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11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5

After nearly four years of the PS5, a lot of people are still using their old PS4s.

Enlarge / After nearly four years of the PS5, a lot of people are still using their old PS4s. (credit: Sony)

If you're still getting use out of your aging PS4 after nearly four full years of PS5 availability, new data from Sony shows you are far from alone. The Japanese electronics giant says that both the PS4 and PS5 currently have about 49 million monthly active users, suggesting a significant number of PlayStation players have yet to spend $400 or more to upgrade to the newer console.

The new data comes from an extensive Game & Network Services report presented as part of Sony's most recent Business Segment Meeting. Those numbers suggest that about 42 percent of the 117 million PS4 units ever sold are still in active use, compared to 86 percent of the 56 million PS5 units sold thus far.

Despite the parity in active consoles, Sony also points out that the PS5 is responsible for significantly more gameplay hours than the PS4: 2.4 billion for the new system compared to 1.4 billion for its predecessor (it's unclear what time period this comparison covers). Sony's monthly user numbers also include any console "used to play games or [access] services on the PlayStation Network," so an old PS4 that serves as a convenient Netflix box in the spare bedroom would still inflate the older system's numbers here.

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Sony apologizes for interview it says “misrepresented” a Last of Us creator

Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann, seen here not questioning the accuracy of a PR interview.

Enlarge / Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann, seen here not questioning the accuracy of a PR interview. (credit: Getty Images)

Sony has taken down an interview with Naughty Dog Studio Head Neil Druckmann (Uncharted, The Last of Us) that the company now says contains "several significant errors and inaccuracies that don't represent his perspective and values." The surprising move comes after Druckmann took the extreme measure of publicly questioning a portion of the PR interview by posting a lengthy transcript that conflicted with the heavily edited version Sony posted online.

The odd media saga began last Thursday, when Sony published the interview (archive here) under the heading "The Evolution of Storytelling Across Mediums." The piece was part of the Creative Entertainment Vision section of Sony's corporate site, a PR-driven concept exploring how Sony will "seamlessly connect multi-layered worlds where physical and virtual realities overlap to deliver limitless Kanto—through creativity and technology—working with creators." Whatever that means.

Druckmann's short interview started attracting attention almost immediately, primarily due to Druckmann's apparent promotion of using AI tools in game development. Such tools "will allow us to create nuanced dialogues and characters, expanding creative possibilities," Druckmann is quoted as saying. "AI is really going to revolutionize how content is being created, although it does bring up some ethical issues we need to address."

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Families of Uvalde shooting victims sue Activision over Call of Duty’s role

Is this an aspirational image for mass shooters?

Enlarge / Is this an aspirational image for mass shooters? (credit: Activision)

The families of multiple victims of the 2022 mass shooting at Uvalde's Robb Elementary School are suing Activision in a California civil court, alleging that the company's Call of Duty games act as a "training camp for mass shooters."

The lawsuit (as obtained by Polygon) compares Activision's Call of Duty marketing to the cigarette industry's use of now-barred spokescartoon Joe Camel, putting the gaming company "in the wildly lucrative business of training adolescents to become gunmen." The Call of Duty games "are chewing up alienated teenage boys and spitting out mass shooters," the lawsuit alleges, and in Uvalde, the games "knowingly exposed the Shooter to the weapon, conditioned him to see it as the solution to his problems, and trained him how to use it."

Meta platforms is also a party to the lawsuit for "explicit, aggressive marketing" of firearms to minors via Instagram.

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After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

But... but I was just about to check out <em>Tacoma</em>.

Enlarge / But... but I was just about to check out Tacoma. (credit: Getty Images)

With Valve's Steam gaming platform approaching the US drinking age this year, more and more aging PC gamers may be considering what will happen to their vast digital game libraries after they die. Unfortunately, legally, your collection of hundreds of backlogged games will likely pass into the ether along with you someday.

The issue of digital game inheritability gained renewed attention this week as a ResetEra poster quoted a Steam support response asking about transferring Steam account ownership via a last will and testament. "Unfortunately, Steam accounts and games are non-transferable" the response reads. "Steam Support can't provide someone else with access to the account or merge its contents with another account. I regret to inform you that your Steam account cannot be transferred via a will."

This isn't the first time someone has asked this basic estate planning question, of course. Last year, a Steam forum user quoted a similar response from Steam support as saying, "Your account is yours and yours alone. Now you can share it with family members, but you cannot give it away."

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Google’s “AI Overview” can give false, misleading, and dangerous answers

This is fine.

Enlarge / This is fine. (credit: Getty Images)

If you use Google regularly, you may have noticed the company's new AI Overviews providing summarized answers to some of your questions in recent days. If you use social media regularly, you may have come across many examples of those AI Overviews being hilariously or even dangerously wrong.

Factual errors can pop up in existing LLM chatbots as well, of course. But the potential damage that can be caused by AI inaccuracy gets multiplied when those errors appear atop the ultra-valuable web real estate of the Google search results page.

"The examples we've seen are generally very uncommon queries and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences," a Google spokesperson told Ars. "The vast majority of AI Overviews provide high quality information, with links to dig deeper on the web."

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Here’s what’s really going on inside an LLM’s neural network

Here’s what’s really going on inside an LLM’s neural network

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

With most computer programs—even complex ones—you can meticulously trace through the code and memory usage to figure out why that program generates any specific behavior or output. That's generally not true in the field of generative AI, where the non-interpretable neural networks underlying these models make it hard for even experts to figure out precisely why they often confabulate information, for instance.

Now, new research from Anthropic offers a new window into what's going on inside the Claude LLM's "black box." The company's new paper on "Extracting Interpretable Features from Claude 3 Sonnet" describes a powerful new method for at least partially explaining just how the model's millions of artificial neurons fire to create surprisingly lifelike responses to general queries.

Opening the hood

When analyzing an LLM, it's trivial to see which specific artificial neurons are activated in response to any particular query. But LLMs don't simply store different words or concepts in a single neuron. Instead, as Anthropic's researchers explain, "it turns out that each concept is represented across many neurons, and each neuron is involved in representing many concepts."

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Microsoft Copilot will watch you play Minecraft, tell you what you’re doing wrong

In the recent past, you'd have to rely on your kid sibling to deliver <em>Minecraft</em> commentary like "Oh no, it's a zombie. Run!"

Enlarge / In the recent past, you'd have to rely on your kid sibling to deliver Minecraft commentary like "Oh no, it's a zombie. Run!" (credit: Microsoft)

Longtime gamers (and/or Game Grumps fans) likely know that even single-player games can be a lot more fun with a friend hanging out nearby to offer advice, shoot the breeze, or just offer earnest reactions to whatever's happening on screen. Now, Microsoft is promising that its GhatGPT-4o-powered Copilot system will soon offer an imitation of that pro-social experience even for Minecraft players who don't have any human friends available to watch them play.

In a pair of social media posts Monday, Microsoft highlighted how "real-time conversations with your AI companion copilot" can enhance an otherwise solitary Minecraft experience. In the first demo, the disembodied copilot voice tells the player how to craft a sword, walking him through the process of gathering some wood or stone to go with the sticks sitting in his inventory. In another, the AI identifies a zombie in front of the player and gives the (seemingly obvious) advice to run away from the threat and "make sure it can't reach you" by digging underground or building a tower of blocks.

Real time conversations with your AI companion Copilot, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4o.

— Microsoft Copilot (@MSFTCopilot) May 20, 2024

These kinds of in-game pointers aren't the most revolutionary use of conversational AI—even a basic in-game tutorial/reference system or online walkthrough could deliver the same basic information, after all. Still, the demonstration stands out for just how that information is delivered to the player through a natural language conversation that doesn't require pausing the gameplay even briefly.

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Does anyone really need a 1,000 Hz gaming display?

A better monitor refresh rate might help with all that motion blurring...

Enlarge / A better monitor refresh rate might help with all that motion blurring... (credit: Getty Images)

Just a couple of years ago, companies like Nvidia were talking up prototype 500 Hz gaming monitors as having "benefits [for] every game and gamer, not just competitive games and esports pros." Now, the high frame rate experts at Blur Busters bring word of a 4K, 1,000 Hz prototype screen being shown off by Chinese panel-maker TCL CSOT at the manufacturer-focused DisplayWeek 2024 conference.

TCL's proof-of-concept panel is all the more impressive for not sacrificing resolution in the name of its high frame rate—many current 480 Hz monitors tend to top out at 1080p resolutions or offer "dual mode" options for higher resolutions at lower maximum refresh rates. And while recent advancements in pixel-flipping times have enabled TCL's LCD prototype, Blur Busters estimates that 1,000 Hz OLED displays could be commercialized as soon as 2027.

4K 1000Hz being shown off at #DisplayWeek2024 by TCL CSOT

— Blur Busters (@BlurBusters) May 15, 2024

The apparent impending breaking of the four-digit refresh rate threshold got us thinking: Are we finally approaching a point of diminishing returns in monitor-makers' long-running battle of the Hz? Or is 1,000 Hz just the latest stepping stone to realms of motion smoothness yet unimagined by most gamers?

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How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time

"N-tel (64) Inside"

Enlarge / "N-tel (64) Inside" (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

In recent years, we've reported on multiple efforts to reverse-engineer Nintendo 64 games into fully decompiled, human-readable C code that can then become the basis for full-fledged PC ports. While the results can be impressive, the decompilation process can take years of painstaking manual effort, meaning only the most popular N64 games are likely to get the requisite attention from reverse engineers.

Now, a newly released tool promises to vastly reduce the amount of human effort needed to get basic PC ports of most (if not all) N64 games. The N64 Recompiled project uses a process known as static recompilation to automate huge swaths of the labor-intensive process of drawing C code out of N64 binaries.

While human coding work is still needed to smooth out the edges, project lead Mr-Wiseguy told Ars that his recompilation tool is "the difference between weeks of work and years of work" when it comes to making a PC version of a classic N64 title. And parallel work on a powerful N64 graphic renderer means PC-enabled upgrades like smoother frame rates, resolution upscaling, and widescreen aspect ratios can be added with little effort.

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Sony listing hints at native, upscaled PS2 emulation on the PS5

Identical cousins.

Enlarge / Identical cousins. (credit: Spellblade91 / Reddit)

Years ago, Sony started making a select handful of "PlayStation 2 Classics" available as emulated downloads on the PlayStation 4. Now, there are signs that certain PS2 games will be similarly available for native download on the PS5, complete with new features like "up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters."

The hint at Sony's coming PS2 download plans comes via a new PlayStation Network listing for the 2002 release Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which recently appeared on tracking site PSDeals (as noticed by Gematsu). That site draws from unpublished data from the PSN servers, such as this thumbnail image that recently appeared on the servers, and lists a planned June 11 release for the emulated Clone Wars port.

So far, this is nothing out of the ordinary. But near the bottom of the boilerplate, the listing notes that "this title has been converted from the PlayStation 2 version to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles and provides newly added features [emphasis added]." That's a marked difference from earlier "PS2 on PS4" downloadable releases, which only say that they were "converted from the original PlayStation 2 version to the PS4 system."

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Disarmingly lifelike: ChatGPT-4o will laugh at your jokes and your dumb hat

Oh you silly, silly human. Why are you so silly, you silly human?

Enlarge / Oh you silly, silly human. Why are you so silly, you silly human? (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

At this point, anyone with even a passing interest in AI is very familiar with the process of typing out messages to a chatbot and getting back long streams of text in response. Today's announcement of ChatGPT-4o—which lets users converse with a chatbot using real-time audio and video—might seem like a mere lateral evolution of that basic interaction model.

After looking through over a dozen video demos OpenAI posted alongside today's announcement, though, I think we're on the verge of something more like a sea change in how we think of and work with large language models. While we don't yet have access to ChatGPT-4o's audio-visual features ourselves, the important non-verbal cues on display here—both from GPT-4o and from the users—make the chatbot instantly feel much more human. And I'm not sure the average user is fully ready for how they might feel about that.

It thinks it’s people

Take this video, where a newly expectant father looks to ChatGPT-4o for an opinion on a dad joke ("What do you call a giant pile of kittens? A meow-ntain!"). The old ChatGPT4 could easily type out the same responses of "Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family!" and "That's perfectly hilarious. Definitely a top-tier dad joke." But there's much more impact to hearing GPT-4o give that same information in the video, complete with the gentle laughter and rising and falling vocal intonations of a lifelong friend.

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Game dev says contract barring “subjective negative reviews” was a mistake

Artist's conception of NetEase using a legal contract to try to stop a wave of negative reviews of its closed alpha.

Enlarge / Artist's conception of NetEase using a legal contract to try to stop a wave of negative reviews of its closed alpha. (credit: NetEase)

The developers of team-based shooter Marvel Rivals have apologized for a contract clause that made creators promise not to provide "subjective negative reviews of the game" in exchange for early access to a closed alpha test.

The controversial early access contract gained widespread attention over the weekend when streamer Brandon Larned shared a portion on social media. In the "non-disparagement" clause shared by Larned, creators who are provided with an early download code are asked not to "make any public statements or engage in discussions that are detrimental to the reputation of the game." In addition to the "subjective negative review" example above, the clause also specifically prohibits "making disparaging or satirical comments about any game-related material" and "engaging in malicious comparisons with competitors or belittling the gameplay or differences of Marvel Rivals."

Extremely disappointed in @MarvelRivals.

Multiple creators asked for key codes to gain access to the playtest and are asked to sign a contract.

The contract signs away your right to negatively review the game.

Many streamers have signed without reading just to play


— Brandon Larned (@A_Seagull) May 12, 2024

In a Discord post noticed by PCGamesN over the weekend, Chinese developer NetEase apologized for what it called "inappropriate and misleading terms" in the contract. "Our stand is absolutely open for both suggestions and criticisms to improve our games, and... our mission is to make Marvel Rivals better [and] satisfy players by those constructive suggestions."

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Manor Lords’ medieval micromanagement means making many messes

This peaceful, pastoral scene actually represents a ton of hard work!

Enlarge / This peaceful, pastoral scene actually represents a ton of hard work! (credit: Slavic Magic)

Do you ever look around at modern civilization and boggle at the sheer complexity of it all? Do you ever think about the generations of backbreaking labor needed to turn acres and acres of untamed wilderness into the layers of interconnected systems needed to provide basic necessities—much less luxuries—to both early settlers and their generations of descendants?

All that infrastructure work is much harder to take for granted after playing Manor Lords. The Early Access version of the game—which netted a million Steam sales in its first 24 hours last month—forces you to do a lot of the heavy lifting that many other city builders tend to gloss over. And while there are still a lot of Early Access rough spots, what's already there can make you appreciate just how hard it is to build a functioning society from nothing but raw materials and hard labor.

Let go of my hand

In many other city builders, you act as something of a detached, bureaucratic god. Lay down some roads, set aside some zoning, and watch as the microscopic masses automatically fill in the details of the housing, commerce, and industry needed to create a functional society.

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