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"How long have you been doing that???"

By: hippybear
12 May 2024 at 09:59
YouTube is shoving animal videos at me, and so here are some animal videos! Here are 10 minutes of above-average cat videos; it's a compilation; it has annoying narration. Here are four minutes of owl videos with music that is not totally awful. Here is two minutes of an adorable rhinoceros calf getting acquainted with a zookeeper while mom looks on. And finally 3m30s of the most dramatic husky with their thoughts interpreted for the viewer.*

*I've known much more dramatic huskies than this. But wow, still!

They Shoot Owls in California, Don’t They?

29 April 2024 at 05:01
An audacious federal plan to protect the spotted owl would eradicate hundreds of thousands of barred owls in the coming years.

Β© Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures

Northern spotted owl populations have declined by up to 80 percent over the last two decades. As few as 3,000 remain on federal lands, compared with 12,000 in the 1990s.