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Understanding Credential Phishing

Credential phishing is a type of cyberattack where attackers attempt to deceive your employees into providing their sensitive information, such as their Microsoft usernames and passwords. What is not obvious is credential phishing is the root cause of many breaches, including the recent ransomware breach at UnitedHealth subsidiary Change Healthcare. According to UnitedHealth Group CEO […]

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Six of the worst: the school floggings suffered by the beaten generation | Letters

Readers respond to an article by Sebastian Doggart on being flogged at Eton and share their own experiences of corporal punishement at school

Sebastian Doggart’s article resonated with me (‘It gives me no pleasure, but I am going to have to beat you’: was I the last boy to be flogged at Eton?, 25 May). I had the dubious honour of being the first pupil to be beaten (or receive the “whacks” as we used to call it) by the newly appointed headmaster of my prep school, when I was also 13. Separately, the deputy headmaster was an enthusiastic administrant of the hairbrush whacks, but unlike the claim from the Eton teacher that he derived no pleasure, in my situation, on several occasions I remember having the distinct feeling that one of us was most definitely enjoying it (and it wasn’t me). Being the same age as the author, I know exactly what he experienced, in a very dark time of appalling treatment of children who were entrusted by their parents to these individuals and institutions.
Dr Julian Stone
Buckland, Oxfordshire

• I despaired at the response of Tony Little, questioned during his tenure as headmaster of Eton in 2002-15 about the school’s practice of flogging, which had ended years before. Sebastian Doggart gave an account of his brutal abuse, and asked Little if it was something the school should be ashamed of. “It was a different time,” Little said. “It’s hard to get back into the mindset of what happened 25 … years ago.” No, it’s not. Tap anyone over 50 on the shoulder and ask them.
Lynne Scrimshaw

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© Photograph: Andrew Michael/Alamy


© Photograph: Andrew Michael/Alamy

Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups

Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups

Enlarge (credit: 400tmax | iStock Unreleased)

Yesterday, Amazon failed to convince a US district court to dismiss the Federal Trade Commission's lawsuit targeting the tech giant's alleged history of tricking people into signing up for Prime.

The FTC has alleged that Amazon "tricked, coerced, and manipulated consumers into subscribing to Amazon Prime," a court order said, failing to get informed consent by designing a murky sign-up process. And to keep subscriptions high, Amazon also "did not provide simple mechanisms for these subscribers to cancel their Prime memberships," the FTC alleged. Instead, Amazon forced "consumers intending to cancel to navigate a four-page, six-click, fifteen-option cancellation process."

In their motion to dismiss, Amazon outright disputed these characterizations of its business, insisting its enrollment process was clear, its cancellation process was simple, and none of its executives could be held responsible for failing to fix these processes when "accidental" sign-ups became widespread. Amazon defended its current practices, arguing that some of its Prime disclosures "align with practices that the FTC encourages in its guidance documents."

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Top 5 Evaluation Criteria For Choosing The Right ITDR Tool 

Identity is now a top priority for security decision makers. The need to overcome malicious TTPs, such as credential access, privilege escalation and lateral movement, has never been more urgent. When over 80% of breaches involve the use of compromised credentials and ransomware attacks take down even the largest organizations, the price of neglecting identity...

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The Link Between Cybersecurity and Reputation Management for Executives – Source:


Source: – Author: Ingrid Gliottone The link between cybersecurity and personal reputation management for executives is significant. As leaders in their respective fields, executives are often the face of their company’s brand, and are responsible for maintaining the trust of customers, investors, and the public. However, with the rise of cyber threats, this trust […]

La entrada The Link Between Cybersecurity and Reputation Management for Executives – Source: se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

The Link Between Cybersecurity and Reputation Management for Executives

The link between cybersecurity and personal reputation management for executives is significant. As leaders in their respective fields, executives are often the face of their company’s brand, and are responsible for maintaining the trust of customers, investors, and the public. However, with the rise of cyber threats, this trust can be quickly undermined if proper […]

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The post The Link Between Cybersecurity and Reputation Management for Executives appeared first on Security Boulevard.

More than 300m children victims of online sexual abuse every year

First global study of its kind exposes ‘staggering scale’ of crime, with one in nine men in the US admitting to the offence

More than 300 million children across the globe are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse each year, research suggests.

In what is believed to be the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis, researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that 12.6% of the world’s children have been victims of nonconsensual talking, sharing and exposure to sexual images and video in the past year, equivalent to about 302 million young people.

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© Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA


© Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA

‘It gives me no pleasure, but I am going to have to beat you’: was I the last boy to be flogged at Eton?

I was 13 and in my first year at the elite public school when I was caught drinking. The punishment shaped my time there – and became a watershed for the institution

I am the last boy to have been beaten at Eton. I confirmed this in a conversation with Tony Little, the then headmaster of that venerable school, during his 2002-15 tenure. “Our archivist has checked the files,” he said, “and can find no record of any beating since summer 1980.”

“So if I were to say I am the Ruth Ellis of corporal punishment at Eton,” I asked hopefully, referring to the last woman to be hanged in Britain, “would I be correct?”

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© Photograph: Cian Oba-Smith/The Guardian


© Photograph: Cian Oba-Smith/The Guardian

When ‘Prior Authorization’ Becomes a Medical Roadblock

Medicare Advantage plans say it reduces waste and inappropriate care. Critics say it often restricts coverage unnecessarily.

© Caroline Yang for The New York Times

Marlene Nathanson, right, with her husband, was abruptly refused a request to cover further treatment from her Medicare Advantage plan as she recovered from a stroke. “She has to leave our facility by Friday,” a therapist told her.

MPs urge under-16s UK smartphone ban and statutory ban in schools

Commons education committee chair says online world poses serious dangers and parents face uphill struggle

MPs have urged the next government to consider a total ban on smartphones for under 16-year-olds and a statutory ban on mobile phone use in schools as part of a crackdown on screen time for children.

Members of the House of Commons education committee made the recommendations in a report into the impact of screen time on education and wellbeing, which also called on ministers to raise the threshold for opening a social media account to 16.

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© Photograph: Westend61/Getty Images


© Photograph: Westend61/Getty Images

What America’s Federal Privacy Bill Means for Data Protection

After years of false starts, the US is edging closer to a federal data privacy law. In a surprise move, two lawmakers last month introduced a bipartisan, bicameral piece of legislation described as “the best opportunity we've had in decades” to finally enshrine a national privacy and security standard into law.

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Human Error and AI Emerge as Key Challenges in Survey of CISOs

The 2024 Proofpoint “Voice of the CISO” report is a useful barometer for understanding the current cybersecurity landscape, providing valuable insights from 1,600 CISOs globally. This year’s findings reveal a complex picture where heightened concerns coexist with a growing sense […]

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My old headteacher has been convicted of sexual offences against pupils. But why did justice take so long? | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Concerns about Neil Foden’s behaviour were raised years ago. We need to understand how such abuse is enabled

There was a moment during the trial of my former headteacher that broke my heart when I read about it. Child E was giving evidence of how Neil Foden would take her on trips to Liverpool, pulling over in country lanes on the way back so that he could have sex with her. When the defence suggested that the purpose of these detours was so that he could recce new routes for country walks, she laughed.

Why did reading about the laugh get to me so much? I think it was because it implied a tragic worldliness. The loss of childhood innocence. Children should not be laughing, seemingly bitterly and cynically, about the sexual proclivities of adult men.

Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett is a Guardian columnist

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© Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA


© Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA

Anthony Albanese says children under 16 should be banned from social media

PM backs campaign calling for minimum age to be raised from 13, saying impact of platforms can be ‘devastating’

Anthony Albanese has endorsed banning children from registering social media accounts until they are 16, saying too much online engagement at a young age is seriously damaging their mental health.

The prime minister is backing moves to raise the minimum age for registering social media accounts from 13 to 16 to give teenagers extra time to grow without being subjected to social pressures that can be exacerbated online.

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© Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP


© Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP

Nursery death of baby Genevieve Meehan raises troubling questions

While deputy manager of Tiny Toes in Stockport found guilty of manslaughter, case suggests it may be about more than just one bad apple

Woman found guilty of killing girl at Stockport nursery

Baby Genevieve Meehan, known to her family as Gigi, was her usual happy self when she arrived at Tiny Toes nursery on an overcast Monday morning in May 2022.

The nine-month-old girl with the striking emerald eyes had just taken her first steps and was uttering her first words. She had spent the weekend at home with her parents, enjoying cuddles and playing with her favourite toy tambourine.

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© Photograph: Great Manchester Police


© Photograph: Great Manchester Police

I have taken babies from their mothers. After my son was born I feared it was my turn to be punished | Ariane Beeston

Four days after my child was born, I began experiencing postpartum psychosis. What I learned changed my life

The first time I start hallucinating I am home, alone, with my baby. Drunk from lack of sleep I watch as his features morph in and out of shape. I take photo after photo, trying to capture what I see.

A few days later, while I am pushing the pram outside, it happens again. I pull the hood down to hide my baby from prying eyes. I no longer know who I can trust.

I am dead, I am dead. And because I am dead it won’t matter if I take my own life. No one can miss what was never real.

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© Photograph: Carly Earl/The Guardian


© Photograph: Carly Earl/The Guardian

Meet Becky, aged 14, suicidal, alone and unwanted. Victim of a cruel and uncaring state | Louise Tickle

I have followed the life of this desperate child as her life has been ruined by a bankrupt system

You’re a teenage girl and you’ve been locked in a bare hospital room for more than 15 months. Your bed is a platform attached to the floor. There’s a plastic toilet and a sink moulded into the wall. Your only human contact is through a hatch in the door. Sometimes you get to hold your mum’s hand through it.

You’ve tried to kill yourself multiple times, including trying to throw yourself off a bridge over the M6. That was after escaping being driven to an unregulated children’s home miles away from your family. You can’t understand why your mum’s not able to look after you, as she does with your two siblings.

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© Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images


© Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Why Bot Management Should Be a Crucial Element of Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing teams need a comprehensive bot management solution to address the challenges posed by bot traffic and protect marketing analytics. Bot management is designed to protect marketing efforts from bot-generated invalid traffic by accurately and efficiently classifying traffic and stopping unwanted. This allows you to maximize your marketing investments, achieve genuine engagement, and ensure accurate […]

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The post Why Bot Management Should Be a Crucial Element of Your Marketing Strategy appeared first on Security Boulevard.

SEC Updates 24-Year-Old Rule to Scale Customers’ Financial Data Protection

Financial data, financial data protection, SEC

The SEC is tightening its focus on financial data breach response mechanisms of very specific set of financial institutions, with an update to a 24-year-old rule. The amendments announced on Thursday mandate that broker-dealers, funding portals, investment companies, registered investment advisers and transfer agents develop comprehensive plans for detecting and addressing data breaches involving customers’ financial information. Under the new rules, covered institutions are required to formulate, implement, and uphold written policies and procedures specifically tailored to identifying and mitigating breaches affecting customer data. Additionally, firms must establish protocols for promptly notifying affected customers in the event of a breach, ensuring transparency and facilitating swift remedial actions. “Over the last 24 years, the nature, scale, and impact of data breaches has transformed substantially,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “These amendments to Regulation S-P will make critical updates to a rule first adopted in 2000 and help protect the privacy of customers’ financial data. The basic idea for covered firms is if you’ve got a breach, then you’ve got to notify. That’s good for investors.” According to the amendments, organizations subject to the regulations must notify affected individuals expeditiously with a deadline of no later than 30 days following the discovery of a data breach. The notification must include comprehensive details regarding the incident, the compromised data and actionable steps for affected parties to safeguard their information. While the amendments are set to take effect two months after publication in the Federal Register, larger entities will have an 18-month grace period to achieve compliance, whereas smaller organizations will be granted a two-year window. However, the SEC has not provided explicit criteria for distinguishing between large and small entities, leaving room for further clarification.

The Debate on SEC's Tight Guidelines

The introduction of these amendments coincides with the implementation of new incident reporting regulations for public companies, compelling timely disclosure of “material“ cybersecurity incidents to the SEC. Public companies in the U.S. now have four days to disclose cybersecurity breaches that could impact their financial standing. SEC’s interest in the matter stems from a major concern: breach information leads to a stock market activity called informed trading, currently a grey area in the eyes of law. Several prominent companies including Hewlett Packard and Frontier, have already submitted requisite filings under these regulations, highlighting the increasing scrutiny on cybersecurity disclosures. Despite pushback from some quarters, including efforts by Rep. Andrew Garbarino to The SEC’s incident reporting rule has however received pushback from close quarters including Congressman Andrew Garbarino, Chairman of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee and a Member of the House Financial Services Committee. Garbarino in November introduced a joint resolution with Senator Thom Tillis to disapprove SEC’s new rules. “This cybersecurity disclosure rule is a complete overreach on the part of the SEC and one that is in direct conflict with congressional intent. CISA, as the lead civilian cybersecurity agency, has been tasked with developing and issuing regulations for cyber incident reporting as it relates to covered entities. Despite this, the SEC took it upon itself to create duplicative requirements that not only further burden an understaffed cybersecurity workforce with additional and unnecessary reporting requirements, but also increase cybersecurity risk without a congressional mandate and in direct contradiction to public law that is intended to secure the homeland,” Garbarino said, at the time. Senator Tillis added to it saying the SEC was doing its “best to hurt market participants by overregulating firms into oblivion.” Businesses and industry leaders across the spectrum have expressed intense opposition to the new rules but the White House has signaled its commitment to upholding the regulatory framework. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Counting the Cost of PCI DSS Non-Compliance

For two decades, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has been the only show in town when it comes to regulating cardholder data. Created by the five big card companies (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, JCB and American Express) in 2004, it aims to enforce compliance through a kind of carrot-and-stick approach. That is, follow the rules and your organization will be able to continue processing card payments as usual. But fail to comply, and major fines could be headed your way.

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Managing Cyber Risk in Exit Strategy Planning

Exit Planning is the strategic process of preparing for the eventual transfer or sale of a business. It takes into account the business owner’s personal and financial goals and involves decisions and actions that enable a smooth and organized exit from the business.  Exit planning presents a challenging time for business owners. As they prepare […]

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Crypto Mixer Money Laundering: Samourai Founders Arrested

The recent crackdown on the crypto mixer money laundering, Samourai, has unveiled a sophisticated operation allegedly involved in facilitating illegal transactions and laundering criminal proceeds. The cryptocurrency community was shocked by the sudden Samourai Wallet shutdown. The U.S Department of Justice (DoJ) revealed the arrest of two co-founders, shedding light on the intricacies of their […]

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Colorado Bill Aims to Protect Consumer Brain Data

In a first, a Colorado law extends privacy rights to the neural data increasingly coveted by technology companies.

© Winni Wintermeyer for The New York Times

Siddharth Hariharoan tries to control a toy helicopter with his mind through the MindWave Mobile, a device by NeuroSky that reads brain waves.

Colorado Bill Aims to Protect Consumer Brain Data

In a first, a Colorado law extends privacy rights to the neural data increasingly coveted by technology companies.

© Winni Wintermeyer for The New York Times

Siddharth Hariharoan tries to control a toy helicopter with his mind through the MindWave Mobile, a device by NeuroSky that reads brain waves.