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Massive 911 S5 Botnet Dismantled, Chinese Mastermind Arrested

30 May 2024 at 05:58

The US announced that the 911 S5 (Cloud Router) botnet, likely the world’s largest, has been dismantled and its administrator arrested.

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Operation Endgame – Largest Ever Operation Against Multiple Botnets Used to Deliver Ransomware

Operation Endgame

In a joint international law enforcement action dubbed β€œOperation Endgame,” the agencies and judicial authorities dismantled major botnet infrastructure, targeting notorious malware droppers like IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee and TrickBot. In a Thursday announcement Europol said that between May 27 and 29, Operation Endgame led to four arrests and the takedown of over 100 servers worldwide.
β€œThis is the largest ever operation against botnets, which play a major role in the deployment of ransomware,” Europol said.
Botnets are used for different types of cybercrime including ransomware, identity theft, credit card scams, and several other financial crimes. β€œThe dismantled botnets consisted of millions of infected computer systems,” a joint press statement from the Operation Endgame team said. Led by France, Germany, and the Netherlands, and supported by Eurojust, the operation involved countries including Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States, Armenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Operation Endgame resulted in:
  • 4 arrests - 1 in Armenia and 3 in Ukraine.
  • 16 location searches - 1 in Armenia, 1 in the Netherlands, 3 in Portugal, and 11 in Ukraine.
  • Over 100 servers dismantled or disrupted in countries such as Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, the UK, the US, and Ukraine.
  • Over 2,000 domains seized and brought under law enforcement control.
  • 8 summons were also served against other suspects.

Targeting the Cybercrime Infrastructure

Operation Endgame focused on high-value targets, their criminal infrastructure behind various malware and the freezing of illicit proceeds. β€œThe malware, whose infrastructure was taken down during the action days, facilitated attacks with ransomware and other malicious software,” according to Europol. One primary suspect, the Europol said, earned at least €69 million in cryptocurrency by renting out sites for ransomware deployment. Authorities are closely monitoring these transactions and have secured permissions to seize the assets. The infrastructure and financial seizures had a global impact on the dropper ecosystem, the authorities believe.

Key Dropper Malware Dismantled in Operation Endgame

- SystemBC: Facilitated anonymous communication between infected systems and command-and-control servers. - Bumblebee: Delivered via phishing campaigns or compromised websites, enabling further payload execution. - Smokeloader: Used primarily to download and install additional malicious software. - IcedID (BokBot): Evolved from a banking trojan to a multi-purpose tool for various cybercrimes. - Pikabot: Enabled ransomware deployment, remote takeovers, and data theft through initial system access.
β€œAll of them are now being used to deploy ransomware and are seen as the main threat in the infection chain,” Europol said.
[caption id="attachment_72953" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Operation Endgame Operation Endgame seizure notice (Credit: Europol)[/caption]

The Role of Dropper Malware in Cyberattacks

Droppers are essential tools in cyberattacks, acting as the initial vector to bypass security and install harmful software such as ransomware and spyware. They facilitate further malicious activities by enabling the deployment of additional malware on compromised systems.

How Droppers Operate

  1. Infiltration: Enter systems through email attachments, compromised websites, or bundled with legitimate software.
  2. Execution: Install additional malware on the victim's computer without the user's knowledge.
  3. Evasion: Avoid detection by security software through methods like code obfuscation and running in memory.
  4. Payload Delivery: Deploy additional malware, potentially becoming inactive or removing itself to evade detection.
The success of the operation was bolstered by private partners such as Bitdefender, Sekoia, Shadowserver, Proofpoint, and Fox-IT, among others. Their support was crucial in disrupting the criminal networks and infrastructure, the authorities said.

Wait for Operation Endgame Season 2

Operation Endgame signifies a major victory, but this is not really the end of it. Taking cue from the Marvel cinematic movie β€˜Avengers – Endgame,’ the law enforcement is set to to release a part two of this operation in a few hours from now as they said their efforts continue.
β€œThis is Season 1 of operation Endgame. Stay tuned. It sure will be exciting. Maybe not for everyone though. Some results can be found here, others will come to you in different and unexpected ways,” the authorities said.
β€œFeel free to get in touch, you might need us. Surely, we could both benefit from an openhearted dialogue. You would not be the first one, nor will you be the last. Think about (y)our next move.” Future actions will be announced on the Operation Endgame website, possibly targeting suspects and users, and ensuring accountability. The news of this massive botnet takedown operation comes a day after the announcement of the dismantling of β€œlikely the world’s largest botnet ever” – the 911 S5 botnet. The botnet’s alleged administrator Yunhe Wang, was arrested last week and a subsequent seizure of infrastructure and assets was announced by the FBI. The recent law enforcement actions represent a historic milestone in combating cybercrime, dealing a significant blow to the dropper malware ecosystem that supports ransomware and other malicious activities. The operation's success underscores the importance of international cooperation and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to tackle evolving threats.

Threat Actor USDoD Announces Creation of β€˜Breach Nation’, Following BreachForums Take Down

By: Alan J
17 May 2024 at 07:22

USDoD Announces Creation Of BreachNation

While the recent takedown of BreachForums by the FBI, in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies, marked a significant victory against cybercrime. Less than 24 hours after this major blow, the renowned threat actor known as USDoD made an announcement stating his plans to resurrect the forum's community, demonstrating the relentless nature of the cyber underworld. BreachForums had long been a central marketplace for cybercriminals, facilitating the trade of stolen data and hacking tools. Its sudden removal from the dark web was a monumental achievement for law enforcement, akin to dismantling a major illicit market. However, the cybercriminal community's response was swift and defiant as demonstrated by the alleged claim by ShinyHunters, one of the leftover administrators just a day later that the site domain itself had been recovered. Alongside the possible domain recovery, USDoD also separately pledged to rebuild and improve upon BreachForums through a newer competitive forum, promising a new beginning for the infamous community.

USDoD Announces Creation of Breach Nation Forum

In a bold statement following the takedown, USDoD assured the community that he had already been working on rebuilding BreachForums, promising that the forum's legacy and user data would be preserved. He emphasized his dedication to creating a new community, presenting the takedown as not the end but an opportunity for a fresh start. [caption id="attachment_69063" align="alignnone" width="523"] Source: X.com (@EquationCorp)[/caption] His announcement also detailed the allocation of resources and infrastructure to support the new forum. The new domains, breachnation.io and databreached.io, are set to launch on July 4, 2024, symbolically coinciding with Independence Day. This new community, dubbed "Breach Nation," aims to offer enhanced features and security. [caption id="attachment_69064" align="alignnone" width="544"]USDoD Creation of BreachNation Source: X.com (@EquationCorp)[/caption] USDoD’s vision for BreachForums 3.0 includes robust infrastructure, with separate servers to ensure optimal performance and security. He has assured the community that he is not driven by profit and aims to offer an upgraded member rank to the first 200,000 users as a token of goodwill. He acknowledged the challenges ahead, including potential opposition from law enforcement as well as possible competition from the BreachForums administrator ShinyHunters. He also addressed concerns about compromise within the forum's administration, stating that he would initially manage it alone to ensure security and build trust.

USDoD's Earlier Activities

USDoD's bold promise to create the new Breach Nation forum highlights the persistence of the cybercriminal underworld. The threat actor is a notable figure in the cybercriminal community and was previously known as NetSec on RaidForums. USDoD is known to employ sophisticated social engineering and impersonation techniques to penetrate secure systems. His activities included exposing data related to several high-profile organizations such as InfraGard, Airbus, and several, the U.S. Army, NATO Cyber Center, and CEPOL. He also claimed responsibility for alleged data leaks from the defense contractor Thales as well the Communist Party of China. A newer CDN created by USDoD was first publicized around the same time as the alleged China data leak, this CDN is stated to be incorporated for the new domain's infrastructure and seemingly being reworked and shifted to a new domain. [caption id="attachment_69068" align="alignnone" width="566"]BreachForums Creation of BreachNation (4) Source: X.com (@EquationCorp)[/caption] While the potential impact of the new forum remains unclear, it may be a key development to watch in the ongoing struggle between law enforcement and cybercrime in the aftermath of the BreachForums domain seizure. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.