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Today — 17 June 2024Main stream

AridSpy Malware Targets Android Users in Middle East: Messaging Apps Used to Spread Spyware

AridSpy spyware

A new wave of cyberattacks targeting Android users in the Middle East has surfaced, with a focus on both Palestine and Egypt. Dubbed AridSpy, this multistage Android malware is allegedly orchestrated by the notorious Arid Viper APT group, a name synonymous with cyber espionage in the region. The malicious software, discovered being distributed through five dedicated websites, is ingeniously disguised within seemingly legitimate applications, marking a dangerous evolution in cyber threats. The modus operandi of these campaigns, initiated as early as 2022 and persisting to this day, revolves around the deployment of trojanized apps designed to infiltrate unsuspecting users' devices. These applications, ranging from messaging platforms to job opportunity portals, harbor the insidious AridSpy spyware within their code, allowing the attackers to remotely control the infected devices and extract sensitive information with alarming efficiency.

Arid Viper APT group Leveraging AridSpy to Target Victims

A key element of AridSpy's strategy lies in its ability to camouflage itself within genuine apps, thus bypassing traditional security measures. By leveraging existing applications and injecting them with malicious code, the perpetrators exploit the trust users place in familiar software, amplifying the reach and impact of their cyber offensive. ESET's investigation into these activities uncovered various instances of AridSpy infiltration, with the majority of cases centered around the distribution of the malicious Palestinian Civil Registry app. This tactic, coupled with the impersonation of reputable messaging platforms like StealthChat and Voxer Walkie Talkie Messenger, underscores the group's sophisticated approach to cyber warfare. Lukáš Štefanko, a researcher at ESET, sheds light on the mechanics of AridSpy's infiltration, detailing how unsuspecting users are lured into installing the tainted applications. “In order to gain initial access to the device, the threat actors try to convince their potential victim to install a fake, but functional, app. Once the target clicks the site’s download button, myScript.js, hosted on the same server, is executed to generate the correct download path for the malicious file,” explains Štefanko. Through deceptive download buttons and carefully crafted scripts, the attackers exploit vulnerabilities in users' trust and familiarity with popular apps, paving the way for the silent installation of AridSpy on their devices.

Reverse-Engineering Apps 

Moreover, Arid Viper's ingenuity extends beyond mere app impersonation, as evidenced by their manipulation of legitimate app servers to facilitate data exfiltration. By reverse-engineering existing apps and utilizing their infrastructure, the group orchestrates a seamless data extraction process, further complicating detection and mitigation efforts. AridSpy's capabilities are not limited to data espionage alone; the spyware boasts a sophisticated feature set aimed at evading detection and maximizing information extraction. Through a combination of network evasion tactics and event-triggered data exfiltration mechanisms, AridSpy operates stealthily, siphoning off a plethora of sensitive data including call logs, text messages, media files, and even location information. As the online threats continue to target victims globally, users and organizations alike must remain vigilant against hackers groups and ransomware gangs. By staying informed and adopting robust security measures, individuals can mitigate the risks posed by malicious actors such as the Arid Viper group, safeguarding their digital assets and personal information from exploitation.
Before yesterdayMain stream

CISA Issues 20 Industrial Control Systems Advisories to Secure ICS Management

Industrial Control Systems

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a comprehensive set of advisories to secure Industrial Control Systems (ICS) against exploitable vulnerabilities. Released today, the CISA advisories are aimed at equipping users and administrators with timely insights into prevalent security issues, vulnerabilities, and potential exploits within ICS infrastructure. The CISA advisories, 20 in all, offer in-depth technical details and mitigation strategies for identified vulnerabilities across various ICS components. CISA highlights the importance of promptly reviewing these advisories to enhance the resilience of industrial systems against online threats.

CISA Issues 20 Industrial Control Systems Advisories

One of the critical vulnerabilities highlighted is CVE-2024-33500, impacting Siemens Mendix Applications. This vulnerability, stemming from improper privilege management, presents a risk of remote exploitation. Siemens recommends immediate updates to affected versions and implementing additional mitigations to thwart potential attacks. Another significant concern involves vulnerabilities affecting Siemens SIMATIC S7-200 SMART devices. These vulnerabilities, attributed to insufficiently random values, may pave the way for denial-of-service attacks. Siemens advocates for network access restrictions and adherence to industrial security protocols to mitigate risks effectively. Additionally, Siemens TIA Administrator faces vulnerabilities due to insecure permissions in temporary file creation processes. While no known public exploits exist presently, Siemens advises users to update to the latest version and enforce stringent network security measures.

Multiple ICS Vulnerabilities Reported

The CISA advisories also shed light on vulnerabilities in Siemens SCALANCE XM-400 and XR-500 devices, Fuji Electric's Tellus Lite V-Simulator, and Rockwell Automation's FactoryTalk View SE, among others. These vulnerabilities, ranging from inadequate encryption strength to permission assignment flaws, highlights the diverse spectrum of risks facing industrial environments. Despite the absence of known public exploits targeting these vulnerabilities, CISA emphasizes the importance of proactive measures such as network segmentation, secure remote access methods, and heightened awareness of social engineering tactics. The CISA advisories also address vulnerabilities in Motorola Solutions' Vigilant License Plate Readers and Mitsubishi Electric's MELSEC-Q/L Series and Multiple Products. These vulnerabilities, discovered by security researchers, highlight the collaborative efforts needed to safeguard critical infrastructure against emerging cyber threats. As organizations navigate the complex landscape of industrial cybersecurity, the issuance of these CISA advisories serves as a crucial resource for bolstering defenses and fostering a resilient ICS ecosystem. By staying informed and implementing recommended mitigations, stakeholders can mitigate risks and uphold the integrity and reliability of critical industrial operations.

Hacktivist Group Launches Alleged Cyberattack on Unifi TV, Targeting Malaysian Internet Infrastructure

Unifi TV cyberattack claims

Hacktivist group 177 Members Team has claimed a cyberattack on Malaysia's leading internet service provider, Unifi TV. The Unifi TV cyberattack was posted on a dark web leak site, highlighting crucial details about the organization with links shared to confirm the intrusion. Unifi TV, a subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Berhad, offers a range of services including internet access, VoIP, and IPTV. The threat actor claimed this attack on June 12, 2024, and took responsibility for compromising Unifi TV's systems and launching multiple Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against the company.

177 Members Team Claims Unifi TV Cyberattack

[caption id="attachment_77209" align="alignnone" width="525"]Unifi TV cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cyberattack on Unifi TV was aimed at disrupting the operation of the organization and highlighted the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in safeguarding critical digital infrastructure. Despite claims by the threat actor that the Unifi TV website was down, the web pages seem to be operational at the moment and don’t show any immediate sign of the cyberattack. The impact of the cyberattack extends beyond Unifi TV, affecting not only the telecommunications industry but also posing a threat to Malaysia's digital ecosystem as a whole. With the country witnessing over 3,000 cyber attacks daily, according to Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, the cyberattacks on Malaysia highlights the growing nature of ransomware groups and hacktivist collectives targeting the nation. 

Previous Cybersecurity Incidents

While Unifi TV has yet to release an official statement regarding the cyberattack, concerns about data breaches have been previously raised. In July 2023, Telekom Malaysia issued a data breach alert to Unifi users, stating that personal information, including names, identification numbers, and contact details, may have been compromised. The company assured users that measures had been taken to contain the breach and protect customer data. In light of these incidents, cybersecurity experts emphasize the need for proactive measures to mitigate future threats. Collaborative efforts between government agencies, law enforcement, and private sector entities are crucial in addressing online threats that target Asian nations. As for the current Unifi TV cyberattack claims, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged attack or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Dordt University Faces Massive Data Leak: Millions of Students and Staff Potentially Affected

Dordt University data breach

Dordt University, a distinguished private Christian liberal arts college renowned for its reformed Christian perspective on education, has encountered a cybersecurity incident carried out by the BianLian ransomware group. The Dordt University data breach has listed a substantial amount of sensitive information online, leaving both the institution and its stakeholders in a state of vulnerability. The ramifications of this Dordt University data leak are profound, with a staggering revenue of $36.2 million and a data cache of approximately 3 terabytes compromised. Among the trove of exposed data are intricate financial records, personnel files, vital databases, internal and external email correspondences, incident logs, as well as comprehensive student profiles encompassing both local and international enrollees. 

Unverified Claims of Dordt University Data Breach

[caption id="attachment_77186" align="alignnone" width="1240"]Dordt University Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] According to the threat actors, even minors' data has reportedly fallen prey to this Dordt University breach, alongside personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health records (PHI). Despite the gravity of the situation, official responses from Dordt University have yet to materialize, leaving the authenticity of the claims surrounding the Dordt University data leak in a precarious limbo.  Notably, the BianLian ransomware group seems to have targeted the database infrastructure rather than executing a frontal assault on the university's website, suggesting a meticulously orchestrated campaign targeting the institution's digital backbone.

The Rise of BianLian Ransomware Group

The BianLian ransomware group has carried out similar cyberattacks in the past and this Dordt University data leak has prompted a collaborative effort from cybersecurity agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), to disseminate crucial intelligence on the modus operandi of the BianLian ransomware and data extortion group. Originating in June 2022, BianLian has brazenly targeted critical infrastructure sectors in both the United States and Australia, leveraging tactics such as exploiting valid Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) credentials and employing open-source tools for reconnaissance and credential harvesting. The evolution of BianLian's extortion tactics, transitioning from double-extortion encryption schemes to data exfiltration-based coercion since January 2023, highlights the escalating sophistication of cyber threats faced by modern organizations. In response, FBI, CISA, and ACSC have issued a joint cybersecurity advisory, urging critical infrastructure entities and small- to medium-sized organizations to fortify their defenses against ransomware groups by implementing robust mitigation strategies outlined in the advisory. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Truist Bank Data Allegedly Up for Sale on Dark Web: Employee Info, Transactions Exposed

Truist Bank Data Breach

A threat actor on a dark web forum has listed data from Truist Bank for sale following a cyberattack on the banking institution. Meanwhile, Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (K&S) is also dealing with a data breach. Reports indicate that Truist Bank client data, including sensitive information such as employee details and bank transactions, has been put up for sale on the dark web. The alleged Truist Bank data leak is attributed to a threat actor known as Sp1d3r. The data, reportedly obtained via the Snowflake breach, raises questions about the security measures in place at Truist Bank.

Truist Bank Data Breach Allegedly Goes on Sale on Dark Web

According to the threat actor’s post, the Truist Bank data breach is now selling for $1 million. The compromised data includes details of 65,000 employees, bank transactions containing names, account numbers, balances, and the source code for IVR funds transfers. [caption id="attachment_77051" align="alignnone" width="595"]Truist Bank Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The post by the threat actor provides specific information about the data for sale and contact details for purchase. Additionally, the post includes various usernames, threads, reputation points, and contact information such as XMPP handles and email addresses associated with the threat actor. Meanwhile, Kulicke and Soffa Industries, a renowned semiconductor and electronics manufacturing company, disclosed a breach compromising millions of files. Initially detected on May 12, 2024, the breach exposed critical data, including source codes, engineering information, and personally identifiable information.

Two Cybersecurity Incidents at Once

In response to the Kulicke and Soffa data breach, K&S swiftly initiated containment measures in collaboration with cybersecurity experts and law enforcement agencies. The company's cybersecurity team worked diligently to isolate affected servers and prevent further intrusion. Despite the breach, K&S remains committed to safeguarding its systems and data integrity. In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), K&S detailed its efforts to mitigate the impact of the breach. The company assured stakeholders that, as of the filing date, the incident had not materially disrupted its operations. However, investigations are ongoing to ascertain the full extent of the breach and increase the cybersecurity measures in place. The Truist Bank data breach and the Kulicke and Soffa cyber incident highlight the persistent threat of cyberattacks faced by organizations worldwide. While both entities are actively addressing the breaches, the incidents highlight a broader case of cybersecurity measures and their impact in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining trust in the digital age. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Grand Traverse County Faces Cyberattack: FBI and State Police Investigate

Grand Traverse County cyberattack

Grand Traverse County, Michigan, finds itself at the center of a cyber crisis as authorities investigate a ransomware attack that has disrupted operations in public offices across the county and the City of Traverse City. The Grand Traverse County cyberattack began when county officials noticed "network irregularities" at 6:06 a.m. on Wednesday, prompting swift action from the IT Department and county leadership.  As a precautionary measure, both county and city offices were taken offline to assess the situation and prevent further damage.

Decoding the Grand Traverse County Cyberattack

Subsequent investigations confirmed the severity of the cyberattack on Grand Traverse County, leading officials to label it as a ransomware attack. Collaboration between Grand Traverse County, Michigan State Police, FBI, and liability providers is underway to comprehend the scope of the attack and plan a strategic response. As of now, there's no confirmation of data transfer, but a thorough investigation is ongoing to safeguard the integrity of the system. While disruptions are inevitable, emergency services such as 911, law enforcement, and fire operations remain operational, ensuring public safety amid the crisis. Nate Alger, Grand Traverse County Administrator, assured the public of swift action, stating, "Our IT Department acted promptly to isolate the incident and shut down affected networks to contain the threat. We're working closely with our partners to minimize disruptions and resolve the situation efficiently."

The Aftermath of the Cyberattack Grand Traverse County 

The impact of the cyberattack on Grand Traverse County extends to in-person customer services at county and city offices, particularly those reliant on network connectivity. Citizens are urged to postpone non-urgent in-person payments at the treasurer's offices, although online payment services remain unaffected and secure. Despite the challenges posed by the attack, the county and city websites remain accessible, hosted on separate servers to ensure uninterrupted public access to essential information and services. While the situation unfolds, authorities are deploying alternative measures and collaborative efforts to mitigate the impact and restore services promptly. Grand Traverse County remains resilient in the face of adversity, prioritizing the safety and well-being of its residents throughout the recovery process. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged Grand Traverse County cyberattack or any additional information from the county. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

SPIEF 2024 Allegedly Endures Cyberattack by IT Army of Ukraine

SPIEF 2024 Cyberattack

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2024) was reportedly targeted by a siege from a prolonged cyberattack. The SPIEF 2024 cyberattack, orchestrated by the IT Army of Ukraine, unfolded over a four-day period, commencing on June 5 and culminating on June 8, 2024. This brazen act of digital aggression targeted not only the SPIEF but also its cybersecurity guardian, Solar SC, a state-owned enterprise specializing in safeguarding information assets. The modus operandi of the cyberattack on SPIEF 2024 primarily involved a barrage of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults, with the intensity reaching a staggering 200,000 malicious requests per second. 

IT Army of Ukraine Claims SPIEF 2024 Cyberattack

[caption id="attachment_76981" align="alignnone" width="1000"]SPIEF 2024 Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The claim of responsibility was boldly asserted by the IT Army of Ukraine through their Telegram channel. Their message, accompanied by a tone of defiance, boasted of rattling the nerves of their adversaries, even if the anticipated "big bang" did not materialize. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, there emerged reports of Samara students joining the ranks of cyber vigilantes, highlighting the growing complexity of cybersecurity challenges faced by nations worldwide. The impact of this SPIEF 2024 cyberattack beyond the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum itself, affecting Solar SC and its crucial role in fortifying the forum's digital infrastructure. The ramifications reverberated not only across the Russian Federation but also rippled through Europe and the UK, highlighting the interconnected nature of contemporary cyber warfare.

More Cyberattacks to Counter

In response to inquiries regarding the authenticity of these claims, Solar SC's General Director, Igor Lyapunov, reassured the public that despite the relentless onslaught, the forum's infrastructure remained resilient. The collaborative efforts of cybersecurity experts successfully repelled all attacks, safeguarding the integrity and functionality of SPIEF's digital ecosystem. However, concerns linger as to the broader implications of such cyber incursions, particularly in an era where economic forums serve as pivotal platforms for global cooperation and exchange. The sophistication and audacity demonstrated by threat actors underscore the pressing need for better cybersecurity measures and international collaboration to mitigate future risks. The Cyber Express reached out to SPIEF organizers for further insights into the incident and the authenticity of the IT Army of Ukraine's claims. As of the time of reporting, no official statement has been issued, leaving the allegations surrounding the SPIEF 2024 cyberattack unconfirmed. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Dark Web Actor Advertises New Click Fraud Software for Online Marketing Deception

New Click Fraud Software

A threat actor that goes by the name “enlared” surfaced on a dark web forum, offering a hacked method for online advertising: a "New Click Fraud Software for Google ADS." Priced at $700 per license, this software is promoted as an aggressive marketing tool for online fraud and taking down competitors.  The new click fraud software, according to the threat actor, had a bunch of practical features that go beyond conventional marketing practices. Specifically, the threat actor claims that the software can drain the competitor's budget and release multiple attacks.  “Tired of your competitors beating you on Google ADS? Want to level the playing field and drain their advertising budget? We have the perfect solution for you!”, reads the threat actor post. 

Understanding the New Click Fraud Software for Google Ads

The new click fraud software offers a range of features aimed at fraudsters and creating a hack in the competitive realm of online marketing. Its functionalities include location search change, allowing users to simulate clicks from different geographical areas to bypass detection algorithms used by advertising platforms.  Additionally, the software utilizes a network of proxies to generate clicks from multiple IP addresses, ensuring user anonymity. Users can also target specific ad domains and customize campaigns by selecting keywords, maximizing their campaigns' impact and relevance.

How It Operates and Pricing

The software integrates a user-friendly interface, facilitating quick setup and configuration in a matter of minutes. Users have full control over the parameters of their campaigns, from defining target locations and domains to specifying keyword targets. The results are immediate, says the threat actor, with competitors witnessing a rapid depletion of their advertising budgets as the software executes its strategy with ruthless efficiency. Additionally, the new click fraud software offers remote desktop demonstrations, providing potential buyers with a glimpse into the tool's potency before making a purchase decision. Priced at USD 700 per license, the software offers a compelling hack proposition for businesses seeking to gain an edge in the world of online advertising. Escrow payments are accepted to ensure security for both parties involved in the transaction. With its arsenal of advanced features and promise of tangible results, the new click fraud software for Google Ads represents a darker method for competing in the online advertising game. As businesses vie for visibility and market share in an increasingly competitive online sphere, this dark web tool offers a means of cheating and targeting competitors for a very cheap price.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Monti Ransomware Sold! New Owners Claims Interesting Things in the Future

Monti Ransomware Group

The notorious Monti ransomware has been sold to new owners. According to the actor's latest update, "This project was bought. It was bought because it suited our goals perfectly and did not have a bad reputation." The change in ownership and a shift in focus towards Western countries highlights a new approach towards ransomware. According to recent statements, the project has been acquired, with new owners expressing their intentions to revamp its infrastructure for future endeavors. In a cryptic post on their platform, the group hinted at upcoming developments, rallying for a collaborative effort to "build the future of the USA and Europe together."

Monti Ransomware Group and Change in Ownership

[caption id="attachment_76870" align="alignnone" width="938"]Monti ransomware Source: Dark Web[/caption] This announcement follows a string of cyberattacks perpetrated by the Monti ransomware gang. Notably, a recent incident in the South of France targeted three prominent institutions simultaneously: the Pau-Pyrénées airport, the Pau business school, and the city's digital campus. These attacks, occurring overnight from May 12 to May 13, 2024, disrupted operations and raised concerns regarding cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical sectors. While the affected institutions scrambled to mitigate the fallout, journalists uncovered insights from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) shedding light on the situation. Despite assurances of minimal disruption to activities, the compromised digital infrastructure left a trail of compromised data, including sensitive documents and personal information of employees and students. The modus operandi of the Monti ransomware group draws parallels to its predecessors, notably the Conti ransomware, which ceased operations in May 2022. The emergence of Monti, with its similar tactics and techniques, suggests a strategic emulation aimed at exploiting the void left by Conti's absence.

A Deeper Dive into Monti Ransomware Group

A deeper dive into the Monti ransomware incident reveals a sophisticated operation orchestrated through the exploitation of vulnerabilities like the notorious Log4Shell. The attackers infiltrated networks, encrypted user desktops, and disrupted critical server clusters, leaving organizations grappling with the aftermath. Despite its relative obscurity, the Monti ransomware group has garnered attention within the cybersecurity community. Analysts speculate that the group's emulation of Conti's strategies may stem from the leaked trove of Conti's internal data, providing a blueprint for nefarious activities. As cybersecurity threats evolve, it becomes imperative for organizations to fortify their defenses and stay vigilant against threat actors like the Monti ransomware. Collaborative efforts between cybersecurity experts and stakeholders are essential to mitigate risks and safeguard critical infrastructures from malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Dark Web Hacker ‘Tombstone’ Markets Google Subdomain Vulnerabilities on Cybercrime Forum


A dark web hacker that goes by the name “Tombstone” has claimed and advertised multiple vulnerabilities affecting a subdomain affiliated with Google LLC. The hacker claimed these flaws on the Russian-language cybercrime forum Exploit and stressed the susceptibility of the domain to XSS-DOM and prototype pollution vulnerabilities. Screenshots shared by threat actor Tombstone showcased '' as one of the allegedly impacted domains, raising concerns about potential exploits. Tombstone's post on Exploit lacked a specified price for the vulnerabilities, urging interested parties to initiate private communications for further details. The disclosed vulnerabilities pose significant risks to Google and its associated services, warranting immediate attention to mitigate potential cyber threats. "These vulnerabilities are in the software, not the source code Note that I only sell bugs with POC and full proof not exploits With a great price for long-term cooperation in other projects Exchange of Apple, FB, Meta, Microsoft banks", reads the threat actor post.

Dark Web Hacker Claims Prototype Pollution and XSS-DOM Vulnerability

[caption id="attachment_76830" align="alignnone" width="1108"]Prototype Pollution and XSS-DOM Vulnerability Source: Dark Web[/caption] The vulnerabilities advertised by Tombstone have direct implications for Google LLC, a prominent entity within the IT & ITES industry. Notably, domains such as and have been identified as being at risk, primarily affecting users currently using the Google services.  The vulnerabilities disclosed by Tombstone encompass XSS-DOM and prototype pollution, both of which can serve as entry points for malicious cyber activities. XSS-DOM vulnerabilities, in particular, enable threat actors to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users, potentially leading to session hijacking, phishing attacks, malware distribution, and data theft. Prototype pollution vulnerabilities, however, involve manipulating a JavaScript object's prototype to achieve unintended behavior, often resulting in unauthorized data manipulation or code execution. The combination of these vulnerabilities within Google's subdomain highlights the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard against potential cyberattacks.

Previous Incidents and Security Research

Prior to Tombstone's disclosure, security researcher Henry N. Caga had identified the XSS vulnerability within a Google subdomain, further emphasizing the susceptibility of Google's infrastructure to such exploits. Caga's research revealed the presence of a vulnerability within the URL associated with ',' prompting an in-depth investigation. Despite initial challenges in replicating the XSS pop-up, Caga's persistence ultimately led to the discovery of a double-encoded payload that triggered the vulnerability. Subsequent testing unveiled the widespread nature of the vulnerability across all URLs within the domain, accentuating the severity of the issue. Following responsible disclosure protocols, Caga promptly reported the findings to Google's security team, accompanied by comprehensive documentation and proof of concept scripts. Google's swift response included an upgrade in the issue's priority and severity levels, acknowledging Caga's contributions with a reward of $4,133.70, along with a $1,000 bonus for the thoroughness of the report and proof of concept scripts. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Hack Alert: SN Blackmeta Claims Cyberattack on Snapchat Over Explicit Content and Alleged Political Bias!

Snapchat cyberattack

The notorious hacker group SN Blackmeta has allegedly claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on Snapchat's infrastructure. The Snapchat cyberattack has reportedly led to disruptions in service in specific regions and the disabling of login and account creation features within the app.  In a post attributed to SN Blackmeta, the threat actor outlined their motives for the cyberattack on Snapchat, citing reasons such as their opposition to the content promoted by the social media platform, which they claim includes pornography and undermines moral values.  Additionally, the group accuses the application of supporting Israel while opposing efforts in support of Palestine. These grievances, according to SN Blackmeta, prompted them to target Snapchat as a means to "test their strength."

Decoding the Snapchat Cyberattack by SN Blackmeta 

[caption id="attachment_76796" align="alignnone" width="379"]Snapchat Cyberattack claims Source: X[/caption] The claimed Snapchat cyberattack has allegedly resulted in service disruptions in certain countries and the temporary incapacitation of key features within the Snapchat application. Despite SN Blackmeta's claims, Snapchat has not yet released an official statement about the incident, leaving the details of the cyberattack unconfirmed. The Cyber Express has reached out to the company, and we are currently awaiting their response.  [caption id="attachment_76798" align="alignnone" width="372"]Snapchat cyberattack on dark web Source: X[/caption] Interestingly, this isn't the first time SN Blackmeta has made headlines for their cyber activities. In the past few days alone, the group has launched attacks on various targets, including the Social Security Administration (SSA) website and Microsoft's OneDrive. These attacks aim to disrupt services and hinder user access, demonstrating the group's proficiency in executing cyber warfare. The recent surge in cyberattacks by SN Blackmeta comes amidst a backdrop of escalating tensions in the digital world. Other hacktivist groups have also been active, targeting prominent organizations and government entities with coordinated attacks.

Previous Cybersecurity Challenges

The current Snapchat cyberattack is not the first time that the Snap INC-owned platform has faced cybersecurity challenges. The most recent controversy with Snapchat was reported by Vice in May 2019 wherein researchers discovered that Snapchat employees were misusing their access privileges to spy on users. This breach of trust raised concerns about user privacy and data security within the platform. Between January 2014 and February 2018, Snapchat faced a series of cybersecurity challenges. In July 2017, a phishing attack compromised over 55,000 accounts by luring users to a fake login page. The attackers then published stolen credentials, granting unauthorized access.  In February 2016, a phishing scam targeted Snapchat employees, resulting in the disclosure of payroll information. The October 2014 incident involved a third-party app hack, leaking 200,000 explicit images. Though Snapchat denied system compromise, blame was placed on the app providers.  In January 2014, a security vulnerability led to the exposure of 4.6 million user details, despite Snapchat's claim of addressing the issue promptly. As for the current Snapchat cyberattack claim, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged cyberattack on the social media platform or any official confirmation from Snap INC.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Patch It Up: Microsoft Addresses 49 Vulnerabilities in June Patch Tuesday

Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Microsoft has released the June 2024 Patch Tuesday updates, reinforcing security and enhancing functionality for Windows 11 and 10 users alike. Among these updates, the tech giant has also addressed 49 vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft environments and products. “Microsoft patched 49 CVEs in its June 2024 Patch Tuesday release, another sub-60 CVE release for the second month in a row. This month, Microsoft did not patch any zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in the wild. Typically, Microsoft Patch Tuesday releases skew towards being mostly remote code execution vulnerabilities," said Satnam Narang, Senior Staff Research Engineer at Tenable. For those using the Windows 11 operating systems with versions 23H2 and 22H2, the KB5039212 patch awaits in the Windows Update queue. This comprehensive Microsoft Patch Tuesday Update introduces several notable tweaks.

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Update: All the Major Developments and Fixes

With this June Microsoft Patch Tuesday update, the tech giant has introduced a slew of user-friendly updates, including the ability to generate QR codes directly from the Windows Share menu in Microsoft Edge, facilitating seamless sharing of webpages and cloud files. Enhancements to the Windows Share feature now allow users to easily email content to themselves using their linked email address from their Microsoft account, while a subtle but impactful change prevents the abrupt dismissal of the Windows Share window, requiring users to click the designated close button instead. File management is streamlined with the ability to drag files between breadcrumbs within the File Explorer address bar, simplifying the process of relocating files within the same file path. Additionally, a new "Linked devices" page in the Settings menu enables users logged in with a Microsoft account to seamlessly manage their PCs and Xbox consoles, while the Windows Backup app now integrates with Microsoft accounts, offering secure backup options for files, themes, settings, installed apps, and Wi-Fi credentials to the cloud. Microsoft has also addressed underlying issues with this June 2024 Patch Tuesday, including a fix for an issue causing the taskbar to briefly malfunction or become unresponsive, as well as resolving an issue hindering systems from resuming from hibernation post-BitLocker activation. “In 2023, remote code execution flaws accounted for over one-third (35.1%) of all CVEs patched. However, this Patch Tuesday release was dominated by elevation of privilege flaws, accounting for nearly half of the CVEs patched (49%) this month. Microsoft patched CVE-2024-30089, an elevation of privilege flaw in the Microsoft Streaming Service. Like many of the elevation of privilege flaws patched as part of Patch Tuesday, Microsoft labelled this one as “Exploitation More Likely,” said Narang. For Windows 11 users on the original iteration of the OS (21H2), the KB5039213 patch primarily focuses on bug fixes, with the added activation of the SMB over QUIC client certificate authentication feature, providing IT administrators with enhanced control over client access to SMB over QUIC servers.

Addressing 49 Vulnerabilities with Vigilance

With cyber threats looming large, Microsoft's June 2024 Patch Tuesday release stands as a protective measure against hackers and ransomware groups alike, addressing a total of 49 CVEs. Among these, one is rated critical, marking a concerted effort to shore up security defenses. Notably, there have been no reported zero-day or publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, underscoring Microsoft's proactive stance on security. Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerabilities take center stage, constituting 49% of the patched vulnerabilities this month, followed closely by Remote Code Execution (RCE) at 36.7%. Several critical vulnerabilities have been identified, including CVE-2024-30080, a Remote Code Execution flaw in Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) with a CVSSv3 score of 9.8, deemed highly exploitable by Microsoft. Additionally, CVE-2024-30082, CVE-2024-30087, and CVE-2024-30091 highlight the significance of patching critical components like the Win32k driver to prevent potential exploits. Similarly, attention is drawn to Windows Kernel vulnerabilities CVE-2024-30064, CVE-2024-30068, CVE-2024-30088, and CVE-2024-30099, emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive patch management. Moreover, CVE-2024-30085 highlights the varied attack vectors adversaries may exploit, necessitating swift remediation. “These types of flaws are notoriously useful for cybercriminals seeking to elevate privileges on a compromised system. When exploited in the wild as a zero-day, they are typically associated with more advanced persistent threat actors or as part of targeted attacks," said Narang. He added further, "This vulnerability was disclosed to Microsoft by the same security researcher that disclosed CVE-2023-36802, another Microsoft Streaming Service elevation of privilege flaw, which was patched in the September 2023 Patch Tuesday. Curiously, that flaw was disclosed by the researcher, but it was Microsoft themselves that noted it as being exploited in the wild. Another Microsoft Streaming Service flaw was patched this month (CVE-2024-30090), but unlike CVE-2024-30089, this one is labeled as “Exploitation Less Likely.” Concurrently, Microsoft's cessation of security updates for Windows 10 21H2 across several editions stresses the importance of timely upgrades to ensure ongoing protection against online threats.

Breaking Down the New China-Linked Remote Access Trojan ValleyRAT Variant


ValleyRAT, a notorious remote access trojan (RAT) with origins traced back to early 2023, has resurfaced with a vengeance. Designed with the malicious intent to infiltrate and seize control over systems, this Chinese threat actor-backed malware continues to evolve, presenting new challenges to cybersecurity experts worldwide. According to Zscaler ThreatLabz’s research, a new campaign orchestrated by a China-based threat actor unleashed the latest iteration of ValleyRAT. This threat campaign, characterized by its multi-stage approach, utilizes various tactics to ensnare unsuspecting victims.

ValleyRAT and the Intricate Attack Chain

[caption id="attachment_76569" align="alignnone" width="1080"]ValleyRAT infection chain Source: ValleyRAT Infection Chain[/caption] At the heart of this campaign lies ValleyRAT's intricate attack chain. It begins with an initial stage downloader leveraging an HTTP File Server (HFS) to procure essential files for subsequent stages. Employing anti-virus checks, DLL sideloading, and process injection techniques, the downloader and loader meticulously navigate through defenses, ensuring seamless execution. Understanding the intricacies of this RAT and the makers behind it, the campaign's technical analysis unveils the sophisticated mechanisms employed by ValleyRAT. From XOR and RC4 decryption to dynamic API resolving, every step is meticulously crafted to obfuscate its malicious intentions. The malicious DLLs and shellcodes deployed in subsequent stages further attest to the threat actor's ingenuity. Persistence is key for ValleyRAT's longevity on compromised systems. By manipulating autorun keys and concealing file attributes, the malware ensures its survival, ready to execute its nefarious operations at a moment's notice.

Evolution of ValleyRAT

The latest variant of ValleyRAT boasts significant enhancements. From refined device fingerprinting capabilities to revamped bot ID generation processes, the malware is more adept at blending into its environment and evading detection. Moreover, the introduction of new commands expands its arsenal, empowering threat actors with greater control over infected systems. Mitigating ValleyRAT's threat requires a multi-faceted approach. Leveraging advanced threat detection mechanisms like Zscaler Cloud Sandbox is essential. Additionally, staying vigilant and leveraging threat intelligence to identify and thwart emerging threats is paramount in safeguarding against ValleyRAT's onslaught. As ValleyRAT continues to evolve, so must our defenses. With each iteration, online threats becomes more complex, necessitating proactive measures to counter emerging threats effectively. By staying informed and leveraging cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, organizations can fortify their defenses and mitigate the risks posed by ValleyRAT and similar threats.

Chinese Hackers ‘Mustang Panda’ Target Vietnamese Entities in Sophisticated Cyber Espionage Campaigns

Mustang Panda

Recent cyber espionage activities have illuminated the pervasive threat posed by the China-linked hacking group Mustang Panda, as it strategically targets Vietnamese entities. Analysis by Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) reveals the sophisticated tactics employed by the Mustang Panda Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) in infiltrating government bodies, nonprofits, and educational institutions, among others. Mustang Panda, with its roots in China, operates with alarming precision, potentially indicating state-affiliated cyberespionage efforts. The group's reach extends beyond Vietnam, targeting organizations across the U.S., Europe, and various Asian regions, including Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and more.

Researchers Unravel Mustang Panda Campaign

CRIL's scrutiny of recent attacks in Vietnam uncovers a pattern of deception, with Mustang Panda employing lures centered around tax compliance and the education sector. The campaigns exhibit a multi-layered approach, leveraging legitimate tools like forfiles.exe to execute malicious files hosted remotely. Furthermore, the group harnesses PowerShell, VBScript, and batch files to advance its operations, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of cybersecurity evasion tactics. One notable aspect of Mustang Panda's modus operandi is the ingenious embedding of partial lure documents within malicious LNK files, aimed at thwarting detection measures. By blending elements of the lure directly into the files, the hackers increase their payload's size while evading traditional security protocols. The intricacy of Mustang Panda's attacks is exemplified by its use of DLL sideloading techniques to execute malicious code on victim systems. By exploiting vulnerabilities in legitimate executables, the group establishes persistence and opens pathways for further infiltration. Recent findings also shed light on Mustang Panda's persistent activities since at least 2014, with documented engagements ranging from governmental targets to NGOs. Notably, a campaign in April 2017 targeting a U.S.-based think tank revealed distinctive tactics indicative of the group's extensive reach and operational longevity.

Mustang Panda Targets Vietnamese Organizations

In the most recent campaign observed in May 2024, Mustang Panda set its sights on Vietnamese entities with lures related to tax compliance, following a similar approach in April 2024, which targeted the education sector. Both campaigns were initiated with spam emails containing malicious attachments, showcasing the group's adaptability in exploiting topical themes to maximize success rates. Technical analysis of the May 2024 campaign unveils the group's sophisticated maneuvering, including the use of double extensions in malicious files to mask their true nature. This campaign's payload, disguised as a PDF document, conceals a series of PowerShell commands aimed at downloading and executing further malicious scripts from remote servers. DLL sideloading emerges as a recurrent theme, with Mustang Panda leveraging legitimate executables to cloak their malicious activities. By camouflaging their actions within routine system processes, the hackers minimize the risk of detection while maintaining access to compromised systems. The Mustang Panda campaigns highlight the growing threat of cybercriminals, characterized by increasingly sophisticated methodologies. By exploiting vulnerabilities in common software and leveraging social engineering techniques, the group demonstrates a formidable capacity to infiltrate and persist within targeted networks.

Central Securities Corporation Faces Cyberattack Claims By Underground Team Ransomware Group

Central Securities Corporation cyberattack

The Underground Team ransomware group has allegedly claimed a cyberattack on Central Securities Corporation, asserting access to a staggering 42.8 GB of sensitive data compromised, spanning decades of company history and containing a trove of confidential information. The scope of the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack is staggering, reportedly encompassing a range of data from historical reports to personal correspondence and even passports of employees and their relatives. Such a comprehensive breach not only threatens the integrity of Central Securities Corporation but also poses a significant risk to the privacy and security of its employees and stakeholders.

Underground Team Ransomware Claims Central Securities Corporation Cyberattack

[caption id="attachment_76481" align="alignnone" width="1319"]Central Securities Corporation cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The aftermath of the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack is evident as the company's website remains inaccessible, leaving concerned parties in the dark about the extent of the damage and the company's response. Efforts to reach out to Central Securities Corporation have been impeded by the website's downtime, exacerbating the sense of urgency surrounding the situation. The cybercriminals behind the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack have brazenly demanded nearly $3 million in ransom, further compounding the company's woes. This incident highlights the ransomware strain like the Underground Team leverages novel approaches to extort money and exploit sensitive data.

Researchers Highlight Underground Team Ransomware Group

Security experts from Cyble have previously warned of the growing prevalence of targeted attacks, where hackers tailor their strategies to infiltrate specific targets with devastating consequences. The emergence of new ransomware variants highlights the constant battle organizations face in safeguarding their digital assets against evolving threats. One such variant, the Underground Team ransomware, has caught the attention of researchers for its unique ransom note and sophisticated techniques. Offering more than just decryption services, the ransom note promises insights into network vulnerabilities and data recovery assistance, signaling a new level of sophistication in ransomware operations. Technical analysis of the ransomware reveals intricate mechanisms employed to identify and encrypt system files, demonstrating the attackers' proficiency in exploiting vulnerabilities. By selectively targeting files and directories while bypassing certain extensions and folders, the ransomware achieves its malicious objectives with alarming efficiency. As for the cyberattack on Central Securities Corporation, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged Central Securities Corporation cyberattack or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Cyberattack on ControlNET: INC Ransom Group Claims Breach of Building Technology Provider

ControlNET cyberattack

INC Ransom group has targeted the building technology solutions provider, ControlNET LLC. The ControlNET cyberattack on June 10, 2024, allegedly targeted the supply chain factor of the organization and also asserted intrusion on Rockford Public Schools. ControlNET, renowned for its expertise in HVAC, lighting, video surveillance, access control, and power solutions, is now facing an alleged attack by a hacker group. In its post, the group not only infiltrated ControlNET's systems but also exposed sensitive information, including invoice details, building floor plans, email communications, and sample folders of ControlNET and their clientele.

Understanding the ControlNET Cyberattack

The ramifications of this breach extend beyond ControlNET with operations disrupted and data compromised for the organization. However, the claims for this cyberattack on ControlNET have not been verified. The hacker group’s post on the dark web shed light on their motives, citing ControlNET's alleged negligence in safeguarding customer data.  [caption id="attachment_76431" align="alignnone" width="1357"]ControlNET Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] “This company has taken very poor care of the data entrusted to them by its customers. In the course of a successful attack, we stole a huge amount of data. We also attacked the clients of this company ROCKFORD SCHOOL. Which we have access to thanks to CONTROL NET”, reads the threat actor post.  The leaked information highlights the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures, particularly in industries like construction and education, where sensitive data is at stake.

Who is the INC Ransom Hacker Group?

The Cyber Express has reached out to the organization to learn more about this ControlNET cyberattack and the authenticity of the claims made by the threat actor. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received, leaving the claims for the cyberattack on ControlNET unverified.  Moreover, the company's website appears to be operational, suggesting that the attack may have targeted the backend infrastructure rather than the front-end interface. The threat actor in this attack, INC Ransom, is a ransomware group that emerged in August 2023, employing double and triple extortion tactics on victims, leaking data on their blog. Victims, mainly from Western countries, face threats and coercion during negotiations, with evidence packs published to pressure payment. The group's leaked blog includes light and dark UI options, a feedback box, and a Twitter link. While similar to LockBit 3.0's blog, INC Ransom does not charge for leaked data. Victims, spanning private sector businesses, a government organization, and a charity association, hail mostly from the United States and Europe, emphasizing the widespread impact of this cyber threat. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Dark Web Actor Claims Shadow PC Data Breach Targeting UK-Based Cloud Service Provider

Shadow PC Data Breach

A dark web actor named "komarod” is claiming credit for a June 8 Shadow PC data breach, allegedly stealing data from the UK-based cloud service provider. The Shadow PC cybersecurity incident has raised concerns about the security of Shadow's systems and the safety of user data. The leaked database shared on an English-language cybercrime forum called Leakbase contains a staggering 545,014 records. These records encompass a range of data fields such as ID, email, first name, last name, user creation date, and billing address, all encapsulated in a JSON format.

Understanding the Shadow PC Data Breach Claims

[caption id="attachment_76271" align="alignnone" width="988"]Shadow Data Breach Claims Source: Dark Web[/caption], a cloud computing service developed by the French company Blade, has been at the forefront of innovative cloud technology, offering users the capability to run video games and other Windows software applications remotely on Windows 10 servers. This service, acquired by OVHcloud founder Octave Klaba in 2021, has garnered significant attention in the IT & ITES industry. The impact of the Shadow PC data breach extends to both and its parent company, Blade. With the leak affecting users primarily in the United Kingdom and across Europe, concerns about the safety of personally identifiable information (PII) have heightened. While the cyberattack has yet to be officially confirmed by or Blade, the threat actor's post on the cybercrime forum indicates a breach in the system's security defenses. The lack of an official statement or response from the organization has left the claims regarding the Shadow data breach unverified.

Previous Cybersecurity Incidents

Interestingly, despite the Shadow PC data leak, the website remains operational, showing no immediate signs of a cyberattack. This suggests that the hacker group may have targeted the backend of the website, focusing on data extraction rather than launching a front-end assault such as a DDoS attack or website defacement. However, this is not the first time has faced cybersecurity challenges. In a previous incident in 2023, the company experienced a similar breach where customer data was compromised due to a social engineering attack against one of its employees. Over half a million customers were potentially impacted by the breach, raising concerns about the security measures in place at Shadow. CEO Eric Sele, while acknowledging that breach, refrained from disclosing the exact number of individuals affected. Despite claims from the threat actor regarding the sale of stolen data on a cybercrime forum, the company remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the breach and its implications for customers. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

NCSWIC Launches Video Series to Explore Interoperability Challenges and Solutions

NCSWIC Video Series

The National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) attempts to shed light on the significant duties and routine tasks performed by Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWICs). This new NCSWIC Video Series is crucial for highlighting the importance of interoperability and emergency communications in a variety of public safety circumstances. In the first episode of the NCSWIC Video Series, "What is a SWIC," members of NCSWIC talk about the vital role that SWICs play in supporting emergency response and interoperability efforts. They highlight the crucial role that SWICs play in assisting both federal and state authorities, bridging the gap between technology and policy to ensure effective communication during emergencies.

NCSWIC Video Series Highlights Inner Workings of Interoperability The second video, "What are Emergency Communications?" goes into great detail about the subtleties of emergency communication systems. It highlights how important they are to first responders and why protecting the nation depends on them. The third and last video, "What is Interoperability," clarifies the difficulties associated with interacting across various systems and emphasizes the importance of teamwork regardless of the agency, level of government, or risk. The national growth of public safety communications is central to NCSWIC's purpose. NCSWIC works to improve interoperability and advance long-term emergency communications projects by encouraging coordination amongst SWICs.

The Daily Operations of SWIC and NCSWIC

SWICs, in their capacity, oversee the daily operations of their state's interoperability efforts. They coordinate projects, maintain governance structures, and spearhead the implementation of Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans (SCIP). To support public safety communications, SWICs also take part in outreach, program administration, grant coordination, and policy creation. To execute statewide interoperability programs in line with federal goals, state SWICs work with a range of stakeholders and governmental organizations. They promote cooperation throughout the emergency communications landscape, assist strategic planning, and guarantee transparency through consistent communication. As members of NCSWIC, SWICs at the national level promote interoperable communications and best practices. Serving as intermediaries between the federal government, business community, and state authorities, they plan funding campaigns and disseminate success stories to encourage the development of interoperable solutions. Through the NCSWIC Video Series, the council hopes to raise awareness of the vital role SWICs play in guaranteeing effective emergency communications. The goal of NCSWIC is to strengthen and secure the nation's public safety infrastructure by fostering cooperation and best practices.


Members of NCSWIC discuss how they support interoperability and emergency response and communications, their role as key partners for state and federal agenc...

Alleged RCE Vulnerability Threatens Subdomains of Italian Ministry of Defence

RCE vulnerability

A threat actor known as spr1ngtr4p has purportedly advertised a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting a subdomain of Italy's Ministry of Defence website. This RCE vulnerability was posted on June 7, 2024, on a Russian-language cybercrime forum called XSS and sheds light on the malicious intent of the threat actor.  RCE vulnerabilities, such as the one claimed by spr1ngtr4p, pose significant risks as they allow malicious actors to execute code remotely on targeted systems. The implications of such an exploit can be severe, ranging from the deployment of malware to the complete compromise of affected machines.

The RCE Vulnerability and Possible Cyberattack on the Italian Ministry of Defence

[caption id="attachment_76184" align="alignnone" width="1240"]RCE Vulnerability Source: Dark Web[/caption] The affected organization, as claimed by the threat actor, is the Ministry of Defence of Italy, Ministero Difesa, highlighting the gravity of the situation. The website in question,, falls under the purview of this governmental body, making it a matter of national security concern. With Italy being the impacted country, the ramifications extend to the wider European and UK regions, emphasizing the potential for geopolitical implications. The post by the threat actor, shared on the cybercrime forum, offers insights into the nature of the RCE vulnerability. However, it lacks substantial evidence to validate the claims made. The absence of proof raises doubts about the credibility of the assertions and necessitates a thorough investigation into the matter.

No Confirmation of Intrusion

Efforts to ascertain the authenticity of the alleged cyberattack on the Italian Ministry have been initiated, with inquiries directed towards the Ministry of Defence of Italy. As of the time of this report, official confirmation or denial from the ministry is pending, leaving the status of the Italian Ministry of Defence cyberattack unresolved. Despite the alarming nature of the disclosure, there are indications that the Ministry of Defence website remains operational and unaffected by any apparent cyber intrusion. This suggests that either the threat actor has refrained from exploiting the vulnerability or that the website's security measures have effectively thwarted any attempted attacks. Nevertheless, the potential threat posed by the RCE vulnerability cannot be understated, warranting proactive measures to mitigate risks and fortify cyber defenses. Organizations, especially those in the government and law enforcement sectors, must remain vigilant and employ robust security protocols to safeguard against emerging cyber threats. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Singapore-Based Absolute Telecom Allegedly Hit by Cyberattack: Over 34GB of Data Compromised

Absolute Telecom data breach

Absolute Telecom Pte Ltd, a prominent telecommunications company based in Singapore, has fallen victim to an alleged cyberattack.  The Absolute Telecom data breach, allegedly on May 15, 2024, has been attributed to a hacker known as "GHOSTR," who claims to have infiltrated and compromised the company's server networks.  This Absolute Telecom data leak has resulted in the exposure of sensitive data totaling over 34GB, including internal information such as login credentials, passwords, and subscriber details.

Decoding the Absolute Telecom Data Breach Claims

[caption id="attachment_76122" align="alignnone" width="1280"]Absolute Telecom data breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The compromised data in this Absolute Telecom data breach encompasses a range of crucial information, including corporate records, accounting data, sales statistics, customer particulars, full credit card details, and call records. GHOSTR, in a post on a hacker forum, boasted about the successful breach and the acquisition of the extensive database belonging to Absolute Telecom Pte Ltd. Attempts to reach out to Absolute Telecom for clarification on the extent and impact of the breach have been impeded by the unavailability of their website, which is currently offline and unresponsive. This outage has hindered communication with the organization, leaving many questions unanswered regarding the security implications and measures being taken to address the breach. After the alleged cyberattack on Absolute Telecom's website, users attempting to access the site may encounter a 'took too long to respond' error message. This service disruption indicates the impact of the breach on the company's digital infrastructure, highlighting the severity of the situation and the challenges faced in restoring normalcy to their online operations.

Who is the GHOSTR Hacker Group?

GhostR, a financially driven threat actor, gained notoriety for pilfering a confidential database of 5.3 million records from World-Check. They also leaked approximately 186GB of data from a stock trading platform. GhostR's activities on Breachforums include exposing extensive data breaches affecting Thai users, and revealing personal information like full names, phone numbers, email addresses, and ID card numbers. As of now, there are no associated families linked with this actor. The cyberattack on Absolute Telecom underscores the persistent threat posed by malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in digital infrastructure. As organizations continue to rely heavily on technology to conduct their operations, safeguarding against cyber threats remains paramount to protect sensitive data and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders alike. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We'll update this post once we have more information on the alleged Absolute Telecom data breach or any official confirmation from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

A Breach in Trust: HopSkipDrive Data Leak Exposes Drivers’ Personal Information

HopSkipDrive data breach

A threat actor has come forward, asserting responsibility for a significant breach in the security infrastructure of HopSkipDrive, a well-known rideshare service connecting families with reliable drivers. This HopSkipDrive data breach, allegedly occurring in June 2023, has led to the unauthorized access of sensitive data belonging to the company's drivers. According to the claims made by the hackers, HopSkipDrive's network and cloud infrastructure fell victim to this breach, resulting in the exposure of detailed personal information stored within its database. This compromised data reportedly includes a trove of 60,000 folders, each containing comprehensive details about individual users, ranging from driving licenses and insurance documents to vehicle inspection records and more.

Decoding the HopSkipDrive Data Breach Claims

The threat actor has purportedly made public a staggering 500GB of sensitive information, encompassing various personal identifiers such as first and last names, email addresses, Social Security Numbers (SSNs), home addresses, zip codes, and even countries of residence.  Additionally, the leaked data from this data leak HopSkipDriveallegedly includes source code snippets, including private admin panel information, alongside driving licenses, insurance particulars, vehicle inspection records, selfie photographs, and even criminal records. In a dark web post, the threat actor claimed responsibility, stating, "We disclose all HopSkipDrive data publicly. Indeed, in June 2023, we compromised the company's network and cloud infrastructure of HopSkipDrive." The HopSkipDrive data leak post further details the nature of the compromised data, providing evidence of the breach's magnitude and the extent of information exposed.

HopSkipDrive Data Leak Investigation

Efforts to verify these claims have been met with silence from HopSkipDrive, as the organization has yet to issue an official statement or response regarding the alleged data breach. Despite this lack of confirmation, the severity of the situation cannot be overstated, with the potential implications for affected drivers and their privacy remaining a cause for concern. Interestingly, despite the reported breach, the HopSkipDrive website appears to be operational, showing no immediate signs of an attack. This suggests that the threat actor may have gained access to the data without launching a visible front-end assault, such as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack or website defacement. As the investigation into the HopSkipDrive data breach continues, the priority lies in addressing the security vulnerabilities that allowed such unauthorized access to occur. Additionally, affected individuals must remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to safeguard their personal information against potential misuse or exploitation in the aftermath of this breach. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged HopSkipDrive data leak or any official confirmation from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank Settle $1.4 Million Data Breach Lawsuit

Webster Bank Data Breach

Guardian Analytics Inc. and Webster Bank N.A. have agreed to pay over $1.4 million to resolve claims stemming from a data breach in 2022. The Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank data breach compromised the personal information of approximately 192,000 individuals, leading to allegations of inadequate protection of sensitive customer data. The settlement, which received final approval in federal court, addresses grievances brought forward in a consolidated class action lawsuit. Plaintiffs contended that both Guardian Analytics, a provider of data analytics services to financial institutions, and Webster Bank, failed to implement sufficient measures to safeguard sensitive customer information, including names, Social Security numbers, and financial account details.

Going Back to Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank Data Breach

During the Guardian Analytics data breach, unauthorized individuals gained access to Guardian's network systems between November 27, 2022, and January 26, 2023, obtaining the personally identifiable information (PII) of plaintiffs and class members. This data breach left affected individuals vulnerable to identity theft and other forms of fraud. The plaintiffs alleged that the defendants, Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank, breached their duty to implement and maintain adequate security measures, thereby allowing the breach to occur. As a result, plaintiffs and class members suffered various damages, including a significant risk of identity theft, loss of confidentiality of their PII, and financial losses due to inadequate data security measures.

The $1.4 Million Data Breach Lawsuit

The Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank data breach settlement agreement includes provisions to reimburse affected individuals for monetary losses, covering up to $5,000 for direct financial losses and up to $250 for ordinary losses. Additionally, the agreement compensates for four hours of lost time incurred by plaintiffs dealing with the aftermath of the breach. Individual plaintiffs, including Mark S. Holden, Richard Andisio, Edward Marshall, Ann Marie Marshall, Arthur Christiani, Johnielle Dwyer, Pawel Krzykowski, and Mariola Krzynowek, represented the class action lawsuit. Each plaintiff cited damages suffered as a result of the breach, ranging from financial losses to significant time spent rectifying the situation and monitoring accounts for fraudulent activity. The settlement serves as a reminder of the importance of robust data security measures in an era where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent. Both Guardian Analytics and Webster Bank have emphasized their commitment to enhancing security protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future. The legal proceedings shed light on the grave consequences of data breaches, including prolonged periods of identity theft resolution and financial instability for affected individuals. As technology continues to evolve, businesses must prioritize cybersecurity to protect customer data and maintain trust in an increasingly digital world.

Researchers Urge Immediate Action on New EmailGPT Vulnerability Exposing Users to Data Breach

EmailGPT Vulnerability

The CyRC Vulnerability Advisory has reported a critical security flaw in EmailGPT, an AI-powered email writing assistant and Google Chrome extension that streamlines your email correspondence using advanced AI technology. This EmailGPT vulnerability (CVE-2024-5184), known as prompt injection, enables malicious actors to manipulate the service, potentially leading to the compromise of sensitive data. The core of this vulnerability in EmailGPT is the exploitation of API service, which allows malicious users to inject direct prompts, thereby gaining control over the service's logic. 

Understanding the New EmailGPT Vulnerability (CVE-2024-5184)

[caption id="attachment_75572" align="alignnone" width="1920"]EmailGPT Vulnerability (CVE-2024-5184) Source: GitHub[/caption] By coercing the AI service, attackers can force the leakage of standard system prompts or execute unauthorized prompts, paving the way for various forms of exploitation. The implications of this EmailGPT vulnerability are profound.  By submitting a malicious prompt, individuals with access to the service can extract sensitive information, initiate spam campaigns using compromised accounts, or fabricate misleading email content, contributing to disinformation campaigns. Beyond data breaches, exploiting this vulnerability could result in denial-of-service attacks and direct financial losses through repeated requests to the AI provider's API. “When engaging with EmailGPT by submitting a malicious prompt that requests harmful information, the system will respond by providing the requested data. This vulnerability can be exploited by any individual with access to the service”, reads the CyRC Vulnerability Advisory.

CyRC Advises Users to Remove EmailGPT

With a CVSS score of 6.5 (Medium), the severity of this vulnerability highlights the urgency of remedial action. Despite the efforts of CyRC to engage with EmailGPT developers through responsible disclosure practices, no response has been received within the stipulated 90-day timeline. Consequently, the “CyRC recommends removing the applications from networks immediately”. As users navigate this security challenge, staying informed about updates and patches will be paramount to ensuring continued secure service use. Given the evolving landscape of AI technology, maintaining vigilance and implementing robust security practices are imperative to thwart potential threats. The EmailGPT vulnerability, CVE-2024-5184, serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of prioritizing security in AI-powered tools. By heeding the recommendations of the CyRC and taking proactive measures to mitigate risks, users can safeguard their data and uphold the integrity of their digital communication systems.

UAE Ministry of Education Faces Alleged Cyberattack from Pro-Palestinian Hacktivist Group

UAE Ministry of Education Cyberattack

On June 6, 2024, a cyberattack on UAE Ministry of Education's website was claimed by a dark web actor. The threat actor, called DarkStormTeam, is a hacktivist group that supports Palestine and is infamous for carrying out similar attacks. As per the threat actor's post, the UAE Ministry of Education website allegedly targeted in a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The UAE Ministry of Education cyberattack, which lasted for approximately three hours on their official website, allegedly caused disruptions in online services. The DarkStormTeam published a message outlining their plan to target important government services and Emirati infrastructure. This is because UAE's allegedly support Israel, in the ongoing cyberware. The cyberattack on the Ministry of Education's website is believed to be part of their bigger campaign against groups affiliated with countries that support Israel. The Cyber Express has reached out to the UAE Ministry of Education in an attempt to obtain more information about the cyberattack. However, at the time of writing this news report, no official response was received, leaving the claims unverified.

Understanding UAE Ministry of Education Cyberattack

The UAE Ministry of Education is a crucial federal government organization that oversees all matters pertaining to education within the country. The Ministry is crucial to the growth and management of the UAE's educational system. It was established in accordance with Sheikh Zayed's Federal Law No. of 1972. This is not an isolated incident; DarkStormTeam has been aggressively launching cyberattacks against a various governmental and commercial sector institutions worldwide. In March 2024, the group turned its attention to organizations, focusing on the US, Brazil, Denmark, Egypt, France, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates, among other countries. Although their precise intentions are still unknown, they might be anything from anti-Israel bigotry to political grievances.

The Rise of DarkStormTeam Hacker Group

It's worth noting that DarkStormTeam's activities often include promoting hacking services for hire, suggesting potential financial motivations alongside their ideological objectives. This blend of ideological and potentially profit-driven motives adds complexity to their operations and highlights the challenges in addressing cyber threats posed by hacktivist groups. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. TCE will update this post once it receive more information on the alleged UAE Ministry of Education cyberattack or any official confirmation from the ministry. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Malaysia’s Railway Assets Corporation (RAC) Faces Alleged Data Breach

RAC data breach

A hack on Malaysia's Railway Assets Corporation (RAC) has been reported by a dark web actor. The key entity under Malaysia's Ministry of Transport was the target of the RAC data hack. The threat actor "billy100" carried out this breach and posted its allegations on the BreachForums platform.  The RAC data breach, which was made public on a dark web forum, refers to personnel records that have been allegedly leaked and connected to the Railway Assets Corporation (RAC). There are 481 lines of documents in the compromised database, according to billy100. As evidence, the threat actor provided samples from the CSV files "users_id" and "detail," which included hashed passwords, email addresses, and usernames.

RAC Data Breach Allegedly Exposes Sensitive Information

[caption id="attachment_75309" align="alignnone" width="1445"]RAC data breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] Established under the Railways Act of 1991, the Railway Assets Corporation (RAC) is a federal statutory entity tasked with supporting Malaysia's railway infrastructure. Since its founding in 1992, RAC has played a significant role in bringing the nation's railway industry up to par with other leading nations. Since the corporation is in charge of managing and growing railway assets, it is very important. Sensitive employee data is purportedly hidden in the RAC data breach exposed database. Information about several aspects of personnel records is one of the disclosed details. The two main files that make up the stolen data are users_id.csv, which contains vital user information like IDs, names, emails, passwords, and more, and detail.csv, which offers additional in-depth employee information such as personal identifiers, department information, salary, and dates of birth.

Investigation and Cyberattacks on the Railway Sector

Inquiries on the RAC data loss and potential ransomware gang involvement have been made to the organization by The Cyber Express. However, as of the time of this writing, no formal response or statement had been made, so the allegations regarding the RAC data leak remain unsubstantiated.  Railroads, being essential infrastructure in the digital age, are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats that endanger both their daily operations and public safety. Attacks on international railway networks in recent times have brought attention to the need for stronger cybersecurity protections. Vulnerabilities brought on by outdated systems, unsecured networking, and IoT devices raise the risks.  Rail operators need to prioritize asset visibility, implement strong authentication, encrypt communication networks, and keep a stockpile of up-to-date patches and upgrades to strengthen security. Ensuring that staff members receive comprehensive cybersecurity training is also essential. If transportation is to continue being reliable and secure in the future, cybersecurity must be fully integrated into railway operations. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

FBI Recovers 7,000 LockBit Keys, Encourages Victims to Come Forward

LockBit Victims

The FBI has retrieved almost 7,000 decryption keys related to the LockBit operation, which affected thousands of businesses. After the sequence of events that resulted in the arrest of the ransomware group, the FBI is now asking LockBit victims to come forward so they can retrieve their encrypted data without worrying about facing financial or legal repercussions. At the Boston Conference on Cyber Security in 2024, Assistant Director of the FBI's Cyber Division Bryan Vorndran spoke about the LockBit operation and the strategies taken by national security agencies to oppose it.  Vorndran continued by outlining the FBI's complex plan for thwarting LockBit ransomware attacks and emphasized the importance of taking preventative measures against this ransomware gang.
"Disrupting LockBit and its affiliates became a global effort, involving FBI work with agencies from 10 other countries, particularly the British National Crime Agency, over more than three years," states Vorndran, indicating the FBI's steadfast dedication to enforcing the law online.

FBI Urges LockBit Victims to Reclaim Their Encrypted Data

The recent action taken by the FBI against the well-known ransomware-as-a-service company LockBit was a critical turning point in the disruption of criminal networks. Vorndran provided insight into the workings of LockBit, blaming its growth on the business ventures of its creator, Dimitri Khoroshev.  “Additionally, from our ongoing disruption of LockBit, we now have over 7,000 decryption keys and can help victims reclaim their data and get back online. We are reaching out to known LockBit victims and encouraging anyone who suspects they were a victim to visit our Internet Crime Complaint Center at”, denoted Vorndran.  Citing previous legal actions against Khoroshev and his co-conspirators for fraud, extortion, and similar offenses, Vorndran reaffirmed the FBI's commitment to bringing perpetrators accountable in an unflinching stance against cyber enemies. He reaffirmed the FBI's commitment to seeking justice and offering assistance to victims by way of programs like the recovery of LockBit decryption keys. Vorndran underlined the significance of thorough cybersecurity procedures and cooperative partnerships in protecting against malevolent activities given the ongoing evolution of cyber threats. He urged all parties involved to band together in the battle against cybercrime, stressing that it is our shared duty to strengthen digital barriers and provide a safe online environment for everybody. Vorndran reaffirmed the FBI's steadfast dedication to thwarting cyber threats and promoting cross-sector cooperation. He called on people to support the idea of group resilience, reiterating the idea that working together is essential to overcoming the ever-changing threats posed by cybercriminals.

Ransomware-as-a-service Models on the Rise

Recognizing the critical role that partnerships play, Vorndran emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships working together both nationally and internationally to effectively tackle cyber threats. He underlined the value of victim engagement, pointing out that the FBI's operations strategy relies heavily on prompt threat response and all-encompassing victim care. Vorndran's thoughts on cybercrime included a discussion on the emergence of ransomware-as-a-service models. According to these models, affiliates receive sophisticated malware in exchange for payment from criminal syndicates that resemble elements of conventional organized crime. He alerted businesses to the growing threat posed by ransomware attacks, which often combine two or three different extortion techniques, leaving victims vulnerable to both data theft and financial extortion. Vorndran emphasized the need to take preventative action, advising companies to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses and allocate resources in a way that allows for reasonable downtime. Citing cybercriminals' careful assessment of possible victims based on susceptibility, brand reputation, and economic impact, he underlined the significance of target identification.

Australian Government Orders Chinese Divestment from Northern Minerals Amid Cybersecurity Concerns

Northern Minerals cyberattack

Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers has mandated that several Chinese-linked investors divest their shares in Northern Minerals, a rare earth miner. The directive, grounded in foreign investment laws, requires the sale of these stakes due to concerns over national security linked to a Northern Minerals cyberattack incident. The move comes at a time when the mining sector is increasingly seen as strategic, particularly in light of recent developments surrounding the Browns Range heavy rare earths project in Western Australia. Northern Minerals is at the forefront of developing this crucial project, which has gained attention for its potential role in green energy and defense sectors. The Browns Range mine is positioned to be a supplier for Iluka Resources' Eneabba rare earth refinery, a project backed by substantial Australian government funding.  However, the spotlight on Northern Minerals has also made it a target for cyberattacks, which has now gained urgency following a data breach made by the BianLian ransomware group.

Decoding the Northern Minerals Cyberattack Claims

[caption id="attachment_74717" align="alignnone" width="765"]Northern Minerals Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cyberattack on Northern Minerals has raised questions not only for the organization but also for stakeholders and investors, as many businesses and individuals have invested heavily in these mining projects. Prior to the current situation, Northern Minerals discovered a data breach incident in late March that compromised a range of sensitive data, including corporate, operational, and financial information, as well as details about current and former personnel and shareholders. Despite the severity of the breach, Northern Minerals reported that its operations and broader systems remained largely unaffected. However, the BianLian group has leaked data it says was compromised in the attack, including operational, strategic, R&D, financial, and employee information, along with executive emails and phone numbers. Treasurer Jim Chalmers' directive to Chinese-linked investors, including Yuxiao Fund, to sell their stakes in Northern Minerals is a significant move to safeguard Australia's national interests. The Foreign Investment Review Board advised this action to ensure compliance with Australia's foreign investment framework. The decision affects not only Yuxiao Fund but also other foreign shareholders, who have been given 60 days to dispose of their shares. Yuxiao Fund, a Singapore-registered private investment vehicle of Chinese national Wu Yuxiao, had previously been restricted from increasing its stake in Northern Minerals. The Australian government's insistence on these divestitures reflects a broader strategy to reduce dependency on foreign entities, particularly those linked to China, in the critical minerals sector.

Strategic Implications of the Cyberattack on the Mining Industry

The cyberattack on Northern Minerals highlights the broader vulnerabilities within the critically important mining industry, which is becoming an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals. The attack on Northern Minerals, along with similar incidents like one involving Rio Tinto in 2023, illustrates the critical need for enhanced cybersecurity protocols across the sector. These attacks not only threaten the operational integrity of mining companies but also pose significant risks to national security, given the strategic importance of rare earth elements. As the mining sector becomes increasingly vital to global supply chains, particularly for green energy technologies and defense applications, it is imperative to protect these resources from cyber threats. The suspected involvement of the hacker group BianLian in the Northern Minerals cyberattack has further intensified concerns. The group claims to have stolen extensive data, including corporate email archives and shareholder information, which was then posted on the dark web. Australia's proactive stance in managing foreign investment in its critical minerals sector, coupled with its efforts to mitigate cyber threats, sets an example for other nations facing similar challenges. By prioritizing national security and strengthening cybersecurity, Australia aims to ensure the sustainable and secure development of its strategic mineral resources. The cyberattack on Northern Minerals and the subsequent divestment orders by the Australian government highlights the intertwined nature of cybersecurity and national security in the mining industry. As cyber threats continue to evolve, so too must the strategies to defend against them, ensuring the resilience and security of critical industries worldwide. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Patch Now! Google Chrome Fixes Critical Vulnerabilities

Google Chrome for Desktop Vulnerabilities

Google Chrome for Desktop has patched multiple vulnerabilities that might have allowed attackers to run arbitrary code on compromised PCs. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) determined that these Google Chrome vulnerabilities were of high severity. The vulnerabilities affected Google Chrome versions before 125.0.6422.141/.142 for Windows and Mac and before 125.0.6422.141 for Linux systems. Identified as CERT-In Vulnerability Note CIVN-2024-0179, these Google Chrome for Desktop vulnerabilities posed a significant risk to users' security.

Decoding the Google Chrome for Desktop Vulnerabilities

The Google Chrome for Desktop vulnerabilities included Use after free in Media Session, Dawn & Presentation API; Out of bounds memory access in Keyboard; Out of bounds write in Streams API, and Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC. Attackers might take advantage of these flaws by deceiving users into viewing maliciously designed websites. Google acted promptly to address these issues with a Stable Channel Update rolled out on May 30, 2024. The update, version 125.0.6422.141/.142 for Windows and Mac, and 125.0.6422.141 for Linux, contains fixes for a total of 11 security issues, including those highlighted by external researchers. According to the security blog, an external security researcher contributed Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC, Use after free in Dawn, Use after free in Media Session, and Out-of-bounds memory access in Keyboard Inputs patches with the updates.  The joint endeavor of Google and security researchers was important in recognizing and resolving these vulnerabilities before their widespread use.

Mitigations Against the Google Chrome for Desktop Vulnerability

CERT-In advises users to update their browser to the latest version of Google Chrome. This reduces the possibility of getting targeted by Google Chrome for Desktop vulnerabilities. Since Google Chrome often provides security updates to address new threats and vulnerabilities, it's imperative to stay up to speed with software patches. Apart from the outside aid, Google's in-house security team also carried out fuzzing, audits, and other proactive measures to find and address vulnerabilities. Google's dedication to ensuring its users have a safe and secure surfing experience is evident in its all-encompassing strategy. Users can visit the Chrome Security Page to learn more about the security changes included in the most recent release. It is recommended that users of Google Chrome maintain their browsers updated to be safe from any potential dangers. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Beware! New Android Trojan ‘Viper RAT’ on Dark Web Steals Your Data

Viper RAT

Dark web actors are advertising a new Android Remote Trojan called Viper RAT that targets Android devices. The threat actor, which goes by the same name, has asserted that this malicious tool has a plethora of capabilities. On May 31, 2024, information about the advertising of a brand-new Android Remote Trojan Access (RAT) called "VIPER RAT" on the CrackingX and OnniForums forums became public. According to the post, the Viper RAT can be rented for a mere $499 with capacities of targeting and penetrating devices based on Android operating systems.

Android Remote Trojan Viper RAT Advertised on Dark Web Forums

A multi-grabber for credentials, emails, 2FA codes, wallets, and keys is one of the features that are offered, along with keylogging capabilities. Additionally, this Android Remote Trojan Viper RAT offers more than 600 word-wide injections, phone unlocking, VNC control, and audio and video recording capabilities to aid with phishing redirection. To add a degree of credibility, the threat actor provides a dedicated website, viperrat[.]com (domain registered on May 17, 2024), and a Telegram account for orders. The unnervingly low cost of the Viper RAT suggests that its release was motivated by malevolence. The efficacy of this device is demonstrated by the two demonstration videos that the threat actor has uploaded on the main website. The Viper RAT has previously made an appearance in the world of cybercrime. The author made the initial introduction to CrackingX on May 8, 2024, and updated the features on May 31, 2024. The threat actor's overt endorsement of the Viper RAT highlights how serious the risks are for Android users everywhere.

Advanced Features, Capabilities, and Pricing

The threat actor's pitch on underground forums paints a grim picture of the Viper RAT's capabilities. Promising "Viper Android Rat Hidden Screen Control Unlock Phone | Grab VE 2FA ★Crypto," the actor markets it as the "Best Android Remote Control," with a reminder that "The only secure phone is that powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards." The pricing tiers begin at $499, and customized versions can be ordered. The threat actor highlights that installation support is given without charge, but there are no trial offers. Only cryptocurrency can be used as a form of payment, further obscuring illegal activities. Among the features listed by the threat actor, Viper RAT has a set of other factions that are specifically designed to target Android devices regardless of what hardware they are using. To shed light on some of its features, the Android RAT can achieve live keylogging and phishing redirection to multi-grabber features and seamless screen control. The Viper RAT also offers many more features, such as smooth hidden VNC control, screen capture, unlocking pin and pattern, controller support for APKs up to version 14, and much more. Due to these features, the threat actor has unparalleled access to personal information, enabling them to act destructively and surreptitiously. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Archi Hives Data Breach: Client Information Potentially Exposed on Dark Web

Archi Hives data breach

A database linked to an Indian architecture and interior designing firm, Archi Hives, was compromised in a cyberattack. The Archi Hives data breach was attributed to a threat actor known as SirDump. He shared the information regarding a data breach at Archi Hives on June 2, 2024, on the nuovo BreachForums platform, where the threat actor disclosed sensitive details. The stolen information, which was in the form of a zipped file with two CSV files, revealed a wealth of personal and organizational information. Social media handles, billing, and shipping information, and nicknames were all included in the first CSV file.  The second file presents a worrisome image of the scope of the Archi Hives database leak by containing more information such as user logins, passwords, and activation keys. Archi Hives is a well-known architecture and interior design firm founded in the early 1990s and is run by individuals with experience in both fields. 

Archi Hives Data Breach Claimed on Dark Web

The incident had a ripple effect not only on the company but also on the construction sector in India and the larger Asia & Pacific (APAC) region, with the leak's epicenter being its website, [caption id="attachment_74580" align="alignnone" width="1262"]Archi Hives Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] To find out more about the Archi Hives data breach allegations, The Cyber Express contacted the company. However, no official comment or remark has been received regarding this Archi Hives database leak. This leaves the claims for this cyberattack stand unconfirmed right now.

Cyberattacks on Interior Designing Firms

Cyberattacks are a harsh reality for interior design companies, increasing the possibility of data breaches and monetary losses. Studies show that it typically takes 73 days to contain an attack, which can seriously impair operations and cause 60% of small enterprises to fail in less than six months. Each breached record can cost £15,300 to rectify, denting profits, reported Wealth & Finance International. Strong IT rules, frequent data backups, and personnel training are all components of defense. Creating comprehensive incident response protocols and working with 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring services are crucial. Given the constantly changing nature of cyber threats, interior design firms must give top priority to implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures to safeguard their operations in an increasingly hostile digital environment. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Trend Micro Taps Nvidia for Next-Gen AI-powered Cybersecurity Tools

AI-powered cybersecurity

Trend Micro and Nvidia are collaborating to provide cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions driven by AI and tailored to stop cyber attacks on data centers. These AI-powered cybersecurity solutions are expected to make their debut at this week's COMPUTEX conference in Taiwan. The tools are designed to run smoothly on Nvidia CPUs, making them accessible to users globally and especially those using Nvidia environments. The upcoming COMPUTEX conference in Taipei will include the unveiling of these AI-powered cybersecurity solutions. The three main products of the collaboration are Trend Vision One ASRM, Trend Vision One Companion, and Trend Vision One Sovereign Private Cloud (SPC).

AI-Powered Cybersecurity Tools Will Be Revealed at Taipei's COMPUTEX

Due to the growing integration of AI systems across industries, businesses are centralizing data from various sources into a single pool, a trend that aligns with the release of these AI-powered cybersecurity technologies. Kevin Simzer, the Chief Operating Officer of Trend Micro, said these data pools can also become a critical: "They work their way into the enterprise and they find this massive honeypot of information." Trend Micro's partnership with Nvidia, specifically through the use of Nvidia NIM (NVIDIA Inference Microservices), demonstrates the company's hopes to lead the way in AI-driven cybersecurity solutions. This partnership facilitates the development of better security measures tailored to next-generation data centers, optimizing performance while fortifying defenses against cyber threats.

Highlights of the Trend Micro-Nvidia Collaboration

Trend Micro will reveal the cutting-edge security solutions at COMPUTEX in Taipei, featuring the Trend Vision One suite. Among these tools, the Sovereign Private Cloud (SPC) uses the Nvidia NIM for data security and compliance. The Companion AI improves detection and automates incident response. As for the last product, ASRM uses predictive analytics to strengthen an organization's cybersecurity posture. Trend Micro claims the Trend Vision One platform will provide unmatched security and operational efficiency because of Nvidia's AI infrastructure. The keynote speakers at the event will address a variety of subjects, including leveraging AI for cybersecurity, safeguarding next-generation AI data centers, enhancing the productivity of the AI workforce, and securing business generative AI. Attendees can see Trend Micro's new AI-based tools at the company's booth and assess how they can be integrated into corporate security frameworks to address data security threats.

Dkhoon Emirates Faces Data Breach Concerns: Over 1.1 Million Customers Potentially at Risk

Dkhoon Emirates Data Breach

Dkhoon Emirates, a well-known fragrance brand recognized for previous partnerships with Mariaceleste Lombardo and Dominique Moellhausen, has fallen victim to a significant data breach. A cybercriminal has openly taken credit for the attack and is allegedly selling the compromised databases on the dark web. The Dkhoon Emirates data breach potentially exposes personal information from approximately 1,187,492 customer records. The threat actor, Ddarknotevil, also denoted that these documents are said to contain sensitive information such as complete identities, phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. The asking price for this data is set to $4,800 for a one time deal with transactions limited to XMR and BTC.

Dkhoon Emirates Data Breach Claims Surfaces on Dark Web

[caption id="attachment_74222" align="alignnone" width="873"]Dkhoon Emirates Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] If there are no buyers for the information, the cybercriminal responsible for the possible Dkhoon Emirates data breach has made claims, threatening to make the data public. Although the authenticity of these accusations is still unknown, Dkhoon Emirates users need to be on the lookout for any potential phishing attacks. The Cyber Express has reached out to Dkhoon Emirates for clarification and further information regarding the alleged breach. But as of this writing, no formal answer or comment has been received. As a result, the assertions regarding the Dkhoon Emirates data leak are now unsubstantiated.  Interestingly, Dkhoon Emirates is relatively new to the market and has a collection of 22 perfumes in its fragrance base. The threat actor has not disclosed how they obtained the information or whether they plan to negotiate a ransom deal. Rather, the databases are being sold directly on a well-known dark web forum. 

Cyberattack on Fashion and Lifestyle Brands

The Dkhoon Emirates cyberattack joins a trend of targeting fashion and lifestyle brands. One of the most well-known examples of this threat is the hack that happened barely a year ago against Estée Lauder Companies (ELC). Estée Lauder had to take down sections of their network to prevent further data theft, while Dkhoon Emirates is allegedly coping with an issue involving a persistent threat actor.  Notably, the threat actor linked to the Dkhoon Emirates data leak has a history of involvement in prior cyberattacks. The same threat actor claimed responsibility for a breach that in March 2024 affected 3,800 users of cloud solutions provider Okta. On closer inspection, however, contradictions in the claims were found, refuting the allegation that the breach was merely a renaming of previously stolen content. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Dark Web Actor Claims to Pilfer 2TB of Compressed Data from QuoteWizard

QuoteWizard data breach

Sp1d3r, a dark web actor, allegedly stole 2 TB of compressed data from QuoteWizard, a US-based insurance business. According to the threat actor’s post, over 190 million people's sensitive personal data was compromised in this alleged QuoteWizard data breach, which was made public on the dark web forum nuovo BreachForums. The threat actor also claim that the cyberattack on QuoteWizard produced stolen data that included a variety of documents including personally identifiable information (PII), including complete names, partially completed credit card numbers, driving records, and other background information. Furthermore, it was reported that the stolen dataset included more than 3 billion tracking pixel data entries, including addresses, ages, mobile information, and accident at-fault details. Sp1d3r provided a few sample entries from the database and suggested a high asking price of USD 2 million for prospective customers in order to support the assertions.

The Overview of QuoteWizard Data Breach Claims

[caption id="attachment_74008" align="alignnone" width="1332"]QuoteWizard Data Breach Claims Source: Dark Web[/caption] The firm has not disclosed any notice regarding the authenticity of the QuoteWizard data breach, despite the claims of intrusion and the data being auctioned for USD 2 million. However, the dire implications of this breach extend not only to QuoteWizard but also to the broader insurance industry, especially the parent company LendingTree, LLC. Moreover, the threat doesn’t stop here nor does the list of long claims. As Sp1d3r suggests the data stolen from QuoteWizard also includes information from other insurance carriers as well. A huge amount of private information in the wrong hands presents an immediate threat to people's security and privacy.

QuoteWizard Faces Connectivity Issues

In an attempt to find out more about this QuoteWizard data breach, The Cyber Express tried to make contact with the company. However, QuoteWizard's website displays a "403 Forbidden" error notice, suggesting that the company is experiencing difficulties connecting to the internet. This error typically indicates that the server is preventing access to particular resources or portions of the website because it has detected threats or unauthorized activity on the website. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Alleged Heineken Data Breach Potentially Impacts Over 8,000 Employees

Heineken Data Breach

Dark web actor 888 on BreachForums has alleged a Heineken data breach. The cyber intrusion, according to the threat actor’s post, surfaced on the dark web forum on Monday and alleged leaked databases containing information about “8,174 employees from several countries”. The Cyber Express has analyzed parts of the sample data provided by the threat actor and found that it contains sensitive information about the company’s employees, including ID numbers, emails, and roles of employees within the organization. This dataset is highly sensitive as threat actors could use this data for various malpractices including phishing, blackmailing, and impersonating employees and managers. 

Decoding the Heineken Data Breach Claims 

The threat actor, identified as 888 has claimed similar breaches in the past and for this cyber intrusion, the hackers have listed the names of several employees, along with their email addresses and their work profiles.  The employee names and related email addresses, together with their responsibilities at Heineken, were identified as "sample" in the shared data.  [caption id="attachment_74095" align="alignnone" width="1740"]Heineken Data Breach Claims  Source: Dark Web[/caption] The Cyber Express has contacted Heineken to find out additional information regarding the veracity of the data breach. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received, thus the allegations regarding the Heineken data leak remain unsubstantiated.  Heineken's website seems to be operating regularly in spite of the purported Heineken data leak. This suggests that the attack may have been directed at particular datasets or databases rather than the company's websites. This observation points to a more focused strategy on the part of the threat actor, who may be trying to obtain confidential employee data without wreaking havoc on the system by deploying techniques like DDoS attacks or website vandalism.

Previous Cybersecurity Incident

Heineken has faced cybersecurity issues before, prior to this event. Over 1.5 million people were impacted by a significant Dutch data breach that the organization was involved in in March 2023. This specific Heineken data leak, which involves the software provider for a market research agency, compromised information from multiple sources, including respondents to surveys for Heineken-sponsored events. Personal information such as gender, age, education, province, and email addresses were among the data leaked in the previous incident. Heineken, along with other affected entities, promptly notified individuals impacted by the breach and reported the incident to the relevant authorities, including the Dutch Data Protection Authority. As for the current claims by TA 888, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged breach by 888 or any official confirmation regarding the authenticity or the denial of the intrusion. Media Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is sourced from various internal and external research. While we strive for accuracy, the information is provided for reference purposes only and is not independently verified..

7 Ways META Governments Are Boosting Cybersecurity

cybersecurity in the META region

The 2024 cybersecurity landscape is witnessing one of the most phenomenal transformations in the META regions as several nations are fortifying their cyber defenses to counteract the explosive rise in cybercrime activities. Recent initiatives and insights from global government initiatives, cybersecurity summits, and collaborative efforts are being implemented to safeguard critical infrastructure and digital assets.  These national-level efforts are visible as they highlight the importance of enhancing cybersecurity infrastructure across the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META), as governments within these regions rally to bolster defenses against hackers, ransomware groups, cybercriminals, and other cybercrime actors.   As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so do the threats posed by cybercriminals. Governments across META are stepping up their game to protect their nations from digital attacks. Join us as we explore 7 innovative ways these governments are enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect their citizens and critical infrastructure.  

The Cybersecurity Landscape of the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) 

The cybersecurity industry in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) is constantly evolving as digital transformation sweeps across the region. With increased connectivity comes a heightened risk of cyber threats targeting governments, businesses, and individuals alike.  During the Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit for cybersecurity in the META region, which took place in Budapest, Hungary from April 20th to 24th, 2024, specialists from Kaspersky Lab's Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT), alongside invited IT-security experts, engaged with leading media representatives from the region.  Maxim Frolov, Head of Business Operations, Emerging Markets at Kaspersky Lab, emphasized the global nature of cybercrime, stating, “Today cybercrime is reaching across geographical boundaries and has become a major global problem affecting almost every country in the world.”  Sergey Novikov, Deputy Director of GReAT, discussed the issues and protection measures in the META region. In the past year alone, Kaspersky Lab's products thwarted over 132 million cyberattacks in the Middle East, 41.5 million in Turkey, and 214 million in Africa, marking a significant increase compared to previous years. The statistics further revealed that a substantial proportion of users encountered web-related threats and security incidents stemming from local networks and removable media.  In response to escalating cybersecurity concerns, governments in the META region are also enacting better data protection laws to fortify cybersecurity measures. These laws aim to safeguard sensitive information and personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, compelling organizations to prioritize cybersecurity and invest in robust security measures. Additionally, data protection laws promote transparency and accountability, mandating organizations to disclose data breaches promptly, minimizing their impact, and facilitating timely mitigation efforts. 

Seven Strategies META Governments Employ to Enhance Cybersecurity 

Countries in META are recognizing the importance of investing in robust cybersecurity measures to protect against malicious attacks. From ransomware incidents to data breaches, the stakes are higher than ever before. As a result, governments are ramping up efforts to bolster their cyber defenses through strategic initiatives and partnerships with industry experts. Cybersecurity is no longer just a tech issue – it's a national security priority that requires coordinated action on multiple fronts, including better cybersecurity policies, global collaborations, and training.

Enhancing Legal Frameworks

Governments across the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) are recognizing the critical need to bolster their legal frameworks to effectively combat emerging cyber threats. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the enactment of Federal Decree-Law No. 34 of 2021 marks a significant milestone in addressing cybercrime and safeguarding sensitive information. This comprehensive law aims to combat rumors and cybercrimes by establishing a robust framework to tackle online misuse, protect government websites and databases, combat the dissemination of false information, and prevent electronic fraud and privacy breaches.  Similarly, Turkey is closely monitoring European Union (EU) legal developments and plans to integrate provisions of the NIS2 Directive into its legislation to enhance network and information security. Furthermore, amendments to data protection laws align with the standards set by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), expanding legal bases for processing personal data and introducing new rules for cross-border data transfers.  In Africa, the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020 represents a significant step towards aligning cybersecurity legislation with global standards. This legislation mandates the reporting of cybersecurity breaches to law enforcement and criminalizes harmful data messages, cyber fraud, extortion, forgery, and unlawful access to computer systems. By enacting and enforcing such laws, governments in META are striving to create a legal framework that promotes transparency, accountability, and compliance with international cybersecurity standards. 

Adoption of Modern Security Measures

The adoption of modern security measures is no longer an option but an immediate necessity. These measures will help in strengthening cybersecurity resilience across the META region. In the UAE, the Dubai Electronic Security Centre, established in 2014, has been instrumental in leading the country's cybersecurity efforts. Through initiatives like the First Phase Cybersecurity Strategy launched in 2017, the UAE has made significant contributions in adopting advanced security measures to mitigate cyber risks effectively.  Turkey's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has witnessed remarkable growth, driven by government policies and the pivotal role of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK). Recent legal changes in Turkey impact digital privacy, free expression, and data localization, necessitating the enactment of specialized cybercrime legislation to address evolving threats effectively.  Africa's technological advancements have brought about cybersecurity challenges, but protective measures against modern-day threats like AI-driven attacks and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) have significantly improved. This has led to the emergence of cybersecurity startups in Africa, reflecting the region's commitment to leveraging technology to enhance cybersecurity resilience. 

Comprehensive Testing and Policy Implementation

Comprehensive testing and policy implementation are essential components of effective cybersecurity strategies in the META region. In the UAE, initiatives like the UAE Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) and the multiple cybersecurity start-ups aim to promote cyber awareness and create a safe cyberculture. The establishment of the UAE Cybersecurity Council in 2020 highlights the government's commitment to developing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.  In Turkey, cybersecurity startups and global collaboration with the Turkish government have played a crucial role in shaping cybersecurity strategies by identifying key technologies and addressing emerging threats. However, challenges such as rapid economic growth and digital transformation highlight the need for efficient policy implementation based on industry standards to strengthen cyber resilience effectively.  Africa faces similar challenges in implementing cybersecurity policies, with limited legislation and awareness posing significant hurdles. Initiatives aimed at raising public awareness, establishing threat intelligence-sharing platforms, and fostering international cooperation are essential for addressing these challenges and strengthening cybersecurity capabilities in the region. 

Collaborative International Efforts

Recognizing the borderless nature of cyber threats, META countries are increasingly engaging in collaborative efforts to combat cybercrime. By partnering with other nations and sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and resources, governments in the region can bolster their cybersecurity posture and foster collective security against cyberattacks.  In the UAE, government-led proactive measures like collaboration with international partners aim to fortify the country's digital realm against cyber threats. Similarly, Turkey's initiatives to establish public-private partnerships and engage in joint exercises with international partners demonstrate a commitment to strengthening cybersecurity capabilities through collaboration.  In Africa, collaborative initiatives focused on capacity building, innovation, and government commitment are essential for addressing cybersecurity challenges effectively. By fostering cooperation among governments, private sector entities, civil society, and academia, META countries are enhancing their cybersecurity resilience and walking together with other leading nations in the IT and security domain.  

Regulatory and Infrastructure Investments

Governments across META are intensifying their focus on cybersecurity regulation and infrastructure investment to promote cybersecurity in the region. In the UAE, stringent regulations like the Cybercrime Law mandate businesses to safeguard sensitive data and fortify defenses against cyber threats. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for ensuring a resilient cybersecurity posture in the face of evolving cyber threats.  Similarly, Africa's digital revolution has brought about immense opportunities, but it also poses cybersecurity challenges. Investments in infrastructure, regulatory development, and cross-sector collaboration have proven essential in strengthening Africa's cybersecurity resilience and adoption of new technologies.   Turkey's proactive cybersecurity measures, exemplified by its National Cybersecurity Strategy and Action Plan, aim to elevate national cyber resilience. By fostering collaboration among different sections of societies and businesses, Turkey strives to lead the way in global cybersecurity and position itself as a cybersecurity leader on the global stage with other META nations.  

Cybersecurity Task Forces and Training

META governments are ramping up their cybersecurity efforts by establishing dedicated task forces, analyzing emerging threats, and coordinating cybersecurity strategies across various sectors. These collaborative approaches strengthen the region's overall cybersecurity posture and enable effective responses to evolving cyber threats.  In the UAE, initiatives like the 'Cyber Pulse' campaign aim to engage the community in cybersecurity efforts by raising awareness and providing training on cyber threats and preventive measures. Similarly, Turkey's focus on investing in human capital and fostering collaboration among stakeholders highlights its commitment to cybersecurity awareness.   In Africa, inclusive cybersecurity strategies are gaining traction, recognizing the importance of broad-based trust, transparency, and information sharing among governments, private sector entities, civil society, and academia. By investing in cyber capacity-building programs and training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals, META countries can address cybersecurity challenges effectively and bridge the skills gap. 

Expanding Cybersecurity Capabilities Through Strategic Investments

Strategic investments in cybersecurity capabilities are crucial for organizations in META to combat cybercrime effectively. By allocating resources toward infrastructure enhancement, talent development, and cutting-edge technologies, organizations can strengthen their defenses against malicious actors and safeguard their digital assets.  The UAE's IT services market is witnessing unprecedented growth, driven by government-led digital initiatives and investments in smart city projects. Startups are thriving, and the government's emphasis on cybersecurity is accelerating market growth and fostering innovation in cybersecurity solutions.  In Africa, efforts to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap and invest in cyber capacity-building programs reflect a collective approach to fortifying cyber defenses and helping African citizens enjoy data privacy. By fostering collaboration, investing in human capital, and developing homegrown cybersecurity solutions, META countries can increase their cyber presence and ensure a safer digital future for their citizens.  

Summing Up! 

In conclusion, governments, organizations, and individuals across the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa are collaborating and investing in sturdy cybersecurity measures to safeguard their digital assets and mitigate cyber risks effectively. Through proactive initiatives, collaborative efforts, and strategic investments, the META region is poised to lead global cybersecurity efforts.   By prioritizing cybersecurity resilience and adopting a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, META countries can create a safe and secure digital environment for their citizens, businesses, and critical infrastructure. With continued investment in cybersecurity capabilities, regulatory frameworks, and international collaboration, the META region can effectively combat cyber threats and ensure the integrity of its digital ecosystem for years to come. 

How Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) Banks Are Leveraging AI

META banks

The banking industry is one of the main pillars of any nation and they have been an integral part of the critical infrastructure. The government and private banks in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) region have also gone through several transformations, and with the advancement of AI, these financial institutions have adopted artificial intelligence to streamline the banking experience for the common citizens while also ensuring robust cybersecurity measures.    These banks offer a wide range of services beyond traditional banking, including investment banking, insurance, and asset management. As the financial landscape becomes increasingly complex, meta-banks are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and mitigate risks  The Cyber Express explores the AI revolution taking place in META  banks across the region and its benefits, challenges, and prospects of this transformative technology. 

The AI Revolution in META Banks 

The advent of AI has pushed conventional banking into a new era of endless possibilities. With its ability to process vast amounts of data and perform complex tasks with speed and accuracy, AI has become a game-changer in the financial industry.   META banks are leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning techniques to automate routine processes, analyze customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions. By harnessing the power of AI, these banks can gain a competitive edge by offering personalized products and services, reducing operational costs, and improving overall efficiency.  AI is revolutionizing various aspects of metabanking, from customer service to risk management. Chatbots, powered by AI, have become the face of customer interactions, providing round-the-clock assistance and resolving queries in real time.   These virtual assistants not only enhance customer satisfaction but also free up human resources to focus on more complex tasks. Additionally, AI-powered predictive analytics enable banks in the META region to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, helping them tailor their offerings to meet individual needs. Moreover, AI algorithms are proving invaluable in detecting fraudulent activities, enhancing compliance, and minimizing financial risks.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence-led Banking in the META Region

The benefits of AI in banking are manifold. Firstly, AI enables these banks to improve operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and reducing human error. This not only saves time but also lowers costs, allowing banks to allocate resources more effectively. By leveraging AI-powered analytics, META banks can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, enabling them to offer personalized products and services. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and drives revenue growth. Furthermore, AI enhances risk management capabilities in META banks. With AI algorithms constantly monitoring transactions and analyzing patterns, potential fraudulent activities can be detected and flagged in real time.   This not only protects the interests of customers but also safeguards the reputation of META banks. AI-powered cybersecurity is a key component of this risk management strategy. By utilizing AI to identify and counter cyber threats, banks in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa can ensure the security of their systems and protect sensitive customer data from unauthorized access. 

Implementing Artificial Intelligence in META Banks 

Implementing AI in the banking sector requires careful planning and strategic execution. The first step is to identify the areas where AI can bring the most value. This could include customer service, risk management, compliance, or data analytics. Once the areas are identified, META banks need to invest in the right AI technologies and infrastructure. This includes acquiring AI software, hardware, and the necessary IT resources to support AI implementation.  Data plays a crucial role in the success of AI implementation. Banks in the META region need to ensure that they have access to high-quality, structured data that can be used to train AI algorithms. This may require data integration and consolidation efforts across different systems and departments within the bank. Additionally, both private and government banks need to establish governance frameworks and protocols to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. This includes addressing issues such as bias, transparency, and accountability.  Cybersecurity is a top concern for financial institutions, given the sensitive nature of the data they handle. AI is proving to be a powerful tool in combating cyber threats and protecting customer information. AI-powered cybersecurity systems can analyze vast amounts of data in real time, detecting anomalies and identifying potential threats. These systems can learn from past attacks and adapt their defenses accordingly, making them more effective against cybercrime actors.   AI algorithms can detect patterns and behaviors that may indicate a cyber attack, such as unusual login attempts or unauthorized access to customer accounts. By continuously monitoring network traffic and user behavior, AI-powered cybersecurity systems can swiftly respond to potential threats, mitigating the risk of data breaches. Furthermore, AI can assist in fraud detection by identifying suspicious transactions or activities that deviate from normal customer behavior. 

Challenges and Risks of AI in META Banks 

While the benefits of AI in META banks are undeniable, some challenges and risks need to be addressed. One of the major challenges is the availability of quality data. AI algorithms rely on large volumes of accurate and relevant data to make accurate predictions and decisions. META banks need to ensure that their data is clean, well-structured, and easily accessible to maximize the effectiveness of AI. This may require investments in data management and data governance processes.  Another challenge is the ethical use of AI. As AI becomes more integrated into banking operations, concerns arise regarding bias, transparency, and privacy. AI algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. META banks must establish ethical frameworks and guidelines to ensure that AI is used responsibly and in a manner that respects individual privacy and rights.  The future of AI in META banks is promising. As AI technologies continue to advance, banks in the META region will be able to further enhance their operations and customer experiences. One area with immense potential is predictive analytics. By leveraging AI algorithms, META banks can predict customer behavior, market trends, and economic indicators, enabling them to make informed business decisions and stay ahead of the competition.  Additionally, the rise of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) will create new opportunities for AI in the META region. The ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of data from diverse sources will enable banks in the META region to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, market dynamics, and risk factors. AI-powered chatbots will become even more sophisticated, providing personalized recommendations and engaging in natural language conversations with customers. 


The AI revolution is reshaping the banking sector in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa. By embracing AI technologies, banks in the META region can unlock a multitude of benefits, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced risk management, and personalized customer experiences.   However, the successful implementation of AI requires careful planning, investment in infrastructure, and the ethical use of data. Despite the challenges and risks, the future of AI in META banks is bright, with the potential to revolutionize the way financial services are delivered and experienced. 

RedTail Cryptominer Evolves with Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 Vulnerability

RedTail cryptominer

The operators of RedTail cryptominer, which was the biggest cryptominer operation last year, have now started to take advantage of the Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability to target their victims. According to a report by cloud computing company Akamai, the hacker expanded their attack vector to include the Palo Alto PAN-OS vulnerability, though the sophistication and evasive techniques utilized by the RedTail variant are notable in this campaign, they wrote. The evolution of the RedTail cryptominer hints at a direct investment of resources, particularly staffing, infrastructure, and advanced obfuscation techniques. The threat actor’s chain of infection begins with the adoption of CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability and the incorporation of private cryptomining pools into their operation. 

RedTail Cryptominer Leverages Private Cryptomining Pools

According to Akamai, the folks behind the RedTail cryptominer have chosen to use "private cryptomining pools" to have more control over their mining activities, even though it comes with higher operational and financial costs. The tactics used in this campaign closely resemble those used by the Lazarus group, as per the research. One noteworthy aspect of this variant is its use of private cryptomining pools. By using these private pools, the attackers can have better control and security over their operations, just like other popular threat groups. This shift towards private pools suggests a more coordinated and intentional strategy in cryptomining activities, which raises the possibility of involvement by nation-state actors. The goal of combining system and user prompts is to help the assistant refine the text and make it sound more like it was written by a human, while still maintaining the original content's purpose and accuracy.

RedTail Cryptominer: Sneaky and Stealthy

The RedTail cryptominer is no amateur when it comes to flying under the radar and maintaining its grip on compromised systems. It employs clever tactics like anti-research measures and blends the XMRig cryptomining code with extra layers of encryption and logic. This sneaky combination of system and user prompts is designed to enhance the assistant's skills in transforming the text into a more natural and relatable version, all while staying true to the original content's purpose and accuracy. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets of the RedTail cryptominer! This malware really knows its stuff when it comes to cryptomining. It optimizes its operations to be as efficient and profitable as possible. By using a combination of system and user prompts, the goal is to help the assistant transform the text into something that sounds more human-like while staying true to the original content's purpose and accuracy. In addition to exploiting the PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability, the actors behind RedTail are targeting a variety of other vulnerabilities across different devices and platforms. This encompasses exploits aimed at SSL-VPNs, IoT devices, web applications, and security devices like Ivanti Connect Secure.

How to Use the  Akamai App & API Protector?

Akamai suggests Akamai App&API Protector for additional security features and identifies all Palo Alto devices and patches them to prevent the RedTail cryptominer. The users can also harden their devices for cyberattacks such as web platform attacks, command injections, and local file inclusion.  In addition, instead of merely relying on PAN-OS CVE-2024-3400 vulnerability, the developers of RedTail take advantage of several other vulnerabilities in different platforms and devices. These involve breaches to SSL VPNs, IoT products, web apps, as well as security appliances such as Ivanti Connect Secure.

OpenAI Exposes AI-Powered State Actors in Global Influence Operations

covert influence operations

Malicious actors from Russia, China, Israel, and Iran have been leveraging artificial intelligence to target victims, according to OpenAI's latest report. These threat actors from the aforementioned nations are using AI models in covert influence operations. The report details various adversary tactics ranging from the grammatical manipulations by the "Bad Grammar" network to the advanced strategies employed by the "Doppelganger" threat actor, providing deep insights into these malevolent activities. Through an in-depth analysis of recent developments and disruptions, the AI and Covert Influence Operations Latest Trends report offers invaluable insights into the modern-day tactics employed by threat actors to manipulate narratives and influence public opinion across online platforms.

Threat Actors Employ AI and Covert Influence Operations

These threat actors, hailing from diverse geopolitical regions, including Russia, China, Iran, and a commercial entity based in Israel, have exploited the technology of artificial intelligence, especially generative AI, to create a series of covert influence operations. These operations, meticulously documented and analyzed within the report, exemplify the sophisticated strategies employed by malicious actors to exploit AI technologies for their nefarious agendas, says OpenAI. One of the prominent operations highlighted in the report is "Bad Grammar," a previously undisclosed campaign originating from Russia. Operating primarily on the messaging platform Telegram, Bad Grammar sought to disseminate politically charged content targeting audiences in Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States, and the United States. Despite its geographic reach, this operation was characterized by its blatant grammatical errors, reflecting a deliberate attempt to undermine credibility while leveraging AI models for content generation. Similarly, the report sheds light on the activities of "Doppelganger," a persistent threat actor linked to Russia, engaged in disseminating anti-Ukraine propaganda across various online channels. Employing a hybrid approach that combines AI-generated content with traditional formats such as memes sourced from the internet, Doppelganger exemplifies the fusion of old and new tactics in these campaigns.

Influencing Geographical Politics

The report also highlights covert influence campaigns linked to China, Iran, and a commercial group in Israel, in addition to those connected with Russia. These operations, known by names like "Spamouflage" and "STOIC," use various strategies to push their specific agendas. Their activities include promoting pro-China narratives while attacking its detractors, as well as creating content focused on the Gaza conflict and the elections in India. Despite the diverse origins and tactics employed by these threat actors, the report highlights common trends that shed light on the current state of covert influence. One such trend is the pervasive use of AI models to augment productivity and streamline content generation processes. From generating multilingual articles to automating the creation of website tags, AI serves as a force multiplier for malicious entities seeking to manipulate digital discourse. Furthermore, the report goes deeper into the intricate interplay between AI-driven strategies and human error, emphasizing the inherent fallibility of human operators engaged in covert influence operations. Instances of AI-generated content containing threatening signs of automation by state-hackers.

Russian Hacktivist Group UserSec Opens Recruitment Drive for Hackers

UserSec Recruitment

The notorious Russian hacktivist collective UserSec is actively seeking specialists to join its ranks, signaling a new recruitment drive within the hacking community. The group, known for its anti-NATO stance and pro-Russian sentiments, recently posted a UserSec recruitment drive plan on Telegram channels, emphasizing the need for individuals skilled in multiple hacking techniques and virus handling. In addition to traditional hacking roles, UserSec is also launching a specialized training program focused on website defacement techniques. This initiative includes updated materials, new tools, and bonus resources for recruits. The group aims to expand its capabilities and bolster its operations through this recruitment effort.

UserSec Recruitment Drive for Hackers

[caption id="attachment_73253" align="alignnone" width="972"]UserSec Recruitment Drive Source: Dark Web[/caption] The UserSec recruitment drive plan comes amidst ongoing tensions between Russia and NATO, with UserSec previously declaring a cyber campaign targeting NATO member states. Notably, the group has collaborated with other pro-Russian hacking groups, such as KillNet, to orchestrate coordinated attacks against NATO. Talking about the recruitment plan, the threat actor stated they are “looking for promising specialists” to join their teams, including individuals who are interested in pen testing, social engineering, reverse engineers, and “people who know how to work with viruses”. UserSec, a pro-Russian hacking group active since at least 2022, has gained notoriety for its Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and collaboration with other like-minded groups. In May 2023, UserSec made headlines by declaring a cyber campaign aimed at NATO member states, forming an alliance with KillNet to carry out coordinated attacks.

UserSec’s Plans for Unified Collaborative Environment 

The recent recruitment drive highlights UserSec's plan to create a unified environment for hackers. By seeking specialists in various hacking techniques and offering training in website defacement, UserSec aims to attract individuals who can contribute to its objectives of disrupting adversaries and advancing its pro-Russian agenda. The collaboration between UserSec and KillNet further highlights a concerning trend in cyber warfare, where hacking groups align themselves to target politically significant entities. By leveraging Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, UserSec demonstrates its disruptive capabilities and willingness to engage in cyber warfare for geopolitical purposes. The targeting of NATO member states raises questions about the potential implications for international security, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. As hacking groups continue to evolve and collaborate to launch large-scale attacks, governments and organizations must prioritize cybersecurity to mitigate the threat posed by groups like UserSec. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Internet Archive Defends Against Cyberattack Amid DDoS Assault

Internet Archive cyberattack

Internet Archive, one of the oldest online directories of websites, movies, books, software and more, is facing a cyberattack that has disrupted its services for over three days. The Internet Archive cyberattack, identified as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assault, has besieged the service and inundated its servers with repeated requests. While the organization is reassuring users that its collections remain secure, the accessibility of its Wayback Machine, a tool allowing users to explore historical web pages, has been compromised.

Internet Archive Cyberattack Targets Multiple Systems

According to a blog post shared by Internet Archive on May 28, intermittent service disruptions have been reported over the past few days, confirmed by updates shared by Archive officials on social media platforms. Despite efforts to mitigate the attack, the exact source remains undisclosed. In response to the DDoS attack, Brewster Kahle, the founder and digital librarian of the Internet Archive, expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support while reaffirming the organization's commitment to fortify its defenses. Kahle characterized the attack as "sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive, and importantly, mean" in the blog post.

Mitigation Against the Internet Archive DDoS Attack

The Internet Archive serves as a valuable resource for users seeking access to a diverse range of media content, both historical and contemporary, free of charge. However, its mission to democratize access to knowledge has encountered legal challenges, with the organization facing lawsuits from the U.S. book publishing and recording industry associations in the last year. The legal actions alleged copyright infringement and sought significant damages, casting a shadow over the future operations of libraries worldwide. The cyberattack on the Internet Archive echoes a troubling trend of attacks targeting libraries and knowledge institutions globally. Recent victims include the British Library, the Solano County Public Library in California, the Berlin Natural History Museum, Ontario’s London Public Library, and just this week, the Seattle Public Library. In light of the ongoing cyberattack and legal battles, Kahle emphasized the broader implications for libraries everywhere. He warned that the actions of publishing and recording industries threaten to undermine the very existence of libraries, posing a grave concern for patrons worldwide. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the Internet Archive cyberattack or any further communication from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Fortinet FortiSIEM Vulnerabilities Expose Systems to Remote Code Execution

FortiSIEM vulnerability

Multiple vulnerabilities have recently been discovered in Fortinet FortiSIEM, raising concerns over potential remote code execution exploits. FortiSIEM, renowned for its real-time infrastructure and user awareness capabilities facilitating precise threat detection, analysis, and reporting, faces significant risks due to this FortiSIEM vulnerability. The identified vulnerabilities, if successfully exploited, could grant remote attackers the ability to execute code within the context of the affected service account. This could lead to a range of malicious activities, including the installation of unauthorized programs, manipulation of data, or even the creation of new accounts with extensive user rights. 

Understanding the Fortinet FortiSIEM Vulnerability

The severity of the Fortinet FortiSIEM vulnerability varies based on the privileges associated with the compromised service account, with administrative accounts posing the highest risk. According to SingCERT, proof of concept exploits are already available for CVE-2024-23108 and CVE-2023-34992, indicating an immediate threat to vulnerable systems. Fortinet FortiSIEM versions 7.1.0 through 7.1.1, 7.0.0 through 7.0.2, 6.7.0 through 6.7.8, 6.6.0 through 6.6.3, 6.5.0 through 6.5.2, and 6.4.0 through 6.4.2 are all affected by the vulnerabilities The risks associated with these vulnerabilities vary across different sectors, with large and medium government entities and businesses facing high risks, while small government entities and businesses face a medium level of risk. Home users, however, are considered to have a low-risk exposure.

Technical Analysis of FortiSIEM Vulnerability

Technical analysis of these FortiSIEM vulnerabilities reveals that the flaw primarily exploits the execution tactic, specifically targeting the Command and Scripting Interpreter technique. Multiple instances of improper neutralization of special elements used in OS Command have been identified in the FortiSIEM supervisor. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers via specially crafted API requests. To mitigate the risks associated with these FortiSIEM vulnerabilities, it is recommended to promptly apply patches provided by FortiNet after thorough testing. Other measures, include establishing and maintaining a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets, performing regular automated application updates, enforcing network-based URL filters to limit access to potentially malicious websites, implementing the Principle of Least Privilege for privileged account management, blocking unauthorized code execution through application control, and script blocking, establishing and maintaining a secure configuration process for enterprise assets and software, and address penetration test findings according to the enterprise's remediation policy. By adhering to these recommendations, organizations can effectively mitigate the vulnerabilities in Fortinet FortiSIEM, safeguarding their systems against potential remote code execution exploits. Stakeholders must prioritize these actions to ensure the security and integrity of their IT infrastructure. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

LockBit Ransomware Group Allegedly Strikes Heras UK in Cyberattack

Heras cyberattack

The LockBit ransomware group has targeted Heras UK, a prominent European provider of end-to-end perimeter protection solutions. The threat actor claimed the Heras cyberattack and shared a website status displaying the downtime alongside a countdown, ticking away the time until the data breach is potentially exploited. Heras, operating across 24 countries with a workforce of over 1100 skilled professionals, reportedly faces a data breach.  The Cyber Express, in pursuit of clarity on the attack, reached out to the organization for comments. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement has been issued, leaving the alleged Heras data breach unconfirmed. Despite the claims, Heras' website remains functional, showing no immediate signs of the cyber attack. It's plausible that the attackers targeted the website's backend, opting for stealth over a frontal assault like DDoS or defacement.

Alleged Heras Cyberattack Surfaces on Dark Web

[caption id="attachment_72935" align="alignnone" width="422"]Heras cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cyberattack on Heras comes amidst a spree of cyber attacks orchestrated by the LockBit ransomware group. Notably, the group targeted Allied Telesis, Inc., a leading American telecommunication equipment supplier. While the Heras data breach purportedly occurred on May 27, 2024, the authenticity of the claims and the leaked data remains unverified.  In a bold move earlier this year, the United States imposed sanctions on affiliates of the Russia-based LockBit ransomware group. This decisive action, led by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, signals a unified stance against cyber threats. LockBit, notorious for its Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model, employs double extortion tactics to extort hefty ransoms from its victims.

Who is the LockBit Ransomware Group?

The LockBit ransomware group is a sophisticated cybercrime organization that targets enterprises and government organizations. Formerly known as "ABCD" ransomware, LockBit operates as a crypto-virus, demanding financial payment in exchange for the decryption of encrypted files. Unlike some ransomware that targets individuals, LockBit primarily focuses on large entities, seeking hefty sums from viable targets. Since its inception in September 2019, LockBit has targeted organizations globally, including those in the United States, China, India, Indonesia, Ukraine, France, the UK, and Germany. It strategically selects targets likely to have both the financial means and the urgency to resolve the disruption caused by the attack. Notably, LockBit avoids attacking systems within Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, possibly to evade prosecution. As for the Heras data breach, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation and we'll update this post once we have more information on the attack or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

BBC Data Breach: Over 25,000 Employee Records Compromised, Investigation Underway

BBC data breach

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is investigating a data breach that exposed sensitive information belonging to over 25,000 present and past employees. The BBC data breach, which occurred within the corporation's pension scheme, has triggered a reaction from authorities regarding cybersecurity protocols. The pension scheme, in an email dispatched to its members, highlighted the gravity of the BBC employee data breach, emphasizing that the incident is being treated with the utmost seriousness. Approximately 25,290 individuals have been impacted by this breach, according to statements made by scheme representatives. Talking about this cybersecurity incident and its legal repercussions with The Cyber Express, Lauren Wills-Dixon, data privacy expert at law firm Gordons, stated that data breaches that lead to "unauthorised access to personal data is classed as a personal data breach under data protection laws".

BBC Data Breach Impacts Current and Former Employees

According to Birmingham Live, the security incident is being taken "extremely seriously” by the BBC and there is “no evidence of a ransomware attack.” Despite speculation of a possible ransomware attack, the British public service broadcaster has dispelled any conjecture, asserting that there is currently no evidence supporting this theory. The BBC clarified that the breach stemmed from private records being illicitly accessed from an online data storage service. Catherine Claydon, Chair of the BBC Pension Trust, assured employees that swift action had been taken to address the breach and secure the affected data source, The Guardian reported.  In an email sent to the staff, Claydon reassured the employees that “BBC have taken immediate steps to assess and contain the incident.” Talking about the mitigation strategies, the organization stated “We are working at pace with specialist teams internally and externally to understand how this happened and take appropriate action. As a precaution, we have also put in place additional security measures and continue to monitor the situation.”  The legal obligation of this data breach are far reaching and in cases where the incident impacts individual rights and freedoms, "this comes with a regulatory obligation to notify the Information Commissioner, and where people are at "high risk" the affected organisation must notify those individuals too without undue delay", said Lauren.

BBC Employee Data Breach and Ongoing Investigation

Despite assurances from the BBC, concerns linger regarding the potential misuse of the compromised information. Employees have been advised to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity promptly. The breach, though attributed to a third party cloud storage provider, threatens the security of the impacted individuals, and "BBC - and any ‘data controller’ under data protection laws - remains primarily responsible for the security measures it adopts and external providers it engages to store and protect its personal data", added Lauren. Moreover, no passwords or bank details "appear to have been compromised, but the advice for those individuals involved is to be vigilant of any unusual activity or requests". Acknowledging the severity of the breach, a spokesperson for the BBC pension scheme issued a sincere apology to affected members. Reassurances were offered regarding the swift response and containment of the breach, coupled with ongoing efforts to upgrade security measures and monitor the situation closely. Inquiries into the incident are ongoing, with external cybersecurity experts collaborating with internal teams to dissect the breach and its implications thoroughly. However, as of now, no official statement has been issued regarding the involvement of ransomware groups in the breach. This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the BBC employee data breach or any official response from the organization.

BSNL Database on Sale Again: Dark Web Actor Claims to Compromise Over 15 Undisclosed Asian Telecom Organizations

BSNL Data Breach dark web leak

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), a prominent Indian telecommunications company, has once again found itself at the center of a massive data security breach. The BSNL data breach, orchestrated by a threat actor known as kiberphant0m, shares sensitive data about the organization, highlighting the vulnerability of sensitive information. The claim for the BSNL data leak emerged on May 27, 2024, revealing that kiberphant0m was offering unauthorized access to databases stolen from BSNL, along with data from undisclosed Asian telecom organizations. Among the compromised data are IMSI records, SIM details, home location register (HLR) data, DP security key data, and a snapshot of the Oracle Solaris server.  Additionally, the threat actor claimed to possess login credentials for various digital infrastructures and applications of BSNL.

A Massive BSNL Data Breach Surfaces on Dark Web

The BSNL data leak poses a severe threat to the privacy and security of BSNL customers and highlights the potential risks associated with cyberattacks on telecom infrastructure. The stolen data, advertised for sale on underground forums like XSS and Telegram, could fetch significant sums on the black market, highlighting the lucrative nature of cybercrime. [caption id="attachment_72569" align="alignnone" width="1080"]BSNL Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The major concern for this BSNL data leak is the inclusion of sensitive customer information, which, if exploited, could lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious activities. The urgency of the situation is further emphasized by kiberphant0m's warning to potential buyers and Indian authorities, suggesting that the data could be sold to other parties if not addressed promptly. “India if you want to secure your data and do not want it to be sold you must buy it first, contact me BEFORE someone purchases this data. It could be 3 hours to 24 hours, who knows”, says the hacker

Big Threats, Yet No Response 

Despite the gravity of the situation, BSNL has yet to issue an official statement or response regarding the breach, leaving the claims unverified. This lack of transparency further compounds the uncertainty surrounding the extent of the breach and the measures being taken to mitigate its impact. Talking about the BSNL data breach, the threat actor says, “This is not the same data as the previous telecom post! we have breached over 15 Asian telecoms! Information is worth several million dollars but I'm selling for pretty cheap. Negotiate a deal on telegram. State Threat Actors are also welcome to buy this data, I will sell to anyone who wants it.” Moreover, this incident is not the first time BSNL has faced cybersecurity challenges. In 2023, the company experienced a massive data breach affecting over 2.9 million lines, with leaked data of landline users being sold on the dark web by a hacker known as 'Perell.' The recurrence of such breaches highlights the rise of cyberattacks on telecom companies, especially those located in Asia.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Shell Data Breach: Hacker Group 888 Claims Responsibility for Alleged Cyberattack

Shell data breach

The notorious hacker group 888 has claimed responsibility for a Shell data breach targeting the British multinational oil and gas company. According to their claims, approximately 80,000 individuals could be affected by this breach across several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, India, Singapore, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Malaysia, and Canada. The compromised data, shared by the threat actor on a hacking forum, includes a range of sensitive information related to Australian users. The sample data contained information about shopper codes, first and last names, email addresses, contact mobile numbers, postcodes, Nectar information, site addresses, and transaction details. Notably, these transactions appear to be associated with Reddy Express (Formerly Coles Express) locations in Australia.

An Alleged Claim of Shell Data Breach Surfaces

[caption id="attachment_72512" align="alignnone" width="1080"]Shell Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] The claims of this Shell data leak were shared on a popular hacking forum by the user Kingpin and shared glimpses into sample data allegedly related to the organization. The Cyber Express has reached out to the oil and gas company to learn more about this Shell data breach and the authenticity of the hackers over the claimed data.  However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received. This lack of confirmation leaves the claims regarding the Shell data breach unverified, although the potential implications are threatening for the customers and stakeholders associated with the organization.  Talking about the cyberattack on Shell, the hacker Kingpin states that the organization suffered a data breach in May 2024 and this data breach allegedly contained "Shopper Code, First Name, Last Name, Status, Shopper Email, Contact Mobile, Postcode, Nectar, Suburb, State, Site Address, Suburb 1, Country, Site Name, Last Login, Pay and Association Number".

A Similar Incident from the Past

This purported breach is not the first time Shell has been targeted by cyberattacks. In the past, the company has faced similar security incidents, including a ransomware attack and a data security incident involving Accellion’s File Transfer Appliance. These incidents highlight the persistent threat posed by cybercriminals to organizations, particularly those in the energy sector. In response to previous incidents, Shell had emphasized its commitment to cybersecurity and data privacy. The company has initiated investigations into the recent breaches and is working to address any potential risks to affected individuals and stakeholders. Additionally, Shell had previously contacted relevant regulators and authorities to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and to mitigate the impact of the previous breach. The current Shell data leak is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on this alleged Shell data breach or any official confirmation from the organization. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

RansomHub Cyberattack Targets Serbian Gas Firm PSG BANATSKI DVOR, Disables SCADA Systems

RansomHub Cyberattack Targets Serbian Gas Firm PSG BANATSKI DVOR, Disables SCADA Systems

The RansomHub group has claimed a cyberattack on PSG BANATSKI DVOR D.O.O., a gas storage services provider based in Serbia. The claims for this RansomHub cyberattack were posted on May 28, 2024, and revealed sensitive data about the organization, targeting the security of critical infrastructure and the integrity of sensitive data. According to the threat actor post, the RansomHub exfiltrated a substantial amount of data totaling 80 GB. Among the stolen information are critical files encompassing IT, Accounting, Finance, Projects, Client database (in SQL format), Budgets, Taxes, Logistics and supply chain management, Production data, HR, Legal data, KPI, and R&D documents.  Additionally, the threat actors has allegedly disabled the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, further exacerbating the operational impact of the attack.

RansomHub Cyberattack Allegedly Targets PSG BANATSKI DVOR

[caption id="attachment_72377" align="alignnone" width="612"]RansomHub Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The cybercriminals have set a deadline of 5 days for the potential leak of the stolen data, adding urgency to the situation. The implications of such a breach extend beyond PSG BANATSKI DVOR, affecting not only the company but also its clients and stakeholders. The Cyber Express has reached out to the Serbian gas service provider to learn more about the authenticity of this alleged PSG BANATSKI DVOR cyberattack. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received, leaving the claims for this RansomHub cyberattack stand unconfirmed. Moreover, the PSG BANATSKI DVOR website is currently nonfunctional and is displaying a "took too long to respond" error. This error, often associated with cyberattacks, suggests disruptions in the normal functioning of the website, possibly due to overwhelming server loads or exploitation of vulnerabilities in the site's infrastructure.

Threat Actor Blames Employee for the PSG BANATSKI DVOR Cyberattack

Apart from allegedly claiming a cyberattack on PSG BANATSKI DVOR, the threat actor is demanding cooperation, or else they'll expose it.  “We have all the important files, such as: IT, Accounting, Finance, Projects, Client database (in SQL format) Budgets, Taxes, Logistics and supply chain management, Production data, HR, Legal data, KPI, R&D. Over 80 GB of sensational information has been downloaded”, says the hacker Additionally, the group blames an employee named Dejan Belić for the breach. The threat actors have previously targeted similar victims and share similarities with traditional Russian ransomware groups while refraining from targeting certain countries and non-profits. Their victims span various countries, including the US and Brazil, with healthcare institutions being particularly targeted. While major corporations haven't been hit yet, the breadth of targeted sectors is concerning.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

TRC Staffing Data Breach Fallout: Murphy Law Firm Offers Legal Support to Victims

TRC Staffing data breach

TRC Staffing is at the center of a concerning data breach, leaving personal information vulnerable to cybercriminals. Murphy Law Firm has taken action on behalf of the victims, investigating legal avenues for those affected by this security incident. The TRC Staffing data breach was discovered on April 12, 2024, and exposed a security flaw within TRC's network.  Cybercriminals exploited this vulnerability between March 25, 2024, and April 12, 2024, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data belonging to approximately 158,593 individuals. Names and Social Security numbers were among the compromised information, heightening concerns about potential identity theft and fraud. Explaining the lawsuit to interested parties, Murphy Law Firm, stated that they are "evaluating legal options, including a potential class action lawsuit, to recover damages for individuals who were affected by the data breach.

Understanding the Full Extent of the TRC Staffing Data Breach

In response to this TRC Staffing breach, Murphy Law Firm is actively engaging on behalf of those impacted. Their investigation aims to uncover the full extent of damages and explore avenues for legal recourse, including the possibility of a class action lawsuit. Individuals who have received notifications of the breach or suspect their information may have been compromised are urged to take action. By visiting the dedicated page at, affected parties can access information regarding their rights and legal options. The repercussions of this breach extend beyond mere inconvenience. With personal and highly confidential information potentially circulating on the dark web, the identity of users is at risk. Murphy Law Firm recognizes the urgency of addressing these concerns and is advocating for the rights of those affected.

How Can Victims Join the TRC Staffing Lawsuit?

To join the lawsuit and seek potential compensation, individuals can fill out a contact form provided by Murphy Law Firm. This form requires essential details such as name, contact information, and whether a breach notification letter was received. Additionally, users can provide any relevant information regarding fraud or suspicious activity they may have experienced. TRC Staffing data breach For those seeking guidance or further assistance, Murphy Law Firm can be reached directly via email at or by phone at (405) 389-4989. Protecting the rights and interests of individuals affected by the TRC Staffing data breach is important, and Murphy Law Firm represents the victims with a legal process.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Hacker Claims Ticketmaster Data Breach: 560M User Details and Card Info at Risk

Ticketmaster data breach

A cybercriminal going by the alias "SpidermanData" has claimed to breach and advertise a massive database purportedly linked to Ticketmaster Entertainment, LLC. The claim of the Ticketmaster data breach, dated May 27, 2024, was posted on the cybercrime forum Exploit and shares threatening information about the organization, including database of “560M Users + Card Details”. The threat actor has also claimed to have access to 1.3TB of stolen data and is currently selling it for $500k. The post, accompanied by sample data, suggests that the data indeed belongs to Ticketmaster Entertainment. However, the American ticket sales and distribution company has yet to share any information about this alleged Ticketmaster data breach.  Additionally, apart from the Ticketmaster data breach, the company is also facing a lawsuit from The Justice Department for anti-competitive practices, limiting venue options, and threatening financial consequences. The lawsuit follows public outcry, including ticketing issues during Taylor Swift's tour. High prices, fueled by post-pandemic demand, have intensified scrutiny. Live Nation denies monopolistic behavior, but the lawsuit contends their dominance drives up prices. The Ticketmaster data breach poses another threat to the organization since databases of this caliber are usually the hot-selling items on the dark web

Ticketmaster Data Breach: The Worst Time to Have a Cybersecurity Incident

SpidermanData claims to have access to a staggering 560 million records brimming with personally identifiable information (PII) of customers, including sensitive payment card details. This breach couldn't have come at a worse time for Ticketmaster, coinciding with the onset of several major music festivals scheduled between May 2024 and January 2025.  Among these highly anticipated events is the FOREIGNER concert, featuring legendary rock acts led by Mick Jones and Kelly Hansen. The musical act will begin on June 11, 2024, in the United States and will conclude on November 9, 2024. Following suit is the iconic band HEART, set to perform across the United States from July to November 2024, culminating in an international concert in Calgary, AB, Canada. Meanwhile, Allison Russell and Hozier are primed to perform from May to August 2024. Adding to this list of bands performing this year, artists like Ian Munsick, Prateek Kuhad, and Kathleen Hanna will also go on tours across North America between 2024 and 2025. However, the jubilant atmosphere surrounding these events is now overshadowed by the threat of, one of the biggest data breaches, threatening millions of users globally.  The purportedly compromised data, amounting to a staggering 1.3 terabytes, has been divided into 15 parts, with the hacker offering samples from two segments. One dataset, extracted from a 'PATRON' database, contains a plethora of personal information, including names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Meanwhile, the other dataset includes information about customer sales, encompassing crucial details like event IDs and payment methods.

The Aftermath and Industry Implications

SpidermanData has listed the entire dataset for sale, quoting a hefty price tag of USD 500,000, and restricting the sale to a single buyer. The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated, with the compromised data posing significant risks of identity theft, financial fraud, and other criminal activities - something we've already seen in previous data breaches like the MOVEit File Transfer incident Live Nation Entertainment, the parent company of Ticketmaster, stands as a global juggernaut in the live entertainment domain, organizing and promoting thousands of shows annually across more than 40 countries. Meanwhile, Ticketmaster's pivotal role in facilitating ticket sales for musical and non-musical events highlights its significance within the industry, making it a prime target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain. The current Ticketmaster data breach is not the first time that the organization has faced a cyberattack. In November 2020, the company faced a hefty £1.25 million fine from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) following a payment data breach in 2018. The breach, stemming from a vulnerability in a third-party chatbot, compromised the personal and payment details of over nine million customers in Europe, triggering widespread fraud and financial losses. Whether the current data breach represents a resurgence of previously compromised data or the acquisition of freshly stolen data, the premise origin of the information about the databases remains unclear. Nevertheless, The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation and we’ll update this post once we have more information on the Ticketmaster data leak or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Alleged Cyberattack Strikes Allied Telesis: LockBit Ransomware Suspected

Alleged Allied Telesis data breach

The notorious LockBit has claimed an alleged cyberattack on Allied Telesis, Inc., a prominent American telecommunication equipment supplier. The purported Allied Telesis data breach incident involves the infiltration of the company's systems by the ransomware group, known for its sophisticated cyber operations. The claimed breach, dated May 27, 2024, suggests that the Allied Telesis data breach exposed sensitive data about the organization. However, the claims have not been verified nor is the sample data posted by the threat actor. 

Alleged Allied Telesis Data Breach Exposes Sensitive Information

The information supposedly exfiltrated includes confidential project details dating back to 2005, passport information, and various product specifications. As a demonstration of their intrusion, the threat actors purportedly disclosed blueprints, passport details, and confidential agreements, issuing a deadline of June 3, 2024, for the full release of the compromised data. [caption id="attachment_71414" align="alignnone" width="748"]Alleged Allied Telesis Data Breach Source: Dark Web[/caption] Despite the gravity of the allegations, Allied Telesis has yet to confirm or refute the purported cyberattack. The Cyber Express reached out to the company for clarification, but as of this writing, no official statement has been issued. Consequently, the authenticity of the alleged breach remains unverified, leaving the situation shrouded in uncertainty. Interestingly, the timing of these allegations coincides with significant organizational changes within Allied Telesis. On May 27, 2024, the company reportedly relocated its China branch to a new address. Moreover, the recent re-appointment of Jon Wilner as the Vice President of Customer Success highlights some of the big changes within the organization and possibly deciphering the “why” of the alleged data. 

Collaborative Ventures Amid Uncertainty

In the midst of this alleged security breach, Allied Telesis has been actively engaged in strategic partnerships aimed at upgrading its security features. Just last month, the company announced a collaboration with Hanwha Vision America, integrating cutting-edge video surveillance technology with its networking infrastructure. This alliance aims to deliver secure and scalable surveillance solutions to organizations seeking enhanced security measures. Key highlights of this partnership include interoperability, enhanced security features, scalability, and simplified management of surveillance systems. By leveraging Allied Telesis' expertise in secure networking alongside Hanwha Vision America's advanced surveillance technology, customers can expect comprehensive solutions tailored to their security needs. While the motives behind the alleged Allied Telesis cyberattack remain unclear, previous actions against the LockBit ransomware group shed light on the severity of the hacker group. Law enforcement agencies have previously taken down servers associated with LockBit operations, confiscating crucial details such as admin panel credentials, affiliate network information, and cryptocurrency transactions. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.