology leaders such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Google have their data intelligence platforms combining data integration, analytics, AI models, and intelligent applications to enable customers to achieve better outcomes. Oracle’s Fusion Data Intelligence Platform delivers businesses data-as-a-service with automated data pipelines, 360-degree data models, rich interactive analytics, AI/ML models, and intelligent applications. In conclusion, next-gen data intelligence platforms empower existing systems and processes with advanced capabilities that drive smarter, faster, and more strategic business operations. By leveraging real-time data, advanced analytics, and automation, businesses can enhance their decision-making processes, optimize operations, and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven world. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

TCE Cyberwatch: Weekly Roundup Highlights AI Risks, Data Breaches, and Legal Battles

TCE Cyberwatch

This week on TCE Cyberwatch, we are looking at legal controversies that are now on the rise due to the introduction of new features in AI. Famous actors like Scarlett Johansson face the burnt of it, along with Governments who are getting together to discuss the impact of AI on important world events. Staying informed to know what is going on behind the scenes of things you may be using, watching, or partaking in is important. Vulnerabilities and breaches are constantly being found and occurring. In very common and large companies like Medisecure, it is important to ensure you know if something like that can be on its way to affect you. So, to stay updated, The Cyber Express has compiled the weekly happening in the cybersecurity world in the form of TCE Cyberwatch. Read on to find out what are they:

TCE Cyberwatch: A Weekly Round-Up

AI's Dark Side: Experts Warn of Cybercrime, Election Attacks at Congressional Hearing

At a U.S. congressional hearing on AI misuse, data security and privacy experts discussed AI’s diverse threats, including cybercrime, election interference, and nation-state attacks. The House Committee on Homeland Security announced their aim of incorporating AI into upcoming legislation, and panelists emphasized that AI has empowered cybercriminals, making it crucial to integrate AI into cybersecurity measures. The spokesperson from Palo Alto Networks stressed the need for secure AI development and oversight. Concerns about election security were raised, and the Centre for Democracy and Technology proposed guidelines for responsible AI use, emphasizing proper training data, independent testing, and human rights safeguards. They warned against the hasty deployment of AI, advocating for a careful approach to ensure long-term benefits. Read More

Courtroom Recording Software Hit by Supply Chain Attack, Thousands Potentially Affected

Hackers compromised Justice AV Solutions (JAVS), a widely-used courtroom recording platform, by inserting a backdoor in a software update. JAVS software, installed in over 10,000 locations globally, was affected when hackers replaced the Viewer 8.3.7 software with a compromised file. JAVS responded by removing the affected version from its website, resetting passwords, and auditing its systems. The company assured that current files are malware-free and urged users to verify their software is digitally signed. Cybersecurity firm Rapid7 identified the backdoor as linked to the GateDoor and Rustdoor malware families, often used by the ShadowSyndicate cybercrime group. They advised users to reimage affected systems and reset credentials, as merely uninstalling the software is insufficient. Read More

Australian Regulator Sues Optus Over Massive Data Breach of 10 Million Customers

Australia's media regulator is suing telecom carrier Optus, owned by Singapore Telecommunications, over a massive data breach in September 2022. The breach exposed the personal information of 10 million Australians, including addresses, passports, and phone numbers. Following the breach, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese advocated for stricter privacy laws to ensure companies notify banks quickly in such incidents. The Australian Communications and Media Authority claims Optus failed to protect customer data from unauthorized access. Optus, which has been cooperating with authorities, stated it cannot yet determine potential penalties and plans to defend itself in court. The company has been under scrutiny recently due to a separate 12-hour network blackout affecting over 10 million customers. Read More

Critical WordPress Vulnerabilities: Update Plugins Immediately!

The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore has issued an urgent alert regarding critical vulnerabilities in several WordPress plugins. These vulnerabilities pose significant security risks, potentially allowing unauthorized access and exploitation. To address these issues, security updates have been released. SingCERT has identified nine critical vulnerabilities, including those allowing arbitrary file uploads and SQL injection, and has provided mitigation strategies. Users are strongly advised to update to the latest plugin versions immediately. Additional measures, such as virtual patching, can offer temporary protection. Regular updates and monitoring are essential for safeguarding WordPress websites against potential threats. For more details, users should consult the respective plugin documentation and developer updates. Read More

Ransomware Attack on Spanish Bioenergy Plant Highlights ICS Vulnerabilities

A ransomware attack by the Ransomhub group on the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) of a Spanish bioenergy plant underscores the risks of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. The attack targeted the SCADA system, crucial for managing the plant's operations, encrypting over 400 GB of data and disrupting essential functions. Organizations must fortify defenses by implementing robust network segmentation, regular software updates, secure remote access, and diligent monitoring. Developing and testing incident response plans are essential to minimize the impact of such attacks. This incident highlights the need for heightened vigilance and proactive measures to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Read More 

Islamabad's Safe City Project Exposed: Hack Highlights Security Failures

Islamabad’s Safe City Authority faced a severe disruption after hackers breached its online system, forcing an immediate shutdown. The project, launched with Chinese financial support, aimed to enhance security with advanced technology, including CCTV cameras and facial recognition. The hack exposed vulnerabilities, as hackers accessed sensitive databases and compromised crucial systems like criminal records and human resources. Despite a firewall alert, the lack of backup servers necessitated a complete shutdown. The breach affected key services, revealing weak security practices, such as simple login credentials and outdated software. The isolated camera management system remained secure. Police confirmed the breach and have taken steps to improve security. The project, controversial due to transparency issues and cost overruns, has faced criticism for not achieving its security goals. Financial difficulties and operational setbacks further marred its effectiveness, and the recent hack has intensified scrutiny of the initiative. Read More 

Massive Data Breach at Pharma Giant Cencora Exposes Millions

The Cencora data breach has impacted more than a dozen pharmaceutical companies, including Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, leaking personal and health data of hundreds of thousands. Cencora, formerly AmerisourceBergen, and its Lash Group affiliate revealed the breach to the SEC, indicating data exfiltration from its systems. With operations in 50 countries and significant revenue, Cencora did not initially detail the breach's scope but later notifications identified 15 affected companies. At least 542,000 individuals' data, including names, addresses, birthdates, health diagnoses, and prescriptions, were compromised. Despite the breach, no misuse or public disclosure of the data has been reported. The company has offered affected individuals credit monitoring and identity theft protection services and is enhancing its security measures. This incident highlights ongoing vulnerabilities in the healthcare sector, which has seen several recent cyberattacks. Read More

MediSecure Ransomware Breach: 6.5 TB of Patient Data Listed for Sale on Dark Web

MediSecure, an Australian digital prescription service provider, confirmed that data stolen in a recent ransomware attack is for sale on the dark web. The breach, originating from a third-party provider, exposed personal and health information of patients and healthcare providers up to November 2023. The hacker, Ansgar, began selling the data for $50,000 on May 23, claiming to possess 6.5 terabytes of sensitive information. MediSecure alerted the public, urging them not to seek out the stolen data, which includes names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, insurance numbers, prescriptions, and login details. Australia's National Cyber Security Coordinator and police are investigating. MediSecure emphasized that the breach does not affect the Australian healthcare system's ongoing operations or access to medication. They are working to notify affected individuals and assure them of measures to protect against further risks. Read More

OpenAI Backtracks on Voice Assistant After Scarlett Johansson Raises Concerns

OpenAI's new voice assistant debuts with a voice similar to actress Scarlett Johansson's, who expresses shock and anger, as she had previously declined an offer to voice ChatGPT, especially given her role in the 2013 film *Her*. OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, seemingly acknowledged this connection in a social media post. Despite OpenAI's claim that the voice belonged to another actress, Johansson's concerns highlight broader tensions between AI and the creative industries. OpenAI has since dropped the controversial voice and is working on tools for content creators to manage their work's use in AI training. The incident underscores the need for stronger legal protections, like the No Fakes Act, to safeguard personal likenesses. Legal experts believe Johansson might have grounds for a lawsuit, referencing similar past cases like Bette Midler's against Ford. As AI technology advances, such legal disputes are expected to increase. Read More

To Wrap Up

Here at TCE, we hope these weekly roundups continue to keep you informed about the latest in the cybersecurity industry. Our coverage not only includes cyberattacks but also developments in the legal aspects of AI, which are becoming increasingly important as technology evolves. We aim to keep you updated on new developments in the industry, including impacts on companies and the general public, such as recent events involving Medicare. Our goal is to ensure everyone stays safe and knows the appropriate responses if affected by these situations.

NIST Hires External Contractor to Help Tackle National Vulnerability Database Backlog

National Vulnerability Database Backlog NIST

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has taken a big step to address the growing backlog of unprocessed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). The institute has hired an external contractor to contribute additional processing support in its operations. The contractor hasn't been named, but NIST said it expects that the move will allow it to return to normal processing rates within the next few months.

Clearing the National Vulnerability Database Backlog

NIST is responsible for managing entries in the NVD. After being overwhelmed with the volume of entries amid a growing backlog of CVEs that have accumulated since February, the institute has awarded an external party with a contract to aid in its processing efforts. "We are confident that this additional support will allow us to return to the processing rates we maintained prior to February 2024 within the next few months," the agency stated. To further alleviate the backlog, the NIST is also working closely with CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, to improve its overall operations and processes. "We anticipate that this backlog will be cleared by the end of the fiscal year," the NIST stated. In its status update, NIST referenced an earlier statement the agency made that it was exploring various means to address the increasing volume of vulnerabilities through the use of modernized technology and improvements to its processes. [caption id="attachment_73938" align="alignnone" width="2332"]National Vulnerability Database Backlog NIST CISA Source: NIST NVD Status Updates[/caption] "Our goal is to build a program that is sustainable for the long term and to support the automation of vulnerability management, security measurement and compliance," the institute said. NIST reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining and modernizing the NVD, stating, "NIST is fully committed to preserving and updating this vital national resource, which is crucial for building trust in information technology and fostering innovation."

CISA's 'Vulnrichment' Initiative

In response to the growing NVD backlog at NIST, CISA had launched its own initiative called "Vulnrichment" to help enrich the public CVE records. CISA's Vulnrichment project is designed to complement the work of the originating CNA (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Numbering Authority) and reduce the burden on NIST's analysts. CISA said it would use an SSVC decision tree model to categorize vulnerabilities. The agency will consider factors like exploitation status, technical impact, impact on mission-essential functions, public well-being, and whether the exploitation is automatable. CISA welcomes feedback from the IT cybersecurity community on this effort. By providing enriched CVE data, CISA aims to improve the overall quality and usefulness of the NVD for cybersecurity professionals. "For those CVEs that do not already have these fields populated by the originating CNA, CISA will populate the associated ADP container with those values when there is enough supporting evidence to do so," the agency explained. As NIST and CISA work to address the current challenges, they have pledged to keep the community informed of their progress as well as on future modernization plans. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Hacker Links Ticketmaster and Santander Data Leaks to Snowflake Breach

Snowflake Breach

A threat actor has reportedly taken responsibility for recent data breaches involving Ticketmaster and Santander Bank, claiming they stole data after hacking an employee account at Snowflake, a third-party cloud storage company. Snowflake, however, has shot down these breach claims, attributing the breaches to poor credential hygiene in customer accounts instead.
"To date, we do not believe this activity is caused by any vulnerability, misconfiguration, or malicious activity within the Snowflake product," the cloud storage giant said in a statement today.
Snowflake's AI Data Cloud platform serves more than 9,000 customers, including major companies such as Adobe, AT&T, Capital One, DoorDash, HP, JetBlue, Mastercard, Micron, NBC Universal, Nielsen, Novartis, Okta, PepsiCo, Siemens, US Foods, Western Union, and Yamaha, among others.

Alleged Snowflake Breach Details

According to cybersecurity firm Hudson Rock, the threat actor claims to have accessed data from additional high-profile companies using Snowflake's services, including Anheuser-Busch, State Farm, Mitsubishi, Progressive, Neiman Marcus, Allstate, and Advance Auto Parts. The method described involved bypassing Okta's authentication by using stolen credentials to log into a Snowflake employee's ServiceNow account. From there, they allegedly generated session tokens to extract data from Snowflake customers. Hudson Rock reported that the threat actor claimed the breach affected up to 400 companies, showing evidence of access to over 2,000 customer instances related to Snowflake's Europe servers.

Extortion Attempt and Malware Involvement

The threat actor claimed to have attempted to extort Snowflake for $20 million to buy back the stolen data, but Snowflake did not respond. Hudson Rock noted that a Snowflake employee was infected with a Lumma-type Infostealer in October, which stole their corporate credentials. The malware infection was supported by screenshots shared by the threat actor.

Snowflake Responds

Snowflake has confirmed breaches of customer accounts but denied that any vulnerability or misconfiguration in its products was exploited. The cloud storage company stated that they observed unauthorized access to certain customer accounts , which they said is likely unrelated to any flaws in Snowflake's infrastructure.
"We believe this is the result of ongoing industry-wide, identity-based attacks with the intent to obtain customer data. Research indicates that these types of attacks are performed with our customers’ user credentials that were exposed through unrelated cyber threat activity.
Snowflake has notified the "limited" number of customers about these attacks and urged them to enhance their account security by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Tools and Indicators of Compromise

The company published a security bulletin containing Indicators of Compromise (IoCs), investigative queries, and guidance for securing affected accounts. One IoC indicates that the threat actors used a custom tool named "RapeFlake" to exfiltrate data from Snowflake's databases. Another showed the use of "DBeaver Ultimate" data management tools, with logs indicating connections from the "DBeaver_DBeaverUltimate" user agent. Snowflake also shared query to identify access from suspected clients and how to disable a suspected user. But this might not be enough. A very important step here is: "If you have enabled the ALLOW_ID_TOKEN parameter on your account, the user must be left in the disabled state for 6 hours to fully invalidate any possible unauthorized access via this ID token feature.  If the user is re-enabled before this time the attacker may be able to generate a new session using an existing ID token, even after the password has been reset or MFA has been enabled." While a threat actor claims to have breached Snowflake and accessed data from numerous high-profile companies, Snowflake maintains that these breaches resulted from compromised customer accounts rather than any inherent vulnerabilities in their systems. Snowflake continues to investigate the incidents and has taken steps to improve customer account security.

Multiple Vulnerabilities Reported in LenelS2 NetBox Entry Tracking and Event Monitoring Tool

LenelS2 NetBox Carrier Multiple Vulnerabilities

Carrier has issued a serious product security advisory confirming the existence of several vulnerabilities in its LenelS2 NetBox access control and event monitoring platform. These vulnerabilities expose the monitoring system to potential compromise, such as remote code execution. The reported vulnerabilities are significant, as NetBox is often used to guard entries at critical facilities such as government-controlled sites and major corporations.

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Carrier's LenelS2 NetBox

Three vulnerabilities were identified in Carrier's product security advisory for NetBox. The most critical (CVE-2024-2420) of these vulnerabilities could potentially enable an attacker to circumvent authentication requirements and obtain elevated permissions, presenting a serious risk to enterprises which deploy the tool. [caption id="attachment_73894" align="alignnone" width="1478"]Carrier LenelS2 NetBox Multiple Vulnerabilities Source: Carrier Product Security Advisory[/caption] Successful compromise could allow an attacker to install programs, view, edit, modify data, delete data from the platform or create new user accounts with full privileges. However, this depends on the access level of accounts that had been compromised in the event of an attack. The impact of a potential attack could be lower on systems configured with low level of user access. The vulnerabilities affect all LenelS2 NetBox versions prior to 5.6.2. The identified vulnerabilities are as follows:
  • CVE-2024-2420 (CVSS v3.1 Base Score 9.8, Critical): A vulnerability involving a hard-coded password in the system that could permit an attacker to bypass authentication requirements.
  • CVE-2024-2421 (CVSS v3.1 Base Score 9.1, Critical): An unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability that could permit an attacker with elevated permissions to run malicious commands
  • CVE-2024-2422 (CVSS v3.1 Base Score 8.8, High): An authenticated remote code execution vulnerability that could permit an attacker to execute malicious commands.
The Center of Internet Security stated that these vulnerabilities pose higher risks to large and medium government or business entities, while posing lower risks to small businesses and individual home owners. [caption id="attachment_73896" align="alignnone" width="1128"]LenelS2 NetBox Multiple Vulnerabilities Carrier Source:[/caption]

Vulnerability Remediation

Carrier has attempted to address these vulnerabilities in its latest release of NetBox version 5.6.2. Carrier has advised customers to immediately upgrade to the latest release version by reaching out to their authorized NetBox installer. As mitigation, Carrier also advised customers to follow the recommended deployment guidelines, which are detailed in its NetBox hardening guide accessible through NetBox's built-in help menu. The Center of Internet Security has advised customers to take additional measures such as applying appropriate updates to NetBox systems, applying the principle of least privilege to user accounts, rigorous scanning of vulnerabilities and isolating critical systems, functions, or resources. The lack of basic security safeguards along with poor code practices such as the presence of hard-coded authentication tokens and improper input sanitization raises concerns about the usage of NetBox to guard physical access to important business and government areas or critical infrastructure. While there are no confirmed reports of the NetBox vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild, the severity of these vulnerabilities mark them as an important security consideration as countless organizations could be at risk of devastating attacks. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Copilot+ Recall is ‘Dumbest Cybersecurity Move in a Decade’: Researcher

Copilot Recall privacy settings

A new Microsoft Windows feature dubbed Recall planned for Copilot+ PCs has been called a security and privacy nightmare by cybersecurity researchers and privacy advocates. Copilot Recall will be enabled by default and will capture frequent screenshots, or “snapshots,” of a user’s activity and store them in a local database tied to the user account. The potential for exposure of personal and sensitive data through the new feature has alarmed security and privacy advocates and even sparked a UK inquiry into the issue.

Copilot Recall Privacy and Security Claims Challenged

In a long Mastodon thread on the new feature, Windows security researcher Kevin Beaumont wrote, “I’m not being hyperbolic when I say this is the dumbest cybersecurity move in a decade. Good luck to my parents safely using their PC.” In a blog post on Recall security and privacy, Microsoft said that processing and storage are done only on the local device and encrypted, but even Microsoft’s own explanations raise concerns: “Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. That data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device, especially when sites do not follow standard internet protocols like cloaking password entry.” Security and privacy advocates take issue with assertions that the data is stored securely on the local device. If someone has a user’s password or if a court orders that data be turned over for legal or law enforcement purposes, the amount of data exposed could be much greater with Recall than would otherwise be exposed. Domestic abuse situations could be worsened. And hackers, malware and infostealers will have access to vastly more data than they would without Recall. Beaumont said the screenshots are stored in a SQLite database, “and you can access it as the user including programmatically. It 100% does not need physical access and can be stolen.” He posted a video (republished below) he said was of two Microsoft engineers gaining access to the Recall database folder with apparent ease, “with SQLite database right there.” [videopress izzNn3K5]

Does Recall Have Cloud Hooks?

Beaumont also questioned Microsoft’s assertion that all this is done locally. “So the code underpinning Copilot+ Recall includes a whole bunch of Azure AI backend code, which has ended up in the Windows OS,” he wrote on Mastodon.  “It also has a ton of API hooks for user activity monitoring. “It opens a lot of attack surface. ... They really went all in with this and it will have profound negative implications for the safety of people who use Microsoft Windows.”

Data May Not Be Completely Deleted

And sensitive data deleted by users will still be saved in Recall screenshots. “There's no feature to delete screenshots of things you delete while using your PC,” Beaumont said. “You would have to remember to go and purge screenshots that Recall makes every few seconds. If you or a friend use disappearing messages in WhatsApp, Signal etc, it is recorded regardless.” One commenter said Copilot Recall seems to raise compliance issues too, in part by creating additional unnecessary data that could survive deletion requests. “[T]his comprehensively fails PCI and GDPR immediately and the SOC2 controls list ain't looking so good either,” the commenter said. Leslie Carhart, Director of Incident Response at Dragos, replied that “the outrage and disbelief are warranted.” A second commenter noted, “GDPR has a very simple concept: Data Minimization. Quite simply, only store data that you actually have a legitimate, legal purpose for; and only for as long as necessary. Right there, this fails in spectacular fashion on both counts. It's going to store vast amounts of data for no specific purpose, potentially for far longer than any reasonable use of that data.” It remains to be seen if Microsoft will make any modifications to Recall to quell concerns before it officially ships. If not, security and privacy experts may find themselves busier than ever.

Andariel APT Using DoraRAT and Nestdoor Malware to Spy on South Korean Businesses

Andariel APT, Remote Access Trojan, RAT, North Korea

Researchers have uncovered new attacks by a North Korean advanced persistent threat actor – Andariel APT group – targeting Korean corporations and other organizations. The victims include educational institutions and companies in the manufacturing and construction sectors. The attackers employed keyloggers, infostealers, and proxy tools alongside backdoors to control and extract data from compromised systems, said researchers at the AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC). The malware used in these attacks includes strains previously attributed to the Andariel APT group, including the backdoor "Nestdoor." Additional tools include web shells and proxy tools linked to the North Korean Lazarus group that now contain modifications compared to earlier versions. Researchers first observed a confirmed attack case where a malware was distributed via a web server running an outdated 2013 version of Apache Tomcat, which is vulnerable to various attacks. "The threat actor used the web server to install backdoors, proxy tools, etc.," the researchers said. [caption id="attachment_73866" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]Andariel APT Apache Tomcat compromised to spread malware by Andariel APT. (Credit: Ahnlab)[/caption]

Malware Used by Andariel APT in this Campaign

The first of the two malware strains used in the latest campaign was Nestdoor, a remote access trojan (RAT) that has been active since May 2022. This RAT can execute commands from the threat actor to control infected systems. Nestdoor has been found in numerous Andariel attacks, including those exploiting the VMware Horizon product’s Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228). The malware is developed in C++ and features capabilities such as file upload/download, reverse shell, command execution, keylogging, clipboard logging, and proxy functionalities. A specific case in 2022 involved Nestdoor being distributed alongside TigerRAT using the same command and control (C&C) server. Another incident in early 2024 saw Nestdoor disguised as an OpenVPN installer. This version maintained persistence via the Task Scheduler and communicated with a C&C server. The Andariel APT has been developing new malware strains in the Go language for each campaign. Dora RAT, a recent discovery is one such malware strain. The backdoor malware supports reverse shell and file transfer operations and exists in two forms: a standalone executable and an injected process within "explorer.exe." The latter variant uses an executable in WinRAR SFX format, which includes an injector malware. The Dora RAT has been signed with a valid certificate from a UK software developer in an attempt to make it look legitimate.

Additional Malware Strains

  • Keylogger/Cliplogger: Performs basic functions like logging keystrokes and clipboard contents, stored in the “%TEMP%” directory.
  • Stealer: It is designed to exfiltrate files from the system, potentially handling large quantities of data.
  • Proxy: Includes both custom-created proxy tools and open-source Socks5 proxy tools. Some proxies are similar to those used by the Lazarus group in past attacks.
The Andariel group, part of the larger Lazarus umbrella, has shifted from targeting national security information to also pursuing financial gains. Last month, the South Korean National Police Agency revealed a targeted campaign of the Andariel APT aimed at stealing the country’s defense technology. Andariel APT hackers gained access to defense industry data by compromising an employee account, which was used in maintaining servers of a defense industry partner. The hackers injected malicious code into the partner’s servers around October 2022, and extracted stored defense technology data. This breach exploited a loophole in how employees used their personal and professional email accounts for official system access. Andariel APT's initial attack methodology primarily includes spear phishing, watering hole attacks, and exploiting software vulnerabilities. Users should remain cautious with email attachments from unknown sources and executable files from websites. Security administrators are advised to keep software patched and updated, including operating systems and browsers, to mitigate the risk of malware infections, the researchers recommended.

IoCs to Watch for Signs of Andariel APT Attacks

IoCs to monitor for attacks from Andariel APT group include: MD5s – 7416ea48102e2715c87edd49ddbd1526: Nestdoor – Recent attack case (nest.exe) – a2aefb7ab6c644aa8eeb482e27b2dbc4: Nestdoor – TigerRAT attack case (psfile.exe) – e7fd7f48fbf5635a04e302af50dfb651: Nestdoor – OpenVPN attack case (openvpnsvc.exe) – 33b2b5b7c830c34c688cf6ced287e5be: Nestdoor launcher (FirewallAPI.dll) – 4bc571925a80d4ae4aab1e8900bf753c: Dora RAT dropper (spsvc.exe) – 951e9fcd048b919516693b25c13a9ef2: Dora RAT dropper (emaupdate.exe) – fee610058c417b6c4b3054935b7e2730: Dora RAT injector (version.dll) – afc5a07d6e438880cea63920277ed270: Dora RAT injector (version.dll) – d92a317ef4d60dc491082a2fe6eb7a70: Dora RAT (emaupdate.exe) – 5df3c3e1f423f1cce5bf75f067d1d05c: Dora RAT (msload.exe) – 094f9a757c6dbd6030bc6dae3f8feab3: Dora RAT (emagent.exe) – 468c369893d6fc6614d24ea89e149e80: Keylogger/Cliplogger (conhosts.exe) – 5e00df548f2dcf7a808f1337f443f3d9: Stealer (msload.exe) C&Cs – 45.58.159[.]237:443: Nestdoor – Recent attack case – 4.246.149[.]227:1443: Nestdoor – TigerRAT attack case – 209.127.19[.]223:443: Nestdoor – OpenVPN attack case – kmobile.bestunif[.]com:443 – Dora RAT – 206.72.205[.]117:443 – Dora RAT

Pirated Copies of Microsoft Office Used to Distribute Frequent Malware in South Korea

South Korean South Korea Pirated Copies

South Korean researchers have observed the malicious use of pirated copies and cracked activators of legitimate productivity and office utility programs such as Hangul Word Processor and Microsoft Office to disguise malicious programs. The malware maintains persistence by scheduling regular upgrades on affected systems, leading to consistent installation of newer strains of the malware multiple times every week.

Malicious Pirated Copies of Microsoft Office and Other Programs

Researchers from AhnLab discovered that attackers have been creating and distributing malicious copies of popular utility software. These copies were distributed through common file-sharing platforms and torrent websites. The operation takes advantage of users looking to obtain free copies of software without paying the required license fee. When downloaded and executed, the programs usually appear as convincing cracked installers or activators for programs such as Microsoft Office or the Hangul word processor. While the initial downloader was developed in .NET, the attackers appear to have moved to more obfuscated attack techniques. The malware retrieves its instructions for the next stage of its attack from Telegram or Mastodon channels operated by the attackers. These channels contain encrypted Base64 strings that lead to Google Drive or GitHub URLs that host the malicious payloads. These malicious payloads are downloaded and decrypted through the use of the legitimate 7-zip archive utility that is commonly present on systems and operates with low footprint. Researchers discovered that the decrypted payloads contained PowerShell instructions to load and execute additional malware components on the victim's system. The malware strains loaded on the infected systems include:
  • OrcusRAT: A remote access trojan with extensive capabilities like keylogging, webcam access, and remote screen control.
  • XMRig Cryptominer: Configured to stop mining when resource-intensive apps are running to avoid detection. Also kills competing miners and security products.
  • 3Proxy: Injects itself into legitimate processes to open a backdoor proxy server.
  • PureCrypter: Fetches and runs additional malicious payloads from attacker-controlled servers.
  • AntiAV: Disrupts security products by repeatedly modifying their configuration files.
The commands include an updater that contains instructions to maintain persistence over the system through the use of the native Windows Task Scheduler present on the Windows operating system. C&C server addresses shared by the researchers also indicate that they have been disguised as a minecraft rpg server.

Continuous Reinfection and Distribution

The researchers said systems may remain infected even after the initial infection has been removed, due to the malware's ability to update itself as well as download additional malware payloads. They stated that the attackers had distributed new malware on affected systems multiple times each week to bypass file detection. The researchers said the number of systems that had been compromised in these attacks continued to increase as the registered task scheduler entries loaded additional malicious components on affected systems despite the removal of previous underlying malware. The researchers advised South Korean users to download software and programs from their official sources rather than file-sharing sites. Users who suspect that their systems may already have been infected should remove associated task scheduler entries to block the download of additional malware components, and update their antivirus software to the latest available versions. The researchers have additionally shared indicators of compromise, categories that have been detected as flagged in the attack, MD5 hashes of files used in the attack, associated C&C server addresses, and suspicious behaviors that have been observed during the attack. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Hawk Eye App Data Breach in India: Personal Data of Thousands Exposed in Telangana State

Haw Eye App Data Breach

Hawk Eye, a popular citizen-friendly crime reporting app of Telangana State Police in India, appears to have been hit by a massive data breach, a claim that sources have unofficially confirmed for The Cyber Express. The Hawk Eye app data breach was reportedly masterminded by a threat actor who goes by the name "Adm1nFr1end." The claim that the Hawk Eye app had been hacked emerged May 29 on the data leak site BreachForums. The threat actor claimed that they were revealing the stolen database, which consists of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of users, including the names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, IMEI numbers, and their location coordinates. To substantiate the data breach claim, the threat actor attached sample records, with the latest timestamp of May 2024, while disclosing that the database includes 130,000 SOS records, 70,000 incident reports, and 20,000 travel detail records (screenshot below). Hawk-Eye App Data Breach

Login Data Exposes Hawk Eye App Data Breach

The Hawk Eye App was launched by the Telangana Police in December 2014 for both Android and iPhone users as part of its initiative to become a citizen-friendly and responsive police force. Denizens were encouraged to use the app to report on a wide range of activities, including traffic violations, passing on information about criminals, violations by police, and crime against women, and also to pass on suggestions to the lawmen for improved policing and to credit the good work done by them. A key feature of the app is the SOS button for accessing help in case of emergencies. While logging into the App, users are required to share their personal details, including name, email ID, mobile number and password for registration. The app currently has a 4.4 rating on the Google Play Store, with more than 500,000 downloads on Android alone. [caption id="attachment_73712" align="alignnone" width="720"]Hawk Eye Data Breach Source: Hawk Eye App on Android[/caption]

Hawk Eye App Data Breach Samples

A few of the samples exposed by the threat actor revealed that one woman had filed a complaint on the Hawk Eye App to share that a man had initially promised to marry her and is now facing threats from him and his family. Alarmingly, the data leak revealed her name, mobile number, location, date, and time of complaint, potentially putting her at risk. In several other cases, citizens had filed complaints of traffic violations, and their data used initially to login to the App, including name, email address, and phone numbers, were revealed in the data breach. Hawk-Eye App Data Breach What is noteworthy about the above examples is that all these users had filed complaints only in May 2024, which suggests that the data from the Hawk Eye App was hacked this month.

Cops Wary of Hawk Eye App Data Breach

When The Cyber Express downloaded the “Hawk Eye -Telangana Police” app on Android on May 31, the app remained non-functional after the tester entered the primary details. Surprisingly, the app did not appear when the user tried to download it from the Apple Store. Sources in the Telangana Police have confirmed to The Cyber Express that there was a failure to upgrade the app and the process for updating a patch is an ongoing exercise. Police sources in the Telangana IT wing shared that they were working with vendors to install an updated patch. This, the police officials shared, could be a reason for the app details being breached. Additional Director General of Police (Technical Services) VV Srinivasa Rao of the Telangana Police shared that the task of upgrading Hawk Eye has been given to developers and that it should be available for the latest Android versions shortly. DGP Shikha Goel, who is also the director of the Telangana State Cyber Security Bureau, was unavailable for comment. We update this story as we get more information. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

RedTail Cryptominer Evolves with Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 Vulnerability

RedTail cryptominer

The operators of RedTail cryptominer, which was the biggest cryptominer operation last year, have now started to take advantage of the Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability to target their victims. According to a report by cloud computing company Akamai, the hacker expanded their attack vector to include the Palo Alto PAN-OS vulnerability, though the sophistication and evasive techniques utilized by the RedTail variant are notable in this campaign, they wrote. The evolution of the RedTail cryptominer hints at a direct investment of resources, particularly staffing, infrastructure, and advanced obfuscation techniques. The threat actor’s chain of infection begins with the adoption of CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability and the incorporation of private cryptomining pools into their operation. 

RedTail Cryptominer Leverages Private Cryptomining Pools

According to Akamai, the folks behind the RedTail cryptominer have chosen to use "private cryptomining pools" to have more control over their mining activities, even though it comes with higher operational and financial costs. The tactics used in this campaign closely resemble those used by the Lazarus group, as per the research. One noteworthy aspect of this variant is its use of private cryptomining pools. By using these private pools, the attackers can have better control and security over their operations, just like other popular threat groups. This shift towards private pools suggests a more coordinated and intentional strategy in cryptomining activities, which raises the possibility of involvement by nation-state actors. The goal of combining system and user prompts is to help the assistant refine the text and make it sound more like it was written by a human, while still maintaining the original content's purpose and accuracy.

RedTail Cryptominer: Sneaky and Stealthy

The RedTail cryptominer is no amateur when it comes to flying under the radar and maintaining its grip on compromised systems. It employs clever tactics like anti-research measures and blends the XMRig cryptomining code with extra layers of encryption and logic. This sneaky combination of system and user prompts is designed to enhance the assistant's skills in transforming the text into a more natural and relatable version, all while staying true to the original content's purpose and accuracy. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets of the RedTail cryptominer! This malware really knows its stuff when it comes to cryptomining. It optimizes its operations to be as efficient and profitable as possible. By using a combination of system and user prompts, the goal is to help the assistant transform the text into something that sounds more human-like while staying true to the original content's purpose and accuracy. In addition to exploiting the PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability, the actors behind RedTail are targeting a variety of other vulnerabilities across different devices and platforms. This encompasses exploits aimed at SSL-VPNs, IoT devices, web applications, and security devices like Ivanti Connect Secure.

How to Use the  Akamai App & API Protector?

Akamai suggests Akamai App&API Protector for additional security features and identifies all Palo Alto devices and patches them to prevent the RedTail cryptominer. The users can also harden their devices for cyberattacks such as web platform attacks, command injections, and local file inclusion.  In addition, instead of merely relying on PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability, the developers of RedTail take advantage of several other vulnerabilities in different platforms and devices. These involve breaches to SSL VPNs, IoT products, web apps, as well as security appliances such as Ivanti Connect Secure.

UnitedHealth’s Leadership Criticized by Senator Wyden for Appointment of Underqualified CISO

Cyberattack on Change Healthcare

"I write to request that your agencies investigate UnitedHealth Group’s (UHG) negligent cybersecurity practices, which caused substantial harm to consumers, investors, the healthcare industry, and U.S. national security. The company, its senior executives, and board of directors must be held accountable," declared Senator Ron Wyden, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, in a letter to federal regulators on May 30. This urgent plea follows the devastating cyberattack on Change Healthcare, a subsidiary of UHG, raising critical questions about the company's cybersecurity integrity. In a four-page letter, Senator Wyden linked the recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare to the infamous SolarWinds data breach, blaming UHG's leadership for a series of risky decisions that ended in this tragic cyberattack. [caption id="attachment_73457" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Cybetattack on Change Healthcare Source: SEC[/caption]

Broader Context of Cyberattack on Change Healthcare

At the heart of the criticism is the appointment of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) who had no prior full-time experience in cybersecurity before assuming the role in June 2023. This, according to Wyden, epitomizes the corporate negligence that has placed countless stakeholders at risk. Wyden argues that Martin's appointment exemplifies a broader pattern of poor decision-making by UHG’s senior executives and board of directors, who should be held accountable for the company’s cybersecurity lapses. The comparison to SolarWinds is particularly telling. The SolarWinds incident exposed vulnerabilities in software supply chains, leading to widespread consequences across multiple sectors. Similarly, UHG's data breach, if proven to result from preventable lapses, highlights the critical need for stringent cybersecurity practices in healthcare, an industry that handles sensitive personal and medical data.

The Incident and Initial Reactions

The incident in question involved hackers exploiting a remote access server at Change Healthcare, which lacked multi-factor authentication (MFA). This basic cybersecurity lapse allowed the attackers to gain an initial foothold, leading to a ransomware infection that crippled UHG’s operations. During testimony before the Senate Finance Committee on May 1, 2024, UHG CEO Andrew Witty admitted that the company’s MFA policy was not uniformly implemented across all external servers. Witty's revelations highlighted a broader issue of inadequate cybersecurity defenses at UHG, despite the industry's reliance on MFA as a fundamental safeguard.

Industry Standards and Regulatory Expectations

Wyden’s letter points out that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has mandated MFA for financial services companies under the Safeguards Rule and has enforced its use in cases against companies like Drizly and Chegg. These precedents establish MFA as a non-negotiable standard for protecting consumer data. UHG's failure to implement this basic security measure on all its servers is a glaring oversight, suggesting a disconnect between its stated policies and actual practices. Moreover, Wyden highlights the necessity of multiple lines of defense in cybersecurity. The fact that hackers could escalate their access from one compromised server to the entire network indicates a lack of network segmentation and other best practices designed to contain breaches. This deficiency exacerbates the initial failure to secure remote access points.

Consequences and Broader Implications

The implications of UHG’s cybersecurity failures are profound. The immediate aftermath saw significant disruptions, with some of UHG's systems taking weeks to restore. Witty admitted that while cloud-based systems were quickly recovered, many critical services running on UHG's own servers were not engineered for rapid restoration. This lack of resilience in UHG’s infrastructure planning highlights a failure to anticipate and mitigate the risk of ransomware attacks, a known and escalating threat. Wyden’s letter also addresses the financial fallout. UHG has already estimated the breach's cost at over a billion dollars, reflecting the significant economic impact of the cyberattack. This financial burden, coupled with negative media coverage, exposes UHG to substantial political and market risks. The case echoes the SEC’s stance in the SolarWinds case, where cybersecurity practices were deemed crucial for investor decisions. Investors in UHG would similarly consider enhanced cybersecurity practices essential, given the potential for massive breaches to affect stock value and company reputation.

Accountability and Regulatory Action

Senator Wyden calls for the FTC and SEC to investigate UHG’s cybersecurity and technology practices, aiming to determine if any federal laws were violated and to hold senior officials accountable. This push for accountability highlights the role of corporate governance in cybersecurity. The Audit and Finance Committee of UHG’s board, responsible for overseeing cybersecurity risks, is criticized for its apparent failure to fulfill its duties. Wyden suggests that the board's lack of cybersecurity expertise likely contributed to the oversight failures, a critical point in an era where cybersecurity threats are increasingly sophisticated and pervasive.

OpenAI Exposes AI-Powered State Actors in Global Influence Operations

covert influence operations

Malicious actors from Russia, China, Israel, and Iran have been leveraging artificial intelligence to target victims, according to OpenAI's latest report. These threat actors from the aforementioned nations are using AI models in covert influence operations. The report details various adversary tactics ranging from the grammatical manipulations by the "Bad Grammar" network to the advanced strategies employed by the "Doppelganger" threat actor, providing deep insights into these malevolent activities. Through an in-depth analysis of recent developments and disruptions, the AI and Covert Influence Operations Latest Trends report offers invaluable insights into the modern-day tactics employed by threat actors to manipulate narratives and influence public opinion across online platforms.

Threat Actors Employ AI and Covert Influence Operations

These threat actors, hailing from diverse geopolitical regions, including Russia, China, Iran, and a commercial entity based in Israel, have exploited the technology of artificial intelligence, especially generative AI, to create a series of covert influence operations. These operations, meticulously documented and analyzed within the report, exemplify the sophisticated strategies employed by malicious actors to exploit AI technologies for their nefarious agendas, says OpenAI. One of the prominent operations highlighted in the report is "Bad Grammar," a previously undisclosed campaign originating from Russia. Operating primarily on the messaging platform Telegram, Bad Grammar sought to disseminate politically charged content targeting audiences in Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States, and the United States. Despite its geographic reach, this operation was characterized by its blatant grammatical errors, reflecting a deliberate attempt to undermine credibility while leveraging AI models for content generation. Similarly, the report sheds light on the activities of "Doppelganger," a persistent threat actor linked to Russia, engaged in disseminating anti-Ukraine propaganda across various online channels. Employing a hybrid approach that combines AI-generated content with traditional formats such as memes sourced from the internet, Doppelganger exemplifies the fusion of old and new tactics in these campaigns.

Influencing Geographical Politics

The report also highlights covert influence campaigns linked to China, Iran, and a commercial group in Israel, in addition to those connected with Russia. These operations, known by names like "Spamouflage" and "STOIC," use various strategies to push their specific agendas. Their activities include promoting pro-China narratives while attacking its detractors, as well as creating content focused on the Gaza conflict and the elections in India. Despite the diverse origins and tactics employed by these threat actors, the report highlights common trends that shed light on the current state of covert influence. One such trend is the pervasive use of AI models to augment productivity and streamline content generation processes. From generating multilingual articles to automating the creation of website tags, AI serves as a force multiplier for malicious entities seeking to manipulate digital discourse. Furthermore, the report goes deeper into the intricate interplay between AI-driven strategies and human error, emphasizing the inherent fallibility of human operators engaged in covert influence operations. Instances of AI-generated content containing threatening signs of automation by state-hackers.

Researchers Uncover New Data Theft Campaign of Advanced Threat Actor ‘LilacSquid’

Researchers Uncover New Data Theft Campaign of Advanced Threat Actor 'LilacSquid'

Researchers discovered a new data theft campaign, active since at least 2021, attributed to an advanced persistent threat (APT) actor dubbed "LilacSquid." This campaign, observed by researchers at Cisco Talos, targets a diverse set of industries, including IT organizations in the United States, energy companies in Europe, and pharmaceutical firms in Asia. This broad victimology suggests that LilacSquid is agnostic to industry verticals, aiming to steal data from various sectors.

Use of Open-Source Tools and Customized Malware

The campaign from LilacSquid employs MeshAgent, an open-source remote management tool and a customized version of QuasarRAT that researchers refer as "PurpleInk," as primary implants after compromising vulnerable application servers exposed to the internet. LilacSquid exploits public-facing application server vulnerabilities and compromised remote desktop protocol (RDP) credentials to deploy a range of open-source tools and customized malware, including MeshAgent, SSF, PurpleInk, and loaders InkBox and InkLoader.

LilacSquid's Long-Term Access for Data Theft through Persistence

Talos assessed with high confidence that LilacSquid has been active since at least 2021, focusing on establishing long-term access to compromised organizations to siphon valuable data to attacker-controlled servers. The campaign has successfully compromised entities in Asia, Europe, and the United States across various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, and technology. LilacSquid uses two primary infection chains: exploiting vulnerable web applications and using compromised RDP credentials. [caption id="attachment_73284" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]LilacSquid LilacSquid Initial Access and Activity. (Credit: Cisco Talos)[/caption] Once a system is compromised through exploiting vulnerabilities on internet facing devices, LilacSquid deploys multiple access tools, including MeshAgent, SSF, InkLoader, and PurpleInk. [caption id="attachment_73286" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]LilacSquid, RDP LilacSquid's Lateral Movement via RDP. (Credit: Cisco Talos)[/caption] MeshAgent, downloaded using bitsadmin utility, connects to its command and control (C2) server, conducts reconnaissance, and activates other implants. On the other hand InkLoader, a .NET-based malware loader, is used when RDP credentials are compromised. It persists across reboots and executes PurpleInk, with the infection chain tailored for remote desktop sessions.

PurpleInk Implant of LilacSquid

PurpleInk, derived from QuasarRAT, has been customized extensively since 2021.
"Although QuasarRAT has been available to threat actors since at least 2014, we observed PurpleInk being actively developed starting in 2021 and continuing to evolve its functionalities separate from its parent malware family."
It features robust remote access capabilities, including process enumeration, file manipulation, system information gathering, remote shell access, and proxy server communication. Different variants of PurpleInk exhibit varying functionalities, with some stripped-down versions retaining core capabilities to evade detection. InkBox, an older loader used by LilacSquid, reads from a hardcoded file path on disk, decrypts its contents, and runs PurpleInk. Since 2023, LilacSquid has modularized the infection chain, with PurpleInk running as a separate process via InkLoader. [caption id="attachment_73282" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]LilacSquid, PurpleInk PurpleInk Activation Chain (Credit: Cisco Talos)[/caption] Post-exploitation, MeshAgent activates other tools like SSF and PurpleInk. MeshAgent, configured with MSH files, allows operators to control infected devices extensively, managing files, viewing and controlling desktops, and gathering device information.

Parallels with North Korean APT Groups

The tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used in this campaign show similarities to those of North Korean APT groups, such as Andariel and Lazarus. Andariel is known for using MeshAgent to maintain post-compromise access, while Lazarus extensively employs SOCKs proxy and tunneling tools, along with custom malware, to create channels for secondary access and data exfiltration. LilacSquid has similarly deployed SSF and other malware to establish tunnels to their remote servers. The LilacSquid campaign highlights the persistent and evolving threat posed by sophisticated APT actors. By leveraging a combination of open-source tools and customized malware, LilacSquid successfully infiltrates and maintains long-term access to diverse organizations worldwide. IoCs to detect LilacSquid's PurpleInk infection:

PurpleInk: 2eb9c6722139e821c2fe8314b356880be70f3d19d8d2ba530adc9f466ffc67d8

Network IOCs 

67[.]213[.]221[.]6 192[.]145[.]127[.]190 45[.]9[.]251[.]14 199[.]229[.]250[.]142

NoName Ransomware Claims Cyberattacks on Spain and Germany, But Evidence Unclear

NoName Ransomware

The NoName ransomware group has claimed responsibility for a series of cyberattacks targeting key institutions in Spain and Germany. The group’s latest alleged victims include the Royal Household of Spain, Corts Valencianes, and the Government of the Principality of Asturias, as well as German entities such as Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Leistritz AG, and Aareal Bank AG. In a message posted on a dark web forum, NoName declared, "We continue attack on the Spanish internet infrastructure and destroy the state websites of Russophobic authorities." [caption id="attachment_73295" align="aligncenter" width="528"]NoName Ransomware Source: X[/caption] [caption id="attachment_73296" align="aligncenter" width="530"]NoName Ransomware Source: X[/caption] Similarly, they stated regarding Germany, "We continue to punish Germany and destroy several websites of this Russophobic country." These statements underscore the group’s purported motive of targeting entities they deem as "Russophobic." [caption id="attachment_73298" align="aligncenter" width="527"]NoName Targeting Spain and Germany Source: X[/caption] [caption id="attachment_73297" align="aligncenter" width="522"]NoName Targeting Spain and Germany Source: X[/caption] Despite these bold claims, the NoName group has not provided concrete evidence or detailed context regarding the nature and impact of these alleged cyberattacks. The Cyber Express team attempted to verify these claims by reaching out to the allegedly implicated organizations. As of the writing of this report, no responses have been received from the officials of the alleged target companies, leaving the claims unverified. Upon accessing the official websites of the listed Spanish and German companies, no disruptions or signs of cyberattack were observed, as the websites were fully functional. This raises questions about the veracity of NoName's claims and the potential for misinformation as a tactic in their cyber operations.

Historical Context of NoName Ransomware Cyber Activities

This isn’t the first instance of NoName targeting prominent organizations. In April 2024, the group allegedly launched a cyberattack on Moldova, affecting key government websites such as the Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the State Registry. These websites were rendered inaccessible, displaying the message, “This Site Can’t be Reached.” The attack hinted at a politically motivated agenda, though NoName did not explicitly disclose their motives. In March 2024, NoName targeted multiple websites in Denmark, including significant entities like Movia, Din Offentlige Transport, the Ministry of Transport, Copenhagen Airports, and Danish Shipping. Similarly, in January 2024, the group attacked high-profile websites in the Netherlands, including OV-chipkaart, the Municipality of Vlaardingen, the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst), and GVB. More recently, NoName’s cyber onslaught on Finland raised further alarms. Finnish government organizations, including Traficom, the National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI), The Railways, and the Agency for Regulation and Development of Transport and Communications Infrastructure, faced temporary inaccessibility due to DDoS attacks.

Implications and the Need for Vigilance

The sophistication and scale of NoName ransomware operations, combined with their apparent political motives, highlight the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and international cooperation. The rising frequency of cyberattacks targeting governmental institutions across Europe demands a coordinated response from both national and international cybersecurity agencies. If NoName's recent claims about targeting Spain and Germany are proven true, the implications could be far-reaching. Cyberattacks on such critical institutions could disrupt governmental functions, compromise sensitive data, and undermine public trust. However, any definitive conclusions must await official statements from the allegedly targeted companies in Spain and Germany. The alleged ongoing cyberattacks by NoName ransomware serve as a reminder of the persistent and evolving threat landscape. As the investigation continues, the cybersecurity community must remain vigilant and proactive in protecting digital infrastructure from such malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

CL0P Ransomware Targets Financial Cooperative Unicred, Exfiltrating Sensitive Documents

Unicred cyberattack

CL0P ransomware group has claimed to have added Cooperativa de Crédito y Vivienda Unicred Limitada to their growing list of victims. The group alleges they have exfiltrated various sensitive financial documents, including invoices and forms, from Unicred cyberattack. The CL0P ransomware group, known for its high-profile cyberattacks, has detailed basic information about Unicred on their leak site, including links to the cooperative's official website. Unicred, founded in 1989 by a consortium of experienced businessmen and financial professionals, specializes in various financing instruments, such as the assignment of deferred payment checks, invoice credits, electronic invoices, and work certificates. The cooperative, with a reported revenue of $15.3 million, has built a reputation for its expertise in credit administration. [caption id="attachment_73263" align="aligncenter" width="678"]Unicred Cyberatatck Source: X[/caption] Despite the serious nature of CL0P's claims, initial investigations show no immediate signs of a cyberattack on Unicred's official website, which remains fully operational. To clarify the situation, The Cyber Express Team reached out to Unicred's officials. However, at the time of writing, no response has been received, leaving the ransomware group's assertions unverified. [caption id="attachment_73265" align="aligncenter" width="819"]CL0P Ransomware Source: X[/caption] [caption id="attachment_73266" align="aligncenter" width="793"]cyberattack on Unicred Source: X[/caption]

Potential Impact of the Alleged Unicred Cyberattack

Should the CL0P ransomware group's claim of a Unicred cyberattack be validated, the repercussions could be substantial for both Unicred and its customers. Ransomware attacks typically involve not only the exfiltration of sensitive data but also the potential for that data to be publicly released or sold, leading to severe privacy breaches and financial loss. Given Unicred's role in handling significant financial transactions and sensitive customer information, a confirmed Unicred cyberattack could undermine customer trust, disrupt business operations, and result in regulatory scrutiny and potential fines. The exposure of financial documents and personal data could also lead to identity theft and financial fraud, posing a serious threat to the affected individuals.

CL0P Ransomware Notorious Track Record

The CL0P ransomware group has a well-documented history of targeting high-profile organizations. Earlier this month, the group listed three new victims on its leak site: McKinley Packing, Pilot, and Pinnacle Engineering Group. In January 2024, CL0P claimed responsibility for compromising S&A Law Offices, a prominent India-based firm specializing in litigation services and intellectual property rights. The cybercriminals posted sensitive employee details, including phone numbers, addresses, vehicle numbers, PAN card details, internal communications, and other personally identifiable information (PII) as proof of the breach. In 2023, the CL0P group was behind a series of significant data breaches exploiting the MOVEit vulnerability. This widespread campaign led the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to issue a joint cybersecurity advisory. The advisory disseminated Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) associated with CL0P's operations, emphasizing the group's threat to organizations across various sectors.


The alleged cyberattack on Cooperativa de Crédito y Vivienda Unicred Limitada by the CL0P ransomware group highlights the ongoing and evolving threat landscape in the digital age. While the claims remain unverified, the potential impact on Unicred and its customers is a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity vigilance. As CL0P continues to target high-profile entities, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity to protect their data, maintain customer trust, and ensure business continuity. As this situation develops, further verification and responses from Unicred will be crucial in determining the full extent of the impact and the measures needed to address it. Meanwhile, the cybersecurity community must remain vigilant and proactive in countering the ever-present threat of ransomware attacks. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Russian Hacktivist Group UserSec Opens Recruitment Drive for Hackers

UserSec Recruitment

The notorious Russian hacktivist collective UserSec is actively seeking specialists to join its ranks, signaling a new recruitment drive within the hacking community. The group, known for its anti-NATO stance and pro-Russian sentiments, recently posted a UserSec recruitment drive plan on Telegram channels, emphasizing the need for individuals skilled in multiple hacking techniques and virus handling. In addition to traditional hacking roles, UserSec is also launching a specialized training program focused on website defacement techniques. This initiative includes updated materials, new tools, and bonus resources for recruits. The group aims to expand its capabilities and bolster its operations through this recruitment effort.

UserSec Recruitment Drive for Hackers

[caption id="attachment_73253" align="alignnone" width="972"]UserSec Recruitment Drive Source: Dark Web[/caption] The UserSec recruitment drive plan comes amidst ongoing tensions between Russia and NATO, with UserSec previously declaring a cyber campaign targeting NATO member states. Notably, the group has collaborated with other pro-Russian hacking groups, such as KillNet, to orchestrate coordinated attacks against NATO. Talking about the recruitment plan, the threat actor stated they are “looking for promising specialists” to join their teams, including individuals who are interested in pen testing, social engineering, reverse engineers, and “people who know how to work with viruses”. UserSec, a pro-Russian hacking group active since at least 2022, has gained notoriety for its Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and collaboration with other like-minded groups. In May 2023, UserSec made headlines by declaring a cyber campaign aimed at NATO member states, forming an alliance with KillNet to carry out coordinated attacks.

UserSec’s Plans for Unified Collaborative Environment 

The recent recruitment drive highlights UserSec's plan to create a unified environment for hackers. By seeking specialists in various hacking techniques and offering training in website defacement, UserSec aims to attract individuals who can contribute to its objectives of disrupting adversaries and advancing its pro-Russian agenda. The collaboration between UserSec and KillNet further highlights a concerning trend in cyber warfare, where hacking groups align themselves to target politically significant entities. By leveraging Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, UserSec demonstrates its disruptive capabilities and willingness to engage in cyber warfare for geopolitical purposes. The targeting of NATO member states raises questions about the potential implications for international security, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. As hacking groups continue to evolve and collaborate to launch large-scale attacks, governments and organizations must prioritize cybersecurity to mitigate the threat posed by groups like UserSec. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Japanese Man Arrested for GenAI Ransomware as AI Jailbreak Concerns Grow

AI Jailbreak, AI security

A 25-year-old man from Kawasaki, Japan was arrested this week for allegedly using generative AI tools to create ransomware in an AI jailbreaking case that may be the first of its kind in Japan. The arrest of Ryuki Hayashi, widely reported in Japan, is the latest example of an attacker defeating AI guardrails, which has become something of an obsession for hackers and cybersecurity researchers alike. Just this week, researchers from Germany’s CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security reported on their efforts to jailbreak GPT-4o, the latest multimodal large language model (MLLM) released by OpenAI a little more than two weeks ago. Concerns raised by those researchers and others led OpenAI to establish a safety and security committee this week to try to address AI risks.

AI Jailbreak Tools and Methods Unclear

News reports on Hayashi’s arrest have been lacking in details on the tools and methods he used to create the ransomware. The Japan Times reported that Hayashi, a former factory worker, “is not an expert on malware. He allegedly learned online how to ask AI tools questions that would elicit information on how to create malware.” Hayashi came under suspicion after police arrested him in March “for allegedly using fake identification to obtain a SIM card registered under someone else's name,” the paper reported. The Japan News, which reported that Hayashi is unemployed, said police found “a homemade virus on a computer” following the March arrest. The News said police suspect he “used his home computer and smartphone to combine information about creating malware programs obtained after giving instructions to several generative AI systems in March last year.” Hayashi “allegedly gave instructions to the AI systems while concealing his purpose of creating the virus to obtain design information necessary for encrypting files and demanding ransom,” the News reported. “He is said to have searched online for ways to illegally obtain information.” Hayashi reportedly admitted to charges during questioning, and told police, “I wanted to make money through ransomware. I thought I could do anything if I asked AI.” There have been no reports of damage from the ransomware he created, the News said.

LLM Jailbreak Research Heats Up

The news comes as research on AI jailbreaking and attack techniques has grown, with a number of recent reports on risks and possible solutions. In a paper posted to arXiv this week, the CISPA researchers said they were able to more than double their attack success rate (ASR) on GPT-4o’s voice mode with an attack they dubbed VOICEJAILBREAK, “a novel voice jailbreak attack that humanizes GPT-4o and attempts to persuade it through fictional storytelling (setting, character, and plot).” Another arXiv paper, posted in February by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, looked at a range of risks associated with GenAI tools such as Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT, along with possible solutions, such as development of an “AI firewall” to monitor and change LLM inputs and outputs if necessary. And earlier this month, OT and IoT security company SCADAfence outlined a wide range of AI tools, threat actors and attack techniques. In addition to general use case chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, the report looked at “dark LLMs” created for malicious purposes, such as WormGPT, FraudGPT, DarkBERT and DarkBART. SCADAfence recommended that OT and SCADA organizations follow best practices such as limiting network exposure for control systems, patching, access control and up to date offline backups. GenAI uses and misuses is also expected to be the topic of a number of presentations at Gartner’s Security and Risk Management Summit next week in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside the U.S. capital.

Toshiba America Data Breach: Customers and State Authorities Notified

Toshiba Data Breach

Toshiba America Business Solutions reached out to customers to inform them of a potential data security incident in which their personal information may have been compromised. Toshiba America Business Solutions is an American subsidiary of the Toshiba TEC Corporation. The company said that it was committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of personal data, and offered credit monitoring services to affected individuals.

Toshiba America Data Breach

After conducting a preliminary investigation, Toshiba reported that an attacker may have compromised its email environment. The attacker may have obtained unauthorized access to sensitive personally identifiable information such as names and Social Security numbers from the email compromise. The investigation confirmed that the breach could have impacted numerous individuals, leading Toshiba to contact affected individuals, as legally required. Toshiba America Business Solutions advised customers to remain cautious over the incident. The firm advised customers to regularly review their credit reports, financial account statements, and payment card statements for any unauthorized activity. Any suspicious activity could be reported to Toshiba or law enforcement agencies. Toshiba apologized to the affected individuals for any inconvenience stemming from the incident and said that additional measures had been implemented since then to enhance the security of its email environment and prevent similar occurrences in the future. To assist the affected individuals in safeguarding their personal information, Toshiba has arranged for a complimentary, two-year membership of identity monitoring services offered through Kroll. This membership offering includes triple bureau credit monitoring, fraud consultation, and identity theft restoration. The fraud consultation option allows affected individuals  to reach out to Kroll fraud specialists for advice and assistance relating to identity protection, legal rights, and detection of suspicious activity. The identity theft restoration option lets affected individuals work with a licensed Kroll investigator to resolve potential identity theft issues. Toshiba stated that these services would be provided for free to the affected individuals and would not negatively impact their credit scores. Affected individuals were encouraged to use the services as well as to contact Toshiba or Kroll for additional assistance.

Law Firm Announces Investigation

Strauss Borrelli PLLC, a data breach law firm, announced on its website that it would be investigating Toshiba American Business Solutions, Inc. with regard to the recent data breach that exposed sensitive personally identifiable information. While the full extent of the data breach is unknown, the Toshiba America Business Solutions division operates offices across the U.S. and Latin America. The law firm encouraged customers who received a breach notification letter from Toshiba American Business Solutions to contact Strauss Borrelli PLLC to discuss their rights and potential legal remedies in response to the incident. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Malicious Firmware Update Destroyed Over 600,000 Routers Across ISP

Pumpkin Eclipse Router Attack

In one of the largest mass bricking events in history, at least 600,000 routers belonging to subscribers of the same ISP service were essentially destroyed last October. The incident has been dubbed "Pumpkin Eclipse," with researchers still unclear on how the routers became infected. The affected devices displayed a steady red light and were unresponsive to troubleshooting attempts, and had to be replaced. Now new research is shedding light on the attack, which involved unusually sophisticated and stealthy attack methods.

'Pumpkin Eclipse' Router Attack

The attack began on October 25, 2023, as the ISP's subscribers began reporting their ActionTec T3200 and Sagemcom routers had suddenly stopped working. Users described the devices as unresponsive, with a steady red light on the front panel. Many blamed the ISP for the mass "bricking" of the routers, alleging the company had pushed faulty firmware updates. However, according to new research by Black Lotus Labs, the incident was in fact the result of a deliberate, malicious act. The researchers reported that over a 72-hour period, a malware known as "Chalubo" had infected over 600,000 routers connected to a single autonomous system number (ASN) belonging to an unnamed ISP. While the researchers avoided naming the ISP affected in the attack, the description of the attack matches frustrations expressed months ago by subscribers of the Windstream ISP, such as the router affected and its resulting behavior. The Chalubo malware, a commodity remote access trojan (RAT) first identified in 2018, employed sophisticated tactics to cover its tracks. It removed all files from the infected devices' disks, ran entirely in memory, and assumed random process names already present on the routers. The researchers believe the malware downloaded and ran code that permanently overwrote the router's default device firmware, rendering them permanently inoperable. The researchers state that while the motives behind the attack are unknown, its implications are troubling.

Researchers Unsure Over Initial Attack Vector but Theorize Possibilities

Although the researchers identified the malware's multi-chain attack process and its spread across the ISP's network, they have been unable to determine the initial infection vector employed by the threat actor. They theorize that it could have possibly resulted from the exploit of an inherent vulnerability, exploit of weak credentials, or compromise of the routers' administrative panels. The researchers said the attack is highly concerning, as it represents a new precedent for malware capable of mass-bricking consumer networking devices. The researchers could only recall one prior similar event - the 2022 discovery of the AcidRain malware, which knocked out over 10,000 satellite internet modems in Ukraine and Europe during the start of the Russian invasion. The researchers said the impact of "Pumpkin Eclipse" attack was particularly severe, as the affected ISP's service area covers many rural and underserved communities. Residents may have lost access to emergency services, farmers could have been cut off from remote crop monitoring, and healthcare providers may have been unable to access patient records or provide telehealth services. "At this time, we do not assess this to be the work of a nation-state or state-sponsored entity," the Lumen researchers wrote. In fact, we have not observed any overlap with known destructive activity clusters; particularly those prone to destructive events such as Volt Typhoon, or SeaShell Blizzard. Nonetheless, they speculated that usage of a commodity malware family may have been a deliberate move to obscure the perpetrator's potential identity. Recovery from such a supply chain disruption is always more challenging in isolated or vulnerable regions, the researchers added. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

7 New Pegasus Infections Found on Media and Activists’ Devices in the EU

Pegasus Spyware, NSO Group, Spyware

Seven Russian and Belarusian-speaking independent journalists and opposition activists based in Europe were targeted or infected with NSO Group’s proprietary Pegasus spyware. A joint investigation by Citizen Lab and Access Now detailed incidents from August 2020 to January 2023 and concluded that a single NSO Group customer might be responsible for at least five of these cases.

Threats Against Critics of Russian and Belarusian Regimes

In September 2023, Citizen Lab and Access Now reported the hacking of exiled Russian journalist Galina Timchenko, CEO and publisher of Meduza, with Pegasus spyware. Building on these findings, the investigation, in collaboration with digital security expert Nikolai Kvantiliani, now reveals the targeting of seven additional Russian and Belarusian-speaking civil society members and journalists. Many of these individuals, living in exile, have vocally criticized the Russian government, including its invasion of Ukraine, and have faced severe threats from Russian and Belarusian state security services. Critics of the Russian and Belarusian governments typically face intense retaliation, including surveillance, detention, violence, and hacking. The repression has escalated following Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, with laws severely curtailing the operations of media and civil society organizations. An example of this is the Russian government designating the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto, home to the Citizen Lab, as an “Undesirable Organization,” in March 2024. Many opposition activists and independent media groups have relocated abroad to continue their work. Despite the geographic distance, these exiled communities face ongoing threats, including violent attacks, surveillance, and digital risks. For instance, Meduza reported a significant Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on their website during Russia’s 2024 presidential elections.

Investigation Confirmed Pegasus Spyware Targeting

The investigation confirmed that the following individuals were targeted or infected with Pegasus spyware. Their names are published with their consent. [caption id="attachment_73182" align="aligncenter" width="1532"]Pegasus Spyware, New Pegasus Spyware Infections, Latest Pegasus Spyware Infections Table Showing Individuals Identified in the Latest Pegasus Spyware Infections (Credit: Citizen Lab)[/caption] Access Now and Citizen Lab confirmed that five victims' phones had Apple IDs used by Pegasus operators in hacking attempts. Exploits leveraging bugs in HomeKit can leave the attacker's Apple ID email address on the victim's device. Citizen Lab believes each Apple ID is tied to a single Pegasus operator, although one operator may use multiple IDs. The same Apple ID was found on the phones of Pavlov, Radzina, and a second anonymous victim. A different email account targeted both Erlikh and Pavlov’s phones on November 28, 2022. Artifacts from Andrei Sannikov and Natallia Radzina’s phones contained another identical email. This indicates that a single Pegasus spyware operator may have targeted at least three of the victims, possibly all five. [caption id="attachment_73184" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Pegasus Spyware Credit: Citizen Lab[/caption] The investigators could not attribute the attacks to a specific operator but certain trends pointed to Estonia’s involvement. Based on previous investigation, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, and Latvia are all known to be customers of the NSO Group’s spyware, but the likeliness of their involvement is low as they do not target victims outside their borders, the investigators said. Estonia, however, is known to use Pegasus extensively beyond its borders, including in multiple European countries.

Concerns Over Digital Transnational Repression

This pattern of targeting raises serious concerns about the legality and proportionality of such actions under international human rights law. The attacks occurred in Europe, where the targeted individuals sought safety, prompting questions about host states’ obligations to prevent and respond to these human rights violations. The ongoing investigation highlights the persistent threats faced by exiled Russian and Belarusian journalists and activists. As digital transnational repression continues, it underscores the urgent need for robust international measures to protect freedom of expression and privacy for these vulnerable groups.
“Access Now [urged] governments to establish an immediate moratorium on the export, sale, transfer, servicing, and use of targeted digital surveillance technologies until rigorous human rights safeguards are put in place to regulate such practices, and to ban the use of spyware technologies such as Pegasus that have a history of enabling human rights abuses.”
Apple recently issued notifications to users in more than 90 countries alerting them of possible mercenary spyware attacks. The tech giant replaced the term "state-sponsored" in its alerts with "mercenary spyware attacks," drawing global attention. Previously, Apple used "state-sponsored" for malware threats, but now it highlights threats from hacker groups. Apple noted that while these attacks were historically linked to state actors and private entities like the NSO Group’s Pegasus, the new term covers a broader range of threats.

Internet Archive Defends Against Cyberattack Amid DDoS Assault

Internet Archive cyberattack

Internet Archive, one of the oldest online directories of websites, movies, books, software and more, is facing a cyberattack that has disrupted its services for over three days. The Internet Archive cyberattack, identified as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assault, has besieged the service and inundated its servers with repeated requests. While the organization is reassuring users that its collections remain secure, the accessibility of its Wayback Machine, a tool allowing users to explore historical web pages, has been compromised.

Internet Archive Cyberattack Targets Multiple Systems

According to a blog post shared by Internet Archive on May 28, intermittent service disruptions have been reported over the past few days, confirmed by updates shared by Archive officials on social media platforms. Despite efforts to mitigate the attack, the exact source remains undisclosed. In response to the DDoS attack, Brewster Kahle, the founder and digital librarian of the Internet Archive, expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support while reaffirming the organization's commitment to fortify its defenses. Kahle characterized the attack as "sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive, and importantly, mean" in the blog post.

Mitigation Against the Internet Archive DDoS Attack

The Internet Archive serves as a valuable resource for users seeking access to a diverse range of media content, both historical and contemporary, free of charge. However, its mission to democratize access to knowledge has encountered legal challenges, with the organization facing lawsuits from the U.S. book publishing and recording industry associations in the last year. The legal actions alleged copyright infringement and sought significant damages, casting a shadow over the future operations of libraries worldwide. The cyberattack on the Internet Archive echoes a troubling trend of attacks targeting libraries and knowledge institutions globally. Recent victims include the British Library, the Solano County Public Library in California, the Berlin Natural History Museum, Ontario’s London Public Library, and just this week, the Seattle Public Library. In light of the ongoing cyberattack and legal battles, Kahle emphasized the broader implications for libraries everywhere. He warned that the actions of publishing and recording industries threaten to undermine the very existence of libraries, posing a grave concern for patrons worldwide. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the Internet Archive cyberattack or any further communication from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Johnson & Johnson Reports Data Breach Potentially Linked to Massive Cencora Breach

Johnson & Johnson Data Breach Cencora

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson recently announced a data breach that may stem from a larger data breach affecting Lash Group, a division of Cencora. In February, Cencora reported a data breach incident to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after learning that data had been exfiltrated from its information systems, some of which contained personal information. The breach may have compromised some sensitive information of patients registered with Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson Data Breach Notice

On May 29, Johnson & Johnson filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General of Texas, indicating that an unauthorized party accessed confidential patient information. The breach affected approximately 175,000 Texans, but the total number of victims nationwide could be much higher. The breach affects two Johnson & Johnson entities: Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc., and Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. The following data was compromised in the attack: Name of individual, Address, Medical Information, and Date of Birth. Data breach notification letters have been sent to all the affected individuals, while limited information is available on the Texas Attorney General's data breach reports page. The incident is potentially linked to a much larger breach involving Cencora, which has affected over a dozen major pharmaceutical companies so far.

Link to Cencora Data Breach

The Johnson & Johnson data breach bears several similarities to other large third-party pharmaceutical company data breaches affected by the Cencora/Lash Group data breach, which was first discovered on February 21. Cencora’s Lash Group division aids pharmaceutical companies in running patient support programs that try to ensure that costly medication is available to disadvantaged patients, regardless of their ability to pay for them. At least 15 clients of Cencora/Lash Group have notified state authorities of data breach incidents, with listing the following victims:
  • AbbVie: 54,344 Texans affected
  • Acadia Pharmaceuticals: 753 Texans affected
  • Bayer: 8,822 Texans affected
  • Bristol Myers Squibb and/or the Bristol Myers Squibb Patient Assistance Foundation: 256,237 Texans and 11,503 New Hampshire residents affected
  • Dendreon: 2,923 Texans affected
  • Endo: no numbers provided
  • Genentech: 5,805 Texans affected
  • GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies and/or the GlaxoSmithKline Patient Access Programs Foundation: no numbers provided
  • Incyte Corporation: 2,592 Texans affected
  • Marathon Pharmaceuticals, LLC/PTC Therapeutics, Inc.: 466 Texans and 27 New Hampshire residents affected
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals: 12,134 Texans affected
  • Pharming Healthcare, Inc.: 314 Texans and 9 New Hampshire residents affected
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals: 91,514 Texans affected
  • Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.: 24,102 Texans affected
  • Tolmar: 1 New Hampshire resident
Data breach notices have also been filed with California officials too. While the full extent of the damage has yet to be determined, it has affected over 540,000 patients so far. Cencora stated in its notification to the Securities and Exchange Commission that it had not yet been able to determine if the incident had a material impact on its operations. In in a notice on its website, the Leash Group indicated that personal information as well as personal health information had been potentially affected, including first name, last name, date of birth, health diagnosis, and/or medications and prescriptions. The Leash Group said in a statement that no personal data appears to have been exposed because of the incident:
“There is no evidence that any of this information has been or will be publicly disclosed, or that any information was or will be misused for fraudulent purposes as a result of this incident, but we are communicating this so that affected individuals can take the steps outlined below to protect yourself.”
The Leash Group is offering free credit monitoring and remediation services to affected individuals, and additional guidance on dealing with suspected breaches of personal information. No perpetrator has been identified or named as being responsible for the attack, and the potential impact of the breach is still being assessed. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

TRAM Barcelona Hit by DDoS Attack: NoName Group, Cyber Army of Russia Claim Responsibility

Tram Barcelona cyberattack

The website of Barcelona tram services, a central component of Spain's transportation network, was reportedly the target of a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) cyberattack. The TRAM Barcelona cyberattack has been claimed by the pro-Russian hacker group called "NoName," in collaboration with the Cyber Army of Russia. In a post, the group, which claims to be "NoName057(16)", made the announcement which read, "Supporting the attack by our friends from the People's Cyber Army, we are taking down one of Spain's transport websites." Since first emerging in March 2022, the pro-Russian hacker group NoName has been increasingly active, taking responsibility for a series of cyberattacks targeting government agencies, media outlets, and private companies across Ukraine, the United States, and Europe.

Decoding the Tram Barcelona Cyberattack

[caption id="attachment_72970" align="aligncenter" width="530"]Barcelona Tram Source: X[/caption] TRAM Barcelona, with its origins dating back to 1872, was one of Europe's earlier tram systems. After services were discontinued in 1971, the tram was reintroduced in 2004 with the new Trambaix and Trambesòs lines, which have since become a popular mode of transportation throughout Spain’s Catalonia region. [caption id="attachment_73002" align="alignnone" width="1642"] The hacker group declared the attack on May 29, 2024, and as of the time of this report, the website remains offline.[/caption] The specifics of the cyberattack on Tram Barcelona, including potential data breaches and the attackers' motives, have not been fully disclosed. The hacker group announced the attack on May 29, 2024, and as of this report, the website is still down. The company has not yet acknowledged the incident or issued any official statement about the status of the website and its services. The claimed cyberattack on Tram Barcelona highlights the persistent threat of security incidents on crucial entities, such as banks and government organizations. However, the absence of an official statement raises questions about the severity and credibility of the NoName cyberattack claim.

TRAM Barcelona Cyberattack: Latest in Series of Assaults

This isn’t the first instance of NoName targeting organizations. In January 2024, the group claimed responsibility for a series of cyberattacks across the Netherlands, Ukraine, Finland, and the USA. NoName has previously targeted a range of organizations, including OV-chipkaart, the Municipality of Vlaardingen, the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst), PrivatBank 24, Credit Agricole Bank, MTB BANK, Accordbank, Matek Systems in China, Pixhawk in Switzerland, SpetsInTech, and Kvertus. Incidentally, just like Tram Barcelona, OV-chipkaart too is involved in the public transportation system offering a contactless smart card system widely used in for public transportation in the Netherlands. Until an official statement is released by the affected organization, the full scope and impact of the alleged NoName cyberattack remain unclear. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, these incidents highlight the importance of bolstering security protocols and adopting proactive measures to mitigate the increasing threat of cyberattacks. This is an ongoing story, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Fortinet FortiSIEM Vulnerabilities Expose Systems to Remote Code Execution

FortiSIEM vulnerability

Multiple vulnerabilities have recently been discovered in Fortinet FortiSIEM, raising concerns over potential remote code execution exploits. FortiSIEM, renowned for its real-time infrastructure and user awareness capabilities facilitating precise threat detection, analysis, and reporting, faces significant risks due to this FortiSIEM vulnerability. The identified vulnerabilities, if successfully exploited, could grant remote attackers the ability to execute code within the context of the affected service account. This could lead to a range of malicious activities, including the installation of unauthorized programs, manipulation of data, or even the creation of new accounts with extensive user rights. 

Understanding the Fortinet FortiSIEM Vulnerability

The severity of the Fortinet FortiSIEM vulnerability varies based on the privileges associated with the compromised service account, with administrative accounts posing the highest risk. According to SingCERT, proof of concept exploits are already available for CVE-2024-23108 and CVE-2023-34992, indicating an immediate threat to vulnerable systems. Fortinet FortiSIEM versions 7.1.0 through 7.1.1, 7.0.0 through 7.0.2, 6.7.0 through 6.7.8, 6.6.0 through 6.6.3, 6.5.0 through 6.5.2, and 6.4.0 through 6.4.2 are all affected by the vulnerabilities The risks associated with these vulnerabilities vary across different sectors, with large and medium government entities and businesses facing high risks, while small government entities and businesses face a medium level of risk. Home users, however, are considered to have a low-risk exposure.

Technical Analysis of FortiSIEM Vulnerability

Technical analysis of these FortiSIEM vulnerabilities reveals that the flaw primarily exploits the execution tactic, specifically targeting the Command and Scripting Interpreter technique. Multiple instances of improper neutralization of special elements used in OS Command have been identified in the FortiSIEM supervisor. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers via specially crafted API requests. To mitigate the risks associated with these FortiSIEM vulnerabilities, it is recommended to promptly apply patches provided by FortiNet after thorough testing. Other measures, include establishing and maintaining a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets, performing regular automated application updates, enforcing network-based URL filters to limit access to potentially malicious websites, implementing the Principle of Least Privilege for privileged account management, blocking unauthorized code execution through application control, and script blocking, establishing and maintaining a secure configuration process for enterprise assets and software, and address penetration test findings according to the enterprise's remediation policy. By adhering to these recommendations, organizations can effectively mitigate the vulnerabilities in Fortinet FortiSIEM, safeguarding their systems against potential remote code execution exploits. Stakeholders must prioritize these actions to ensure the security and integrity of their IT infrastructure. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Family-Owned Woodworking Company Western Dovetail Hit by Akira Ransomware Attack

Akira Ransomware

The notorious Akira ransomware group has added another victim to its growing list of targeted organizations, striking at Western Dovetail, a prominent woodworking company founded in 1993 by Maxfield Hunter, its president, and CEO, along with support from his father, George Hunter, and brother, Josh Hunter. The family-owned business, known for its dedication to woodworking craftsmanship, has become the latest casualty of cybercrime. The Akira ransomware group took to online forums to announce their latest Western Dovetail data breach, proclaiming the availability of "a few GB of their data" for public access. The compromised data reportedly includes sensitive employee information such as addresses, emails, phone numbers, and even details of relatives, along with tax and payment information, and a snippet of medical records.

Western Dovetail Cyberattack: Verification Efforts and Official Response

Despite this disclosure, Akira has remained tight-lipped about their motives behind targeting Western Dovetail. Upon investigating Western Dovetail's official website, no signs of foul play were immediately evident, as the website appeared to be fully functional. To corroborate further, The Cyber Express Team reached out to Western Dovetail officials for comment. However, at the time of compiling this report, no official response had been received, leaving the claim of the Western Dovetail data breach unverified. [caption id="attachment_72947" align="aligncenter" width="850"]Akira ransomware Source: X[/caption]

Akira Ransomware Trail of Cyber Destruction

The latest cyberattack on Western Dovetail adds to a growing list of cyber onslaughts orchestrated by the Akira ransomware group. In April 2024, the group was identified as the mastermind behind a series of devastating cyberattacks targeting businesses and critical infrastructure entities across North America, Europe, and Australia. According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Akira has breached over 250 organizations since March 2023, raking in a staggering $42 million in ransom payments. Initially focusing on Windows systems, Akira has expanded its tactics to include Linux variants, raising alarm bells among global cybersecurity agencies. Before targeting Western Dovetail, the ransomware group had set its sights on prominent entities such as DENHAM the Jeanmaker, a renowned denim brand based in Amsterdam, and TeraGo, a Canada-based provider of secure cloud services and business-grade internet solutions.

Conclusion and Awaited Response

In the wake of the Western Dovetail cyberattack, the cybersecurity landscape remains fraught with uncertainty. While the company's official response is eagerly awaited, the incident serves as a reminder of the ever-present threat posed by cybercriminals. As organizations strive to protect themselves against such cyberattacks, collaboration between cybersecurity experts, law enforcement agencies, and affected entities becomes increasingly crucial in combating the pervasive menace of ransomware. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Operation Endgame – Largest Ever Operation Against Multiple Botnets Used to Deliver Ransomware

Operation Endgame

In a joint international law enforcement action dubbed “Operation Endgame,” the agencies and judicial authorities dismantled major botnet infrastructure, targeting notorious malware droppers like IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee and TrickBot. In a Thursday announcement Europol said that between May 27 and 29, Operation Endgame led to four arrests and the takedown of over 100 servers worldwide.
“This is the largest ever operation against botnets, which play a major role in the deployment of ransomware,” Europol said.
Botnets are used for different types of cybercrime including ransomware, identity theft, credit card scams, and several other financial crimes. “The dismantled botnets consisted of millions of infected computer systems,” a joint press statement from the Operation Endgame team said. Led by France, Germany, and the Netherlands, and supported by Eurojust, the operation involved countries including Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States, Armenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Operation Endgame resulted in:
  • 4 arrests - 1 in Armenia and 3 in Ukraine.
  • 16 location searches - 1 in Armenia, 1 in the Netherlands, 3 in Portugal, and 11 in Ukraine.
  • Over 100 servers dismantled or disrupted in countries such as Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, the UK, the US, and Ukraine.
  • Over 2,000 domains seized and brought under law enforcement control.
  • 8 summons were also served against other suspects.

Targeting the Cybercrime Infrastructure

Operation Endgame focused on high-value targets, their criminal infrastructure behind various malware and the freezing of illicit proceeds. “The malware, whose infrastructure was taken down during the action days, facilitated attacks with ransomware and other malicious software,” according to Europol. One primary suspect, the Europol said, earned at least €69 million in cryptocurrency by renting out sites for ransomware deployment. Authorities are closely monitoring these transactions and have secured permissions to seize the assets. The infrastructure and financial seizures had a global impact on the dropper ecosystem, the authorities believe.

Key Dropper Malware Dismantled in Operation Endgame

- SystemBC: Facilitated anonymous communication between infected systems and command-and-control servers. - Bumblebee: Delivered via phishing campaigns or compromised websites, enabling further payload execution. - Smokeloader: Used primarily to download and install additional malicious software. - IcedID (BokBot): Evolved from a banking trojan to a multi-purpose tool for various cybercrimes. - Pikabot: Enabled ransomware deployment, remote takeovers, and data theft through initial system access.
“All of them are now being used to deploy ransomware and are seen as the main threat in the infection chain,” Europol said.
[caption id="attachment_72953" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Operation Endgame Operation Endgame seizure notice (Credit: Europol)[/caption]

The Role of Dropper Malware in Cyberattacks

Droppers are essential tools in cyberattacks, acting as the initial vector to bypass security and install harmful software such as ransomware and spyware. They facilitate further malicious activities by enabling the deployment of additional malware on compromised systems.

How Droppers Operate

  1. Infiltration: Enter systems through email attachments, compromised websites, or bundled with legitimate software.
  2. Execution: Install additional malware on the victim's computer without the user's knowledge.
  3. Evasion: Avoid detection by security software through methods like code obfuscation and running in memory.
  4. Payload Delivery: Deploy additional malware, potentially becoming inactive or removing itself to evade detection.
The success of the operation was bolstered by private partners such as Bitdefender, Sekoia, Shadowserver, Proofpoint, and Fox-IT, among others. Their support was crucial in disrupting the criminal networks and infrastructure, the authorities said.

Wait for Operation Endgame Season 2

Operation Endgame signifies a major victory, but this is not really the end of it. Taking cue from the Marvel cinematic movie ‘Avengers – Endgame,’ the law enforcement is set to to release a part two of this operation in a few hours from now as they said their efforts continue.
“This is Season 1 of operation Endgame. Stay tuned. It sure will be exciting. Maybe not for everyone though. Some results can be found here, others will come to you in different and unexpected ways,” the authorities said.
“Feel free to get in touch, you might need us. Surely, we could both benefit from an openhearted dialogue. You would not be the first one, nor will you be the last. Think about (y)our next move.” Future actions will be announced on the Operation Endgame website, possibly targeting suspects and users, and ensuring accountability. The news of this massive botnet takedown operation comes a day after the announcement of the dismantling of “likely the world’s largest botnet ever” – the 911 S5 botnet. The botnet’s alleged administrator Yunhe Wang, was arrested last week and a subsequent seizure of infrastructure and assets was announced by the FBI. The recent law enforcement actions represent a historic milestone in combating cybercrime, dealing a significant blow to the dropper malware ecosystem that supports ransomware and other malicious activities. The operation's success underscores the importance of international cooperation and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to tackle evolving threats.

LockBit Ransomware Group Allegedly Strikes Heras UK in Cyberattack

Heras cyberattack

The LockBit ransomware group has targeted Heras UK, a prominent European provider of end-to-end perimeter protection solutions. The threat actor claimed the Heras cyberattack and shared a website status displaying the downtime alongside a countdown, ticking away the time until the data breach is potentially exploited. Heras, operating across 24 countries with a workforce of over 1100 skilled professionals, reportedly faces a data breach.  The Cyber Express, in pursuit of clarity on the attack, reached out to the organization for comments. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement has been issued, leaving the alleged Heras data breach unconfirmed. Despite the claims, Heras' website remains functional, showing no immediate signs of the cyber attack. It's plausible that the attackers targeted the website's backend, opting for stealth over a frontal assault like DDoS or defacement.

Alleged Heras Cyberattack Surfaces on Dark Web

[caption id="attachment_72935" align="alignnone" width="422"]Heras cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cyberattack on Heras comes amidst a spree of cyber attacks orchestrated by the LockBit ransomware group. Notably, the group targeted Allied Telesis, Inc., a leading American telecommunication equipment supplier. While the Heras data breach purportedly occurred on May 27, 2024, the authenticity of the claims and the leaked data remains unverified.  In a bold move earlier this year, the United States imposed sanctions on affiliates of the Russia-based LockBit ransomware group. This decisive action, led by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, signals a unified stance against cyber threats. LockBit, notorious for its Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model, employs double extortion tactics to extort hefty ransoms from its victims.

Who is the LockBit Ransomware Group?

The LockBit ransomware group is a sophisticated cybercrime organization that targets enterprises and government organizations. Formerly known as "ABCD" ransomware, LockBit operates as a crypto-virus, demanding financial payment in exchange for the decryption of encrypted files. Unlike some ransomware that targets individuals, LockBit primarily focuses on large entities, seeking hefty sums from viable targets. Since its inception in September 2019, LockBit has targeted organizations globally, including those in the United States, China, India, Indonesia, Ukraine, France, the UK, and Germany. It strategically selects targets likely to have both the financial means and the urgency to resolve the disruption caused by the attack. Notably, LockBit avoids attacking systems within Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, possibly to evade prosecution. As for the Heras data breach, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation and we'll update this post once we have more information on the attack or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

New ‘SpiderX’ Ransomware Emerges as Successor to Notorious Diablo


A threat actor known as "phant0m" is promoting a new Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) on OnniForums, a notorious dark web forum. The new ransomware, named "SpiderX," is designed for Windows systems and boasts a suite of advanced features that make it a formidable successor to the previously infamous Diablo ransomware. Phant0m introduced SpiderX in a detailed post titled "Introduction to the SpiderX Ransomware," claiming that after months of development, this new ransomware is ready to take the place of Diablo. The post highlighted SpiderX's ransomware-enhanced capabilities and the improvements over its predecessor. Phant0m described SpiderX as incorporating all the features of Diablo, with additional functionalities designed to make it more effective and harder to detect and remove. After a few months of hard work, | would like to announce the release of my brand new Spiderx Ransomware. It will be the successor of my Diablo which served its purpose really well but itis finally time to upgrade things to a whole new level," reads the threat actor post.

Key Features and Capabilities of SpiderX Ransomware

SpiderX is written in C++, a choice that phant0m claims offers faster execution compared to other languages like C# and Python. This language choice, combined with the ransomware's small payload size (500-600 KB, including an embedded custom wallpaper), ensures quick and efficient deployment.
ChaCha20-256 Encryption Algorithm:
One of the standout features of SpiderX is its use of the ChaCha20-256 encryption algorithm. Known for its speed, this algorithm allows SpiderX to encrypt files much faster than the commonly used AES-256, thereby reducing the time it takes for the ransomware to render a victim's files inaccessible.
Offline Functionality:
Like Diablo, SpiderX does not require an internet connection to execute its primary functions. Once initiated, it can encrypt files on the victim’s computer and connect external devices (such as USB drives) without needing to communicate with a remote server. This makes SpiderX particularly stealthy and difficult to detect during its initial attack phase.
Comprehensive Targeting:
SpiderX extends its reach beyond the main user folders on the Windows drive. It targets all external partitions and drives connected to the system, ensuring comprehensive encryption. This includes USB drives and other external storage devices that may be connected post-attack, which will also be encrypted, amplifying the attack's impact.
Built-in Information Stealer:
A new feature in SpiderX is its built-in information stealer. Once the ransomware is executed, this component exfiltrates data from the target system, compresses it into a zip file, and uploads it to MegaNz, a file transfer and cloud storage platform. This stolen data can include sensitive information, which the attacker can then exploit or sell. The process is designed to leave no traces, covering its tracks to avoid detection.
Persistence and Silent Operation:
SpiderX is designed to be fully persistent, running silently in the background to continue encrypting any new files added to the system. This persistence ensures that the ransomware remains active even if the victim tries to use the system normally after the initial attack. [caption id="attachment_72924" align="aligncenter" width="1263"]SpiderX Source: Dark Web[/caption]

Marketed to Cybercriminals

Phant0m is marketing SpiderX to other cybercriminals at a price of US$150, accepting payments in Bitcoin and Monero, which are favored for their anonymity. The affordable price and powerful features make SpiderX an attractive tool for malicious actors looking to carry out ransomware attacks with minimal effort.

Implications and Threat Assessment

The introduction of SpiderX on the dark web marks a significant escalation in the capabilities of ransomware available as a service. Its advanced features, such as the ChaCha20-256 encryption algorithm and built-in information stealer, coupled with its ability to operate offline, make it a highly effective and dangerous tool. The persistent nature of the ransomware and its comprehensive targeting of connected devices further increase its potential impact. As ransomware continues to evolve, tools like SpiderX represent a growing threat to cybersecurity. What is most concerning is the potential widespread use of SpiderX due to its low cost and high efficiency. The capabilities and ease of deployment of SpiderX ransomware highlight the need for vigilance and advanced security measures to protect against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Organizations and individuals are advised to enhance their cybersecurity measures, including regular data backups, updating software and systems, and employing enhanced security protocols to mitigate the risk of such attacks. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Seattle Public Library Recovers Key Services After Ransomware Attack

SPL Cyberattack

Amid the setbacks from the SPL cyberattack, the Seattle Public Library has managed to restore some digital services. Patrons can now access the event calendar and online versions of major newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Additionally, Hoopla, a digital media borrowing service, is operational, though users may need to log out and back in or reinstall the app if they encounter issues. However, access to e-books remains disrupted. Patrons can choose to delay the delivery of their Libby holds, which offers a workaround to maintain access to held items when the service resumes fully. The Seattle Public Library (SPL) faced a ransomware attack that crippled its computer systems this week. On May 28, libraries across South Seattle were noticeably quiet, with signs informing patrons that all computer services were down. This included not only the physical computer terminals and printing services but also the in-building Wi-Fi, crucial for many library users.

The SPL Cyberattack and Immediate Response

The ransomware attack was detected early in the morning of Saturday, May 25, just one day before planned maintenance on a server over the Memorial Day weekend. The SPL cyberattack impacted several critical services, including staff and public computers, the online catalog and loaning system, e-books and e-audiobooks, and the library’s website. Upon discovering the attack, SPL quickly engaged third-party forensic specialists and contacted law enforcement. The library took all its systems offline to prevent further damage and assess the situation. “We are working as quickly and diligently as we can to confirm the extent of the impacts and restore full functionality to our systems,” library officials said. Ensuring the privacy and security of patron and employee information remains a top priority, and systems will stay offline until their security can be guaranteed. SPL officials have been transparent about the ongoing nature of the investigation and restoration efforts. Although they have not provided an estimated time for when all services will be fully restored, they have promised regular updates. “Securing and restoring our systems is where we are focused,” they emphasized, expressing regret for the inconvenience and thanking the community for its patience and understanding.

The Broader Impact of Library Cyberattacks

Ransomware attacks on public libraries have become increasingly common, posing severe operational challenges. The London Public Library's December attack forced the closure of three branches—Carpenter, Lambeth, and Glanworth—until January 2. This incident highlighted the vulnerability of public institutions to cyber threats and the significant disruption such attacks can cause to community services. Similarly, the National British Library faced a major outage in October 2023 that initially seemed like a technical glitch but rapidly escalated into a widespread disruption. This affected online systems, including the website and onsite services such as public Wi-Fi and phone lines. The library’s operational challenges were compounded by the extent of the services impacted, which underscored the critical nature of cybersecurity for public knowledge institutions.

Moving Forward

As SPL works to recover from the ransomware attack, the incident highlights the importance of enhanced cybersecurity measures for public libraries. These institutions are pivotal in providing access to information and services to the community, and disruptions can have far-reaching consequences. Library officials continue to prioritize restoring full functionality and ensuring the security of their systems. The community awaits further updates, hopeful for a swift resolution to regain full access to the valuable resources the Seattle Public Library offers. In the meantime, patrons are encouraged to use the limited digital services available and to stay informed through the library’s updates on their website and social media channels.

BBC Data Breach: Over 25,000 Employee Records Compromised, Investigation Underway

BBC data breach

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is investigating a data breach that exposed sensitive information belonging to over 25,000 present and past employees. The BBC data breach, which occurred within the corporation's pension scheme, has triggered a reaction from authorities regarding cybersecurity protocols. The pension scheme, in an email dispatched to its members, highlighted the gravity of the BBC employee data breach, emphasizing that the incident is being treated with the utmost seriousness. Approximately 25,290 individuals have been impacted by this breach, according to statements made by scheme representatives. Talking about this cybersecurity incident and its legal repercussions with The Cyber Express, Lauren Wills-Dixon, data privacy expert at law firm Gordons, stated that data breaches that lead to "unauthorised access to personal data is classed as a personal data breach under data protection laws".

BBC Data Breach Impacts Current and Former Employees

According to Birmingham Live, the security incident is being taken "extremely seriously” by the BBC and there is “no evidence of a ransomware attack.” Despite speculation of a possible ransomware attack, the British public service broadcaster has dispelled any conjecture, asserting that there is currently no evidence supporting this theory. The BBC clarified that the breach stemmed from private records being illicitly accessed from an online data storage service. Catherine Claydon, Chair of the BBC Pension Trust, assured employees that swift action had been taken to address the breach and secure the affected data source, The Guardian reported.  In an email sent to the staff, Claydon reassured the employees that “BBC have taken immediate steps to assess and contain the incident.” Talking about the mitigation strategies, the organization stated “We are working at pace with specialist teams internally and externally to understand how this happened and take appropriate action. As a precaution, we have also put in place additional security measures and continue to monitor the situation.”  The legal obligation of this data breach are far reaching and in cases where the incident impacts individual rights and freedoms, "this comes with a regulatory obligation to notify the Information Commissioner, and where people are at "high risk" the affected organisation must notify those individuals too without undue delay", said Lauren.

BBC Employee Data Breach and Ongoing Investigation

Despite assurances from the BBC, concerns linger regarding the potential misuse of the compromised information. Employees have been advised to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity promptly. The breach, though attributed to a third party cloud storage provider, threatens the security of the impacted individuals, and "BBC - and any ‘data controller’ under data protection laws - remains primarily responsible for the security measures it adopts and external providers it engages to store and protect its personal data", added Lauren. Moreover, no passwords or bank details "appear to have been compromised, but the advice for those individuals involved is to be vigilant of any unusual activity or requests". Acknowledging the severity of the breach, a spokesperson for the BBC pension scheme issued a sincere apology to affected members. Reassurances were offered regarding the swift response and containment of the breach, coupled with ongoing efforts to upgrade security measures and monitor the situation closely. Inquiries into the incident are ongoing, with external cybersecurity experts collaborating with internal teams to dissect the breach and its implications thoroughly. However, as of now, no official statement has been issued regarding the involvement of ransomware groups in the breach. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the BBC employee data breach or any official response from the organization.

Klein ISD Student Faces Felony Charge for Cyberattack Disrupting State Testing for 24,000 Students

Klein ISD Cyberattack

An 18-year-old high school student from Texas has found himself at the center of a significant cybercrime investigation. Keontra Kenemore is facing a third-degree felony charge of electronic access interference, accused of launching a Klein ISD cyberattack that disrupted state-mandated testing for thousands of students. The implications of this digital cyberattack have rippled across the Klein Independent School District (Klein ISD), affecting more than 24,000 students and raising serious concerns about cybersecurity in educational institutions.

Klein ISD Cyberattack: Disruption During Critical Testing Period

The cyberattack, known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, was carried out using Kenemore’s school-issued Chromebook. According to court documents, Kenemore allegedly accessed websites that initiated the DDoS attack, overwhelming the district's network services during the crucial STARR testing period in April. The impact was immediate and widespread, with students at all campuses within the district experiencing significant disruptions. On the first day of testing, about 3,000 students attempting the English Language Arts test were locked out of the system, forced to stop and restart their exams. The chaos continued the following day, affecting another 700 students. Investigation reveals that Kenemore admitted to using websites to launch DDoS attacks on multiple occasions. The district’s IT department discovered the DDoS attack when the testing coordinator at Kenemore’s high school reported internet issues during the testing period. The disruptions not only interrupted the testing process but also posed a threat to the district’s accountability rating with the Texas Education Agency, potentially impacting future funding and evaluations. When questioned by school administrators, Kenemore reportedly admitted to accessing the websites used to send the DDoS attacks. However, a family member told Houston NBC affiliate KPRC 2 that Kenemore claimed it was an accident, asserting that he was expelled and unable to graduate as a result of the incident.

District's Response and Future Implications

Despite Kenemore’s expulsion and the ongoing legal proceedings, Klein ISD has remained tight-lipped about the incident. The silence from Klein ISD leaves many questions unanswered, particularly concerning their cybersecurity measures and how they plan to prevent similar incidents in the future. The case against Kenemore highlights the growing vulnerabilities in school district networks and the ease with which they can be exploited. As the investigation continues, the full extent of the damage caused by the DDoS attack remains to be seen. For the students affected, the disruption to their testing period has been a significant setback, one that may have lasting consequences on their academic records. For Keontra Kenemore, the legal ramifications of his actions will likely shape his future in profound ways. This Klein ISD cyberattack serves as a reminder of the potential dangers posed by cyber assault in our increasingly connected world. It calls for heightened awareness and more robust cybersecurity protocols within educational institutions to protect against such disruptive and damaging actions. As the case unfolds, it will undoubtedly contribute to the broader dialogue on digital security and the measures necessary to protect vulnerable systems from malicious interference. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

911 S5 Botnet — Likely the World’s Largest Botnet Ever, Dismantled

911 S5, Botnet

The FBI, in collaboration with international partners, has successfully dismantled the 911 S5 botnet's massive network that infected over 19 million IP addresses across 200 countries and facilitated several cybercriminal activities, including cyberattacks, financial frauds, identity theft, and child exploitation. In addition to the infrastructural takedown of the 911 S5 botnet, Chinese national YunHe Wang, the alleged administrator of the botnet, was also arrested on May 24, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a Wednesday press briefing.
“Working with our international partners, the FBI conducted a joint, sequenced cyber operation to dismantle the 911 S5 Botnet—likely the world’s largest botnet ever,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray.
“We arrested its administrator, Yunhe Wang, seized infrastructure and assets, and levied sanctions against Wang and his co-conspirators,” Wray added. Wang and two of his associates, along with three Thailand-based businesses linked to the botnet, were sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday. Wang faces up to 65 years in prison on charges that include computer fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering.

911 S5 Botnet Operations

Beginning in 2014, Wang allegedly developed and distributed malware that compromised millions of Windows operating systems worldwide, including over 600,000 IP addresses in the U.S. Wang allegedly spread malware through malicious VPN programs like MaskVPN and DewVPN, as well as through pirated software bundled with malware. Wang managed and controlled approximately 150 dedicated servers worldwide.
“Using the dedicated servers, Wang was able to deploy and manage applications, command and control the infected devices, operate his 911 S5 service and provide to paying customers access to the proxied IP addresses associated with the infected devices,” Wang's indictment said.
The residential proxy service that Wang developed and operated allowed subscribers to access the more than 19 million compromised IP addresses, which helped them mask their online activities. This service generated approximately $99 million for Wang. The 911 S5 botnet facilitated a range of cybercrimes, including cyberattacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations, Garland said. One such example is that of customers using the botnet's services for fraudulently filing 560,000 unemployment insurance claims that resulted in a confirmed loss of $5.9 billion from federal pandemic relief programs. In another instance, the 911 S5 botnet customers used the service to file more than 47,000 Economic Injury Disaster Loan applications, which again resulted in the loss of millions of dollars.

Infrastructure and Assets Seized

Authorities seized 23 internet domains and more than 70 servers, which formed the core of the 911 S5 botnet and its successor services. This action effectively shut down the botnet and prevented Wang from reconstituting the service under a new name, The U.S. Department of Justice emphasized that this seizure closed existing malicious backdoors used by the botnet. Wang allegedly used the proceeds from the botnet to purchase properties across the globe, including the U.S., China, Singapore, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and St. Kitts and Nevis, where he also holds a citizenship. Authorities have moved to forfeit his assets, which include 21 properties and a collection of luxury cars such as a Ferrari F8, several BMWs, and a Rolls Royce.

Investigation Triggered by Ecommerce Incident

The investigation into the 911 S5 botnet was initiated following a probe into more than 2,000 fraudulent orders placed with stolen credit cards on ShopMyExchange, an e-commerce platform linked to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. The perpetrators in Ghana and the U.S. were found to be using IP addresses acquired from 911 S5.
“Although approximately 2,525 fraudulent orders valued at $5.5 million were submitted, credit card fraud detection systems and federal investigators were able to thwart the bulk of the attempted purchases, reducing the actual loss to approximately $254,000,“ the Justice Department said.
The latest takedown is part of a broader effort of the Justice Department to combat nation-state hacking and international cybercrime. At the beginning of the year, the Justice Department dismantled botnets linked to the China-affiliated hacking group Volt Typhoon, followed by the disruption of botnet controlled by the Russian APT28 group associated with the Russian military intelligence, the GRU. Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant also warned last week that Chinese state hackers are increasingly using vast proxy server networks, built from compromised online devices and virtual private servers, to evade detection during their cyberespionage campaigns. Garland highlighted the global collaboration in this operation, underscoring the Justice Department's commitment to disrupting cybercrime networks that pose a significant threat to individuals and national security. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Windows Defender Bypass Tool Shared on GitHub

Windows Defender bypass

A GitHub project that disables Windows Defender and firewall is generating buzz among cybersecurity researchers. Will Dormann, a senior vulnerability analyst at CERT, posted about the GitHub project on a Mastodon cybersecurity instance. “Somebody figured out the secret technique that 3rd-party AV uses to disable Microsoft Defender so that they themselves can run without interference,” Dormann wrote. “This tool uses this technique to install a null AV product, thus having the effect of simply disabling Microsoft Defender.” Dormann included a screen recording of the tool in action, and it appears to work effectively (screenshot below). [caption id="attachment_72709" align="alignnone" width="1057"]'No Defender' Windows Defender bypass GitHub 'No Defender' Windows Defender bypass[/caption] The GitHub project, simply called “No Defender,” is billed as “A fun way to disable windows defender + firewall.” In a note on the project, repository owner “es3n1n” said they essentially reverse-engineered the API that antivirus vendors use to disable Windows Defender. “There's a WSC (Windows Security Center) service in Windows which is used by antiviruses to let Windows know that there's some other antivirus in the hood and it should disable Windows Defender,” the note states. “This WSC API is undocumented and furthermore requires people to sign an NDA with Microsoft to get its documentation, so I decided to take an interesting approach for such a thing and used an already existing antivirus called Avast. This AV engine includes a so-called wsc_proxy.exe service, which essentially sets up the WSC API for Avast. With a little bit of reverse engineering, I turned this service into a service that could add my own stuff there.” One limitation noted by es3n1n is that “to keep this WSC stuff even after reboot, no-defender adds itself (not really itself but rather Avast's module) to the autorun. Thus, you would need to keep the no-defender binaries on your disk.”

Windows Defender Bypass Requires Admin Privileges

EDR (endpoint detection and response) and antivirus software bypasses aren’t uncommon, as hackers and researchers alike have found ways to disable security defenses. Security researchers and testers often turn off security defenses in the course of research and testing, so such tools have legitimate uses too. As one commenter noted on the ycombinator Hacker News feed, "Defender is a real irritant when doing security research and is near impossible to turn off completely and permanently. Even using the Group Policy Editor or regedits is not reliable. If you do get it to stop, it will randomly reenable itself weeks later...For the vast majority of people this is a good thing!" Dormann noted that elevated admin privileges are all that’s required to run the No Defender tool, so Windows users have yet another reason not to run Windows as an admin. “If you don't log in to Windows as an admin, as we security-conscious people do, then you won't have as much to worry about,” Dormann wrote. One Mastodon commenter saw the GitHub tool as an Avast flaw rather than Microsoft’s, noting that “it requires an executable signed with AuthentiCode SigningLevel 7 ("Signed by an Antimalware vendor whose product is using AMPPL"). “I see this more as a vulnerability of the Avast wsc_proxy.exe component misused here that allows untrusted/unsigned code to interact with it,” said the commenter, who goes by the handle “faebudo.” The Cyber Express reached out to Microsoft and Avast for comment and will update this article with any response. But Dormann told The Cyber Express the issue is "more of a novelty than a vulnerability per se. Admin-privileged users can do admin things. Which includes reconfiguring the system they're on. Including kernel-level access."

BreachForums Breached? Forum’s Return Sparks Fear Among Cybercriminals

BreachForums Return Doubts Compromise

Following the seizure of the BreachForums domain and the arrest of Baphomet, its new owner ShinyHunters seems to have fully regained control over the site after a recent announcement that the forum will be open for account registration. While the domain itself appeared to have been seized back from law enforcement, the site remained dysfunctional for a while as staff redirected visitors to a new Telegram channel. The site slowly resumed operations while initially disabling account registration. However, the arrests and law enforcement activity connected to the operation of the domain, as well as its quick return to operations, have led cybercriminals to fear possible compromise of the forum infrastructure by law enforcement.

BreachForums Seizure and Return

BreachForums, widely recognized as the successor to RaidForums, has faced several downtimes, seizures and disruptions in its eventful history. The original owner, Conor Brian Fitzpatrick AKA "Pompompurin," was arrested last year on cybercrime and device fraud charges. BreachForums administrator "Baphomet" announced that he would step in as successor and opened a new domain to resume forum activity. However, Baphomet himself feared site compromise by law enforcement and temporarily shut down the forums, expressing that "nothing is safe anymore." [caption id="attachment_72568" align="alignnone" width="1536"]BreachForums Baphomet Return Source: Cyble[/caption] However, Baphomet later announced that he would be working on a new domain and resuming forum operations. The forum soon returned with regular facilitation of data leak sharing and discussion. A year later, Baphomet himself faced arrest after a joint operation from law enforcement, which also seized the BreachForums domain and official Telegram channel. The administrator ShinyHunters emerged as the successor, confirming Baphomet's arrest. However, the domain seizure was short-lived, and was soon redirecting users to a new Telegram channel. An allegedly leaked conversation from an FBI operative to BreachForum's previous domain name registrar and hosting provider NiceNic also appeared to indicate that ShinyHunters had regained control over domain ownership despite its court-ordered seizure. [caption id="attachment_72579" align="alignnone" width="326"]BreachForums FBI Seizure Baphomet Source: Telegram[/caption] After a period of dysfunction, BreachForums has now resumed operations, with threat actors already claiming new victims on its forum postings.

Emerging Alternatives and Criminal Suspicion Over BreachForums

In the wake of the recent seizure, several other individuals expressed their doubts over BreachForums and its possible usage as a "honeypot" by law enforcement to entrap cybercriminals and disrupt operations. The owner of Secretforums and former owner of Blackforums expressed his belief over Telegram that Baphomet was possibly an informant to law enforcement, citing the latter's interest in maintaining the infrastructure of Blackforums. Prominent threat actor USDoD also cast doubt over the succession of BreachForums to the administrator Shiny Hunters, citing his low stats on the previous domain. These concerns were followed by the self-promotion of SecretForum's and USDoD's announced project "Breach Nation" as possible alternatives. More recently, the CyberNi***rs threat actor group also announced its intention to start a new site to coordinate its operations. Despite these activities and the surrounding suspicion, new owner Shiny Hunters seems eager to return to earlier activities and operations, as judged by their claim of responsibility for an attack impacting Live Nation Entertainment Inc., the parent company of Ticketmaster. The results of these events, their effect on the cybercriminal ecosystem, as well as the viability of emerging forums as alternatives to the relaunched BreachForums led by ShinyHunters, remain unclear. But given how vocal the participants are, the picture will almost certainly get clearer with time. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

BSNL Database on Sale Again: Dark Web Actor Claims to Compromise Over 15 Undisclosed Asian Telecom Organizations

BSNL Data Breach dark web leak

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), a prominent Indian telecommunications company, has once again found itself at the center of a massive data security breach. The BSNL data breach, orchestrated by a threat actor known as kiberphant0m, shares sensitive data about the organization, highlighting the vulnerability of sensitive information. The claim for the BSNL data leak emerged on May 27, 2024, revealing that kiberphant0m was offering unauthorized access to databases stolen from BSNL, along with data from undisclosed Asian telecom organizations. Among the compromised data are IMSI records, SIM details, home location register (HLR) data, DP security key data, and a snapshot of the Oracle Solaris server.  Additionally, the threat actor claimed to possess login credentials for various digital infrastructures and applications of BSNL.

A Massive BSNL Data Breach Surfaces on Dark Web

The BSNL data leak poses a severe threat to the privacy and security of BSNL customers and highlights the potential risks associated with cyberattacks on telecom infrastructure. The stolen data, advertised for sale on underground forums like XSS and Telegram, could fetch significant sums on the black market, highlighting the lucrative nature of cybercrime. [caption id="attachment_72569" align="alignnone" width="1080"]BSNL Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The major concern for this BSNL data leak is the inclusion of sensitive customer information, which, if exploited, could lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious activities. The urgency of the situation is further emphasized by kiberphant0m's warning to potential buyers and Indian authorities, suggesting that the data could be sold to other parties if not addressed promptly. “India if you want to secure your data and do not want it to be sold you must buy it first, contact me BEFORE someone purchases this data. It could be 3 hours to 24 hours, who knows”, says the hacker

Big Threats, Yet No Response 

Despite the gravity of the situation, BSNL has yet to issue an official statement or response regarding the breach, leaving the claims unverified. This lack of transparency further compounds the uncertainty surrounding the extent of the breach and the measures being taken to mitigate its impact. Talking about the BSNL data breach, the threat actor says, “This is not the same data as the previous telecom post! we have breached over 15 Asian telecoms! Information is worth several million dollars but I'm selling for pretty cheap. Negotiate a deal on telegram. State Threat Actors are also welcome to buy this data, I will sell to anyone who wants it.” Moreover, this incident is not the first time BSNL has faced cybersecurity challenges. In 2023, the company experienced a massive data breach affecting over 2.9 million lines, with leaked data of landline users being sold on the dark web by a hacker known as 'Perell.' The recurrence of such breaches highlights the rise of cyberattacks on telecom companies, especially those located in Asia.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

U.S. Treasury Sanctions Chinese Nationals Behind Billion-Dollar 911 S5 Botnet Fraud

911 S5 Botnet, Botnet, US Treasury Department, Treasury Sanction, Fraud

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned three Chinese nationals on Tuesday for their alleged involvement in operating the 911 S5 proxy botnet widely used for fraudulent activities, including credit card theft and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security program frauds. The sanctions are aimed at curbing the operations linked to the botnet, which caused major financial losses amounting to "billions" of dollars to the U.S. government.

The Rise and Demise of 911 S5 Botnet

The botnet in question played a critical role in executing numerous fraudulent schemes through stolen residential IP addresses.
"The 911 S5 botnet compromised approximately 19 million IP addresses and facilitated the submission of tens of thousands of fraudulent applications related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act programs by its users, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars to the U.S. government."
911 S5 is a residential proxy botnet that allows its paying users, often cybercriminals, to select the IP addresses they can use to connect to the internet using intermediary, internet-connected computers that have been compromised without the computer owners’ knowledge. 911 S5 essentially enables cybercriminals to conceal their originating location, effectively defeating fraud detection systems, the U.S. Treasury explained. The 911 S5 botnet was also implicated in a series of bomb threats made in July 2022, according to the Treasury. Investigators found links of IP addresses within the proxy botnet network being used in this incident. The network was connected to 911 S5, a residential proxy service that allowed users to mask their IP addresses by routing their web activity through compromised devices. The 911 S5 service went offline in July 2022, following a purported hacking incident that damaged essential data. The disruption was reported by independent journalist Brian Krebs. Despite its shutdown, the impacts of its previous operations continued to reverberate, leading to the current sanctions.

The Individuals and Businesses Sanctioned

The sanctioned individuals include Yunhe Wang, allegedly the administrator of the botnet; Jingping Liu, accused of laundering proceeds for Wang; and Yanni Zheng, who reportedly acted as power of attorney for Wang and facilitated business transactions on his behalf through the company Spicy Code Company Limited. The men are believed to reside in Singapore and Thailand, countries that were acknowledged as partners in the sanctions announcement. Three businesses registered in Thailand were also sanctioned for their connections to Wang. These sanctions require that any property and interests owned by the three men within the U.S. be reported to the Treasury, and prohibit U.S. citizens or residents from engaging in business with them. Only these three individuals and the businesses implicated in their fraudulent schemes were sanctioned by the Treasury, but no indictments or legal actions were revealed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), as is the case in many other instances.

Broader Ongoing Cybersecurity Concerns

The sanctions against these individuals are part of a broader effort by the U.S. government to address cybersecurity threats linked to state-sponsored hacking groups. Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant warned last week that Chinese state hackers are increasingly using vast proxy server networks, built from compromised online devices and virtual private servers, to evade detection during their cyberespionage campaigns. In January, the DOJ announced the takedown of a botnet associated with Volt Typhoon, a hacking group with ties to the Chinese government. This group was known for infecting home and office routers with malware to obscure its hacking activities. The concerted actions by U.S. authorities and private defenders highlight the ongoing challenges and complexities in combating cybercrime and protecting critical financial and infrastructural systems from sophisticated malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Massive Google Leak Exposes Search Algorithm Secrets

Massive Google Leak Exposes Search Algorithm Secrets

For over two decades, Google search rankings have functioned as the internet's invisible puppeteer, dictating which websites rise to the top of search results and influencing the online landscape in profound ways. SEO professionals have tirelessly analyzed Google's every move, piecing together cryptic clues to optimize websites for coveted top rankings. But the inner workings of this algorithmic behemoth have largely remained a mystery – until now. A recent massive leak of internal Google documents has sent shockwaves through the SEO community and beyond. The trove, titled "Google API Content Warehouse" and exceeding 2,500 pages with 14,014 attributes, offers an unprecedented look at Google's search API and the intricate web of factors that influence search results. [caption id="attachment_72485" align="aligncenter" width="406"]Google Search Source: X[/caption] Google has now pulled down its documentation, which specified the parameters that the company has been using for generating and ranking Search results, after accidentally publishing it on GitHub. The American technology giant published the “Google API Content Warehouse” documentation on the GitHub platform on March 27, 2024, and pulled it back on May 7. An anonymous source, who has now revealed himself as Erfan Azimi, CEO and director of SEO for digital marketing agency EA Eagle Digital, had shared the leak with SEO veteran Rand Fishkin. It promises to be a potential goldmine of information. However, Fishkin cautioned that it's not a straightforward recipe for guaranteed SEO success. “The sheer volume of information, with some components potentially outdated, presents a complex puzzle for SEO professionals to decipher,” he cautioned. While the documents’ leak shed light on what Google might consider, they don't reveal the specific ranking hierarchy. This missing piece makes it difficult to prioritize optimization efforts and leaves room for interpretation. The leak has also ignited debate regarding Google's past pronouncements on SEO.  Fishkin suggests discrepancies between the leaked documents and previous statements from Google employees, particularly concerning "domain authority" – a website's overall ranking power. The documents seem to suggest that domain authority carries more weight than Google has publicly acknowledged. Google, as of yet, has maintained a stony silence regarding the leak's authenticity. This lack of response has fueled speculation within the SEO community. However, it's important to consider the leak within the context of Google's recent algorithmic update prioritizing "helpful content." This update reflects Google's ongoing battle against manipulative SEO tactics and its commitment to elevating content that genuinely serves user needs.

Potential Implications of the Google Search Ranking Leak

The ramifications of the leak extend far beyond the realm of SEO. Here are some key areas potentially impacted: Transparency and Trust: The leak raises questions about Google's transparency regarding its search algorithms. Inconsistent messaging between leaked documents and public statements can erode trust with website owners and content creators. Evolving Search Landscape: The leaked documents offer valuable insights into Google's current approach to search ranking. However, search algorithms are constantly evolving, and the information may not hold true for extended periods. The Future of SEO: While the leak provides a valuable snapshot, it shouldn't be misconstrued as a definitive SEO guide. SEO professionals still need to adapt to Google's ongoing algorithmic changes and prioritize creating high-quality content that resonates with users.

Industry Buzzing with Reactions on Social Media over Google Search Algorithm

There have been multiple reactions from stakeholders on social media over the leak. Rand Fishkin declared the leak the biggest ever on the mysteries of Google ranking algorithms: “In the last quarter century, no leak of this magnitude or detail has ever been reported from Google’s search division. If you're in SEO, you should probably see this.” [caption id="attachment_72507" align="aligncenter" width="723"]Google Search Ranking Source: X[/caption] iPullRank founder and CEO Mic King has acknowledged the leak as a newsworthy event but advises caution. He suggested that the leaked documents might be incomplete or outdated and may not reveal the entire picture of Google's ranking factors. He also suggested that website owners shouldn't drastically alter their SEO strategies based solely on this leak. “This leak is another indication that you should be taking in the inputs and experimenting with them to see what will work for your website. It’s not enough to look at anecdotal reviews of things and assume that’s how Google works. If your organization does not have an experimentation plan for SEO, now is a good time to start one,” he said. [caption id="attachment_72525" align="alignnone" width="741"]Google Search Ranking Source: X[/caption] SEO Consultant Aleyda Solis has raised concerns about the leak's potential to erode trust between Google and website owners. She said that transparency was a major concern in SEO, and if there were discrepancies between what Google said and what the leaked documents revealed, it could damage trust.   [caption id="attachment_72531" align="alignnone" width="678"]Google Search Source: X[/caption]

Google Yet to React to Document Leak

Even though this leaked data reveals the factors that Google Search might consider when ranking search results, it doesn't reveal how important each factor is or how much "weight" it carries in the final ranking decision. The data could be helpful for SEO professionals who constantly adapt their strategies to keep pace with Google Search's ranking changes and strive for higher rankings. Upon reviewing these documents, many stakeholders claimed to have found discrepancies between what Google has publicly stated about how Search works and what the leaked information suggests. Google has not yet issued a public statement regarding the leak. The company announced its most recent major Search update in March, focusing on surfacing more authentic content that is demonstrably "helpful." This update involved modifications to Google's core ranking systems to identify pages that were "created for search engines instead of people." Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Shell Data Breach: Hacker Group 888 Claims Responsibility for Alleged Cyberattack

Shell data breach

The notorious hacker group 888 has claimed responsibility for a Shell data breach targeting the British multinational oil and gas company. According to their claims, approximately 80,000 individuals could be affected by this breach across several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, India, Singapore, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Malaysia, and Canada. The compromised data, shared by the threat actor on a hacking forum, includes a range of sensitive information related to Australian users. The sample data contained information about shopper codes, first and last names, email addresses, contact mobile numbers, postcodes, Nectar information, site addresses, and transaction details. Notably, these transactions appear to be associated with Reddy Express (Formerly Coles Express) locations in Australia.

An Alleged Claim of Shell Data Breach Surfaces

[caption id="attachment_72512" align="alignnone" width="1080"]Shell Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The claims of this Shell data leak were shared on a popular hacking forum by the user Kingpin and shared glimpses into sample data allegedly related to the organization. The Cyber Express has reached out to the oil and gas company to learn more about this Shell data breach and the authenticity of the hackers over the claimed data.  However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received. This lack of confirmation leaves the claims regarding the Shell data breach unverified, although the potential implications are threatening for the customers and stakeholders associated with the organization.  Talking about the cyberattack on Shell, the hacker Kingpin states that the organization suffered a data breach in May 2024 and this data breach allegedly contained "Shopper Code, First Name, Last Name, Status, Shopper Email, Contact Mobile, Postcode, Nectar, Suburb, State, Site Address, Suburb 1, Country, Site Name, Last Login, Pay and Association Number".

A Similar Incident from the Past

This purported breach is not the first time Shell has been targeted by cyberattacks. In the past, the company has faced similar security incidents, including a ransomware attack and a data security incident involving Accellion’s File Transfer Appliance. These incidents highlight the persistent threat posed by cybercriminals to organizations, particularly those in the energy sector. In response to previous incidents, Shell had emphasized its commitment to cybersecurity and data privacy. The company has initiated investigations into the recent breaches and is working to address any potential risks to affected individuals and stakeholders. Additionally, Shell had previously contacted relevant regulators and authorities to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and to mitigate the impact of the previous breach. The current Shell data leak is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on this alleged Shell data breach or any official confirmation from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

A Quest Gone Awry: Hackers Disrupt Bring Me The Horizon’s Hidden M8 Artificial Reality Game

M8 Artificial Reality Game Hack

Fans of Bring Me The Horizon have been fervently searching for secrets and clues hidden within an 'M8 Artificial Reality game' subtly teased in a recent music video by the band. Near the video's conclusion, a character emerges, briefly greets viewers, and then abruptly instructs them to search for a specific code. Although the discovery of the hidden game thrilled many, excitement was momentarily dampened when the game's website was swapped out for a warning urging visitors not to hack into the system.

Bring Me The Horizon Hidden M8 Artificial Reality Game

Bring Me the Horizon, a British rock band formed in Sheffield in 2004, is celebrated for embedding hidden meanings, easter eggs, and clues in their music. With the release of their latest album, 'POST HUMAN: NeX GEn,' the band has notably deepened this practice, incorporating even more intricate layers of secrets into their songs. In one of the music videos from this album, a character named 'M8' appears and begins to greet the viewer but is abruptly stopped by a 'fatal-error'. M8 then directs the viewer to find the 'serial number' located on the side of its head. A curious listener appeared to have further analyzed the video segment in the video and discovered a hidden spectrogram containing a QR Code, sharing an image file on the rock band's subreddit. Fans further discovered that the QR code led to the URL domain of a hidden clandestine hacking-themed website, containing the M8 Artificial Reality Game. [caption id="attachment_72429" align="alignnone" width="233"]Hidden M8 Artifical Reality Game QR Code Source: /r/BringMeTheHorizon subreddit[/caption] The M8 Artificial Reality domain then instructed users to enter a hidden serial code, which fans discovered through the use of several other clues. The site contained unreleased tracks, password-protected files, and various mysteries for fans to uncover. [caption id="attachment_72432" align="alignnone" width="2800"]Hidden M8 Artificial Reality Game Rock Band Source:[/caption] As news of the hidden website spread, fans swiftly set up a dedicated Discord server and collaborated using a Google Doc to unearth all the site’s secrets. However, their excitement was brief. Hackers soon tried to extract further secrets from the website using unconventional methods, leading developers to temporarily shut down the site and issue a warning to fans.

Warnings Over Hacking Attempts

After the hacking attempts, cautionary messages from M8, the album's virtual guide, expressed dismay at the intrusion, stressing on how such actions undermined the spirit of collective exploration. These messages were delivered through both the website which was temporarily replaced with the warning for 2 hours as well as through email. [caption id="attachment_72445" align="alignnone" width="2800"]Bring Me The Horizon M8 Hacking Game Source:[/caption] [caption id="attachment_72448" align="alignnone" width="276"]Artificial Reality AR M8 Hacking Warning Email Source: BringMeTheHorizon ARG Discord[/caption] The developers appeared to indirectly condemn these attempts through the creative  use of the M8 character, without specifying the nature of the intrusion or identifying the perpetrators. Some fans however, upon receiving the email after their explorations, found the message warnings unexpected for what they believed were legitimate interactions. The community believed that these selective few hackers ruined the experience for others, with it's discord server noting the downtime in it's FAQ. 0M8 Artificial Reality Bring Me the Horizon Discord Bring Me The Horizon's foray into alternate reality gaming showcases the creative potential of digital media in music and album promotion. As fans continue to work together to unravel the remaining mysteries and solve the puzzles within the ARG, it remains to be seen what other surprises await them on the hidden website. The hacking attempts and the subsequent warnings serves as a reminder that while ARGs can be an engaging and immersive experience, it is essential to respect the developers' intentions and play fair to ensure everyone can enjoy the journey together. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Suspected Cyberattack on DU Emirates: Over 360 GB of Data Allegedly Stolen and Up for Sale

DU Emirates Data Breach

A cybersecurity threat has surfaced targeting DU Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Corporation, a major telecom provider in the UAE. On the XSS Forum, a cybercriminal known as "Ddarknotevil" has claimed to have stolen over 360 GB of data from DU. The alleged DU Emirates data breach reportedly includes sensitive information such as employee email addresses, network logs, details of 371,000 customers' devices, IP addresses, and proprietary telecommunication software. To substantiate these claims, Ddarknotevil shared sample records, including customers' device details and excerpts from email content purportedly obtained from an employee's mailbox. The threat actor is offering this entire database as a one-time purchase for USD 3,200. This development follows previous activity on May 19, 2024, where Ddarknotevil was seen privately offering unauthorized FTP access to DU's systems. DU Emirates data breach Despite the claims of DU Emirates data breach, a visit to DU's official website revealed no signs of disruption; the website was fully operational. The Cyber Express team has reached out to DU officials for verification, but as of this report, no official response has been received, leaving the DU Emirates data breach claim unverified.

Context of Recent Cyber Threats in the Telecom Sector

The alleged data breach of DU Emirates comes on the heels of several high-profile cyberattacks within the telecommunications sector. In February 2024, ETISALAT, the state-owned Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC in the UAE, reportedly suffered a ransomware attack attributed to the infamous LockBit ransomware faction. LockBit claimed to have successfully breached ETISALAT's systems and demanded $100,000 for the return of the stolen data, setting a deadline of April 17th. This claim, too, remains unverified. Adding to the urgency of these developments, Spain-based mobile telephony company Llamaya, a subsidiary of the MASMOVIL Group, reported a significant data breach just days before the purported ETISALAT attack. A threat actor known as “DNI” claimed to have accessed sensitive customer information, including phone numbers, passwords, and personal details, affecting approximately 16,825 customers. These incidents highlight a disturbing trend of cyber threats targeting the telecommunications sector globally. Mobile operators are increasingly vulnerable to sophisticated cyberattacks, as evidenced by recent incidents involving Monobank in Ukraine and a popular mobile banking app with over 10 million users. These alleged cyberattacks highlight the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect digital infrastructure.

Implications of the Alleged DU Emirates Data Breach

If the claims by Ddarknotevil are confirmed, the implications for DU Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Corporation and its customers could be severe. The compromised data includes not only customer information but also critical network logs and proprietary software, potentially exposing the company to various risks:
  1. Customer Data Exposure: The breach of 371,000 customers' device details, including IP addresses, could lead to significant privacy violations. Customers may face increased risks of identity theft, phishing attacks, and other forms of cyber fraud.
  2. Operational Disruptions: Access to network logs and proprietary software could allow cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities within DU’s systems, potentially disrupting services and causing widespread operational issues.
  3. Reputation Damage: A confirmed breach of this magnitude would severely damage DU’s reputation, leading to a loss of customer trust and potentially impacting the company’s market position.
  4. Financial Losses: Beyond the immediate costs of responding to the breach, DU could face significant financial losses from potential lawsuits, regulatory fines, and a decline in customer base.
  5. National Security Concerns: Given DU's prominence in the UAE’s telecommunications landscape, a breach could have broader national security implications, especially if critical communication infrastructure is affected.

Broader Industry Implications

The surge in cyberattacks on telecom operators signals a pressing need for the industry to enhance its cybersecurity defenses. The trend underlines the vulnerabilities inherent in the digital infrastructure that supports critical communication services. Telecommunications companies must invest in advanced security technologies, conduct regular security audits, and foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees to mitigate these threats. Moreover, collaboration with government agencies and international cybersecurity organizations can help telecom operators stay ahead of emerging threats. Sharing intelligence and best practices can enhance the overall resilience of the telecommunications sector. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

RansomHub Cyberattack Targets Serbian Gas Firm PSG BANATSKI DVOR, Disables SCADA Systems

RansomHub Cyberattack Targets Serbian Gas Firm PSG BANATSKI DVOR, Disables SCADA Systems

The RansomHub group has claimed a cyberattack on PSG BANATSKI DVOR D.O.O., a gas storage services provider based in Serbia. The claims for this RansomHub cyberattack were posted on May 28, 2024, and revealed sensitive data about the organization, targeting the security of critical infrastructure and the integrity of sensitive data. According to the threat actor post, the RansomHub exfiltrated a substantial amount of data totaling 80 GB. Among the stolen information are critical files encompassing IT, Accounting, Finance, Projects, Client database (in SQL format), Budgets, Taxes, Logistics and supply chain management, Production data, HR, Legal data, KPI, and R&D documents.  Additionally, the threat actors has allegedly disabled the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, further exacerbating the operational impact of the attack.

RansomHub Cyberattack Allegedly Targets PSG BANATSKI DVOR

[caption id="attachment_72377" align="alignnone" width="612"]RansomHub Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cybercriminals have set a deadline of 5 days for the potential leak of the stolen data, adding urgency to the situation. The implications of such a breach extend beyond PSG BANATSKI DVOR, affecting not only the company but also its clients and stakeholders. The Cyber Express has reached out to the Serbian gas service provider to learn more about the authenticity of this alleged PSG BANATSKI DVOR cyberattack. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received, leaving the claims for this RansomHub cyberattack stand unconfirmed. Moreover, the PSG BANATSKI DVOR website is currently nonfunctional and is displaying a "took too long to respond" error. This error, often associated with cyberattacks, suggests disruptions in the normal functioning of the website, possibly due to overwhelming server loads or exploitation of vulnerabilities in the site's infrastructure.

Threat Actor Blames Employee for the PSG BANATSKI DVOR Cyberattack

Apart from allegedly claiming a cyberattack on PSG BANATSKI DVOR, the threat actor is demanding cooperation, or else they'll expose it.  “We have all the important files, such as: IT, Accounting, Finance, Projects, Client database (in SQL format) Budgets, Taxes, Logistics and supply chain management, Production data, HR, Legal data, KPI, R&D. Over 80 GB of sensational information has been downloaded”, says the hacker Additionally, the group blames an employee named Dejan Belić for the breach. The threat actors have previously targeted similar victims and share similarities with traditional Russian ransomware groups while refraining from targeting certain countries and non-profits. Their victims span various countries, including the US and Brazil, with healthcare institutions being particularly targeted. While major corporations haven't been hit yet, the breadth of targeted sectors is concerning.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

North Korean Threat Actor Deploying New FakePenny Ransomware: Microsoft

Fakepenny ransomware, Moonstone Sleet, North Korea

Microsoft has uncovered a new “FakePenny” ransomware variant being deployed by a North Korean threat actor to target organizations in the software, information technology, education and defense industrial base sectors for both espionage and monetary gains. The threat actor, which Microsoft tracks as Moonstone Sleet, was first observed delivering a new custom ransomware variant in April, to an undisclosed company whose networks it compromised a couple of months earlier. The ransomware is straightforward and contains a loader and an encryptor module. North Korean threat actor groups have previously developed such custom ransomware, but “this is the first time we have observed this threat actor deploying ransomware,” the tech giant said.
“Microsoft assesses that Moonstone Sleet’s objective in deploying the ransomware is financial gain, suggesting the actor conducts cyber operations for both intelligence collection and revenue generation.”
FakePenny ransomware demands exorbitant ransoms, with recent demands reaching $6.6 million in Bitcoin. “This is in stark contrast to the lower ransom demands of previous North Korea ransomware attacks, like WannaCry 2.0 and H0lyGh0st,” Microsoft said. Notably, the ransom note used by FakePenny ransomware closely resembles the one employed in the infamous NotPetya ransomware attack, which is attributed to the North Korean group Seashell Blizzard. This continuity in tactics highlights the interconnected nature of North Korean cyber operations.

Moonstone Sleet’s Strategy and Tradecraft

Moonstone Sleet has a diverse set of operations supporting its financial and espionage objectives. This group has been observed creating fake companies, employing trojanized versions of legitimate tools, and even developing malicious games to infiltrate targets. Their ability to conduct concurrent operations and quickly evolve and adapt their techniques is notable. The threat actor, as noted earlier, has several different tradecrafts under its belt. In early August 2023, Moonstone Sleet delivered a compromised version of PuTTY, an open-source terminal emulator, through platforms like LinkedIn, Telegram, and freelancing websites. The trojanized software decrypted and executed the embedded malware when the user provided an IP and password mentioned in a text document contained in the malicious Zip file that the threat actor sent. The same technique was used by another North Korean actor Diamond Sleet. Moonstone Sleet has also targeted victims using malicious “npm” packages distributed through freelancing sites and social media. These packages often masqueraded as technical assessments, lead to additional malware downloads when executed. Since February 2024, Moonstone Sleet has also taken a different approach by using a malicious game called DeTankWar to infect devices. The group approached targets posing as a game developer or fake company, presenting the game as a blockchain project. Upon launching the game, additional malicious DLLs were loaded, executing a custom malware loader known as “YouieLoad.” This loader performs network and user discovery and browser data collection.

Fake Companies and Work-for-Hire Schemes

Since January 2024, Moonstone Sleet has created several fake companies, including StarGlow Ventures and C.C. Waterfall, to deceive targets. These companies posed as software development and IT service firms, often related to blockchain and AI, to establish trust and gain access to organizations. Moonstone Sleet has also pursued employment opportunities in legitimate companies, which is consistent with reports of North Korea using remote IT workers to generate revenue. Recently, U.S. charged North Korean job fraud nexus that was amassing funds to support its nuclear program. The nexus scammed more than 300 U.S. companies and accumulated at least $6.8 million. This employment tactic could also provide another avenue for gaining unauthorized access to organizations. Moonstone Sleet’s notable attacks include compromising a defense technology company to steal credentials and intellectual property and deploying ransomware against a drone technology firm.
“Despite being new, Moonstone Sleet has demonstrated that it will continue to mature, develop, and evolve, and has positioned itself to be a preeminent threat actor conducting sophisticated attacks on behalf of the North Korean regime.”

Defending Against Moonstone Sleet

To defend against Moonstone Sleet, Microsoft recommends endpoint detection and response (EDR), implementing attack surface reduction rules to block executable content from email clients and webmail, preventing executable files from running unless they meet specific criteria, use advanced protection against ransomware, and block credential stealing from LSASS. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Double Trouble: Following Ticketmaster Cyberattack, Hackers Target Parent Company Live Nation

Live Nation Data Breach

Within a mere two-day period, two major companies have allegedly fallen victim to cyberattacks. The first incident came to light on May 27, 2024, when an individual known by the alias "SpidermanData" claimed to have infiltrated Ticketmaster Entertainment, LLC, potentially exposing sensitive data of approximately 560 million users, including their card details. Hot on the heels of this breach, another hacker group, Shiny Hunters, disclosed on May 29 that they had targeted Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., the parent company of Ticketmaster. In their recent announcement, Shiny Hunters claimed to have obtained a substantial cache of data, which includes comprehensive customer profiles, details of ticket sales, and partial credit card information. They reportedly have 1.3 terabytes of this stolen data, which they are offering for sale at a price of $500,000. Notably, their disclosure also mentioned a massive database breach involving "560M Users + Card Details." This figure matches an earlier claim by "SpidermanData," who reported a similar breach at Ticketmaster Entertainment, LLC. The claims by Shiny Hunters and SpidermanData concerning the breach affecting 560 million users highlight significant security issues at Ticketmaster and Live Nation. The fact that both reports involve identical data figures raises the possibility that this could either stem from a common vulnerability in the companies’ cybersecurity frameworks or represent the same incident claimed by two different hackers.. [caption id="attachment_72309" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Live Nation Data Breach Source: X[/caption] Despite these troubling claims, a review of Live Nation's official website revealed no apparent signs of disruption. The Cyber Express team contacted Live Nation for confirmation, but has not received an official response at the time of this report. Until the company confirms, the accuracy of these breach claims remains uncertain.

Alleged Live Nation Entertainment Data Breach Details

  • Customer Information: Full details including names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers.
  • Ticket Sales and Event Data: Information about ticket purchases and event specifics.
  • Credit Card Information: Last four digits, expiration dates, and associated customer details.
  • Customer Fraud Details: Comprehensive data points including fraud-related information.
The timing of this alleged Live Nation Entertainment data breach is particularly troubling for Ticketmaster, coinciding with a series of major music festivals scheduled between May 2024 and January 2025. Among the most anticipated events is the FOREIGNER concert tour, starting on June 11, 2024, in the United States and concluding on November 9, 2024. Other notable acts include HEART, Allison Russell, Hozier, Ian Munsick, Prateek Kuhad, and Kathleen Hanna, each set to perform across North America during the same period. The supposed breach not only threatens the security of millions of users but also casts a shadow over the festive atmosphere of these upcoming events. The cybercriminals have allegedly divided the compromised data into 15 parts, offering samples from two segments. One dataset reportedly from the ‘PATRON’ database includes extensive personal information, while the other encompasses customer sales data, detailing event IDs and payment methods.

Unconfirmed Live Nation Data Breach Adds to Worry

Adding to the turmoil, Ticketmaster is currently embroiled in a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. The lawsuit accuses the company of anti-competitive practices, including limiting venue options and threatening financial repercussions. This legal battle follows public outrage over ticketing issues during Taylor Swift’s tour, where high prices and post-pandemic demand intensified scrutiny. Live Nation denies monopolistic behavior, but the lawsuit contends their dominance drives up prices. The alleged Ticketmaster data breach poses another threat to the organization, as databases of this caliber are highly sought after on the dark web. The recent string of alleged breaches raises questions about the motives behind these cyberattacks. Whether they are tactics to gain attention or have other underlying motives, the truth will only be known once official statements are released. For now, Ticketmaster customers are advised to remain vigilant. Regular monitoring of financial accounts and immediate reporting of suspicious activities are crucial steps in mitigating potential damage. Furthermore, customers should be wary of phishing attempts and other forms of cyber fraud that often follow such breaches. As the situation unfolds, the focus remains on ensuring the security and trust of Ticketmaster’s extensive user base. The company’s response to these allegations and their ongoing legal challenges will be critical in determining its future standing in the highly competitive entertainment industry. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Strauss Borrelli PLLC Law Firm Investigates WD & Associates Data Breach

WD & Associates Data Breach

Strauss Borrelli PLLC, a leading law firm known for handling data breach litigation, has launched an investigation into the recent WD & Associates data breach. WDA, based in Rhode Island, is an employee benefits brokerage firm specializing in healthcare consulting. The company assists clients in making well-informed decisions about financial planning and employee benefits. The incident may have exposed sensitive personally identifiable information and protected health information for an undetermined number of patients and other affected individuals.

WD & Associates Data Breach

WD & Associates provide a wide range of services including Employee Benefits, Safe Money Management, HR Consulting, Retirement Planning, IRA Rollovers, Actuarial Consulting, Risk Management, Business Consulting, Organizational Development. However, information from these services may be potentially compromised after a recent data breach. The security incident occurred between February 1 and February 9, 2023, when an unauthorized actor accessed sensitive information stored on WDA systems. WD stated that it had taken immediate action to secure its network and launched an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the breach. WDA began notifying potentially impacted individuals of the incident on May 24, 2024. The potentially exposed information includes:
  • Name
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Driver’s license number
  • Passport number
  • Financial account information
  • Medical information
  • Health insurance information
WD is offering 24 months of complimentary credit monitoring services through Experian to enrolled individuals. The company also stated that it would implement additional cybersecurity tools and review existing policies and procedures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. WD also stated that it had notified details about the investigation to relevant federal law enforcement and would notify relevant regulators, as legally required.

Strauss Borrelli PLLC Investigation Into Data Breach

The Strauss Borrelli PPLC Law firm announced on it's site that it would be interested in discussing further rights and potential legal remedies with the individuals who received the recent data breach notification letter from WD & Associates, Inc. Individuals can contact the law firm through their number 872.263.1100 or e-mail address Individuals should also remain vigilant against identity theft and fraud by regularly reviewing account statements, explanation of benefits, and monitoring free credit reports for suspicious activity. Additionally, U.S. consumers are legally entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus(Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). To request a free credit report, visit or call 1-877-322-8228. Consumers also have the option to place a fraud alert or implement credit freeze on their credit file at no cost. Suspicious activity should be reported promptly to relevant parties, including insurance companies, healthcare providers, and financial institutions. WD & Associates affirmed its commitment to protecting the privacy and security of its clients' information and that the company would continue to provide updates and further information as soon as they become available. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

First American Data Breach: 44,000 Affected After December Cyberattack

First American Data Breach

The First American Financial Corporation, one of the largest title insurance companies in the United States, revealed that a cyberattack in December 2023 exposed the personal information of around 44,000 people. The First American data breach disclosure was made in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 28, 2024, raising serious concerns about data security at the company. The filing disclosed that attackers had breached some of First American's systems and accessed sensitive data without authorization. "As of the date of this filing, the Company’s investigation of the incident has concluded. Based upon our investigation and findings, the Company has determined that personal information pertaining to approximately 44,000 individuals may have been accessed without authorization as a result of the incident," the company stated. In response to the First American data breach, the company committed to notifying the affected individuals and providing them with credit monitoring and identity protection services at no cost. This proactive measure aims to mitigate the potential fallout for those whose data was compromised. "The Company will provide appropriate notifications to potentially affected individuals and offer those individuals credit monitoring and identity protection services at no cost to them," the company stated in filing. [caption id="attachment_72061" align="aligncenter" width="1603"]First American Data Breach Source: SEC[/caption]

First American Cyberattack: A Troubled History

The December 2023 data breach occurred just a month after First American settled a significant cybersecurity incident from 2019. On November 29, 2023, the company agreed to pay a $1 million penalty to New York State for violating cybersecurity regulations. This penalty stemmed from a May 2019 breach where the company's proprietary EaglePro application exposed personal and financial data. The breach allowed unauthorized access to documents without proper authentication, exposing sensitive information from hundreds of thousands of individuals. The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) criticized First American's security practices, noting that the company's senior management had been aware of the vulnerability in EaglePro. The DFS's findings underscored the importance of robust cybersecurity measures, especially for companies handling large volumes of personal and financial data.

Industry-Wide Challenges

First American is not alone in facing cybersecurity threats. In November 2023, Fidelity National Financial, another major American title insurance provider, experienced a cybersecurity incident. The cyberattack forced Fidelity to take down some of its systems to contain the breach, causing disruptions to its business operations. In January 2024, Fidelity confirmed in an SEC filing that the attackers had stolen data from approximately 1.3 million customers using non-self-propagating malware. These cybersecurity reflect a broader trend of increasing cyberattacks targeting financial institutions, emphasizing the need for enhanced cybersecurity frameworks across the industry. Title insurance companies, which handle vast amounts of sensitive information, are particularly attractive targets for cybercriminals.

The Road Ahead for First American Data Breach

The latest Frist American data breach marks another challenge for the company as it strives to regain trust and enhance its cybersecurity posture. The company must address both immediate and long-term security concerns to protect against future incidents. This includes investing in advanced security technologies, conducting regular security audits, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees. Moreover, regulatory scrutiny is likely to intensify. Financial institutions are expected to adhere to stringent cybersecurity standards, and any lapses can result in substantial penalties and reputational damage. First American's recent history indicates a pressing need for the company to strengthen its defenses and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Customer Impact and Response

For the 44,000 individuals affected by the December 2023 Frist American data breach, offer of free credit monitoring and identity protection services is a critical step. These services can help detect and prevent potential misuse of their personal information. However, the emotional and psychological impact of knowing their data has been compromised cannot be understated. Customers should remain vigilant, monitoring their financial accounts for any suspicious activity and taking advantage of the protection services offered by First American. Additionally, they should be aware of phishing attempts and other forms of cyber fraud that often follow such breaches. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

TRC Staffing Data Breach Fallout: Murphy Law Firm Offers Legal Support to Victims

TRC Staffing data breach

TRC Staffing is at the center of a concerning data breach, leaving personal information vulnerable to cybercriminals. Murphy Law Firm has taken action on behalf of the victims, investigating legal avenues for those affected by this security incident. The TRC Staffing data breach was discovered on April 12, 2024, and exposed a security flaw within TRC's network.  Cybercriminals exploited this vulnerability between March 25, 2024, and April 12, 2024, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data belonging to approximately 158,593 individuals. Names and Social Security numbers were among the compromised information, heightening concerns about potential identity theft and fraud. Explaining the lawsuit to interested parties, Murphy Law Firm, stated that they are "evaluating legal options, including a potential class action lawsuit, to recover damages for individuals who were affected by the data breach.

Understanding the Full Extent of the TRC Staffing Data Breach

In response to this TRC Staffing breach, Murphy Law Firm is actively engaging on behalf of those impacted. Their investigation aims to uncover the full extent of damages and explore avenues for legal recourse, including the possibility of a class action lawsuit. Individuals who have received notifications of the breach or suspect their information may have been compromised are urged to take action. By visiting the dedicated page at, affected parties can access information regarding their rights and legal options. The repercussions of this breach extend beyond mere inconvenience. With personal and highly confidential information potentially circulating on the dark web, the identity of users is at risk. Murphy Law Firm recognizes the urgency of addressing these concerns and is advocating for the rights of those affected.

How Can Victims Join the TRC Staffing Lawsuit?

To join the lawsuit and seek potential compensation, individuals can fill out a contact form provided by Murphy Law Firm. This form requires essential details such as name, contact information, and whether a breach notification letter was received. Additionally, users can provide any relevant information regarding fraud or suspicious activity they may have experienced. TRC Staffing data breach For those seeking guidance or further assistance, Murphy Law Firm can be reached directly via email at or by phone at (405) 389-4989. Protecting the rights and interests of individuals affected by the TRC Staffing data breach is important, and Murphy Law Firm represents the victims with a legal process.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Check Point VPN Fix Released After Researchers Observe Malicious Access Attempts

Check Point VPN Network infrastructure

Check Point researchers have observed a surge in threat actor groups targeting remote-access VPN environments as an entry point for gaining access to enterprise networks. In response to these threats, Check Point has been monitoring unauthorized access attempts on Check Point VPNs and has released a preventative solution to address the issue. While the researchers suggested that the issue is broader than Check Point VPNs, the fix applies solely to Check Point environments.

Identification of Unauthorized Access Attempts to Check Point VPN

On May 24, Check Point identified a small number of login attempts using old VPN local accounts that relied on an unrecommended password-only authentication method. The company assembled special teams of Incident Response, Research, Technical Services, and Products professionals to thoroughly investigate these attempts and any other potentially related incidents. Within 24 hours, the teams identified several potential customers who were subject to similar attempts and notified them accordingly. The teams consider password-only authentication methods insecure and more susceptible to the compromise of network infrastructure, recommending against solely relying on these methods when logging into network infrastructure. Several points were advised by the teams as preventative measures, such as:
  • Reviewing and disabling unused local accounts.
  • Implementing an additional layer of authentication, such as certificates, to password-only accounts.
  • Deploying additional solutions on Security Gateways to automatically block unauthorized access.
  • Contacting the Check Point technical support team or a local representative for additional guidance and assistance.
In case of suspected unauthorized access attempts, Check Point researchers recommend that organizations analyze all remote access connections of local accounts with password-only authentication, monitor connection logs from the past 3 months, and verify the familiarity of user details, time, source IP address, client name, OS name, and application based on configured users and business needs. Check Point has also released a hotfix to prevent users with password-only authentication from connecting to Security Gateways. After implementation, password-only authentication methods for local accounts will be prevented from logging into the Check Point Remote Access VPN. If any connections or users are not validated, invoking the incident response playbook or contacting Check Point Support or a local Check Point representative is advised. The company stated that it witnessed the compromise of several VPN solutions, including those of various cybersecurity vendors.

Implementing Check Point VPN Hotfix

Check Point released a script to identify potential risks of compromise in its VPN environment. Enterprises can download the archive file and follow the steps mentioned on the solution page. If the script identifies local accounts with password-only authentication, users can proceed with the installation of the Security Gateway Hotfix as an option. The hotfix is available via the Check Point Upgrade Service Engine (CPUSE) or through manual download. The Hotfix implements a new command, blockSFAInternalUsers, to the Security Gateway, allowing admins to block or grant access to internal users with password-only authentication. The default value is set to block internal users from connecting with password-only authentication. After installing the hotfix, users who attempt to connect using the weak password-only authentication method will receive a security log indicating the blocked attempt as failed. As remote operations and online threats rise, organizations must prioritize the implementation of tougher VPN authentication methods while monitoring for unauthorized attempts to access these environments. Failure to do so can lead to compromised network infrastructure or assets, data breaches, and significant financial and reputational damage. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.