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Yesterday β€” 17 June 2024Main stream

Do Reform UK’s election claims on tax, immigration and environment add up?

From economy to transport, health to housing, and immigration – how do the main pledges in party’s β€˜contract’ with electorate stack up?

Reform UK insists its plans are β€œnot just another party manifesto”, because it does not expect to win the election. But there are a lot of policy ideas in its 28-page β€œcontract” with the electorate. Here are the main proposals from Nigel Farage’s party.

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Β© Photograph: Victoria Jones/REX/Shutterstock


Β© Photograph: Victoria Jones/REX/Shutterstock

Before yesterdayMain stream

Protect Windermere from sewage, campaigners urge UK party leaders

11 June 2024 at 01:00

Open letter signed by naturalist Chris Packham and comedian Paul Whitehouse says pollution is degrading lake

The next government must give Windermere greater protection from sewage pollution, campaigners including the naturalist Chris Packham and the comedian Paul Whitehouse have urged in an open letter to all party leaders.

The campaign group Save Windermere, which organised the letter, says the lake has huge ecological significance, is home to rare and protected species and brings in about Β£750m to the economy. But the signatories, who include the Wildlife Trust, the countryside charity the CPRE and WildFish, say it is being degraded by pollution.

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Β© Photograph: Christopher Thomond/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Christopher Thomond/The Guardian

Council asks for permanent injunction to stop protests outside UK oil terminal

10 June 2024 at 12:54

North Warwickshire council seeks to extend controversial order against β€˜persons unknown’ for Kingsbury terminal

A council is trying to extend a controversial injunction against β€œpersons unknown” to stop any future protests outside an oil terminal operated by Shell UK.

Lawyers for North Warwickshire borough council will argue in the high court on Tuesday that an interim injunction granted in 2022 should be made permanent to stop protests outside Kingsbury oil terminal in Tamworth.

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Β© Photograph: Jacob King/PA


Β© Photograph: Jacob King/PA
