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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban

Screenshot from the documentary <em>Who Is Bobby Kennedy?</em>

Enlarge / Screenshot from the documentary Who Is Bobby Kennedy? (credit: whoisbobbykennedy.com)

In a lawsuit that seems determined to ignore that Section 230 exists, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has sued Meta for allegedly shadowbanning his million-dollar documentary, Who Is Bobby Kennedy? and preventing his supporters from advocating for his presidential campaign.

According to Kennedy, Meta is colluding with the Biden administration to sway the 2024 presidential election by suppressing Kennedy's documentary and making it harder to support Kennedy's candidacy. This allegedly has caused "substantial donation losses," while also violating the free speech rights of Kennedy, his supporters, and his film's production company, AV24.

Meta had initially restricted the documentary on Facebook and Instagram but later fixed the issue after discovering that the film was mistakenly flagged by the platforms' automated spam filters.

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"Blockchain Rasputin over here is mad that moderation exists"

After departing the BlueSky board of directors, Block Head and social media mogul Jack Dorsey gave an interview with venture capitalist Mike Solana in which he explained that Twitter rejecting advertisers is a blow for free speech and BlueSky is repeating the mistakes of Twitter, like moderation.

Needless to say, this has had tech pundits wondering if Dorsey actually understands what social media users want, while BlueSky staff pointed out the moves were to effectively accomplish BlueSky's goals (especially after Twitter's acquisition precluded the idea that it would adopt BlueSky as a protocol.) (Thread title courtesy of Mefi's Own jwz and his observations on the matter.)