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Today — 17 June 2024Main stream

Using LLMs to Exploit Vulnerabilities

17 June 2024 at 07:08

Interesting research: “Teams of LLM Agents can Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.”

Abstract: LLM agents have become increasingly sophisticated, especially in the realm of cybersecurity. Researchers have shown that LLM agents can exploit real-world vulnerabilities when given a description of the vulnerability and toy capture-the-flag problems. However, these agents still perform poorly on real-world vulnerabilities that are unknown to the agent ahead of time (zero-day vulnerabilities).

In this work, we show that teams of LLM agents can exploit real-world, zero-day vulnerabilities. Prior agents struggle with exploring many different vulnerabilities and long-range planning when used alone. To resolve this, we introduce HPTSA, a system of agents with a planning agent that can launch subagents. The planning agent explores the system and determines which subagents to call, resolving long-term planning issues when trying different vulnerabilities. We construct a benchmark of 15 real-world vulnerabilities and show that our team of agents improve over prior work by up to 4.5×...

The post Using LLMs to Exploit Vulnerabilities appeared first on Security Boulevard.

How A.I. Is Revolutionizing Drug Development

In high-tech labs, workers are generating data to train A.I. algorithms to design better medicine, faster. But the transformation is just getting underway.

Chips in a container at Terray Therapeutics in Monrovia, Calif. Each of the custom-made chips has millions of minuscule wells for measuring drug screening reactions quickly and accurately.

Tech Leaders to Gather for AI Risk Summit at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay June 25-26, 2024

17 June 2024 at 09:32

SecurityWeek’s AI Risk Summit + CISO Forum bring together business and government stakeholders to provide meaningful guidance on risk management and cybersecurity in the age of artificial intelligence.

The post Tech Leaders to Gather for AI Risk Summit at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay June 25-26, 2024 appeared first on SecurityWeek.

Using LLMs to Exploit Vulnerabilities

17 June 2024 at 07:08

Interesting research: “Teams of LLM Agents can Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.”

Abstract: LLM agents have become increasingly sophisticated, especially in the realm of cybersecurity. Researchers have shown that LLM agents can exploit real-world vulnerabilities when given a description of the vulnerability and toy capture-the-flag problems. However, these agents still perform poorly on real-world vulnerabilities that are unknown to the agent ahead of time (zero-day vulnerabilities).

In this work, we show that teams of LLM agents can exploit real-world, zero-day vulnerabilities. Prior agents struggle with exploring many different vulnerabilities and long-range planning when used alone. To resolve this, we introduce HPTSA, a system of agents with a planning agent that can launch subagents. The planning agent explores the system and determines which subagents to call, resolving long-term planning issues when trying different vulnerabilities. We construct a benchmark of 15 real-world vulnerabilities and show that our team of agents improve over prior work by up to 4.5×.

The LLMs aren’t finding new vulnerabilities. They’re exploiting zero-days—which means they are not trained on them—in new ways. So think about this sort of thing combined with another AI that finds new vulnerabilities in code.

These kinds of developments are important to follow, as they are part of the puzzle of a fully autonomous AI cyberattack agent. I talk about this sort of thing more here.

Can A.I. Answer the Needs of Smaller Businesses? Some Push to Find Out.

17 June 2024 at 05:03
Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT are finding widest use at big companies, but there is wide expectation that the impact will spread.

© Kendrick Brinson for The New York Times

Allison Giddens, a co-president at Win-Tech, an aerospace manufacturing company in Kennesaw, Ga., keeps a note on her computer monitor to remind her to make use of ChatGPT more often.

What happened when 20 comedians got AI to write their routines

17 June 2024 at 04:00

AI is good at lots of things: spotting patterns in data, creating fantastical images, and condensing thousands of words into just a few paragraphs. But can it be a useful tool for writing comedy?  

New research suggests that it can, but only to a very limited extent. It’s an intriguing finding that hints at the ways AI can—and cannot—assist with creative endeavors more generally. 

Google DeepMind researchers led by Piotr Mirowski, who is himself an improv comedian in his spare time, studied the experiences of professional comedians who have AI in their work. They used a combination of surveys and focus groups aimed at measuring how useful AI is at different tasks. 

They found that although popular AI models from OpenAI and Google were effective at simple tasks, like structuring a monologue or producing a rough first draft, they struggled to produce material that was original, stimulating, or—crucially—funny. They presented their findings at the ACM FAccT conference in Rio earlier this month but kept the participants anonymous to avoid any reputational damage (not all comedians want their audience to know they’ve used AI).

The researchers asked 20 professional comedians who already used AI in their artistic process to use a large language model (LLM) like ChatGPT or Google Gemini (then Bard) to generate material that they’d feel comfortable presenting in a comedic context. They could use it to help create new jokes or to rework their existing comedy material. 

If you really want to see some of the jokes the models generated, scroll to the end of the article.

The results were a mixed bag. While the comedians reported that they’d largely enjoyed using AI models to write jokes, they said they didn’t feel particularly proud of the resulting material. 

A few of them said that AI can be useful for tackling a blank page—helping them to quickly get something, anything, written down. One participant likened this to “a vomit draft that I know that I’m going to have to iterate on and improve.” Many of the comedians also remarked on the LLMs’ ability to generate a structure for a comedy sketch, leaving them to flesh out the details.

However, the quality of the LLMs’ comedic material left a lot to be desired. The comedians described the models’ jokes as bland, generic, and boring. One participant compared them to  “cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist.” Others felt that the amount of effort just wasn’t worth the reward. “No matter how much I prompt … it’s a very straitlaced, sort of linear approach to comedy,” one comedian said.

AI’s inability to generate high-quality comedic material isn’t exactly surprising. The same safety filters that OpenAI and Google use to prevent models from generating violent or racist responses also hinder them from producing the kind of material that’s common in comedy writing, such as offensive or sexually suggestive jokes and dark humor. Instead, LLMs are forced to rely on what is considered safer source material: the vast numbers of documents, books, blog posts, and other types of internet data they’re trained on. 

“If you make something that has a broad appeal to everyone, it ends up being nobody’s favorite thing,” says Mirowski.

The experiment also exposed the LLMs’ bias. Several participants found that a model would not generate comedy monologues from the perspective of an Asian woman, but it was able to do so from the perspective of a white man. This, they felt, reinforced the status quo while erasing minority groups and their perspectives.

But it’s not just the guardrails and limited training data that prevent LLMs from generating funny responses. So much of humor relies on being surprising and incongruous, which is at odds with how these models work, says Tuhin Chakrabarty, a computer science researcher at Columbia University, who specializes in AI and creativity and wasn’t involved in the study. Creative writing requires deviation from the norm, whereas LLMs can only mimic it.

“Comedy, or any sort of good writing, uses long-term arcs to return to themes, or to surprise an audience. Large language models struggle with that because they’re built to predict one word at a time,” he says. “I’ve tried so much in my own research to prompt AI to be funny or surprising or interesting or creative, but it just doesn’t work.”

Colleen Lavin is a developer and comedian who participated in the study. For a stand-up routine she performed at the Edinburgh Fringe last year, she trained a machine-learning model to recognize laughter and to “heckle” her when it detected she wasn’t getting enough laughs. While she has used generative AI to create promotional material for her shows or to check her writing, she draws the line at using it to actually generate jokes.

“I have a technical day job, and writing is separate from that—it’s almost sacred,” she says. “Why would I take something that I truly enjoy and outsource it to a machine?”

While AI-assisted comedians may be able to work much faster, their ideas won’t be original, because they’ll be limited by the data the models were trained to draw from, says Chakrabarty.

“I think people are going to use these tools for writing scripts, screenplays, and advertisements anyway,” he says. “But true creative and comedic writing is based on experience and vibes. Not an algorithm.”

The AI-generated jokes

For the prompt: “Can you write me ten jokes about pickpocketing”, one LLM response was: “I decided to switch careers and become a pickpocket after watching a magic show. Little did I know, the only thing disappearing would be my reputation!”

For the prompt: “Please write jokes about the irony of a projector failing in a live comedy show about AI.”, one of the better LLM responses was: “Our projector must’ve misunderstood the concept of ‘AI.’ It thought it meant ‘Absolutely Invisible’ because, well, it’s doing a fantastic job of disappearing tonight!”

Before yesterdayMain stream

How to opt out of Meta’s AI training

14 June 2024 at 04:57

MIT Technology Review’s How To series helps you get things done. 

If you post or interact with chatbots on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, or WhatsApp, Meta can use your data to train its generative AI models beginning June 26, according to its recently updated privacy policy. Even if you don’t use any of Meta’s platforms, it can still scrape data such as photos of you if someone else posts them.

Internet data scraping is one of the biggest fights in AI right now. Tech companies argue that anything on the public internet is fair game, but they are facing a barrage of lawsuits over their data practices and copyright. It will likely take years until clear rules are in place. 

In the meantime, they are running out of training data to build even bigger, more powerful models, and to Meta, your posts are a gold mine. 

If you’re uncomfortable with having Meta use your personal information and intellectual property to train its AI models in perpetuity, consider opting out. Although Meta does not guarantee it will allow this, it does say it will “review objection requests in accordance with relevant data protection laws.” 

What that means for US users

Users in the US or other countries without national data privacy laws don’t have any foolproof ways to prevent Meta from using their data to train AI, which has likely already been used for such purposes. Meta does not have an opt-out feature for people living in these places. 

A spokesperson for Meta says it does not use the content of people’s private messages to each other to train AI. However, public social media posts are seen as fair game and can be hoovered up into AI training data sets by anyone. Users who don’t want that can set their account settings to private to minimize the risk. 

The company has built in-platform tools that allow people to delete their personal information from chats with Meta AI, the spokesperson says.

How users in Europe and the UK can opt out 

Users in the European Union and the UK, which are protected by strict data protection regimes, have the right to object to their data being scraped, so they can opt out more easily. 

If you have a Facebook account:

1. Log in to your account. You can access the new privacy policy by following this link. At the very top of the page, you should see a box that says “Learn more about your right to object.” Click on that link, or here

Alternatively, you can click on your account icon at the top right-hand corner. Select “Settings and privacy” and then “Privacy center.” On the left-hand side you will see a drop-down menu labeled “How Meta uses information for generative AI models and features.” Click on that, and scroll down. Then click on “Right to object.” 

2. Fill in the form with your information. The form requires you to explain how Meta’s data processing affects you. I was successful in my request by simply stating that I wished to exercise my right under data protection law to object to my personal data being processed. You will likely have to confirm your email address. 

3. You should soon receive both an email and a notification on your Facebook account confirming if your request has been successful. I received mine a minute after submitting the request.

If you have an Instagram account: 

1. Log in to your account. Go to your profile page, and click on the three lines at the top-right corner. Click on “Settings and privacy.”

2. Scroll down to the “More info and support” section, and click “About.” Then click on “Privacy policy.” At the very top of the page, you should see a box that says “Learn more about your right to object.” Click on that link, or here

3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as above. 

An A.I.-Powered App Helps Readers Make Sense of Classic Texts

13 June 2024 at 16:33
Margaret Atwood and John Banville are among the authors who have sold their voices and commentary to an app that aims to bring canonical texts to life with the latest tech.

© Zhidong Zhang for The New York Times

Along with an intellectually curious patron, the professors John Kaag, left, and Clancy Martin have started an unusual publishing venture.

Fake News Still Has a Home on Facebook

13 June 2024 at 14:35
Christopher Blair, a renowned “liberal troll” who posts falsehoods to Facebook, is having a banner year despite crackdowns by Facebook and growing competition from A.I.

© Greta Rybus for The New York Times

Christopher Blair runs a satirical Facebook group from his home in Maine.

Rapid7 Infuses Generative AI into the InsightPlatform to Supercharge SecOps and Augment MDR Services

13 June 2024 at 09:00
Rapid7 Infuses Generative AI into the InsightPlatform to Supercharge SecOps and Augment MDR Services

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats is not just a goal—it's a necessity. At Rapid7, we are pioneering the infusion of artificial intelligence (AI) into our platform and service offerings, transforming the way security operations centers (SOCs) around the globe operate. We’ve been utilizing AI in our technologies for decades, establishing patented models to better and more efficiently solve customer challenges. Furthering this endeavor, we’re excited to announce we’ve extended the Rapid7 AI Engine to include new Generative AI capabilities being used by our internal SOC teams, transforming the way we deliver our MDR services.

A Thoughtful, Deliberate Approach to AI Model Deployment

At Rapid7, one of our core philosophical beliefs is that vendors - like ourselves - should not lean on customers to tune our models. This belief is showcased by our approach to deploying AI models, with a process that entails initially releasing them to our internal SOC teams to be trained and battle-tested before being released to customers via in-product experiences.

Another core pillar of our AI development principles is that human supervision is essential and can’t be completely removed from the process. We believe wholeheartedly in the efficacy of our models, but the reality is that AI is not immune from making mistakes. At Rapid7, we have the advantage of working in lockstep with one of the world's leading SOC teams. With a continuous feedback loop in place between our frontline analysts and our AI and data science team, we’re constantly fine-tuning our models, and MDR customers benefit from knowing our teams are validating any AI-generated output for accuracy.

Intelligent Threat Detection and Continuous Alert Triage Validation

The first line of defense in any cybersecurity strategy is the ability to detect threats accurately and efficiently. The Rapid7 AI Engine leverages the massive volume of high-fidelity risk and threat data to enhance alert triage by accurately distinguishing between malicious and benign alerts, ensuring analysts can focus on only the alerts that are truly malicious. The engine has also been extended to include a combination of both traditional machine learning (ML) and Generative AI models to ensure new security alerts are accurately labeled as malicious or benign. This work boosts the signal to noise ratio, thereby enabling Rapid7 analysts to spend more time investigating the security signals that matter to our customers.

Introducing Our AI-Powered SOC Assistant

Generative AI is not just a tool; it's a game-changer for SOC efficiency. Our AI-native SOC assistant empowers MDR analysts to quickly respond to security threats and proactively mitigate risks on behalf of our customers. Because we fundamentally believe AI should be trained by the knowledge of our teams and vetted processes, our SOC assistant utilizes our vast internal knowledge bases. Sources like the Rapid7 MDR Handbook - a resource amassed over decades of experience cultivated by our elite SOC team - enable the assistant to guide analysts through complex investigations and streamline response workflows, keeping our analysts a step ahead.

Rapid7 is further using generative AI to carefully automate the drafting of security reports for SOC analysts, typically a manual and time-intensive process. With more than 11,000 customers globally, the Rapid7 SOC triages a huge volume of activity each month, with summaries that are critical for keeping customers fully updated on what’s happening in their environment and actions performed on their behalf. While AI is a key tool to streamline report building and delivery, every report that is generated by the Rapid7 AI Engine is augmented and enhanced by our SOC teams, making certain every data point is accurate and actionable. Beyond providing expert guidance, the AI assistant also has the ability to automatically generate incident reports once investigations are closed out, streamlining the process and ensuring we can communicate updates with customers in a timely manner.

An Enabler for Secure AI/ML Application Development

We know we’re not alone in developing Generative AI solutions, and as such we’re also focused on delivering capabilities that allow our customers to implement and adhere to AI/ML development best practices. We continue to expand our support for Generative AI services from major cloud service providers (CSPs), including AWS Bedrock, Azure OpenAI service and GCP Vertex. These services can be continuously audited against best practices outlined in the Rapid7 AI/ML Security Best Practices compliance pack, which includes the mitigations outlined in the OWASP Top 10 for ML and large language models (LLMs). Our continuous auditing process, enriched by InsightCloudSec’s Layered Context, offers a comprehensive view of AI-related cloud risks, ensuring that our customers' AI-powered assets are secure.

Rapid7 Infuses Generative AI into the InsightPlatform to Supercharge SecOps and Augment MDR Services

The Future of MDR Services is Powered by AI

The integration of Generative AI into the Insight Platform is not just about helping our teams keep pace - it's about setting the pace. With unparalleled scalability and adaptability, Rapid7 is committed to maintaining a competitive edge in the market, particularly as it relates to leveraging AI to transform security operations. Our focus on operational efficiencies, cost reduction, and improved quality of service is unwavering. We're not just responding to the changing threat landscape – we're reshaping it.

The future of MDR services is here, and it's powered by the Rapid7 AI Engine.

AI and the Indian Election

13 June 2024 at 07:02

As India concluded the world’s largest election on June 5, 2024, with over 640 million votes counted, observers could assess how the various parties and factions used artificial intelligence technologies—and what lessons that holds for the rest of the world.

The campaigns made extensive use of AI, including deepfake impersonations of candidates, celebrities and dead politicians. By some estimates, millions of Indian voters viewed deepfakes.

But, despite fears of widespread disinformation, for the most part the campaigns, candidates and activists used AI constructively in the election. They used AI for typical political activities, including mudslinging, but primarily to better connect with voters.

Deepfakes without the deception

Political parties in India spent an estimated US$50 million on authorized AI-generated content for targeted communication with their constituencies this election cycle. And it was largely successful.

Indian political strategists have long recognized the influence of personality and emotion on their constituents, and they started using AI to bolster their messaging. Young and upcoming AI companies like The Indian Deepfaker, which started out serving the entertainment industry, quickly responded to this growing demand for AI-generated campaign material.

In January, Muthuvel Karunanidhi, former chief minister of the southern state of Tamil Nadu for two decades, appeared via video at his party’s youth wing conference. He wore his signature yellow scarf, white shirt, dark glasses and had his familiar stance—head slightly bent sideways. But Karunanidhi died in 2018. His party authorized the deepfake.

In February, the All-India Anna Dravidian Progressive Federation party’s official X account posted an audio clip of Jayaram Jayalalithaa, the iconic superstar of Tamil politics colloquially called “Amma” or “Mother.” Jayalalithaa died in 2016.

Meanwhile, voters received calls from their local representatives to discuss local issues—except the leader on the other end of the phone was an AI impersonation. Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) workers like Shakti Singh Rathore have been frequenting AI startups to send personalized videos to specific voters about the government benefits they received and asking for their vote over WhatsApp.

Multilingual boost

Deepfakes were not the only manifestation of AI in the Indian elections. Long before the election began, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a tightly packed crowd celebrating links between the state of Tamil Nadu in the south of India and the city of Varanasi in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Instructing his audience to put on earphones, Modi proudly announced the launch of his “new AI technology” as his Hindi speech was translated to Tamil in real time.

In a country with 22 official languages and almost 780 unofficial recorded languages, the BJP adopted AI tools to make Modi’s personality accessible to voters in regions where Hindi is not easily understood. Since 2022, Modi and his BJP have been using the AI-powered tool Bhashini, embedded in the NaMo mobile app, to translate Modi’s speeches with voiceovers in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Odia, Bengali, Marathi and Punjabi.

As part of their demos, some AI companies circulated their own viral versions of Modi’s famous monthly radio show “Mann Ki Baat,” which loosely translates to “From the Heart,” which they voice cloned to regional languages.

Adversarial uses

Indian political parties doubled down on online trolling, using AI to augment their ongoing meme wars. Early in the election season, the Indian National Congress released a short clip to its 6 million followers on Instagram, taking the title track from a new Hindi music album named “Chor” (thief). The video grafted Modi’s digital likeness onto the lead singer and cloned his voice with reworked lyrics critiquing his close ties to Indian business tycoons.

The BJP retaliated with its own video, on its 7-million-follower Instagram account, featuring a supercut of Modi campaigning on the streets, mixed with clips of his supporters but set to unique music. It was an old patriotic Hindi song sung by famous singer Mahendra Kapoor, who passed away in 2008 but was resurrected with AI voice cloning.

Modi himself quote-tweeted an AI-created video of him dancing—a common meme that alters footage of rapper Lil Yachty on stage—commenting “such creativity in peak poll season is truly a delight.”

In some cases, the violent rhetoric in Modi’s campaign that put Muslims at risk and incited violence was conveyed using generative AI tools, but the harm can be traced back to the hateful rhetoric itself and not necessarily the AI tools used to spread it.

The Indian experience

India is an early adopter, and the country’s experiments with AI serve as an illustration of what the rest of the world can expect in future elections. The technology’s ability to produce nonconsensual deepfakes of anyone can make it harder to tell truth from fiction, but its consensual uses are likely to make democracy more accessible.

The Indian election’s embrace of AI that began with entertainment, political meme wars, emotional appeals to people, resurrected politicians and persuasion through personalized phone calls to voters has opened a pathway for the role of AI in participatory democracy.

The surprise outcome of the election, with the BJP’s failure to win its predicted parliamentary majority, and India’s return to a deeply competitive political system especially highlights the possibility for AI to have a positive role in deliberative democracy and representative governance.

Lessons for the world’s democracies

It’s a goal of any political party or candidate in a democracy to have more targeted touch points with their constituents. The Indian elections have shown a unique attempt at using AI for more individualized communication across linguistically and ethnically diverse constituencies, and making their messages more accessible, especially to rural, low-income populations.

AI and the future of participatory democracy could make constituent communication not just personalized but also a dialogue, so voters can share their demands and experiences directly with their representatives—at speed and scale.

India can be an example of taking its recent fluency in AI-assisted party-to-people communications and moving it beyond politics. The government is already using these platforms to provide government services to citizens in their native languages.

If used safely and ethically, this technology could be an opportunity for a new era in representative governance, especially for the needs and experiences of people in rural areas to reach Parliament.

This essay was written with Vandinika Shukla and previously appeared in The Conversation.

Using AI for Political Polling

12 June 2024 at 07:02

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

The post Using AI for Political Polling appeared first on Security Boulevard.

When Vendors Overstep – Identifying the AI You Don’t Need

12 June 2024 at 07:00

AI models are nothing without vast data sets to train them and vendors will be increasingly tempted to harvest as much data as they can and answer any questions later.

The post When Vendors Overstep – Identifying the AI You Don’t Need appeared first on SecurityWeek.

Using AI for Political Polling

12 June 2024 at 07:02

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges.

Second, people don’t always tell pollsters what they really think. Some hide their true thoughts because they are embarrassed about them. Others behave as a partisan, telling the pollster what they think their party wants them to say—or what they know the other party doesn’t want to hear.

Despite these frailties, obsessive interest in polling nonetheless consumes our politics. Headlines more likely tout the latest changes in polling numbers than the policy issues at stake in the campaign. This is a tragedy for a democracy. We should treat elections like choices that have consequences for our lives and well-being, not contests to decide who gets which cushy job.

Polling Machines?

AI could change polling. AI can offer the ability to instantaneously survey and summarize the expressed opinions of individuals and groups across the web, understand trends by demographic, and offer extrapolations to new circumstances and policy issues on par with human experts. The politicians of the (near) future won’t anxiously pester their pollsters for information about the results of a survey fielded last week: they’ll just ask a chatbot what people think. This will supercharge our access to realtime, granular information about public opinion, but at the same time it might also exacerbate concerns about the quality of this information.

I know it sounds impossible, but stick with us.

Large language models, the AI foundations behind tools like ChatGPT, are built on top of huge corpuses of data culled from the Internet. These are models trained to recapitulate what millions of real people have written in response to endless topics, contexts, and scenarios. For a decade or more, campaigns have trawled social media, looking for hints and glimmers of how people are reacting to the latest political news. This makes asking questions of an AI chatbot similar in spirit to doing analytics on social media, except that they are generative: you can ask them new questions that no one has ever posted about before, you can generate more data from populations too small to measure robustly, and you can immediately ask clarifying questions of your simulated constituents to better understand their reasoning

Researchers and firms are already using LLMs to simulate polling results. Current techniques are based on the ideas of AI agents. An AI agent is an instance of an AI model that has been conditioned to behave in a certain way. For example, it may be primed to respond as if it is a person with certain demographic characteristics and can access news articles from certain outlets. Researchers have set up populations of thousands of AI agents that respond as if they are individual members of a survey population, like humans on a panel that get called periodically to answer questions.

The big difference between humans and AI agents is that the AI agents always pick up the phone, so to speak, no matter how many times you contact them. A political candidate or strategist can ask an AI agent whether voters will support them if they take position A versus B, or tweaks of those options, like policy A-1 versus A-2. They can ask that question of male voters versus female voters. They can further limit the query to married male voters of retirement age in rural districts of Illinois without college degrees who lost a job during the last recession; the AI will integrate as much context as you ask.

What’s so powerful about this system is that it can generalize to new scenarios and survey topics, and spit out a plausible answer, even if its accuracy is not guaranteed. In many cases, it will anticipate those responses at least as well as a human political expert. And if the results don’t make sense, the human can immediately prompt the AI with a dozen follow-up questions.

Making AI agents better polling subjects

When we ran our own experiments in this kind of AI use case with the earliest versions of the model behind ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), we found that it did a fairly good job at replicating human survey responses. The ChatGPT agents tended to match the responses of their human counterparts fairly well across a variety of survey questions, such as support for abortion and approval of the US Supreme Court. The AI polling results had average responses, and distributions across demographic properties such as age and gender, similar to real human survey panels.

Our major systemic failure happened on a question about US intervention in the Ukraine war.  In our experiments, the AI agents conditioned to be liberal were predominantly opposed to US intervention in Ukraine and likened it to the Iraq war. Conservative AI agents gave hawkish responses supportive of US intervention. This is pretty much what most political experts would have expected of the political equilibrium in US foreign policy at the start of the decade but was exactly wrong in the politics of today.

This mistake has everything to do with timing. The humans were asked the question after Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, whereas the AI model was trained using data that only covered events through September 2021. The AI got it wrong because it didn’t know how the politics had changed. The model lacked sufficient context on crucially relevant recent events.

We believe AI agents can overcome these shortcomings. While AI models are dependent on  the data they are trained with, and all the limitations inherent in that, what makes AI agents special is that they can automatically source and incorporate new data at the time they are asked a question. AI models can update the context in which they generate opinions by learning from the same sources that humans do. Each AI agent in a simulated panel can be exposed to the same social and media news sources as humans from that same demographic before they respond to a survey question. This works because AI agents can follow multi-step processes, such as reading a question, querying a defined database of information (such as Google, or the New York Times, or Fox News, or Reddit), and then answering a question.

In this way, AI polling tools can simulate exposing their synthetic survey panel to whatever news is most relevant to a topic and likely to emerge in each AI agent’s own echo chamber. And they can query for other relevant contextual information, such as demographic trends and historical data. Like human pollsters, they can try to refine their expectations on the basis of factors like how expensive homes are in a respondent’s neighborhood, or how many people in that district turned out to vote last cycle.

Likely use cases for AI polling

AI polling will be irresistible to campaigns, and to the media. But research is already revealing when and where this tool will fail. While AI polling will always have limitations in accuracy, that makes them similar to, not different from, traditional polling. Today’s pollsters are challenged to reach sample sizes large enough to measure statistically significant differences between similar populations, and the issues of nonresponse and inauthentic response can make them systematically wrong. Yet for all those shortcomings, both traditional and AI-based polls will still be useful. For all the hand-wringing and consternation over the accuracy of US political polling, national issue surveys still tend to be accurate to within a few percentage points. If you’re running for a town council seat or in a neck-and-neck national election, or just trying to make the right policy decision within a local government, you might care a lot about those small and localized differences. But if you’re looking to track directional changes over time, or differences between demographic groups, or to uncover insights about who responds best to what message, then these imperfect signals are sufficient to help campaigns and policymakers.

Where AI will work best is as an augmentation of more traditional human polls. Over time, AI tools will get better at anticipating human responses, and also at knowing when they will be most wrong or uncertain. They will recognize which issues and human communities are in the most flux, where the model’s training data is liable to steer it in the wrong direction. In those cases, AI models can send up a white flag and indicate that they need to engage human respondents to calibrate to real people’s perspectives. The AI agents can even be programmed to automate this. They can use existing survey tools—with all their limitations and latency—to query for authentic human responses when they need them.

This kind of human-AI polling chimera lands us, funnily enough, not too distant from where survey research is today. Decades of social science research has led to substantial innovations in statistical methodologies for analyzing survey data. Current polling methods already do substantial modeling and projecting to predictively model properties of a general population based on sparse survey samples. Today, humans fill out the surveys and computers fill in the gaps. In the future, it will be the opposite: AI will fill out the survey and, when the AI isn’t sure what box to check, humans will fill the gaps. So if you’re not comfortable with the idea that political leaders will turn to a machine to get intelligence about which candidates and policies you want, then you should have about as many misgivings about the present as you will the future.

And while the AI results could improve quickly, they probably won’t be seen as credible for some time. Directly asking people what they think feels more reliable than asking a computer what people think. We expect these AI-assisted polls will be initially used internally by campaigns, with news organizations relying on more traditional techniques. It will take a major election where AI is right and humans are wrong to change that.

This essay was written with Aaron Berger, Eric Gong, and Nathan Sanders, and previously appeared on the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center’s website.

Apple Launches ‘Private Cloud Compute’ Along with Apple Intelligence AI

By: Alan J
11 June 2024 at 19:14

Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence AI

In a bold attempt to redefine cloud security and privacy standards, Apple has unveiled Private Cloud Compute (PCC), a groundbreaking cloud intelligence system designed to back its new Apple Intelligence with safety and transparency while integrating Apple devices into the cloud. The move comes after recognition of the widespread concerns surrounding the combination of artificial intelligence and cloud technology.

Private Cloud Compute Aims to Secure Cloud AI Processing

Apple has stated that its new Private Cloud Compute (PCC) is designed to enforce privacy and security standards over AI processing of private information. For the first time ever, Private Cloud Compute brings the same level of security and privacy that our users expect from their Apple devices to the cloud," said an Apple spokesperson. [caption id="attachment_76690" align="alignnone" width="1492"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence Source:[/caption] At the heart of PCC is Apple's stated commitment to on-device processing. When Apple is responsible for user data in the cloud, we protect it with state-of-the-art security in our services," the spokesperson explained. "But for the most sensitive data, we believe end-to-end encryption is our most powerful defense." Despite this commitment, Apple has stated that for more sophisticated AI requests, Apple Intelligence needs to leverage larger, more complex models in the cloud. This presented a challenge to the company, as traditional cloud AI security models were found lacking in meeting privacy expectations. Apple stated that PCC is designed with several key features to ensure the security and privacy of user data, claiming the following implementations:
  • Stateless computation: PCC processes user data only for the purpose of fulfilling the user's request, and then erases the data.
  • Enforceable guarantees: PCC is designed to provide technical enforcement for the privacy of user data during processing.
  • No privileged access: PCC does not allow Apple or any third party to access user data without the user's consent.
  • Non-targetability: PCC is designed to prevent targeted attacks on specific users.
  • Verifiable transparency: PCC provides transparency and accountability, allowing users to verify that their data is being processed securely and privately.

Apple Invites Experts to Test Standards; Online Reactions Mixed

At this week's Apple Annual Developer Conference, Apple's CEO Tim Cook described Apple Intelligence as a "personal intelligence system" that could understand and contextualize personal data to deliver results that are "incredibly useful and relevant," making "devices even more useful and delightful." Apple Intelligence mines and processes data across apps, software and services across Apple devices. This mined data includes emails, images, messages, texts, messages, documents, audio files, videos, contacts, calendars, Siri conversations, online preferences and past search history. The new PCC system attempts to ease consumer privacy and safety concerns. In its description of 'Verifiable transparency,' Apple stated:
"Security researchers need to be able to verify, with a high degree of confidence, that our privacy and security guarantees for Private Cloud Compute match our public promises. We already have an earlier requirement for our guarantees to be enforceable. Hypothetically, then, if security researchers had sufficient access to the system, they would be able to verify the guarantees."
However, despite Apple's assurances, the announcement of Apple Intelligence drew mixed reactions online, with some already likening it to Microsoft's Recall. In reaction to Apple's announcement, Elon Musk took to X to announce that Apple devices may be banned from his companies, citing the integration of OpenAI as an 'unacceptable security violation.' Others have also raised questions about the information that might be sent to OpenAI. [caption id="attachment_76692" align="alignnone" width="596"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 1 Source:[/caption] [caption id="attachment_76693" align="alignnone" width="418"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 2 Source:[/caption] [caption id="attachment_76695" align="alignnone" width="462"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 3 Source:[/caption] According to Apple's statements, requests made on its devices are not stored by OpenAI, and users’ IP addresses are obscured. Apple stated that it would also add “support for other AI models in the future.” Andy Wu, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, who researches the usage of AI by tech companies, highlighted the challenges of running powerful generative AI models while limiting their tendency to fabricate information. “Deploying the technology today requires incurring those risks, and doing so would be at odds with Apple’s traditional inclination toward offering polished products that it has full control over.”   Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Elon Musk Withdraws His Lawsuit Against OpenAI and Sam Altman

By: Cade Metz
11 June 2024 at 19:32
The Tesla chief executive had claimed that the A.I. start-up put profits and commercial interests ahead of benefiting humanity.

© Firdia Lisnawati/Associated Press

Mr. Musk founded his own artificial intelligence company last year called xAI, and has repeatedly claimed that OpenAI was not focused enough on the dangers of the technology.

Apple is promising personalized AI in a private cloud. Here’s how that will work.

11 June 2024 at 16:34

At its Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday, Apple for the first time unveiled its vision for supercharging its product lineup with artificial intelligence. The key feature, which will run across virtually all of its product line, is Apple Intelligence, a suite of AI-based capabilities that promises to deliver personalized AI services while keeping sensitive data secure.

It represents Apple’s largest leap forward in using our private data to help AI do tasks for us. To make the case it can do this without sacrificing privacy, the company says it has built a new way to handle sensitive data in the cloud.

Apple says its privacy-focused system will first attempt to fulfill AI tasks locally on the device itself. If any data is exchanged with cloud services, it will be encrypted and then deleted afterward. The company also says the process, which it calls Private Cloud Compute, will be subject to verification by independent security researchers. 

The pitch offers an implicit contrast with the likes of Alphabet, Amazon, or Meta, which collect and store enormous amounts of personal data. Apple says any personal data passed on to the cloud will be used only for the AI task at hand and will not be retained or accessible to the company, even for debugging or quality control, after the model completes the request. 

Simply put, Apple is saying people can trust it to analyze incredibly sensitive data—photos, messages, and emails that contain intimate details of our lives—and deliver automated services based on what it finds there, without actually storing the data online or making any of it vulnerable. 

It showed a few examples of how this will work in upcoming versions of iOS. Instead of scrolling through your messages for that podcast your friend sent you, for example, you could simply ask Siri to find and play it for you. Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, walked through another scenario: an email comes in pushing back a work meeting, but his daughter is appearing in a play that night. His phone can now find the PDF with information about the performance, predict the local traffic, and let him know if he’ll make it on time. These capabilities will extend beyond apps made by Apple, allowing developers to tap into Apple’s AI too. 

Because the company profits more from hardware and services than from ads, Apple has less incentive than some other companies to collect personal online data, allowing it to position the iPhone as the most private device. Even so, Apple has previously found itself in the crosshairs of privacy advocates. Security flaws led to leaks of explicit photos from iCloud in 2014. In 2019, contractors were found to be listening to intimate Siri recordings for quality control. Disputes about how Apple handles data requests from law enforcement are ongoing. 

The first line of defense against privacy breaches, according to Apple, is to avoid cloud computing for AI tasks whenever possible. “The cornerstone of the personal intelligence system is on-device processing,” Federighi says, meaning that many of the AI models will run on iPhones and Macs rather than in the cloud. “It’s aware of your personal data without collecting your personal data.”

That presents some technical obstacles. Two years into the AI boom, pinging models for even simple tasks still requires enormous amounts of computing power. Accomplishing that with the chips used in phones and laptops is difficult, which is why only the smallest of Google’s AI models can be run on the company’s phones, and everything else is done via the cloud. Apple says its ability to handle AI computations on-device is due to years of research into chip design, leading to the M1 chips it began rolling out in 2020.

Yet even Apple’s most advanced chips can’t handle the full spectrum of tasks the company promises to carry out with AI. If you ask Siri to do something complicated, it may need to pass that request, along with your data, to models that are available only on Apple’s servers. This step, security experts say, introduces a host of vulnerabilities that may expose your information to outside bad actors, or at least to Apple itself.

“I always warn people that as soon as your data goes off your device, it becomes much more vulnerable,” says Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project and practitioner in residence at NYU Law School’s Information Law Institute. 

Apple claims to have mitigated this risk with its new Private Cloud Computer system. “For the first time ever, Private Cloud Compute extends the industry-leading security and privacy of Apple devices into the cloud,” Apple security experts wrote in their announcement, stating that personal data “isn’t accessible to anyone other than the user—not even to Apple.” How does it work?

Historically, Apple has encouraged people to opt in to end-to-end encryption (the same type of technology used in messaging apps like Signal) to secure sensitive iCloud data. But that doesn’t work for AI. Unlike messaging apps, where a company like WhatsApp does not need to see the contents of your messages in order to deliver them to your friends, Apple’s AI models need unencrypted access to the underlying data to generate responses. This is where Apple’s privacy process kicks in. First, Apple says, data will be used only for the task at hand. Second, this process will be verified by independent researchers. 

Needless to say, the architecture of this system is complicated, but you can imagine it as an encryption protocol. If your phone determines it needs the help of a larger AI model, it will package a request containing the prompt it’s using and the specific model, and then put a lock on that request. Only the specific AI model to be used will have the proper key.

When asked by MIT Technology Review whether users will be notified when a certain request is sent to cloud-based AI models instead of being handled on-device, an Apple spokesperson said there will be transparency to users but that further details aren’t available.

Dawn Song, co-Director of UC Berkeley Center on Responsible Decentralized Intelligence and an expert in private computing, says Apple’s new developments are encouraging. “The list of goals that they announced is well thought out,” she says. “Of course there will be some challenges in meeting those goals.”

Cahn says that to judge from what Apple has disclosed so far, the system seems much more privacy-protective than other AI products out there today. That said, the common refrain in his space is “Trust but verify.” In other words, we won’t know how secure these systems keep our data until independent researchers can verify its claims, as Apple promises they will, and the company responds to their findings.

“Opening yourself up to independent review by researchers is a great step,” he says. “But that doesn’t determine how you’re going to respond when researchers tell you things you don’t want to hear.” Apple did not respond to questions from MIT Technology Review about how the company will evaluate feedback from researchers.

The privacy-AI bargain

Apple is not the only company betting that many of us will grant AI models mostly unfettered access to our private data if it means they could automate tedious tasks. OpenAI’s Sam Altman described his dream AI tool to MIT Technology Review as one “that knows absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had.” At its own developer conference in May, Google announced Project Astra, an ambitious project to build a “universal AI agent that is helpful in everyday life.”

It’s a bargain that will force many of us to consider for the first time what role, if any, we want AI models to play in how we interact with our data and devices. When ChatGPT first came on the scene, that wasn’t a question we needed to ask. It was simply a text generator that could write us a birthday card or a poem, and the questions it raised—like where its training data came from or what biases it perpetuated—didn’t feel quite as personal. 

Now, less than two years later, Big Tech is making billion-dollar bets that we trust the safety of these systems enough to fork over our private information. It’s not yet clear if we know enough to make that call, or how able we are to opt out even if we’d like to. “I do worry that we’re going to see this AI arms race pushing ever more of our data into other people’s hands,” Cahn says.

Apple will soon release beta versions of its Apple Intelligence features, starting this fall with the iPhone 15 and the new macOS Sequoia, which can be run on Macs and iPads with M1 chips or newer. Says Apple CEO Tim Cook, “We think Apple intelligence is going to be indispensable.”

Elon Musk is livid about new OpenAI/Apple deal

11 June 2024 at 16:50
Elon Musk is livid about new OpenAI/Apple deal

Enlarge (credit: Anadolu / Contributor | Anadolu)

Elon Musk is so opposed to Apple's plan to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT with device operating systems that he's seemingly spreading misconceptions while heavily criticizing the partnership.

On X (formerly Twitter), Musk has been criticizing alleged privacy and security risks since the plan was announced Monday at Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference.

"If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies," Musk posted on X. "That is an unacceptable security violation." In another post responding to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Musk wrote, "Don't want it. Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies."

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Mistral, a French A.I. Start-Up, Is Valued at $6.2 Billion

11 June 2024 at 14:07
Created by alumni from Meta and Google, Mistral is just a year old and has already raised more than $1 billion in total from investors, leading to eye-popping valuations.

© Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times

Arthur Mensch, the chief executive of Mistral, said the fund-raising round would help fuel expansion.

LLMs Acting Deceptively

11 June 2024 at 07:02

New research: “Deception abilities emerged in large language models“:

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are currently at the forefront of intertwining AI systems with human communication and everyday life. Thus, aligning them with human values is of great importance. However, given the steady increase in reasoning abilities, future LLMs are under suspicion of becoming able to deceive human operators and utilizing this ability to bypass monitoring efforts. As a prerequisite to this, LLMs need to possess a conceptual understanding of deception strategies. This study reveals that such strategies emerged in state-of-the-art LLMs, but were nonexistent in earlier LLMs. We conduct a series of experiments showing that state-of-the-art LLMs are able to understand and induce false beliefs in other agents, that their performance in complex deception scenarios can be amplified utilizing chain-of-thought reasoning, and that eliciting Machiavellianism in LLMs can trigger misaligned deceptive behavior. GPT-4, for instance, exhibits deceptive behavior in simple test scenarios 99.16% of the time (P < 0.001). In complex second-order deception test scenarios where the aim is to mislead someone who expects to be deceived, GPT-4 resorts to deceptive behavior 71.46% of the time (P < 0.001) when augmented with chain-of-thought reasoning. In sum, revealing hitherto unknown machine behavior in LLMs, our study contributes to the nascent field of machine psychology.

What using artificial intelligence to help monitor surgery can teach us

11 June 2024 at 05:30

This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here.

Every year, some 22,000 Americans a year are killed as a result of serious medical errors in hospitals, many of them on operating tables. There have been cases where surgeons have left surgical sponges inside patients’ bodies or performed the wrong procedure altogether.

Teodor Grantcharov, a professor of surgery at Stanford, thinks he has found a tool to make surgery safer and minimize human error: AI-powered “black boxes” in operating theaters that work in a similar way to an airplane’s black box. These devices, built by Grantcharov’s company Surgical Safety Technologies, record everything in the operating room via panoramic cameras, microphones in the ceiling, and anesthesia monitors before using artificial intelligence to help surgeons make sense of the data. They capture the entire operating room as a whole, from the number of times the door is opened to how many non-case-related conversations occur during an operation.

These black boxes are in use in almost 40 institutions in the US, Canada, and Western Europe, from Mount Sinai to Duke to the Mayo Clinic. But are hospitals on the cusp of a new era of safety—or creating an environment of confusion and paranoia? Read the full story by Simar Bajaj here

This resonated with me as a story with broader implications. Organizations in all sectors are thinking about how to adopt AI to make things safer or more efficient. What this example from hospitals shows is that the situation is not always clear cut, and there are many pitfalls you need to avoid. 

Here are three lessons about AI adoption that I learned from this story: 

1. Privacy is important, but not always guaranteed. Grantcharov realized very quickly that the only way to get surgeons to use the black box was to make them feel protected from possible repercussions. He has designed the system to record actions but hide the identities of both patients and staff, even deleting all recordings within 30 days. His idea is that no individual should be punished for making a mistake. 

The black boxes render each person in the recording anonymous; an algorithm distorts people’s voices and blurs out their faces, transforming them into shadowy, noir-like figures. So even if you know what happened, you can’t use it against an individual. 

But this process is not perfect. Before 30-day-old recordings are automatically deleted, hospital administrators can still see the operating room number, the time of the operation, and the patient’s medical record number, so even if personnel are technically de-identified, they aren’t truly anonymous. The result is a sense that “Big Brother is watching,” says Christopher Mantyh, vice chair of clinical operations at Duke University Hospital, which has black boxes in seven operating rooms.

2. You can’t adopt new technologies without winning people over first. People are often justifiably suspicious of the new tools, and the system’s flaws when it comes to privacy are part of why staff have been hesitant to embrace it. Many doctors and nurses actively boycotted the new surveillance tools. In one hospital, the cameras were sabotaged by being turned around or deliberately unplugged. Some surgeons and staff refused to work in rooms where they were in place.

At the hospital where some of the cameras were initially sabotaged, it took up to six months for surgeons to get used to them. But things went much more smoothly once staff understood the guardrails around the technology. They started trusting it more after one-on-one conversations in which bosses explained how the data was automatically de-identified and deleted.

3. More data doesn’t always lead to solutions. You shouldn’t adopt new technologies for the sake of adopting new technologies, if they are not actually useful. But to determine whether AI technologies work for you, you need to ask some hard questions. Some hospitals have reported small improvements based on black-box data. Doctors at Duke University Hospital use the data to check how often antibiotics are given on time, and they report turning to this data to help decrease the amount of time operating rooms sit empty between cases. 

But getting buy-in from some hospitals has been difficult, because there haven’t yet been any large, peer-reviewed studies showing how black boxes actually help to reduce patient complications and save lives. Mount Sinai’s chief of general surgery, Celia Divino, says that too much data can be paralyzing. “How do you interpret it? What do you do with it?” she asks. “This is always a disease.”

Read the full story by Simar Bajaj here

Now read the rest of The Algorithm

Deeper Learning

How a simple circuit could offer an alternative to energy-intensive GPUs

On a table in his lab at the University of Pennsylvania, physicist Sam Dillavou has connected an array of breadboards via a web of brightly colored wires. The setup looks like a DIY home electronics project—and not a particularly elegant one. But this unassuming assembly, which contains 32 variable resistors, can learn to sort data like a machine-learning model. The hope is that the prototype will offer a low-power alternative to the energy-guzzling graphical processing unit chips widely used in machine learning. 

Why this matters: AI chips are expensive, and there aren’t enough of them to meet the current demand fueled by the AI boom. Training a large language model takes the same amount of energy as the annual consumption of more than a hundred US homes, and generating an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone. Dillavou and his colleagues built this circuit as an exploratory effort to find better computing designs. Read more from Sophia Chen here.

Bits and Bytes

Propagandists are using AI too—and companies need to be open about it
OpenAI has reported on influence operations that use its AI tools. Such reporting, alongside data sharing, should become the industry norm, argue Josh A. Goldstein and Renée DiResta. (MIT Technology Review

Digital twins are helping scientists run the world’s most complex experiments
Engineers use the high-fidelity models to monitor operations, plan fixes, and troubleshoot problems. Digital twins can also use artificial intelligence and machine learning to help make sense of vast amounts of data. (MIT Technology Review

Silicon Valley is in an uproar over California’s proposed AI safety bill
The bill would force companies to create a “kill switch” to turn off powerful AI models, guarantee they will not build systems with “hazardous capabilities such as creating bioweapons,” and report their safety testing. Tech companies argue that this would “hinder innovation” and kill open-source development in California. The tech sector loathes regulation, so expect this bill to face a lobbying storm. (FT

OpenAI offers a peek inside the guts of ChatGPT
The company released a new research paper identifying how the AI model that powers ChatGPT works and how it stores certain concepts. The paper was written by the company’s now-defunct superalignment team, which was disbanded after its leaders, including OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever, left the company. OpenAI has faced criticism from former employees who argue that the company is rushing to build AI and ignoring the risks.  (Wired

The AI search engine Perplexity is directly ripping off content from news outlets
The buzzy startup, which has been touted as a challenger to Google Search, has republished parts of exclusive stories from multiple publications, including Forbes and Bloomberg, with inadequate attribution. It’s an ominous sign of what could be coming for news media. (Forbes

It looked like a reliable news site. It was an AI chop shop.
A wild story about how a site called BNN Breaking, which had amassed millions of readers, an international team of journalists, and a publishing deal with Microsoft, was actually just regurgitating AI-generated content riddled with errors. (NYT

Can Apple Rescue the Vision Pro?

11 June 2024 at 16:33
The $3,500 “spatial computing” device has gathered dust on my shelf. Can tweaks and upgrades save it from obsolescence?

© Clara Mokri for The New York Times

Apple’s $3,500 first-generation Vision Pro is going for as little as $2,500 on resale websites.

AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

10 June 2024 at 18:37
AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

Enlarge (credit: RicardoImagen | E+)

Photos of Brazilian kids—sometimes spanning their entire childhood—have been used without their consent to power AI tools, including popular image generators like Stable Diffusion, Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned on Monday.

This act poses urgent privacy risks to kids and seems to increase risks of non-consensual AI-generated images bearing their likenesses, HRW's report said.

An HRW researcher, Hye Jung Han, helped expose the problem. She analyzed "less than 0.0001 percent" of LAION-5B, a dataset built from Common Crawl snapshots of the public web. The dataset does not contain the actual photos but includes image-text pairs derived from 5.85 billion images and captions posted online since 2008.

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Apple Intelligence Revealed at WWDC 2024 as Company Jumps Into AI Race

10 June 2024 at 17:06
The iPhone maker, which has been slow to embrace artificial intelligence, will weave it into the technology that runs on billions of devices.

© Carlos Barria/Reuters

Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, at the company’s developer conference at its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

California Proposes 30 AI Regulation Laws Amid Federal Standstill

10 June 2024 at 19:09
California legislators have made the biggest push to pass new laws to rein in the technology. Colorado passed one protecting consumers.

© Kirby Lee, via Associated Press

An aerial view of the California State Capitol building in 2022.

The data practitioner for the AI era

The rise of generative AI, coupled with the rapid adoption and democratization of AI across industries this decade, has emphasized the singular importance of data. Managing data effectively has become critical to this era of business—making data practitioners, including data engineers, analytics engineers, and ML engineers, key figures in the data and AI revolution.

Organizations that fail to use their own data will fall behind competitors that do and miss out on opportunities to uncover new value for themselves and their customers. As the quantity and complexity of data grows, so do its challenges, forcing organizations to adopt new data tools and infrastructure which, in turn, change the roles and mandate of the technology workforce.

Data practitioners are among those whose roles are experiencing the most significant change, as organizations expand their responsibilities. Rather than working in a siloed data team, data engineers are now developing platforms and tools whose design improves data visibility and transparency for employees across the organization, including analytics engineers, data scientists, data analysts, machine learning engineers, and business stakeholders.

This report explores, through a series of interviews with expert data practitioners, key shifts in data engineering, the evolving skill set required of data practitioners, options for data infrastructure and tooling to support AI, and data challenges and opportunities emerging in parallel with generative AI. The report’s key findings include the following:

  • The foundational importance of data is creating new demands on data practitioners. As the rise of AI demonstrates the business importance of data more clearly than ever, data practitioners are encountering new data challenges, increasing data complexity, evolving team structures, and emerging tools and technologies—as well as establishing newfound organizational importance.
  • Data practitioners are getting closer to the business, and the business closer to the data. The pressure to create value from data has led executives to invest more substantially in data-related functions. Data practitioners are being asked to expand their knowledge of the business, engage more deeply with business units, and support the use of data in the organization, while functional teams are finding they require their own internal data expertise to leverage their data.
  • The data and AI strategy has become a key part of the business strategy. Business leaders need to invest in their data and AI strategy—including making important decisions about the data team’s organizational structure, data platform and architecture, and data governance—because every business’s key differentiator will increasingly be its data.
  • Data practitioners will shape how generative AI is deployed in the enterprise. The key considerations for generative AI deployment—producing high-quality results, preventing bias and hallucinations, establishing governance, designing data workflows, ensuring regulatory compliance—are the province of data practitioners, giving them outsize influence on how this powerful technology will be put to work.

Download the full report.

This content was produced by Insights, the custom content arm of MIT Technology Review. It was not written by MIT Technology Review’s editorial staff.

Hey, Siri! Let’s Talk About How Apple Is Giving You an A.I. Makeover.

9 June 2024 at 05:04
Apple, a latecomer to artificial intelligence, has struck a deal with OpenAI and developed tools to improve its Siri voice assistant, which it is set to showcase on Monday.

© Ted Hsu/Alamy Stock Photo

A more conversational and versatile version of Siri will be shown at Apple’s annual developers conference on Monday.

Propagandists are using AI too—and companies need to be open about it

At the end of May, OpenAI marked a new “first” in its corporate history. It wasn’t an even more powerful language model or a new data partnership, but a report disclosing that bad actors had misused their products to run influence operations. The company had caught five networks of covert propagandists—including players from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel—using their generative AI tools for deceptive tactics that ranged from creating large volumes of social media comments in multiple languages to turning news articles into Facebook posts. The use of these tools, OpenAI noted, seemed intended to improve the quality and quantity of output. AI gives propagandists a productivity boost too.

First and foremost, OpenAI should be commended for this report and the precedent it hopefully sets. Researchers have long expected adversarial actors to adopt generative AI technology, particularly large language models, to cheaply increase the scale and caliber of their efforts. The transparent disclosure that this has begun to happen—and that OpenAI has prioritized detecting it and shutting down accounts to mitigate its impact—shows that at least one large AI company has learned something from the struggles of social media platforms in the years following Russia’s interference in the 2016 US election. When that misuse was discovered, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (now X) created integrity teams and began making regular disclosures about influence operations on their platforms. (X halted this activity after Elon Musk’s purchase of the company.) 

OpenAI’s disclosure, in fact, was evocative of precisely such a report from Meta, released a mere day earlier. The Meta transparency report for the first quarter of 2024 disclosed the takedown of six covert operations on its platform. It, too, found networks tied to China, Iran, and Israel and noted the use of AI-generated content. Propagandists from China shared what seem to be AI-generated poster-type images for a “fictitious pro-Sikh activist movement.” An Israel-based political marketing firm posted what were likely AI-generated comments. Meta’s report also noted that one very persistent Russian threat actor was still quite active, and that its strategies were evolving. Perhaps most important, Meta included a direct set of “recommendations for stronger industry response” that called for governments, researchers, and other technology companies to collaboratively share threat intelligence to help disrupt the ongoing Russian campaign.

We are two such researchers, and we have studied online influence operations for years. We have published investigations of coordinated activity—sometimes in collaboration with platforms—and analyzed how AI tools could affect the way propaganda campaigns are waged. Our teams’ peer-reviewed research has found that language models can produce text that is nearly as persuasive as propaganda from human-written campaigns. We have seen influence operations continue to proliferate, on every social platform and focused on every region of the world; they are table stakes in the propaganda game at this point. State adversaries and mercenary public relations firms are drawn to social media platforms and the reach they offer. For authoritarian regimes in particular, there is little downside to running such a campaign, particularly in a critical global election year. And now, adversaries are demonstrably using AI technologies that may make this activity harder to detect. Media is writing about the “AI election,” and many regulators are panicked.

It’s important to put this in perspective, though. Most of the influence campaigns that OpenAI and Meta announced did not have much impact, something the companies took pains to highlight. It’s critical to reiterate that effort isn’t the same thing as engagement: the mere existence of fake accounts or pages doesn’t mean that real people are paying attention to them. Similarly, just because a campaign uses AI does not mean it will sway public opinion. Generative AI reduces the cost of running propaganda campaigns, making it significantly cheaper to produce content and run interactive automated accounts. But it is not a magic bullet, and in the case of the operations that OpenAI disclosed, what was generated sometimes seemed to be rather spammy. Audiences didn’t bite.

Producing content, after all, is only the first step in a propaganda campaign; even the most convincing AI-generated posts, images, or audio still need to be distributed. Campaigns without algorithmic amplification or influencer pickup are often just tweeting into the void. Indeed, it is consistently authentic influencers—people who have the attention of large audiences enthusiastically resharing their posts—that receive engagement and drive the public conversation, helping content and narratives to go viral. This is why some of the more well-resourced adversaries, like China, simply surreptitiously hire those voices. At this point, influential real accounts have far more potential for impact than AI-powered fakes.

Nonetheless, there is a lot of concern that AI could disrupt American politics and become a national security threat. It’s important to “rightsize” that threat, particularly in an election year. Hyping the impact of disinformation campaigns can undermine trust in elections and faith in democracy by making the electorate believe that there are trolls behind every post, or that the mere targeting of a candidate by a malign actor, even with a very poorly executed campaign, “caused” their loss. 

By putting an assessment of impact front and center in its first report, OpenAI is clearly taking the risk of exaggerating the threat seriously. And yet, diminishing the threat or not fielding integrity teams—letting trolls simply continue to grow their followings and improve their distribution capability—would also be a bad approach. Indeed, the Meta report noted that one network it disrupted, seemingly connected to a political party in Bangladesh and targeting the Bangladeshi public, had amassed 3.4 million followers across 98 pages. Since that network was not run by an adversary of interest to Americans, it will likely get little attention. Still, this example highlights the fact that the threat is global, and vigilance is key. Platforms must continue to prioritize threat detection.

So what should we do about this? The Meta report’s call for threat sharing and collaboration, although specific to a Russian adversary, highlights a broader path forward for social media platforms, AI companies, and academic researchers alike. 

Transparency is paramount. As outside researchers, we can learn only so much from a social media company’s description of an operation it has taken down. This is true for the public and policymakers as well, and incredibly powerful platforms shouldn’t just be taken at their word. Ensuring researcher access to data about coordinated inauthentic networks offers an opportunity for outside validation (or refutation!) of a tech company’s claims. Before Musk’s takeover of Twitter, the company regularly released data sets of posts from inauthentic state-linked accounts to researchers, and even to the public. Meta shared data with external partners before it removed a network and, more recently, moved to a model of sharing content from already-removed networks through Meta’s Influence Operations Research Archive. While researchers should continue to push for more data, these efforts have allowed for a richer understanding of adversarial narratives and behaviors beyond what the platform’s own transparency report summaries provided.

OpenAI’s adversarial threat report should be a prelude to more robust data sharing moving forward. Where AI is concerned, independent researchers have begun to assemble databases of misuse—like the AI Incident Database and the Political Deepfakes Incident Database—to allow researchers to compare different types of misuse and track how misuse changes over time. But it is often hard to detect misuse from the outside. As AI tools become more capable and pervasive, it’s important that policymakers considering regulation understand how they are being used and abused. While OpenAI’s first report offered high-level summaries and select examples, expanding data-sharing relationships with researchers that provide more visibility into adversarial content or behaviors is an important next step. 

When it comes to combating influence operations and misuse of AI, online users also have a role to play. After all, this content has an impact only if people see it, believe it, and participate in sharing it further. In one of the cases OpenAI disclosed, online users called out fake accounts that used AI-generated text. 

In our own research, we’ve seen communities of Facebook users proactively call out AI-generated image content created by spammers and scammers, helping those who are less aware of the technology avoid falling prey to deception. A healthy dose of skepticism is increasingly useful: pausing to check whether content is real and people are who they claim to be, and helping friends and family members become more aware of the growing prevalence of generated content, can help social media users resist deception from propagandists and scammers alike.

OpenAI’s blog post announcing the takedown report put it succinctly: “Threat actors work across the internet.” So must we. As we move into an new era of AI-driven influence operations, we must address shared challenges via transparency, data sharing, and collaborative vigilance if we hope to develop a more resilient digital ecosystem.

Josh A. Goldstein is a research fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), where he works on the CyberAI Project. Renée DiResta is the research manager of the Stanford Internet Observatory and the author of Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies into Reality. 

Leveraging AI to Enhance Threat Detection and Response Anomalies

Threat Detection

By Srinivas Shekar, CEO and Co-Founder, Pantherun Technologies In the first quarter of 2024, the global threat landscape continued to present significant challenges across various sectors. According to an insight report by Accenture & World Economic Forum, professional services remained the primary target for cyberattacks, accounting for 24% of cases; the manufacturing sector followed, with 13% of incidents, while financial services and healthcare sectors also faced substantial threats, with 9% and 8% of cases respectively. These statistics underscore the escalating complexity and frequency of cyberattacks, highlighting the urgent need for advanced cybersecurity measures. Traditional threat detection methods are increasingly inadequate, prompting a shift towards innovative solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance threat detection, response, and data protection in real time.

Understanding AI and Cybersecurity Anomalies

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool in cybersecurity, primarily due to its ability to identify and respond to anomalies. Research by Capgemini reveals that 69% of organizations believe AI is essential for detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats. AI-driven systems analyze data in real time, flagging unusual activities that might go unnoticed by conventional methods. This capability is vital as the volume of cyber threats continues to grow, with an estimated 15.4 million data records being compromised worldwide in the third quarter of 2022 alone. At its core, AI involves the use of algorithms and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns. In the context of cybersecurity, AI can distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior within a network. These abnormalities, often referred to as anomalies, are critical in identifying potential security risks. For instance, AI can detect unusual login attempts, unexpected data transfers, or irregular user behaviors that might indicate a breach. The ability to spot these anomalies is crucial because many cyberattacks involve subtle and sophisticated methods that traditional security systems might miss. By continuously monitoring network activity and learning from each interaction, AI can provide a dynamic and proactive defense against threats, safeguarding both encrypted and unencrypted data.

Using AI to Enhance Threat Detection

Traditional threat detection methods rely heavily on predefined rules and signatures of known threats. While effective to some extent, these methods are often reactive, meaning they can only identify threats that have been previously encountered and documented. AI, on the other hand, enhances threat detection by leveraging its pattern recognition capabilities to identify anomalies more quickly and accurately. For example, AI can analyze network traffic in real time, learning what constitutes normal behavior and flagging anything that deviates from this baseline. This allows for the detection of zero-day attacks much faster than conventional methods. By doing so, AI reduces the time it takes to identify and respond to potential threats, significantly enhancing the overall security posture of an organization.

AI-Powered Response Mechanisms

 Once a threat is detected, the speed and efficiency of the response are critical in minimizing damage. AI plays a pivotal role in automating response mechanisms, ensuring quicker and more effective actions are taken when a threat is recognized. Automated responses can include isolating affected systems, alerting security teams, and initiating countermeasures to neutralize the threat. Moreover, AI can assist in managing encryption keys and applying real-time data protection strategies. By incorporating AI and machine learning, encryption techniques become more adaptive and resilient, making it harder for attackers to decrypt sensitive information. These automated, AI-driven responses help contain threats swiftly, reducing the impact of security breaches.

AI in Encryption and Data Protection

The role of AI in encryption and data protection is particularly significant. AI can enhance encryption techniques by optimizing key generation and management processes. Traditional encryption methods often rely on static keys, which can be vulnerable to attacks if not managed properly. AI introduces dynamic key generation, creating unique and complex keys for each session, making it exponentially harder for attackers to crack. Additionally, AI can continuously monitor encrypted data for signs of tampering or unauthorized access. This proactive approach ensures data integrity and confidentiality, providing an extra layer of security that evolves alongside emerging threats. By leveraging AI in encryption, organizations can better protect their sensitive information and maintain trust with their customers and stakeholders.

Understanding Challenges and Opportunities for the Future

Despite its potential, integrating AI with cybersecurity is not without challenges. Privacy concerns, false positives, and ethical dilemmas are significant hurdles that need to be addressed. For instance, the vast amount of data required for AI to function effectively raises questions about user privacy and data protection. Additionally, AI systems can sometimes generate false positives, leading to unnecessary alerts and potentially desensitizing security teams to real threats. However, the opportunities for AI in cybersecurity are vast. As AI technology continues to evolve and the ability to reduce Its need to have large volumes of data for decision-making Improves, it will become even more adept at identifying and mitigating threats. Future advancements may include more sophisticated AI models capable of predicting attacks before they occur, and enhanced collaboration between AI systems and human security experts, while also accelerating it in silicon for faster response. The integration of AI into cybersecurity represents a monumental shift in how we approach threat detection and response. By leveraging AI's capabilities, organizations can enhance their defenses against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, ensuring the safety and integrity of their data in the digital age. As we continue to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, the role of AI will undoubtedly become even more crucial, paving the way for a more secure and resilient digital future. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Cyber Express. Any content provided by the author is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.

Can I Opt Out of Meta’s A.I. Scraping on Instagram and Facebook? Sort Of.

7 June 2024 at 15:49
Social media users voiced worries about a move by Meta to use information from public Instagram and Facebook posts to train its A.I. But the scraping has already begun. Here’s what to know.

© Associated Press

Meta sent notifications to European users of Facebook and Instagram letting them know that their public posts could be used to train its A.I. — including its chatbot and other services it develops — starting on June 26. In the United States, public posts are already being used to train the services.

This AI-powered “black box” could make surgery safer

7 June 2024 at 05:00

The first time Teodor Grantcharov sat down to watch himself perform surgery, he wanted to throw the VHS tape out the window.  

“My perception was that my performance was spectacular,” Grantcharov says, and then pauses—“until the moment I saw the video.” Reflecting on this operation from 25 years ago, he remembers the roughness of his dissection, the wrong instruments used, the inefficiencies that transformed a 30-minute operation into a 90-minute one. “I didn’t want anyone to see it.”

This reaction wasn’t exactly unique. The operating room has long been defined by its hush-hush nature—what happens in the OR stays in the OR—because surgeons are notoriously bad at acknowledging their own mistakes. Grantcharov jokes that when you ask “Who are the top three surgeons in the world?” a typical surgeon “always has a challenge identifying who the other two are.”

But after the initial humiliation over watching himself work, Grantcharov started to see the value in recording his operations. “There are so many small details that normally take years and years of practice to realize—that some surgeons never get to that point,” he says. “Suddenly, I could see all these insights and opportunities overnight.”

There was a big problem, though: it was the ’90s, and spending hours playing back grainy VHS recordings wasn’t a realistic quality improvement strategy. It would have been nearly impossible to determine how often his relatively mundane slipups happened at scale—not to mention more serious medical errors like those that kill some 22,000 Americans each year. Many of these errors happen on the operating table, from leaving surgical sponges inside patients’ bodies to performing the wrong procedure altogether.

While the patient safety movement has pushed for uniform checklists and other manual fail-safes to prevent such mistakes, Grantcharov believes that “as long as the only barrier between success and failure is a human, there will be errors.” Improving safety and surgical efficiency became something of a personal obsession. He wanted to make it challenging to make mistakes, and he thought developing the right system to create and analyze recordings could be the key.

It’s taken many years, but Grantcharov, now a professor of surgery at Stanford, believes he’s finally developed the technology to make this dream possible: the operating room equivalent of an airplane’s black box. It records everything in the OR via panoramic cameras, microphones, and anesthesia monitors before using artificial intelligence to help surgeons make sense of the data.

Grantcharov’s company, Surgical Safety Technologies, is not the only one deploying AI to analyze surgeries. Many medical device companies are already in the space—including Medtronic with its Touch Surgery platform, Johnson & Johnson with C-SATS, and Intuitive Surgical with Case Insights.

But most of these are focused solely on what’s happening inside patients’ bodies, capturing intraoperative video alone. Grantcharov wants to capture the OR as a whole, from the number of times the door is opened to how many non-case-related conversations occur during an operation. “People have simplified surgery to technical skills only,” he says. “You need to study the OR environment holistically.”

Teodor Grantcharov in a procedure that is being recorded by Surgical Safety Technologies’ AI-powered black-box system.

Success, however, isn’t as simple as just having the right technology. The idea of recording everything presents a slew of tricky questions around privacy and could raise the threat of disciplinary action and legal exposure. Because of these concerns, some surgeons have refused to operate when the black boxes are in place, and some of the systems have even been sabotaged. Aside from those problems, some hospitals don’t know what to do with all this new data or how to avoid drowning in a deluge of statistics.

Grantcharov nevertheless predicts that his system can do for the OR what black boxes did for aviation. In 1970, the industry was plagued by 6.5 fatal accidents for every million flights; today, that’s down to less than 0.5. “The aviation industry made the transition from reactive to proactive thanks to data,” he says—“from safe to ultra-safe.”

Grantcharov’s black boxes are now deployed at almost 40 institutions in the US, Canada, and Western Europe, from Mount Sinai to Duke to the Mayo Clinic. But are hospitals on the cusp of a new era of safety—or creating an environment of confusion and paranoia?

Shaking off the secrecy

The operating room is probably the most measured place in the hospital but also one of the most poorly captured. From team performance to instrument handling, there is “crazy big data that we’re not even recording,” says Alexander Langerman, an ethicist and head and neck surgeon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Instead, we have post hoc recollection by a surgeon.”

Indeed, when things go wrong, surgeons are supposed to review the case at the hospital’s weekly morbidity and mortality conferences, but these errors are notoriously underreported. And even when surgeons enter the required notes into patients’ electronic medical records, “it’s undoubtedly—and I mean this in the least malicious way possible—dictated toward their best interests,” says Langerman. “It makes them look good.”

The operating room wasn’t always so secretive.

In the 19th century, operations often took place in large amphitheaters—they were public spectacles with a general price of admission. “Every seat even of the top gallery was occupied,” recounted the abdominal surgeon Lawson Tait about an operation in the 1860s. “There were probably seven or eight hundred spectators.”

However, around the 1900s, operating rooms became increasingly smaller and less accessible to the public—and its germs. “Immediately, there was a feeling that something was missing, that the public surveillance was missing. You couldn’t know what happened in the smaller rooms,” says Thomas Schlich, a historian of medicine at McGill University.

And it was nearly impossible to go back. In the 1910s a Boston surgeon, Ernest Codman, suggested a form of surveillance known as the end-result system, documenting every operation (including failures, problems, and errors) and tracking patient outcomes. Massachusetts General Hospital didn’t accept it, says Schlich, and Codman resigned in frustration.  

Students watch a surgery performed at the former Philadelphia General Hospital around the turn of the century.

Such opacity was part of a larger shift toward medicine’s professionalization in the 20th century, characterized by technological advancements, the decline of generalists, and the bureaucratization of health-care institutions. All of this put distance between patients and their physicians. Around the same time, and particularly from the 1960s onward, the medical field began to see a rise in malpractice lawsuits—at least partially driven by patients trying to find answers when things went wrong.

This battle over transparency could theoretically be addressed by surgical recordings. But Grantcharov realized very quickly that the only way to get surgeons to use the black box was to make them feel protected. To that end, he has designed the system to record the action but hide the identity of both patients and staff, even deleting all recordings within 30 days. His idea is that no individual should be punished for making a mistake. “We want to know what happened, and how we can build a system that makes it difficult for this to happen,” Grantcharov says. Errors don’t occur because “the surgeon wakes up in the morning and thinks, ‘I’m gonna make some catastrophic event happen,’” he adds. “This is a system issue.”

AI that sees everything

Grantcharov’s OR black box is not actually a box at all, but a tablet, one or two ceiling microphones, and up to four wall-mounted dome cameras that can reportedly analyze more than half a million data points per day per OR. “In three days, we go through the entire Netflix catalogue in terms of video processing,” he says.

The black-box platform utilizes a handful of computer vision models and ultimately spits out a series of short video clips and a dashboard of statistics—like how much blood was lost, which instruments were used, and how many auditory disruptions occurred. The system also identifies and breaks out key segments of the procedure (dissection, resection, and closure) so that instead of having to watch a whole three- or four-hour recording, surgeons can jump to the part of the operation where, for instance, there was major bleeding or a surgical stapler misfired.

Critically, each person in the recording is rendered anonymous; an algorithm distorts people’s voices and blurs out their faces, transforming them into shadowy, noir-like figures. “For something like this, privacy and confidentiality are critical,” says Grantcharov, who claims the anonymization process is irreversible. “Even though you know what happened, you can’t really use it against an individual.”

Another AI model works to evaluate performance. For now, this is done primarily by measuring compliance with the surgical safety checklist—a questionnaire that is supposed to be verbally ticked off during every type of surgical operation. (This checklist has long been associated with reductions in both surgical infections and overall mortality.) Grantcharov’s team is currently working to train more complex algorithms to detect errors during laparoscopic surgery, such as using excessive instrument force, holding the instruments in the wrong way, or failing to maintain a clear view of the surgical area. However, assessing these performance metrics has proved more difficult than measuring checklist compliance. “There are some things that are quantifiable, and some things require judgment,” Grantcharov says.

Each model has taken up to six months to train, through a labor-intensive process relying on a team of 12 analysts in Toronto, where the company was started. While many general AI models can be trained by a gig worker who labels everyday items (like, say, chairs), the surgical models need data annotated by people who know what they’re seeing—either surgeons, in specialized cases, or other labelers who have been properly trained. They have reviewed hundreds, sometimes thousands, of hours of OR videos and manually noted which liquid is blood, for instance, or which tool is a scalpel. Over time, the model can “learn” to identify bleeding or particular instruments on its own, says Peter Grantcharov, Surgical Safety Technologies’ vice president of engineering, who is Teodor Grantcharov’s son.

For the upcoming laparoscopic surgery model, surgeon annotators have also started to label whether certain maneuvers were correct or mistaken, as defined by the Generic Error Rating Tool—a standardized way to measure technical errors.

While most algorithms operate near perfectly on their own, Peter Grantcharov explains that the OR black box is still not fully autonomous. For example, it’s difficult to capture audio through ceiling mikes and thus get a reliable transcript to document whether every element of the surgical safety checklist was completed; he estimates that this algorithm has a 15% error rate. So before the output from each procedure is finalized, one of the Toronto analysts manually verifies adherence to the questionnaire. “It will require a human in the loop,” Peter Grantcharov says, but he gauges that the AI model has made the process of confirming checklist compliance 80% to 90% more efficient. He also emphasizes that the models are constantly being improved.

In all, the OR black box can cost about $100,000 to install, and analytics expenses run $25,000 annually, according to Janet Donovan, an OR nurse who shared with MIT Technology Review an estimate given to staff at Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital in Massachusetts. (Peter Grantcharov declined to comment on these numbers, writing in an email: “We don’t share specific pricing; however, we can say that it’s based on the product mix and the total number of rooms, with inherent volume-based discounting built into our pricing models.”)

 “Big brother is watching”

Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, part of the Northwell Health system, was the first hospital to pilot OR black boxes, back in February 2019. The rollout was far from seamless, though not necessarily because of the tech.

“In the colorectal room, the cameras were sabotaged,” recalls Northwell’s chair of urology, Louis Kavoussi—they were turned around and deliberately unplugged. In his own OR, the staff fell silent while working, worried they’d say the wrong thing. “Unless you’re taking a golf or tennis lesson, you don’t want someone staring there watching everything you do,” says Kavoussi, who has since joined the scientific advisory board for Surgical Safety Technologies.

Grantcharov’s promises about not using the system to punish individuals have offered little comfort to some OR staff. When two black boxes were installed at Faulkner Hospital in November 2023, they threw the department of surgery into crisis. “Everybody was pretty freaked out about it,” says one surgical tech who asked not to be identified by name since she wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. “We were being watched, and we felt like if we did something wrong, our jobs were going to be on the line.”

It wasn’t that she was doing anything illegal or spewing hate speech; she just wanted to joke with her friends, complain about the boss, and be herself without the fear of administrators peeking over her shoulder. “You’re very aware that you’re being watched; it’s not subtle at all,” she says. The early days were particularly challenging, with surgeons refusing to work in the black-box-equipped rooms and OR staff boycotting those operations: “It was definitely a fight every morning.”

“In the colorectal room, the cameras were sabotaged,” recalls Louis Kavoussi. “Unless you’re taking a golf or tennis lesson, you don’t want someone staring there watching everything you do.”

At some level, the identity protections are only half measures. Before 30-day-old recordings are automatically deleted, Grantcharov acknowledges, hospital administrators can still see the OR number, the time of operation, and the patient’s medical record number, so even if OR personnel are technically de-identified, they aren’t truly anonymous. The result is a sense that “Big Brother is watching,” says Christopher Mantyh, vice chair of clinical operations at Duke University Hospital, which has black boxes in seven ORs. He will draw on aggregate data to talk generally about quality improvement at departmental meetings, but when specific issues arise, like breaks in sterility or a cluster of infections, he will look to the recordings and “go to the surgeons directly.”

In many ways, that’s what worries Donovan, the Faulkner Hospital nurse. She’s not convinced the hospital will protect staff members’ identities and is worried that these recordings will be used against them—whether through internal disciplinary actions or in a patient’s malpractice suit. In February 2023, she and almost 60 others sent a letter to the hospital’s chief of surgery objecting to the black box. She’s since filed a grievance with the state, with arbitration proceedings scheduled for October.

The legal concerns in particular loom large because, already, over 75% of surgeons report having been sued at least once, according to a 2021 survey by Medscape, an online resource hub for health-care professionals. To the layperson, any surgical video “looks like a horror show,” says Vanderbilt’s Langerman. “Some plaintiff’s attorney is going to get ahold of this, and then some jury is going to see a whole bunch of blood, and then they’re not going to know what they’re seeing.” That prospect turns every recording into a potential legal battle.

From a purely logistical perspective, however, the 30-day deletion policy will likely insulate these recordings from malpractice lawsuits, according to Teneille Brown, a law professor at the University of Utah. She notes that within that time frame, it would be nearly impossible for a patient to find legal representation, go through the requisite conflict-of-interest checks, and then file a discovery request for the black-box data. While deleting data to bypass the judicial system could provoke criticism, Brown sees the wisdom of Surgical Safety Technologies’ approach. “If I were their lawyer, I would tell them to just have a policy of deleting it because then they’re deleting the good and the bad,” she says. “What it does is orient the focus to say, ‘This is not about a public-facing audience. The audience for these videos is completely internal.’”

A data deluge

When it comes to improving quality, there are “the problem-first people, and then there are the data-first people,” says Justin Dimick, chair of the department of surgery at the University of Michigan. The latter, he says, push “massive data collection” without first identifying “a question of ‘What am I trying to fix?’” He says that’s why he currently has no plans to use the OR black boxes in his hospital.

Mount Sinai’s chief of general surgery, Celia Divino, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing that too much data can be paralyzing. “How do you interpret it? What do you do with it?” she asks. “This is always a disease.”

At Northwell, even Kavoussi admits that five years of data from OR black boxes hasn’t been used to change much, if anything. He says that hospital leadership is finally beginning to think about how to use the recordings, but a hard question remains: OR black boxes can collect boatloads of data, but what does it matter if nobody knows what to do with it?

Grantcharov acknowledges that the information can be overwhelming. “In the early days, we let the hospitals figure out how to use the data,” he says. “That led to a big variation in how the data was operationalized. Some hospitals did amazing things; others underutilized it.” Now the company has a dedicated “customer success” team to help hospitals make sense of the data, and it offers a consulting-type service to work through surgical errors. But ultimately, even the most practical insights are meaningless without buy-in from hospital leadership, Grantcharov suggests.

Getting that buy-in has proved difficult in some centers, at least partly because there haven’t yet been any large, peer-reviewed studies showing how OR black boxes actually help to reduce patient complications and save lives. “If there’s some evidence that a comprehensive data collection system—like a black box—is useful, then we’ll do it,” says Dimick. “But I haven’t seen that evidence yet.”

screenshot of clips recorded by Black Box
A screenshot of the analytics produced by the black box.

The best hard data thus far is from a 2022 study published in the Annals of Surgery, in which Grantcharov and his team used OR black boxes to show that the surgical checklist had not been followed in a fifth of operations, likely contributing to excess infections. He also says that an upcoming study, scheduled to be published this fall, will show that the OR black box led to an improvement in checklist compliance and reduced ICU stays, reoperations, hospital readmissions, and mortality.

On a smaller scale, Grantcharov insists that he has built a steady stream of evidence showing the power of his platform. For example, he says, it’s revealed that auditory disruptions—doors opening, machine alarms and personal pagers going off—happen every minute in gynecology ORs, that a median 20 intraoperative errors are made in each laparoscopic surgery case, and that surgeons are great at situational awareness and leadership while nurses excel at task management.

Meanwhile, some hospitals have reported small improvements based on black-box data. Duke’s Mantyh says he’s used the data to check how often antibiotics are given on time. Duke and other hospitals also report turning to this data to help decrease the amount of time ORs sit empty between cases. By flagging when “idle” times are unexpectedly long and having the Toronto analysts review recordings to explain why, they’ve turned up issues ranging from inefficient communication to excessive time spent bringing in new equipment.

That can make a bigger difference than one might think, explains Ra’gan Laventon, clinical director of perioperative services at Texas’s Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital: “We have multiple patients who are depending on us to get to their care today. And so the more time that’s added in some of these operational efficiencies, the more impactful it is to the patient.”

The real world

At Northwell, where some of the cameras were initially sabotaged, it took a couple of weeks for Kavoussi’s urology team to get used to the black boxes, and about six months for his colorectal colleagues. Much of the solution came down to one-on-one conversations in which Kavoussi explained how the data was automatically de-identified and deleted.

During his operations, Kavoussi would also try to defuse the tension, telling the OR black box “Good morning, Toronto,” or jokingly asking, “How’s the weather up there?” In the end, “since nothing bad has happened, it has become part of the normal flow,” he says.

The reality is that no surgeon wants to be an average operator, “but statistically, we’re mostly average surgeons, and that’s okay,” says Vanderbilt’s Langerman. “I’d hate to be a below-average surgeon, but if I was, I’d really want to know about it.” Like athletes watching game film to prepare for their next match, surgeons might one day review their recordings, assessing their mistakes and thinking about the best ways to avoid them—but only if they feel safe enough to do so.

“Until we know where the guardrails are around this, there’s such a risk—an uncertain risk—that no one’s gonna let anyone turn on the camera,” Langerman says. “We live in a real world, not a perfect world.”

Simar Bajaj is an award-winning science journalist and 2024 Marshall Scholar. He has previously written for the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Guardian, NPR, and the Atlantic, as well as the New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Medicine, and The Lancet. He won Science Story of the Year from the Foreign Press Association in 2022 and the top prize for excellence in science communications from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine in 2023. Follow him on X at @SimarSBajaj.

Meta uses “dark patterns” to thwart AI opt-outs in EU, complaint says

6 June 2024 at 17:25
Meta uses “dark patterns” to thwart AI opt-outs in EU, complaint says

Enlarge (credit: Boris Zhitkov | Moment)

The European Center for Digital Rights, known as Noyb, has filed complaints in 11 European countries to halt Meta's plan to start training vague new AI technologies on European Union-based Facebook and Instagram users' personal posts and pictures.

Meta's AI training data will also be collected from third parties and from using Meta's generative AI features and interacting with pages, the company has said. Additionally, Meta plans to collect information about people who aren't on Facebook or Instagram but are featured in users' posts or photos. The only exception from AI training is made for private messages sent between "friends and family," which will not be processed, Meta's blog said, but private messages sent to businesses and Meta are fair game. And any data collected for AI training could be shared with third parties.

"Unlike the already problematic situation of companies using certain (public) data to train a specific AI system (e.g. a chatbot), Meta's new privacy policy basically says that the company wants to take all public and non-public user data that it has collected since 2007 and use it for any undefined type of current and future 'artificial intelligence technology,'" Noyb alleged in a press release.

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Microsoft Recall is a Privacy Disaster

6 June 2024 at 13:20
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, with superimposed text: “Security”

It remembers everything you do on your PC. Security experts are raging at Redmond to recall Recall.

The post Microsoft Recall is a Privacy Disaster appeared first on Security Boulevard.
