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Today — 17 June 2024Main stream

Ian McKellen expected to make ‘speedy recovery’ after falling off stage

17 June 2024 at 19:16

Actor ‘in good spirits’ after fall during Player Kings performance, Noël Coward theatre spokesperson said

Ian McKellen is “in good spirits” and expected to make “a speedy and full recovery” after a fall during Monday evening’s performance of Player Kings, a spokesperson for the Noël Coward theatre in London has said.

McKellen was taken to hospital after the fall. The audience was evacuated from the West End theatre and informed that the evening show was cancelled.

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© Photograph: Manuel Harlan


© Photograph: Manuel Harlan

Before yesterdayMain stream

Hunt for Gollum: are Ian McKellen and Viggo Mortensen being quietly dropped?

By: Ben Child
14 June 2024 at 06:53

News of Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis’s eyebrow-raising return to Middle-earth seems to have passed the two stars by. Are Aragorn and Gandalf to be replaced?

Just how exactly did Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis’s shocking plan to return to Middle-earth with the forthcoming The Lord of The Rings: The Hunt for Gollum come about? Let us imagine the duo kicking back in Jackson’s Hobbity New Zealand pad with a good batch of Longbottom Leaf, several cases of miruvor wine recently delivered from Lothlórien, and plenty of seed cakes and cold chicken. Conspicuous by their absence from the party, however, unless something distinctly fishy is going on, are Viggo Mortensen (AKA Aragorn, AKA Strider, AKA King of Arnor and Gondor) and Ian McKellen (AKA Gandalf, AKA Mithrandir, AKA that bloke with the pointy hat and the fireworks). Because neither seems to have been so much as consulted about the new movie before it was announced to the public.

This is only strange if The Hunt for Gollum does turn out to be what everyone expects it to be, a big screen take on a minor section of JRR Tolkien’s sprawling fantasy tome that was only left out of Jackson’s Oscar-winning turn-of-the-century film trilogy because there was really no reason for it to be left in. The new movie is widely expected to cover the period in which Aragorn, who has been charged by Gandalf with the task of finding out what happened to Gollum after Bilbo’s encounter with the hideous creature beneath the Misty Mountains in The Hobbit, finally gets his hands on the rotten miscreant in the Dead Marshes and drags him before the elves of Mirkwood. It’s mentioned briefly in the books at the Council of Elrond, and lightly passed over in the same chapter of the movies.

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© Photograph: New Line Cinema/Allstar


© Photograph: New Line Cinema/Allstar

Top-price West End theatre tickets rise by 9% in a year and reach £300

13 June 2024 at 08:46

The Stage’s annual survey found that, for the first time, three plays in London – including Romeo and Juliet with Tom Holland – are charging more than £200 for their most expensive seat

Top-price theatre tickets in the West End of London have risen by more than 9% in a year, with the musical Cabaret offering the costliest seat at £303.95.

Research published on Thursday by industry newspaper the Stage for its annual ticketing survey found that the average top-priced West End ticket was £154.56, compared with £141.37 in 2023. Cabaret had the highest price for the third year in a row. For the first time in the survey’s history, three plays (as opposed to musicals) were found to be charging more than £200 for their most expensive seat.

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© Photograph: Marc Brenner


© Photograph: Marc Brenner

Carbon Offsets, a Much-Criticized Climate Tool, Get Federal Guidelines

28 May 2024 at 08:41
The new principles aim to define ‘high-integrity’ offsets amid concerns that current practices often don’t cut greenhouse gas emissions as claimed.

© Zinyange Auntony/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Seedlings at a carbon offset partnership in Zimbabwe.