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SNP deletes TikTok election campaign video featuring sexually explicit song

Pretty Girls Walk by Big Boss Vette was used by the party as it promoted its policies on the platform

The Scottish National party has deleted an election campaign video on TikTok after it featured a sexually explicit song by the American rapper Big Boss Vette.

The track, Pretty Girls Walk, carries an explicit lyrics warning on streaming platforms and starts with an expletive-laden first verse.

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Β© Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Free Church of Scotland under fire for failure to apologise over slavery money

Church statement expressing β€˜regret’ that members took money from plantation owners in 1844 condemned as β€˜shameful’

The Free Church of Scotland has been accused of β€œshameful” behaviour after it refused to apologise for receiving money from slavery worth millions of pounds today.

The Free Church is known to have accepted donations from plantation owners in the southern US states soon after its foundation in 1843 and then a significant bequest from a wealthy Glaswegian sugar baron 10 years later.

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Β© Photograph: George Kendall Warren/Reuters


Β© Photograph: George Kendall Warren/Reuters

Scottish parliament to suspend ex-minister who claimed Β£11,000 roaming bill on expenses

Standards committee says Michael Matheson should also lose salary for 54 days in most serious sanctions ever imposed on MSP

Michael Matheson, Scotland’s former health secretary, is expected to lose his salary for 54 days and be suspended as an MSP after wrongly claiming Β£11,000 in expenses for streaming football matches on holiday.

Holyrood’s standards committee said the sanctions – the most serious ever imposed on an MSP – were necessary because Matheson had breached a number of rules on expenses and parliamentary conduct.

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Β© Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA


Β© Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA

Majority of people in Scotland have no religion, census shows

Data from 2022 Scottish census shows secularism increased sharply over decade, from 36.7% of population to 51%

A majority of people in Scotland say they do not follow any religion – the first time secular attitudes have overtaken religious identity.

Data from the latest Scottish census, carried out in 2022, shows 51% of the population reported they belonged to no religion – a sharp increase on the 36.7% in 2011.

More than 60% of people aged 49 and younger said they had no religion.

1.1% of people said they were of mixed ethnicity, up from 0.4% in 2011.

The number of people who said they were Muslim increased by 43,100, and the proportion was 2.2%.

Of the 2.9% of people who said they were β€œother white”, three-quarters described themselves as European.

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Β© Photograph: Stuart Aylmer/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Stuart Aylmer/Alamy

Edinburgh rape crisis worker wins tribunal over gender critical views

Hearing finds Roz Adams was unfairly dismissed after questioning rules on trans women working with survivors

A rape crisis worker was unfairly dismissed from her role at a support centre for survivors of abuse after she expressed gender critical views, a tribunal has ruled.

Roz Adams was subjected to a β€œKafkaesque” internal disciplinary process by managers at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) after she questioned rules about trans female counsellors working with female survivors.

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Β© Photograph: RooM the Agency/Alamy


Β© Photograph: RooM the Agency/Alamy

Scotland’s vulnerable marine life not properly protected, campaigners warn

Scottish government accused of missing deadlines to take action on overfishing and effects of climate breakdown

Fragile and damaged marine life around Scotland’s coasts is not being properly protected because ministers in Edinburgh have broken their promises, environment campaigners have warned.

Prominent charities including the Marine Conservation Society and the National Trust for Scotland accuse the Scottish government of repeatedly missing its deadlines to protect vulnerable marine life from overfishing and the effects of climate breakdown.

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Β© Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian
