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Today β€” 1 June 2024Other

mirror in the bathroom

By: HearHere
1 June 2024 at 08:46
This gown, from one of Kahlo's long hospital stays, is stained with both paint and [content note:] blood. It is a garment that portrays a very different image than the technicolor Tehuantepec dresses that were the artist's signature style in public. [getty.edu]

Frida & Trotsky ascend (2002), TikTok (Sotheby's), Museo Frida Kahlo previously: a ribbon around a bomb, LINEAGE BEGINS WITH THE AZTECS "La Catrina has been iterated over time," [San Francisco's Mexican Museum curator David de la Torre] said. "It's not just [JosΓ© Guadalupe] Posada and his work in 1910. There are layers of history." ...an amazing time in history, features "La Catrina in [Diego Rivera']s iconic mural, SueΓ±o de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central {Bronx Museum, via Google Arts & Culture} (Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central), where she links arms with a likeness of her creator, JosΓ© Guadalupe Posada, opposite Rivera himself as a child and Frida Kahlo, among many others...", Kahlo was a Marxist and member of the Mexican Communist Party - I suspect she'd find "brand builder" a repugnant label, eyebrows that would make Frida Kahlo jealous, "send me " might return Yasumasa Morimura's An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Collar of Thorns) "i think we broke it", DalΓ­/nsfw (links to an exhibit that may mirror the above; link's broken), beyond 5 women artists, expressions in the 1930s photos- I can't help but think of what was about to happen to the world, "They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn't. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality." (link out), [Tina] Modotti had an affair with Diego Rivera and later introduced him to Frida Kahlo in 1927, - the same year she joined the Partido Comunista. The following year Rivera painted The Arsenal where he portrayed the love, the activist known as Frida Kahlo, painting is not only a work of art, it is also an historical document, 300 dresses -- compete with paint stains and lingering cigarette smells, that earned her a photo shoot with Vogue magazine in 1937, La Llorona her tribute to Frida Kahlo, self-reflecting, Could you maybe add a "losangeles" tag?, the portable shrine concept (with LED candles!), Not Dali But An Incredible Simulation, together they have developed (and continue to perform) the long-running Difficult Women, a cabaret theater show, Leonora Carrington "the last surrealist", dollhouse, take back halloween, Somehow, this post won't feel complete without A Room Of One's Own, this is not your grandmother's crafting web site, Maria de los Remedios Varo Uranga: Her paintings combine the surrealist love of the mystical and unconscious with a delicate sense of the mechanical, la real Frida, "I have had two accidents in my life - the streetcar crash and Diego Rivera", Blake Leyh Sound designer for such films as The Abyss; Frida; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Y Tu Mama Tambien, and many others has a music blog, Pain and suffering are common themes in her work keyword in html: At least punk's not dead, right?
Yesterday β€” 31 May 2024Other

Thoreau'd not traveled by

By: HearHere
31 May 2024 at 04:06
They were Black veterans of World War II and Korea who had fought for freedoms abroad that they were denied at home. They were champions for LGBTQ rights at a time when each of those initials stood for moral corruption and political subversion. They were feminist activists in the left wing, some in the U.S. Communist Party, who confronted sexism, racism, and class prejudice as inseparable wrongs and barriers to solidarity, which prepared the way for a feminism beyond the Second Wave. And there were scientists prepared to denounce their colleagues' ingenious new biological, chemical, and military technologies as potential threats to the natural world, including humanity itself. [James R. Gaines, The Fifties]

an underground history
Before yesterdayOther

plantage to the moon

By: HearHere
29 May 2024 at 06:45
Alchemy, specifically the Paracelsian brand of alchemy-medicine, was prominent in the sixteenth and early years of the seventeenth century, not only in esoteric collections, but also in the "news" of the day. In 1600, the London College of Physicians examined a certain Frances Anthony who was suspected of prescribing and selling aurum portable (elixir). He was forbidden to continue his practice, a prohibition he repeatedly ignored in spite of fines and imprisonment. Three years later, in 1603, the controversy erupted between the Paracelsists and the medical faculty of Paris. Paul Kocher, historian, suggests that the theories of Paracelsus stirred up such a storm of controversy that, between 1590 and 1600, every educated person in England must have been aware of his works.[escholarshare, pdf]

alchemy, previously: time crystals, "this level of engagement represents a new kind of alchemy", Baking Bad, the special alchemy of African-American history and historical romance, meth, The exciting world of condensed-matter physics!, coding, afro-solarpunk, "I've been playing these games since before you were born!", despise not the truthful word of those who possessed the Stone before us, McCardell, turns out cheese is pretty useful, delightful music, flavor-ness, (pro babysitting tip: every house has markers and paper towels or coffee filters and it blows kids' minds every time), productivity, signs & symbols, sunny day, essential mixes, deliberately sent to this planet by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization, Dada and Surrealist artist Max Ernst's alter ego, a good novella, Almond milk was a traditional drink in Medieval europe, player is thrust into the role of a lowly Ensign on the alchemical starship, game within the game, oldhammer, my father's head [pdf], hops wars, nsfw, acsii, novels you should have read, timelapse, I MADE A FUCKING UNICORN, fresh aire, "These chemicals were invented during the '80s and '90s in the labs of legitimate scientists at universities and pharmaceutical companies who had been looking for ways to harness the therapeutic capacity of THC without any of the stoned side effects.", memory, cognates, Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams!, whales, turns out that there is a much deeper connective bond between alchemy and modern finance, muppet labs, 25 Semi-Obscure Traditional Christmas Songs as Performed by Famous and Non-Famous People, phlogiston, pixels (aka voxels), an elastic term, What Makes a Great Teacher?, not bureaucrats, for those who wonder about the above capitalization of The Great Work, in alchemy and hermetism, The Great Work (or, in Latin, Magnum Opus), is the term, βˆ€R , dark materials, Lame-in-osity is a scientific word., Suzanne Treister, a rose is a rose; is a rose?, out of the ballpark, living machines, try this at home, esoterica, interesting bypass of the "one link per day" rule, heresy, fascinating collection, timehunt this thread is open to new comments

don't be evil

By: HearHere
28 May 2024 at 05:03
Once upon a time, Google would have encouraged users to verify its AI's claims with a quick Google search. Ironically, this now only works if users click through results to check information against primary sourcesβ€”the exact practice Google is trying to shift users away from. [extremetech]

bridge, burning

By: HearHere
27 May 2024 at 06:48
it is, at best, very good at only one third of the game [lesswrong]

has bridge finally been conquered? This post will show this is not yet the case. I hope also to give a flavour of the type of probabilistic problems that routinely need to be solved at the bridge table, by AI or human, where Nook may score over a human and why, and where its performance may be somewhat inflated due to some features specific to the training and test set-up.

full fathom five thy (fore)father lies

By: HearHere
26 May 2024 at 07:01
There's no reason or evidence for a modern structure to have been built underwater at this site, says team member Marcel BradtmΓΆller, an archaeologist at the University of Rostock, Germany. Nor can the team think of any natural process that could create such a structure. [doi]

reminded of Carnac & regional neolithic sites [previously]

psa: plants

By: HearHere
23 May 2024 at 01:44
All is not lost! Fortunately. All over the world, artists, indigenous communities, activists, foragers, designers are devising creative strategies to help us co-evolve in a more sympathetic and mutually beneficial way with the oldest and most important -in terms of biomass- inhabitants of this planet. [wemakemoneynotart]

tree of life of trees (flowers, really)

By: HearHere
16 May 2024 at 23:56
Old and improved, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew recently released a lovely tree of life of... well, plants [pdf].

But wait, there's also An unexpected noncarpellate epigynous flower from the Jurassic of China [pdf]. I was surprised that there was a controversy so ancient and about such fascinating beings: flowers. This is the first post I wanted to share with you all. Enjoy!